北京版六年级上册UNIT THREE HOW DID YOU GO TO HANGZHOU -Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:100c8).zip


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北京北京版教材六年级上册版教材六年级上册 Lesson 9 A trip of Mikes family Revision like liked want wanted fly flew clean cleaned draw drew work worked Revision ride rode wash washed watch watched water watered stay stayed walk walked bring brought eat ate drive drove Revision come came is was catch caught climb climbed go went swim swam do did have had take took Memory game Rules: 1. Remember the pictures in five seconds. 2. Answer the questions about the pictures. Memory game 1. What did Guoguo do last weekend? 3. What did Baobao do last weekend? 2. What did Lingling do last weekend? Memory game She washed the clothes. She cleaned the room. He watered the flowers. Memory game Memory game 1. What did Guoguo do last weekend? 2. What did Baobao do last weekend? 3. What did Mike do last weekend? She read books. He took photos. He played basketball. What did Mike do last weekend? Where did Mike go ? How did he go there ? What did Mike do last weekend? A.did homework He _by plane . B .took a tripC.visited his uncle Dad was angry when they came back home. What happened to them? What happened to them?Why dad was angry? Read and answer in pairs Why did they miss the flight ? Read and answer in pairs Why did they miss the flight ? 思思 维维 导导 图图 书写与表达训练 took a tripleft the passport missed the flightcame back late 深层的语言表达活动训练 Can you give Mike some advice (建议)? He should / Dont. Dont forget things. Dont do that again. He should take care of his things. Put the document in the folder(文件). Id card 身份证 , 居民身份证 passport Can you give Mike some advice (建议)? What did you learn from this lesson ? We should be carefulcareful about traveling. How do we talk about last weekends ? What How My last weeken d Who Where How did you go last weekend? .went. did you go there ? .drovetook a.flew walked. did you do last weekend? went with you ? I went there with. was your weekend? .wonderful , fantastic , nice, great, boring . Pair work Talk to 3 people in 3 minutes Finish and go back to your seat No Chinese Tips Last weekend I went to _. I went there by_(on foot). I went there with_ I did many things . I_,_and_. I had a _ weekend . Last weekend ,_ went to _. SheHe went there by_. Herhis _ went there with her(him). SheHe _,_and_. SheHe had a nice weekend . Lets read Title_ It is important to be prepared before you go travelling . Here are some good travel tips: Try to learn more about the place you are going to. For example, if you know about the weather, you can plan what to wear. It is also important not to pack too much! Your bag should not be too heavy. Remember that people do things differently in different countries. If you learn a little of their language, it will make thing easier. While you are travelling, always keep important things such as money, tickets and your passport with you to keep them safe. Take a camera and a notebook to record what you see and do, so you can always remember the experience. Always let your family or friends know about your travel plans. Reading methods Step 1 Mark paragraph(标段) Silent Reading (默读) Under lines for new words with ruler “_”(划生 词) Step 2 Read in a group of 3-4 in order (有序阅读) Questions 1.What does the word “record ” mean ? 2.What things can help you record ? 3.How should you pack your bag ? 4.While you are travelling, what things are very important ? Title_ It is important to be prepared before you go travelling . Here are some good travel tips: Try to learn more about the place you are going to. For example, if you know about the weather, you can plan what to wear. It is also important not to pack too much! Your bag should not be too heavy. Remember that people do things differently in different countries. If you learn a little of their language, it will make thing easier. While you are travelling, always keep important things such as money, tickets and your passport with you to keep them safe. Take a camera and a notebook to record what you see and do, so you can always remember the experience. Always let your family or friends know about your travel plans. 1 23 45 6 Title_ It is important to be prepared before you go travelling . Here are some good travel tips: Try to learn more about the place you are going to. For example, if you know about the weather, you can plan what to wear. It is also important not to pack too much! Your bag should not be too heavy. Remember that people do things differently in different countries. If you learn a little of their language, it will make thing easier. While you are travelling, always keep important things such as money, tickets and your passport with you to keep them safe. Take a camera and a notebook to record what you see and do, so you can always remember the experience. Always let your family or friends know about your travel plans. Homework: 必做:必做: 1.一起作业一起作业 选作选作(选其中一项)(选其中一项) 1. 绘制一张重阳节思维,介绍你为爷爷奶奶做绘制一张重阳节思维,介绍你为爷爷奶奶做 了什么?至少了什么?至少5句话句话 2. 为为家家中的爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷唱一首英文歌,中的爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷唱一首英文歌, 通过通过微信微信视频视频分享群中。分享群中。 GoodbyeGoodbye LessonLesson 9 9 Task 1 Retell the text with thinking map or pictures Mikes family _ a trip to Hangzhou last weekend. Dad was _ when they came back. They _ the flight . Mike _ passport _ back for it. _ the flight in the _ and _it. Work and school Task 2 TaskTask 3 3 TalkTalk aboutabout lastlast weekendweekend ofof youryour friendsfriends inin pairspairs Last weekend ,_ went to _. SheHe went there by_. Herhis _ went with her(him). SheHe _,_and_. SheHe had a nice weekend . TaskTask 4 4 同学们,同学们,MikeMike 在旅行的时候把护照落在了酒店,那么我们旅行的时候应在旅行的时候把护照落在了酒店,那么我们旅行的时候应 该注意什么呢该注意什么呢? ?请读读下面的小贴士吧请读读下面的小贴士吧。 _ It is important to be prepared before you go travelling. Here are some good travel tips: Try to learn more about the place you are going to. For example, if you know about the weather, you can plan what to wear. It is also important not to pack too much! Your bag should not be too heavy. Remember that people do things differently in different countries. If you learn a little of their language, it will make thing easier. While you are travelling, always keep important things such as money, tickets and your passport with you to keep them safe. Take a camera and a notebook to record what you see and do, so you can always remember the experience. Always let your family or friends know about your travel plans. 任务一:读一读并给短文选择合适的题目抄写在横线上 ( ) What is the title of this passage ? A. what to wear. B traveling in China C Travel tips 任务二: 根据旅游提示,为下列图片排序并把文中的物品名称圈出来。 ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) 任务三:写出至少 3 条关于旅行的建 1 (封面) 编号:编号: 教学基本信息 课题Lesson 9 学科英语学段: 高段年级六年级 相关 领域 语言 教材北京版小学英语教材 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 2 (正文) 编号:编号: 注: 教学过程以叙事的方式。 指导思想与理论依据 本课设计以英语学科核心素养即语言能力、思维品质、文化意识和学习能力四个维度为指导思想。 主要采纳了源于皮亚杰理论指导下的建构主义学习理论。建构主义学习观认为学习不是把外部知识 直接输入学习主体的过程。而是学习主体已有的经验为基础,通过与外部世界的相互作用而主动建 构新的理解新的心理表征的过程。提倡在教师指导下,以学习者为主体的学习。也就是说教师的作 用不是直接向学生传授灌输知识,而是帮助和促进学生主动建构所学知识的意义,学生并非外部刺 激的被动接受者和灌输的对象。而是信息加工的主体是意义的主动建构者。建构主义强调合作,把 增进学生之间的合作视为教学的基本任务。所以在建构主义学习者看来。教学过程即是教师和学生 对世界的意义进行合作性建构的过程而不是单一的客观知识的传递过程,因此本节课我依据上述指 导思想,设计了一节实效性强,与学生一同建构学习过程的模式,切实提升学生英语综合语言运用 能力的课堂。 教学背景分析 教学内容:1. 主题课文 -Hi, Mike! I didnt see you in school on Monday. -My parents and I took a trip last weekend. We missed our flight and came back late. -Where did you go? -We flew to Hangzhou. -How did you miss the flight? 教学基本信息 课题六年级上 Lesson 9 How did you go to Hangzhou ? 学科英语学段: 高段年级六年级 相关 领域 语言 教材书名:北京小学英语教材 出版社: 北京 出版日期: 年 月 4 -Last Sunday afternoon, at the airport I found I left my passport in the hotel. So we went back for it, and then we missed the flight. -Im sorry to hear that. Your parents must be upset. -Yes, they were angry because they missed work and I missed school on Monday. 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课是京版教材六上,第三单元第一课时。本单元则是以谈论上周末生活和出行方式为主题的对 话活动。本课则是在此单元背景下展开的 Mike 一家上周末的出行经历而进行的情景对话。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析:学生基于已有的知识储备和图片信息的帮助。对于篇章的理解并不难,学生整体阅 读水平一般。难在学生是否能与老师一同建构,用逻辑思维对文本进行高级的认知思考。根据文本 情境进行分析判断和推理。并系统的逻辑思考和梳理总结,结合实际进行表达书写等综合性的语言 活动。 前测分析前测分析 为了检测学生是否初步具备上述能力,我针对本课朗读进行了前测,大部分学生能自主朗读课文 并知道动词过去式在文本中的读音和意义。也有部分同学不够准确。理解不透。另外之前布置了一 张利用思维导图,介绍自己上周末生活。结果大部分学生介绍过程思维混乱没有顺序感,毫无逻辑, 语法错误较多。 主要解决问题主要解决问题 带领学生主动建构对文本的逻辑思考与表达并知道如何表达谈论周末活动并进行综合性的语言活动, 提升学生的阅读文本信息能力。 教学方式:新授,阅读 教学手段:合作,讨论,建构 技术准备:多媒体,ppt 教学目标 1. 通过聊 Mike 上周末话题情景的逐步展开,以及利用观察分析讨论为主要的学习手段,与学生一 同建构如何谈论周末话题的语言思维活动过程。 2 通过对情景分析,合作讨论学习逐步建构思维导图并在过程中学习关键词 took a trip,angry,left,hotel,cameback,found,missed 和形成对文本不同层次的概括表达能力。 3.通过学习 Mike 的经历得到做事要养成细心,善于整理的间接学习经验。 4.通过逐步解决情景的发生发展过程,引导学生主动探索发现情景展开的逻辑顺序。并总结出如何 谈论周末生活的方法步骤。利用 where,what,who ,how 展开小组活动谈论上周末的经历并获取 5 同伴信息完成介绍他人周末的高层次语言表达平台。 5.通过拓展性阅读活动,帮助学生获取更多的旅行小建议。在合作中培养快速阅读,抓关键信息的 能力。 教学重难点 1.建构逻辑思考和表达过程,解决如何与同伴聊周末的问题。 2.理解文本信息及出现的生词 missed,hotel,found,left,trip 并进行语言的综合表达运用。 教学流程图 7 教学过程(文字描述) 一一 WarmingWarming upup 1. Sing the song Once I caught a fish 2. Revision Verbs past tense 3. Memory game 活动意图:激活学生思维活动,复习旧知,为学习新知识铺垫 二二 PresentationPresentation 活动一活动一 听录音回答课文主旨信息听录音回答课文主旨信息 活动意图:理解课文大意,活动意图:理解课文大意, 引领学生主动建构问题和解决问题引领学生主动建构问题和解决问题 教师语言预设: I want to know something about Mikes weekend. What questions do you Have ? 学生语言预设: What did he do last weekend ? How did he go there ? Who went with him?. 教师: Good, I want to know What did Mike do last weekend? Where did Mike go ? How did he go there ? 活动二活动二 听录音,处理课文细节信息。解决教学重难点听录音,处理课文细节信息。解决教学重难点 活动意图:处理细节信息,建构学习思考过程,建立思维导图活动意图:处理细节信息,建构学习思考过程,建立思维导图 教师语言预设:Look,Dad was angry when they came back home.Do you have question now ? 学生语言预设:Why was dad angry ? What happened to them? They missed the flight. Why ? 教师播放录音 学生活动: Mike found he left his passport in the hotel, they came back for it and found it .At last , they missed the flight work and school . so. 三三 PracticePractice andand SummarySummary 活动一 :Listen and repeat 矫正语音语调 活动二:Read in pairs 提高语言表达流利度 活动三:retell the text 思维导图呈现文本信息,加深建构语言逻辑的程序 活动四:Fill in blanks for the thinking map and pair work. 书写与小组合作语言表达训练熟练掌握关键信息, 加深文本的逻辑信息呈现过程 活动五:Retell tell the text with four pictures 8 提供更高层次的语言运用表达平台 活动六:Discus in pairs 教师预设语言:Mike made a mistake in the trip. What advice do you have for him ? 学生语言预设:He should / Dont. 教师总结 Dont forget things. Dont do that again. He should take care of his things. Put the document in the folder(文件).( Id card 居民身份证 passport) Make a travel check list 四、四、 ExtendExtend 活动一 学到了什么? 活动意图:归纳总结能力和深度发现学习文本的意义功能 教师预设 : What did you learn in this lesson ? We asked and answered many questions in this class ?So,we also know about. 学生预设语言: We should. and how do we talk about weekend ? 活动二 总结如何谈论上周末的话题 活动意图: 让学生通过总结发现,学有所用。建构真正意义的语言运用平台 教师语言预设:Yes, we can talk about last weekend with what ?How ?Where Who ? How? 让学生完整问题并回答 活动三: pair work 联系实际,谈论自己的上周末。真正的运语言做事表达自己的真实生活。 活动四:Talk about last weekend with 3 persons. 检验学生获取信息的能力和培养语言综合表达能力 五五 ReadingReading timetime 活动意图:为学生提供与文本相关的阅读材料,培养阅读能力 5 六 Home work 必做: 1.一起作业 选作(选其中一项) 1. 完成调查问卷,关于上周末同学做的事。 2. 绘制一张思维导图,介绍一位好友的上周末 5 学习效果评价设计 调查问卷 1 我能理解课文大意,并能与同伴进行角色扮演和简单的复述。 2 我知道了如何与同伴谈论周末过得怎样,并与同向他人介绍 3 我能明白课堂的每一项任务并积极与同伴进行练习。 4 我能理解主动思考,进行提问和回答并完成各项教学活动 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本节课突出了几下特点: 1.注重引导学习的建构过程,处理文本信息在引导学生观察思考的基础上,进行自主提问并带着问 题进行听力活动。因此学生的思维活动是动的,是在自己的思考中寻找问题的答案。这样比以往的 被动提问效果要更好。更符合脑科学的学习过程。 2 关注培养学生解决如何做事的能力,本课不仅处理了文本的主旨和细节问题,还让学生有了更深 层的总结提升。让学生真正学有所用,结合自身表达创造。 3.注重合作和练习的实效,培养学生的综合语言能力 多次学生提供小组合作机会,提高了单位时间内的练习效率。并为学生提供语言表达的平台。 4.注重活动设计的层次性 课堂活动设计逻辑性强,尤其利用思维导图清晰呈现了本课的主要信息。让学生在头脑中清晰的进 行建构和让记忆得到了实效。 培养学生的综合语言能力培养学生的综合语言能力 注重活动设计的层次性注重活动设计的层次性
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