人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-部级优课-(编号:f0230).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section B 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_部级优课_(编号:f0230)
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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B (1a-2e) Part One:Oral practice TaskTask 3: 3: LearnLearn thethe newnew wordswords The reporter from Zhongwei TV is coming to NO.3 middle school and interviewing students about their dreams. Task 4 Task 5 Some foreign friends are invited to our school by the reporter. They have trouble understanding Chinese. Would you like to be their translator? Part Two: Listening practice 1c Listen to a class discussion. Check the hopes you hear. Task 1 根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。 She thinks the future will be (1)_. He hopes to (2)_ the exam and get into senior high school. She is going to a music school and play in a (3)_ She would like to be an astronaut and go into (4)_ She is going to (5)_English so that she can teach kids English in the future. What they are talking about? Task 2 TodayToday is is thethe (1)_(student) last class . Bob thinks Mrs. Chens classes have been great and Mrs.Chen is glad (2)_(hear)_(hear) that.that. Mrs.Mrs. ChenChen thinksthinks thethe futurefuture (3) _(exciting)._(exciting). TheThe studentsstudents talktalk aboutabout whatwhat theythey wantwant to to dodo inin thethe future.future. BobBob hopeshopes(4)_(pass)_(pass) thethe examexam to to getget intointo seniorsenior highhigh school.school. ShirleyShirley(5)_ (want)(want) getget intointo a a musicmusic school.school. KenKen is is goodgood at at sciencescience andand hehe (6)_(win)_(win) a a prizeprize forfor it it lastlast year.year. SoSo hehe wantswants to to bebe (7)_astronaut._astronaut. AnnaAnna is is goinggoing to to improveimprove English(8)_English(8)_ sheshe cancan teachteach kidskids EnglishEnglish inin thethe future.future. Mrs.Mrs. ChenChen believesbelieves inin allall ofof them.them. ToTo celebratecelebrate thethe (9)_(_(末尾)末尾)ofof juniorjunior highhigh , , theythey areare havinghaving a a party.party. TheyThey askask Mrs.Mrs. ChenChen to to come,come, andand sheshe is is happyhappy to to acceptaccept thethe(10)_(invite)._(invite). 语法填空语法填空 整合教材整合教材 贴近中考贴近中考 TaskTask 3 3 studentsstudents toto hearhear willwill bebe excitingexciting toto passpass wantswants toto wonwon anan soso thatthat endend invitationinvitation Part Three:Writing practice 假如你现在已经是一名高中生。根据下面的提示,写一篇假如你现在已经是一名高中生。根据下面的提示,写一篇 5050字左右的短文字左右的短文 ,文章开头已给出。包括以下要点:,文章开头已给出。包括以下要点: 1.初中生活的回忆(至少两条)初中生活的回忆(至少两条) 2.2.高中生活有哪些新的变化和挑战(至少两条)高中生活有哪些新的变化和挑战(至少两条) 3.3.你怎样应对高中生活的挑战(至少两条)你怎样应对高中生活的挑战(至少两条) 4.你未来想从事什么职业,以及原因。你未来想从事什么职业,以及原因。 I I amam nownow a a seniorsenior highhigh schoolschool student.Thinkingstudent.Thinking backback at at thethe lifelife in in juniorjunior highhigh school,school, I I havehave so so manymany unforgettableunforgettable experiences.experiences. I I remember._remember._ UsefulUseful expressionsexpressions (1)I I wantwant to.into.in thethe futurefuture because.because. (2)If If youyou wantwant to.,to., youyou havehave to.to. (3)TheThe moremore . . , , thethe more.more. (4)I remember. in the junior high school Writing Summary &advice 一、教材分析 The topic is from Students Book 9, Unit 14 Section B (1a-1e).It is a listening class about the school days. Its divided into two parts which mainly discuss the past memories 2. Improve their listening ,speaking and the writing skills; 3. To encourage students to face the future with more confidence and bravery. 四、教学环境 智慧教室 五、信息技术应用思路(突出三个方面:使用哪些技术? 在哪些教学环节如何使用这些技术?使用这些技术术预期效果是? )200 字 本节课我采用了互动课堂来授课,智慧云课堂给学生发送习题。互动课堂和智慧云 课堂不仅拓宽了课堂时空,提高了课堂效率,同时也充实了课堂内容,活跃了课堂气氛。 在复习环节,我使用了互动课堂中的画廊功能,将学生七八年级的照片呈现出来,复习 上节课重点句型 I remember,并且使用了互动课堂中的随机挑人功能,增加了师生互 动的科学性、客观性和趣味性。在学生回答完之后,又根据其表现,给出相应的评分。 这极大地激发了学生学习的热情和主动性。在导入环节,我使用了时间轴功能,播放两 则视频,一则是与本节课主题相关的梦想视频、另一则播放采访本班学生关于梦想的视 频。借助视频的音响效果,使得学生学生快速融入课堂,使他们开始思考自己的梦想, 也使得课堂气氛更加生动,活跃。接下来,我利用了互动课堂的单词卡片功能,给学生 教授本节课目标单词。既有图片、又有发音还有单词的拼写,可以最大限度地调动学生 的感官去记忆重点词汇。接下来,我创设了记者来学校采访的情景,让学生通过 Pair Work 的形式,对本节课目标句型进行口语交际,发挥学生的想象力和创造力,使得他们 能够融会贯通,学以致用。同时,为了进一步练习口语,我利用智慧云课堂中的抢答环 节,让学生在平板电脑上抢答来翻译句子。学生对抢答功能比较感兴趣,因此参与度很 高。同时教师还能对学生及时评价,也能在学生端电脑展示正确答案,并给出评分,一 举多得。在听力环节,我借助智慧云课堂,将重新设计的表格题发送给学生的平板电脑 上,让全班手写答题,答完之后进行上交。在教师端,便可以清晰地看到学生答题的时 间、上交情况、答题的正确率和错误分析等。教师还可以在屏幕上放大某一学生的答案, 对其进行评讲。这样进行精听训练,能快速提升学生的听力技能。这都是信息化教育下 实现的高效课堂。在写作环节中,在屏幕中呈现学生进入高中的场景,呈现写作要点和 句型,让学生在情境中计时写作。并且利用移动讲台将学生的作文拍照上传到屏幕中, 发现共有错误,全班批改。这可以快速提高学生的写作能力。下课时,教师查看互动课 堂中的冠军榜功能,查看本节课学生的得分情况,评选出获胜者进行奖励。同时教师在 课后也可以将课堂实录发送给学生,方便学生进一步学习。教师也可以在教学助手软件 中查看课堂分析,包括互动情况、错误率分析等等。这些交互式工具的使用可以将声音、 文字、图画、视频融为一体,极大地提高了课堂效率和容量,让学生很直观的对所学知 识有所了解,取得了很好的教学效果。 总之,多媒体不仅能提升教师的备课效率、优化教学效果,还能提升教师信息化教 学水平。它将有利于英语课程目标的实现,能够更好地创设情境,激发学生英语学习兴 趣,促使学生用英语交流和思考;为学生提供大量英语学习资源,增加学生英语语言和 文化的输入,培养学生良好的语感以及综合语言运用能力,为进一步学习打下基础。 六、教学流程设计(可加行) 教学环节 (如:导入、讲 授、复习、训练、 实验、研讨、探 究、评价、建构 等) 教师活动学生活动信息技术支持 (资源、方法、 手段等) Part one Task 1:Revision Let Ss look at the pictures and try to describe the picture using the sentence I remember Ss practice the sentence “I remember dancing in the art festival, I remember making 互动课堂:画廊 (呈现七八年级照 片,复习重点短语、 句型,学生容易看 图描述,清晰直观 高效。 ) dumplings”et c Task 2: Lead-in & Free talk Let Ss watch one video about dream and watch another video about the interview which made before class about “What do you want to be after graduation?” Ss watch two videos and begin to think about their own dreams. “I will so that I can” 互动课堂:时间轴 (利用视频音像效果, 让学生快速进入课 堂,激发学生学习 兴趣,积极思考) Task3: Learn the new words Teach Ss some new words Ss look at the pictures and guess the words behind it. Then, Ss learn pronounciations and the spellings. 互动课堂:单词卡 片(利用图片和单 词发音,让学生 充分调用听觉、 视觉等感官来记 忆单词) Task 4: Pair-work: Do a interview Let Ss work in pairs as a reporter and a interviewee to talk about the dreams and future plans. Ss work in pairs and a make a situational conversation about the dreams 互动课堂:(屏幕 出示采访图片, 并在板中板书写 目标句型。创设 采访的情景。并 用计时器设定时 间,让学生在规 定时间内自由对 话。上台展示后, 根据表现进行评 分) Task 5: Be a Translator Let Ss compete with each other to get the chances of translating Ss are ready to compete with others to translate the sentences 智慧云课堂:(给 学生发送汉语句 子,让学生抢答 之后翻译。之后 呈现答案,并根 据学生表现给分。 这样能充分调动 学生的积极性, 并进行及时评价。 ) Part two: Task1: 1c Listen and check the hopes you hear. Let Ss listen to the tape and check the pictures they hear. Ss listen to the tape and check the hopes they hear. 互动课堂:播放音 频。(学生听录音, 选出听到的图片。 这样与中考题型接 轨,进行听力基础 训练) Task 2: 1d Listen and complete the chart Teacher revises the listening exercise on the test and changes it into a chart. At the same time, teacher sends the chart to Ss and ask them to fill in the chart. After finishing, Ss hand it in to the teachers with the help of the computer. Let students listen to the tape and fill in the chart. After finishing, Ss hand it in to the teacher with the help of the computer. 智慧云课堂:(将 听力表格题发送 给学生电脑端进 行全班答题。并 用互动课堂播放 听力。 学生完成 表格后,在学生 电脑端点击上交。 教师可以在教师 电脑中看到学生 的完成时间、完 成人数、书写以 及正确率等。最 后教师呈现答案。 此环节,可以使 教学更加智能化、 科学化,也激发 了学习兴趣) Task3. Grammar filling exercise Let Ss work in groups and do the grammar exercise together. Then, have a group competition. Ss work in groups and fill in the grammar exercise. 互动课堂:(展 示由听力材料改 变的语法填空。 设定时间,让学 生,小组合作填 空。完成后,利 用小组挑人功能, 设置小组竞赛,激 发学生的竞争意识。 同时,利用板中板, 板书答案。之后根 据各组表现,进 行小组计分。此 环节借助智慧云 课堂和互动课堂, 采取多种听力方 式进行泛听、精 听,让学生听关 键词,快速提高 听力技能。 Part three: Task 1:writing Give Ss some instrutions about a composition and ask them to write a composition within the limited time. Ss finish a short compostition according to the instructions the teacher has given. Task 2: proof-writing Using the mobile phone to take photo of a students passage and Send it to the blackboard. Let Ss do the proof writing togetener. Ss do the proof- writing with the teacher together. 利用移动讲台功能, 将学生的作文拍照 上传,到屏幕中。 全班同学一起进行 批改。此环节,能 快速、高效、智能 的进行作文批改, 有效提高学生写作 能力。 Part Four: Summary Let Ss summary the key phrases and sentences together. And show Ss some inportant sayings. Then, let them watch a video about dreams to encourage them work for their dreams. Ss make a summary of the key language points and watch a video about dreams. 互动课堂:转盘。 高度整合图片、文 字、视频。进行课 堂重点内容的总结 和思想的升华和价 值观的培养。 Part Five: homework Assign homework for the students on the Phone. Let Ss do homework on the phone. Ss have to finish the writing exercise and choose to finish either listening exercise or speaking exercise 利用云校家,布置 听力、写作、口语 作业。其中写作是 必做作业,听力和 口语是选做作业。 这样布置作业能充 分训练学生的听说 读写功能) on phones. .Blackboarb design What are you going to be after graduation? I am going to because How are you going to do that? I will so that I can
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人教版九年级Unit 14 remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_部级优课_(编号:f0230) 人教版
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