人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:012b2).zip


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Lets look at the short paragraph. Is it perfect or not? Therefore, measures need to be taken as soon as possible. I think we can start the even-odd license plate plan, for the sake of controlling the exhaust fumes of cars, which is one of the biggest contributors to smog. And a large amount of energy supply comes from burning coal, another contributor to smog. Its of great necessity to close down some factories. Also,we should ensure that the factory throw industrial waste in a responsible way. Not only should we protect the environment but also we should encourage people around us to do so. Lets look at the passage. Is it perfect or not? Along with the development and modernization of our city, the environment is constantly worsening. Among all the problems, the most serious one we are facing now is the extinction of animals. The products which are made of animal fur, or even body have become much more popular recently, for they are considered as the symbol of power and wealth on account of their rarity and high prize. So in order to make much money, more and more people are massively hunting down the endangered animal such as sharks for shark fin soup, elephants for ivories, rhinos for horns and so on. First of all, there should be some propaganda explaining the consequences such behavior and correcting peoples wrong opinions of the products. Besides, the government should set up laws to restrict this trade and industry and anyone who breaks it will be severely punished. Last but not least, more wildlife reserves should be set up to prevent the hunters from killing the animals illegally. All in all, human beings should raise their awareness of this problem for the earth belongs to ourselves, human can no longer exist if animals die out. As the proverb goes, “No trade, no killing.”Together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better life when both human and animals live on the earth harmoniously. 环境保护句型环境保护句型 采取措施的总起句采取措施的总起句 1. It is agreed that something should be done to prevent it happening again. 2. Though we have made some achievements, yet we will have a long way to go. 3. Air pollution is a serious problem threatening the survival of human beings, plants and animals. It is urgent that some strong measures must be adopted to deal with the problem. 陈述原因陈述原因 1. Cars and trucks give off waste gases, which pollute the air. As a result, human being have no fresh air. 2. A great many rivers have been dirtied by waste water from factories, which does great harm to peoples health. 3. Staying in a noisy circumstance(环境) for too long will not only damage peoples hearing but also cause discomfort of their bodies, and also they will feel nervous and lose their temper easily. 4. fume emission(排放) (fumes=waste gases)/ damage ones health 建议措施建议措施(建议的句型建议的句型) 1. As for individuals,were supposed to shoulder(肩负) the responsibility of protecting the environment. 2. It is advisable that we should live a low-carbon life. .in an environmental-friendly way/ environmentally friendly shopping bags 3.Laws and regulations should be passed to reduce the noises in the city. For example 4.We shouldnt cut down trees as we wish for the forest is the home to the wild animals. 总结句总结句 6. Its the combined efforts(协作) of everyone that will truly make a difference. 7. Only in this way can noise pollution be brought under control. 8.Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. /Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves. 9.If we dont take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation. 10.Im strongly convinced(我坚信) that only with everyones efforts will we live with wild animals in harmony. Ways to cut down different kinds of pollution: Water pollution- remind people not to litter / stop feeding the animals / ask factories not to Land-pollution-throw waste into the rivers / ensure that factories throw away industrial waste in a responsible way / recycle paper by using both sides of paper / Try not to use plastic bags when shopping / refuse throwaway or disposable chopsticks noise pollution-government should strengthen the management / build airports away from places where people live / plant migrate to suburbs Air pollution/Traffic problem-encourage people to use public transportation instead of driving / reduce the number of factories that burn coal GFI Unit13 Were trying to save the earth! 请写一封信给市长,在信中,你要陈述所在城市的最为严重的环境问题以及解 决相关问题的措施和建议。 1. What is the most serious environmental problem in your city ? 2. What or who is causing the problem? 3. How should the problem be solved? Line 1 _ Line 2 _ Line 3 _ Line 4 _ Line 5 _ Line 6 _ Line 7 _ Line 8 _ Line 9 _ Line 10 _ Line 11 _ Line 12 _ Line 13_ Line 14_ Line 15 _ Line 16 _ Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Section B 3a-3b Writing Along with the modernization(现代化现代化) ) of China, the environment is facing more and more challenges and is constantly worsening. (getting worse and worse) Write a letter to the city mayor about the problems and your suggestions on them. You have to elaborate(详尽说明详尽说明) on the following aspects: 1) What is the most serious environmental problem in your city? 2) What or who is causing the problems? 3) How should the problem be solved? What are the environmental problems? climate change (global warming) various kinds of pollution (air / water / noise/waste pollution) endangered animals resources and energy crisis危机危机 environmental problems What or who is causing the problems? climate change (global warming) various kinds of pollution (air / water / noise/waste pollution) endangered animals resources and energy crisis危机危机 environmental problems natural disasters human activities natural disasters human activities human activities endless killing the loss of their homes the shortage of the food exhaust fumes from cars cut down more trees human activities the increasing population too much waste the factories. exhaust fumes from cars industrial waste/ from factories lifestyle How should the problem be solved? climate change (global warming) various kinds of pollution (air / water / noise/waste pollution) endangered animals resources and energy crisis危机危机 the government ? individuals?organizations? The ways to give suggestions: We should We are supposed to . I think can help. Its a good idea for us to. We had better. Remember to. The outline Beginning Body Ending proble m Along with the modernization of our city, the environment is facing more and more challenges and is constantly worsening. causes suggestions However, the most serious problem we are facing is. First of all, we should . summary (hope) So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better futrure! Lead-in natural disasters human activities Whats more, its a good idea to. Last but not least, I think . can help How to polish our essay? Besides, I think save electricity can help. You had better to reduce the number of factories and burn coal. Besides, I think saving electricity can help. You had better reduce the number of factories that burn coal. Lets look at two sentences. Use correct g_.grammar How can we improve this sentence? So together, our actions can our future. So together, our actions can our future. change make a big difference to Use different w_ and p_ to enrich the sentence. wordsphrases How can we improve this sentence? The main cause of air pollution is exhuast fumes from cars. . . which is making the atmosphere be full of huge quantity of toxic particles Add more related i_ to the sentence.informationrelated The main cause of air pollution is exhuast fumes from cars, The environmental problem in our city is quite serious and it can be regarded as an urgency. How can we improve this sentence? The environmental problem in our city is serious it can be regarded as an urgency. so that Use different s_ p_ to enrich the sentence. sentencepatterns 4 3 Use different sentence patterns 1 2 Use correct grammar Use different words and phrases Add more related information To improve a sentence, we need to: Lets move on to a paragraph. Therefore, measures need to be taken as soon as possible. I think we can start the even-odd license plate plan, for the sake of controlling the exhaust fumes of cars, which is one of the biggest contributors to smog. And a large amount of energy supply comes from burning coal, another contributor to smog. Its of great necessity to close down some factories. Also,we should ensure that the factory throw industrial waste in a responsible way. Not only should we protect the environment but also we should encourage people around us to do so. Therefore, measures need to be taken as soon as possible. I think we can start the even-odd license plate plan, for the sake of controlling the exhaust fumes of cars, which is one of the biggest contributors to smog. a ,a large amount of energy supply comes from burning coal, another contributor to smog. Its of great necessity to close down some factories. Also,we should ensure that the factory throw industrial waste in a responsible way. ,not only should we protect the environment but also we should encourage people around us to do so. To begin with, In addition Last but not least Use different l_ w_.linking words Lets do a little summary about linking words. Firstly, First of all, In the first place, To begin with, To start with, Lastly, Finally, Secondly, In the second place, Most importantly, Last but not least, Besides, Furthermore, Whats more, Moreover(而且), In addition(此外)/Additionally Apart from that(除此之外), Choose proper linking words to make the whole paragraph more logic! Along with the development and modernization of our city, the environment is constantly worsening. Among all the problems, the most serious one we are facing now is the extinction of animals. The products which are made of animal fur, or even body have become much more popular recently, for they are considered as the symbol of power and wealth on account of their rarity and high prize. So in order to make much money, more and more people are massively hunting down the endangered animal such as sharks for shark fin soup, elephants for ivories, rhinos for horns and so on. First of all, there should be some propaganda explaining the consequences such behavior and correcting peoples wrong opinions of the products. Besides, the government should set up laws to restrict this trade and industry and anyone who breaks it will be severely punished. Last but not least, more wildlife reserves should be set up to prevent the hunters from killing the animals illegally. All in all, human beings should raise their awareness of this problem for the earth belongs to ourselves, human can no longer exist if animals die out. As the proverb goes, “No trade, no killing.”Together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better life when both human and animals live on the earth harmoniously. Lets move on to a passage. transitonal sentences A good passage needs to show a clear s_.a clear structure Along with the development and modernization of our city, the environment is constantly worsening. Among all the problems, the most serious one we are facing now is the extinction of animals. . The products which are made of animal fur, or even body have become much more popular recently, for they are considered as the symbol of power and wealth on account of their rarity and high prize. So in order to make much money, more and more people are massively hunting down the endangered animal such as sharks for shark fin soup, elephants for ivories, rhinos for horns and so on. . First of all, there should be some propaganda explaining the consequences such behavior and correcting peoples wrong opinions of the products. Besides, the government should set up laws to restrict this trade and industry and anyone who breaks it will be severely punished. Last but not least, more wildlife reserves should be set up to prevent the hunters from killing the animals illegally. All in all, human beings should raise their awareness of this problem for the earth belongs to ourselves, human can no longer exist if animals die out. As the proverb goes, “No trade, no killing.”Together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better life when both human and animals live on the earth harmoniously. As far as Im concerned, there is one main reason behind the problem In order to protect these animals from extinction, Id like to give some advice of my own Beginning Body Ending Use correct grammar Use different words and phrases Add more related information Use different sentence patterns 4 1 2 3 sentence paragraph Use linking words passage Show a clear structure What makes an outstanding piece of writing? Successful Writing: Follow the Rules. Read more. SentenceSentence ParagraphParagraph PassagePassage Enlarge your vocabulary! 1. Exchange your essays, discuss and share your opinions in pairs. 2. Make improvements on the essays. 3. Read the revised version to the class. Pair Work Keep in mind the rules weve summarized today. 1 教学背景分析 1 教材分析: 本课为人教社版初中英语教材九年级第 13 单元 Section B 3a-3b Writing,本单元的话题是“保护环境”, 本节课的功能是写作讲评课,主要是对学生一稿中出现的典型例句和篇章进行实例分析,引导学生自己对写 作环节和写作技巧进行归纳和总结,让学习真正地在课堂发生。学生在识别这些技巧之后,能主动应用到自 己的文章修改提升中去。 2 学情分析: 该话题贴近学生生活,能够体现尽可能在真实情境中实现英语教学的理念;学生们对环保的话题比较熟 悉,加上本单元的学习,能用基本的句型陈述环境问题并提出对应的措施,但是对于怎么写环保类的作文还 不是非常熟练。 教学目标设计 知识与技能: 让学生能够明确“审题”要素,及文章时态、人称以及要点; 让学生能够对典型例句、段落和篇章进行实例分析(用“四个技巧”修改文章句子,连接词”使文章要 点更加清晰,用“过渡句”衔接文章段落,使文章整体框架结构更具有逻辑性),总结写作技巧; 让学生能够利用技巧应,修改并提升作文一稿。 情感态度价值观: 让学生对环境破坏有一个直观的认识,从而激发他们的强烈的社会责任感和对未来发展的思考; 让学生能够树立环保意识,作为学生,能从自己做起、从身边的小事做起、影响和鼓励更多的人投身于 环保事业中。 教学重、难点 教学重点: 让学生能够明确“审题”要素,在教师的总结补充的基础上,完善作文一稿; 让学生能够对典型例句、段落和篇章进行实例分析,总结写作技巧。 教学难点: 让学生能够利用技巧应,修改并提升作文一稿。 教学方法: 交际型 任务型 教学资源:多媒体课件 黑板 教学过程 教学环节教学环节 教教 师师 活活 动动学学 生生 活活 动动设设 计计 意意 图图 Step 1 reanalyze Ask the Ss to reanalyze the contents, the tense and the person. Analyze the main points through highlighting the key words. To intensify their sense of analyzing . 2 Step 2 Summarize the contents Ask the Ss to share the environmental problems they mentioned in their essays, the contributors to the problem as well as the solutions to deal with them. To share and take notes. To help Ss share and complete their essays with full contents Step 3 Summarize the structure of the essay Ask Ss to summarize the Structure of the whole essay. To summarize the Structure To enable Ss to get a better understanding of the structure. Step 4 Summarize the rules of writing sentences T guides Ss to summarize the four rules about how to improve a sentence step by step. Then T asks Ss to improve another one or two sentences. Ss follow Ts guidence and answer questions in order to summarize the rules. Then do the exercise. To lead Ss to summarize the four rules of polishing sentences and put it into practice. Step 5 Summarize the rules of organizing paragraphs T shows one paragraph and asks Ss to find the problem it has and then summarizes the rules of
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!_Section 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:012b2) 人教版
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