人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:111ac).zip


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Unit 13 of Grade Nine, Were trying to save the earth! AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe TeachingTeaching Materials:Materials: This is a listening period. Its a transition period which not only helps sum up what was learnt in the previous lessons, but also helps collect ways to save the earth to prepare more materials for the following writing period.The content in this period is simple and easy. Still, we can find more details with the cluewhat & how, what is the pollution and how to cut down the pollution? By connecting them with our daily lives, we can make it more efficent to save our earth. AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe Students:Students: The target Ss are in Grade 9, and their average English ability is good. However, they are kind of shy. Some of them lack of confidence and dare not speak out loudly in front of others. Therefore, we need to encourage them to speak out bravely and confidently. Besides, we need to guide them to improve their abilities of solving problems to find out “what”the problems are and “how”to solve the problems. It may be a big challenge for them to come up with some good ideas in a short time and speak out correctly. Still, they need to practise more. TeachingTeaching Aims:Aims: 1. Enable the Ss to finish the exercises in the text. Meanwhile, memorize the two new words automatically as well as some useful sentence patterns such as “ Its + adj. + to do sth.”, “V-ing + is + adj.”, “To cut downpollution, we can/cannot”. 2. Enable the Ss to further improve their listening and speaking skills including speaking correctly and expressing exactly after brainstorming some more materials. Enable them to improve their abilities of solving problems as well. 3. Enable the Ss to care about the environment around us and take action to protect the environment and save the earth. 4. Enable them to cultivate cooperative spirit and to cultivate more interests, confidence and better attitude in learning English. TeachingTeaching Focuses:Focuses: 1. Enable the Ss to finish the exercises in the text.Memorize the key points, the new words and some useful sentence patterns such as “ Its + adj. + to do sth.”, “V-ing + is + adj.”, “To cut downpollution, we can” in this lesson. 2. Enable the Ss to improve their listening and speaking skills. 3. Enable the Ss to connect the knowledge in the book with daily life and express correctly. TeachingTeaching Difficulties:Difficulties: How to guide the Ss to put what they have learnt in class into use, to brainstorm more details about the pollution as well as the solutions and express them correctly. TeachingTeaching Aids:Aids: Textbook, PPT, the multi-media device, the projector and the blackboard. TeachingTeaching Methods:Methods: Communicative Language Teaching & Task-based Language Teaching TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures BeforeBefore Class:Class: DividingDividing thethe SsSs intointo 6 6 groupsgroups andand announcingannouncing somesome rules.(1min)rules.(1min) T: Hello, boys and girls. Today, we are going to talk about the environment.You are divided into 6 groups. Youre Group One, youre Group TwoAnd youre Group Six. Please work with your group members. And remember, try to be active, be creative, be cooperative, and even be competitive as well have a competition later. Try to enjoy it, will you? Ss: Yes! Step1:Step1: GreetingGreeting andand checkingchecking attendanceattendance (1min)(1min) T: Now lets begin our class. Ss: Good morning, Ms Lin. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Monintor, is everyone here today? T: Thank you. Sit down please. Step2Step2 : : LeadingLeading inin andand teachingteaching newnew words.words. (5mins)(5mins) ShowShow thethe SsSs somesome “Douyin”videos,“Douyin”videos, leadlead thethe SsSs toto findfind outout whatwhat happenedhappened andand whatwhat wewe shouldshould do.Teachdo.Teach thethe twotwo newnew wordswords asas well.well. T: Today were going to learn a new lesson. Unit13, SectionB, 1a- 1e. I have a question. “Do you know Douyinvideo? Ss: Yes T: What is it used for? Ss: Making videos T:Its an app that can help us to make videos to record our daily lives,right?I have some videos now. Would you like to watch? Ss: Yes T: OK. Lets see what happened and think about a question: what should we do? T: Look at the first one./The second one./The third one./How about the fourth one/ And the last one. T: What can you see in the video? /What is it about? (Guide the Ss to tell the scene or the situation of each video.) Ss: A man tried to drive a car and someone stopped him. T: Yes. And in fact, nowadays many people like traveling by car. But is it good? Ss: No. T: Then what should we do? Ss: Stop riding in cars. (Since the Ss have previewed the content, they may come up with the items in the text) Ss: Some students throw away the books. T: And on the ground,we can see some paper too. Is it OK? Ss: No. T:So what should we do? Ss: 回收利用。 T: Yes. We can recycle books and paper. Recycle is a new word here. Its a verb. Please read after me. Recycle.Re-cy-cle,re-cy-cle. Ss: Some Ss left the room without turning off the lights. Ss: A boy was washing his hair without turning off the shower. T: Is it similar to you? Do you often do so after your PE class? Do you often wipe your sweat with a lot of paper napkins? Ss: Yes! T: So what does “napkin”mean? Ss: 餐巾纸。 T: Excellent. And its a noun. Please read after me. Napkin, nap-kin ,nap-kin. Step3:1a.Step3:1a. GuideGuide thethe SsSs toto learnlearn aboutabout whatwhat wewe cancan dodo toto helphelp savesave thethe earth.Rankearth.Rank themthem fromfrom thethe easiest(1)toeasiest(1)to thethe mostmost difficult(5)difficult(5) (2mins)(2mins) T: All the things mentioned above can help us save the earth. Lets read them again. The whole class, please turn to Page 101 and read the five items in 1a. T: Are you ready? Lets begin. T: Are they easy or difficult for you? Now please rank them from the easiest(1) to the most difficult(5).Do it, please. Step4:Step4: 1b1b LeadLead thethe SsSs toto shareshare andand comparecompare theirtheir answersanswers withwith theirtheir parnerparner , , askask somesome SsSs toto presentpresent it.(3mins)it.(3mins) T:Whats your opinions? Please discuss with your partners? And first of all, lets read out the dialogue in 1b. T:And pay attention to the sentence patterns,please. To express our opinion, what sentence patterns can we use? Can you sum up by yourselves? Ss: V-ing + is + adj. / Its + adj. + to do sth. T: Excellent. Now its your turn. Please work in pairs to share your opinions.And then Ill ask some of you to act out the dialogue. T: OK. Lets stop here. Who wants to try? / Who would like to try?/ Any volunteers? T: Quite good./ Well done./Good job. What do you think is the easiest? / Do you think its the easiest or the most difficult? T: You can practise more after class. Step5:Step5: Listening.Listening. GuideGuide thethe SsSs toto dodo thethe listeninglistening exercisesexercises inin 1c1c & & 1d.1d. (5(5 mins)mins) T: Now lets come to the next partthe listening exercises in 1c & 1d. T: Lets read through the questions in both 1c & 1d. T: Turn back to 1c, read the things that may be mentioned together and get ready for the listening. T:Pay attention please. Here Ill play the tape for twice in a row. Please listen carefully. For the first time, youre required to finish the exercise in 1c. And for the second time, try to finish the exercise in 1d please. T: Are you ready? Lets begin! T: Have you all finished? Its time to check the answers.For 1c,what things do Julia and Jack talk about? Who can tell me the answers? T: For 1d, lets check the answers together. Turning off the lights is the thing that? (To enable the whole class to drill the senctence pattern: is the thing that Julia) T: Did you get all the correct answers? / All of you have done a really good job. Step6:Step6: 1e1e Pairwork.Pairwork. AskAsk thethe SsSs toto workwork inin pairspairs toto makemake a a conversationconversation withwith thethe informationinformation fromfrom thethe chartchart above.above.(3mins3mins) T:How about you? What is ture for you? Again, please discuss youre your partner. And lets read the dialogue first. T:Now, please make your own conversations.And Ill ask some of you to act them out later. T: Any volunteers? Who wants to try? Come on. Dont be shy, just try,try,try. Step7:Step7: GuideGuide thethe SsSs toto learnlearn aboutabout thethe environmentenvironment inin ourour hometownhometown andand comecome upup withwith somesome goodgood ideasideas toto makemake itit better.better. ( ( 15mins15mins ) ) 1.1. TaskTask One,One, listenlisten toto a a newsnews reportreport andand trytry toto findfind outout “whatwhat isis thethe pollution”.pollution”. T:Class, the environment is really important for us, isnt it? So how do you like the environment around you, in Chaozhou? Ss: T: Yes, I agree with you. / Oh, really? Is it good enough? /It needs to be improved, right?! T:Now lets listen to a news report and learn about the environment in Chaozhou. Please take out your papers. While youre listening, try to finish Task One in the paper, that is to find out what the pollution is mentioned above, got it? T: OK, now, lets clap to welcome our reporter,Stella Hwang. T:Thank Stella for her excellent report. Thanks. T: What is the pollution mentioned above? Can you get the answers? Lets check the anwers./Who would like to tell the answers? T: Youre right. There is air pollution,water pollution, noise pollution and land pollution. 2.2. TaskTask Two,Two, discussdiscuss inin groupsgroups toto findfind outout “howhow toto cutcut downdown thethe pollution”.pollution”. AndAnd thenthen havehave a a competitioncompetition toto collectcollect thethe waysways thatthat thethe SsSs comecome upup with.with. T: Now that weve learnt about what the pollution is, how, how can we cut them down? Please finish Task Two. Discuss in groups about some ways to cut down the pollution and remember to take notes.Then well have a competition. If you get any good idea, please raise your hand to speak out. If your answer is right, you can get one point. And at last, the group which gets the most points will win and get a gift/prize.Understand? T: Four minutes for you. Lets begin. Discuss and collect as many solutions as possible. T:Time is up.Who will be the first one to get his point? Get ready and listen to my question carefully, “How can we cut down the air pollution?” T:If you know the answer, please put up your hands. T:Put down your hands first. One, Two, begin! T: Group One/Two T: Group got one point! T: Sorry, you cant get this point because T: Maybe the last sollution toLets stop here. Wow, all of you have done a very good job. Lets see the result.Who is the winner? T: Group. Congratulations! Group leader, please come to the blackboard and get your prizes for your group members. T: Let me tell you what is it? Each of you will receive a bag of seeds to plant more flowers to make your home, our common home the earth more beautiful.Do you like it? Congratulations! Step8:Step8: SummarySummary andand Assignment(5mins)Assignment(5mins) T: The whole class, lets sum up some solutions together. Please look at the slide and read the solutions together. T: OK, class. Please look at the blackboard again. What we did just now is just like the picture. If we volunteer to protect the environment, our earth will become much more beautiful.And the more we do, the better it will be. Lets take action to save our earth, shall we? Ss: Yes. T: Youre so great. So for todays homework, please make a poster with what we learnt in this period to call on more people to take action to protect the environment and save the earth. T: Thats all for today. Class is over. Ss: Goodbye, Ms Lin. T: Goodbye. TeachingTeaching Reflection:Reflection: In this lesson, with the usage of the popular modern technology “Douyin” video and a classmates news report which was similar to the Ss familiar local TV station, the Ssinterest was motivated easily and more or less their fear was gotten over. With the presentation and drills in this lesson, Ss can improve their abilities of solving problems with the clue of “what”and “how”.They can even make use of them to solve the problems in the real life. But if theres more time left, more students can be encouraged to speak out their opinions. Whats more, some Ss are still quite nervous because of the two cameras. They need to practise more to achieve more confidence as well as courage. So more chances need to be offered to them in the coming days. Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth Task One: What kinds of pollution are mentioned? Please listen to the news report and take notes. Task Two: How can we cut down the pollution? Please discuss with your group members and take notes. Ways to cut down 1._ pollutionWays to cut down 2._ pollution Ways to cut down 3._ pollutionWays to cut down 4._ pollution
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!_Section 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:111ac) 人教版
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