人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 2a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a01bf).zip


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Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth. Section A 2a-2dSection A 2a-2d Help save the earth We must think of better way to treat our planet in future. How to protect the earth? Our earth is polluted. As her children, we must think of ways to protect her! the earth Plant more trees. Ride a bike. Close down factories. reuse. Make laws. Save water. 2a Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A. land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days. 2. Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke. more cars pollute 3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _ things every day. 4. People are also littering in _ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly (丑陋) ones. are throwing away public places Role-play conversations between Jason and Susan. 2c The air has become really polluted around here. Im getting very worried. Yes, I used to be able to see stars in the sky. The problem is that Interviewer: Jason and Susan, what are your ideas for solving these problems? Jason: Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. Susan: Yeah, or ride a bike. Other advantages of bike riding are that its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! 2dRole-play the conversation. Interviewer: Great ideas! What about waste pollution? Susan: Mmm, I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help. I started doing that a year ago. Jason: Me, too. Also, I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic forks when I buy takeaway food. I use the ones at home. Susan: And remember to throw rubbish in the cans and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone. Interviewer: So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! 2dRead 2d and complete the chart. ProblemsSolving problems air pollution waste pollution wooden (木头 的) chopsticks or plastic forks rubbish take the bus, subway or ride a bike instead of driving. bring a bag to go shopping. use chopsticks or forks at home. throw rubbish in the bins. Jason and Susan, what are your ideas for solving these problems? Yeah, or ride a bike. There are other advantages (优点) of bike riding. Its good for health and it doesnt cost (花费 ) anything!幻灯片 16 Well, to cut down (减少)air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. M mm , I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help .I started doing that a year ago. Good ideas! What about wastes pollution? Great ideas! What about waste pollution? Me, too. Also, I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic (塑料) forks when I buy takeaway ( 外卖食品) food. I use the ones at home. And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone. So together, our actions can make a difference (起作用)and lead to(创造) a better future!幻灯片 25 1. This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones. turn into 把变成 e.g. The icy rain seemed like to turn into snow. 渐渐地冻雨又变成雪花的模样。 幻灯片 12 2. Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! cost v. 花费;使付出 指花费金钱,主语通常是物。cost的过 去式和过去分词均为cost。 e.g. The new shirt cost Mr Wang 200 yuan. 王先生花了200元买了新衬衫。 How much does the new computer cost? 新电脑花了多少钱? take, spend, pay & cost take,spend,pay和cost都可以表示“花 费”,但它们的用法各有不同。 1) take多表示花费时间,常用于It takes sb. some time to do sth.这一句型中,其 中it作形式主语。 e.g. It usually takes me 40 minutes to cook the dinner. 2) spend多表示花费时间和金钱,主语通 常是人,常用于sb. spend(s) some time / money on sth.和sb. spend(s) some time / money (in) doing sth.两种句型。 e.g. David spent 2,000 yuan on the new machine. My father spends an hour (in) watching the news on TV every day. 3) pay多表示花费金钱,主语通常是人, 常用于sb. pay(s) some money for sth.句 型。 e.g. Tommy paid 20 yuan for his breakfast yesterday. 4) cost多表示花费金钱,主语通常是物, 常用于sth. cost(s) (sb.) some money.句 型。 e.g. The new dress cost Linda 88 yuan. 幻灯片 16 3. So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! make a difference (to) 表示(对)产生影响或作用 e.g. Do you think his words would make any difference to the final decision? 你认为他的话会对最后的决定产生影 响吗? 幻灯片 19 The earth is badly polluted. Please make a poster and think of what we can do. UnitUnit 1313 WeWe areare tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earth!earth! SectionSection A A (1a(1a2d)2d) . 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. I think Janes kite is beautiful. However, Tinas is u . 2. As you can see, our desks are w , not plastic. 3. There are tea leaves in the b of my cup. 4. People who drop l can be fined (罚款) in some cities. 5. She had the a of a good education, so she got the job. . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 bin, cost, coal, fisherman, takeaway 1. A hot _ fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet (地毯). 2. A _ is hot cooked food that you buy from a shop or restaurant and eat somewhere else 3. Do you want this or shall I throw it in the _? 4. Writing such a long novel _ much time and patience. 5. Look! Some _ are catching fish over there. . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 1. 工人们正在竭尽全力降低事故率。 The workers are doing all they can _ the accident rate. 2. 左边第二个房间里堆满了书。 The second room on the left is _ books. 3. 你应该向那些参与挽救病人的医生道谢。 You should say thanks to those doctors who have _ saving the patient. 4. 多读书对你的学习有好处。 Reading more _ your studies. 5. 拉里将去开会,而不是我。 Larry will go to the meeting _ me. 6. 王老师的话对那个小男孩已经起作用了。 Mr. Wangs words have _ t o the little boy. 7. 我的目的是把这件坏事变成好事。 My purpose is to _ this bad thing _ a good one. 8. 保持教室干净是我们的责任。 Its our duty to _ the classroom _. 9. 记得给你弟弟买一些书。 _ some books for your brother. 10. 我们小区的噪音污染很严重。 The _ in our neighborhood is very serious. . 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Hi, Zhang Hua, did you watch the 9 oclock program on CCTV 1 last night? B: No. (1)_ A: Environmental protection. (2)_ B: What can we do? A: (3)_ After washing something, we can use the water to do something else. B: I agree with you. Also we must stop factories from pouring waste water into rivers and lakes. (4)_ A: Youre right. Besides, we shouldnt use plastic bags, either. B: Good idea. What else can we do? A: (5)_ Making paper takes too many trees. B: Right. We should process waste paper so that it can be used again. A. If they keep doing that, more and more living things will die. B. There are many things he can do. C. We can save electricity. D. We can also save paper. E. What was it about? F. We can start by saving water in our daily life. G. It told us some good ways to do that. 答案:答案: . 1. ugly 2. wooden 3. bottom 4. litter 5. advantage . 1. coal 2. takeaway 3. bin 4. costs 5. fishermen . 1. to cut down 2. full of / filled with 3. played a part in 4. is good for 5. instead of 6. made a difference 7. turn; into 8. keep; clean 9. Remember to buy 10. noise pollution . 1-5 EGFAD UnitUnit 1313 WeWe areare tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earth!earth! SectionSection A A (3a(3aGrammarGrammar Focus)Focus) . 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Dont play a joke on him about his weight its _(残忍的). 2. You are supposed to know the _(法律) of your own country. 3. Can these toys be _(回收利用)? 4. These materials are widely used in _(工业). 5. They walked because they couldnt _(负担得起) a taxi. 6. To solve this problem, we need to learn more _(科学的) knowledge. . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 reuse, shark, ecosystem, transportation, fin 1. People need to get out of their cars and use public _. 2. We saw two _ in the wild zoo. They are large and have sharp (尖的) teeth. 3. Things that are _ can be used more than once. 4. Do fish use their _ to swim? 5. A(n) _ is about all the plants and animals that live in a specific (特定的) area. . 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。根据句意及所给汉语提示,用恰当的短语填空。 1. One third of boys in my class _(参加) the running race last week. 2. Please _(关掉) the TV. Its too noisy. 3. The doctor says fruit juice _(对有害) childrens teeth. 4. If you dont work hard now, youll _(为付出代价) it later when you fail your exams. 5. They had a picnic _(在顶部) of the hill. 6. Last month they _(采取行动) to prevent water pollution. 7. Insects are fairly low on _(食物链). 8. One of his fingers was _(切掉) in the accident. 9. _(的数量) trees has increased in the past few years. 10. Helen _(不再) practices the piano. . 将下列句子翻译成英语。将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 张丽现在在图书馆看书。 _ 2. 这条街道过去很脏。 _ 3. 那个国家讲什么语言? _ 4. 我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过。 _ 5. 他七岁时就会弹吉他。 _ 答案:答案: . 1. cruel 2. laws 3. recycled 4. industry 5. afford 6. scientific . 1. transportation 2. sharks 3. reusable 4. fins 5. ecosystem . 1. took part in 2. turn off 3. is harmful to 4. pay for 5. at the top of 6. took action 7. the food chain 8. cut off 9. The number of 10. no longer . 1. Zhang Li is reading in the library now. 2. This street used to be dirty. 3. What language is spoken in that country? 4. I have never traveled by plane before. 5. He could play the guitar when he was seven. UnitUnit 1313 WeWe areare tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earth!earth! SectionSection B B (1a(1a2b)2b) . 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. He walked through a wooden g into the field behind his house. 2. Many kinds of m are used to make the parts of this machine. 3. This painting is one of Matisses greatest w . 4. The milk b is empty. Who drank up the milk? 5. George Washington was the first P of the United States. . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 napkin, iron, creative, inspire 1. Mr. Liu is a writer with _. The books he wrote are really popular. 2. Poets and artists often draw their _ from nature. 3. When finishing eating, the boy cleaned his mouth with a(n) _. 4. Have you heard of the old saying “Strike (打) while the _ is hot”? . 根据汉语意思及括号内所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。根据汉语意思及括号内所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 去年他们拆了那座老房子。 (pull . down) _ 2. 这些书必须在6月20日前归还。 (bring back) _ 3. 妈妈让我把脏面包扔掉。 (throw away) _ 4. 我看到那个盘子底朝上躺在地板上。 (upside down) _ 5. 他们决定好好利用这些旧报纸。 (put sth. to good use) _ 答案:答案: . 1. gate 2. metals 3. works 4. bottle 5. President . 1. creativity 2. inspiration 3. napkin 4. iron . 1. They pulled the old house down last year. 2. These books must be brought back by June 20. 3. Mom asked me to throw away the dirty bread. 4. I saw the plate lying upside down on the floor. 5. They decided to put the old newspapers to good use. UnitUnit 1313 WeWe areare tryingtrying toto savesave thethe earth!earth! SectionSection B B (2c(2cSelfSelf Check)Check) . 根据句根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当意,用括号内所给单词的适当形形式填空。式填空。 1. The white _(build) was set up three years ago. 2. Greg was a(n) _(luck) boy. Many people offered him help. 3. Jenny thinks the _(perform) was really exciting. 4. How could she have acted _(different)? 5. Staying with them made me _(comfortable). I decided to leave. . 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、 通顺。通顺。 bore, pay, work, take pride in, keep on Bill is a twelve-year-old boy. He found a job in a restaurant during the summer holiday last year. He washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He (1)_ six hours a day. It was really a hard and (2)_ job. Once in a while, he wanted to give it up, but he (3)_ working. He felt very tired after four-week hard work. At last he was (4)_ 700 yuan. Bill felt like a grown-up after doing this job. And it was a very special experience for him. It made him understand how hard it is to make money. Whenever he buys things with his own money, he (5)_ himself. 答案:答案: . 1. building 2. lucky 3. performance 4. differently 5. uncomfortable . 1. worked 2. boring 3. kept on 4. paid 5. takes pride in 一一 二 三 环境问题现状 环境问题危害 环境问题防护 一一 二 三 环境问题现状 环境问题危害 环境问题防护 一切都是那么的触目惊心!一切都是那么的触目惊心! 却还是出现在我们身边却还是出现在我们身边 我们对自然的索取速度我们对自然的索取速度 还在不断增加还在不断增加 一一 二 三 环境问题现状 环境问题危害 环境问题防护 “守着长江没水喝”这个话题并不新鲜。这个话题并不新鲜。长江长江作为我国第作为我国第 一大河,流量最大,流域内居住的人口密度也最大,污染一大河,流量最大,流域内居住的人口密度也最大,污染 后果也最严重。后果也最严重。 目前,我国约有目前,我国约有21326家化工企业,家化工企业, 其中大约有其中大约有10000家集中在长江流域家集中在长江流域, 4000家在黄河流域,家在黄河流域,2000家其他人口密集区和饮水源地家其他人口密集区和饮水源地 。 化工污染成了中国江河以及海洋生态系统的第一杀手化工污染成了中国江河以及海洋生态系统的第一杀手 ! 有专家预测:若不及时拯救,长江生态系统在有专家预测:若不及时拯救,长江生态系统在10年内将濒年内将濒 临崩溃。临崩溃。 长江两岸工业发展导致长江水严重受污染的一个最明显的长江两岸工业发展导致长江水严重受污染的一个最明显的 后果是,鱼类每年都在减少。后果是,鱼类每年都在减少。 过度的砍伐过度的砍伐 上个世纪世界上的上个世纪世界上的 森林大约减少了森林大约减少了1/41/4。 沙漠蔓延沙漠蔓延 沙尘暴沙尘暴满口满眼的沙子满口满眼的沙子 水土流失严重水土流失严重 洪水、泥石流造成严重灾害洪水、泥石流造成严重灾害 雾霾天气造成带来新的灾害雾霾天气造成带来新的灾害 而我们的索取从未停止 一一 二 三 环境问题现状 环境问题危害 环境问题防护 解决我国环境问题的措施解决我国环境问题的措施 措施一:措施一: 1 1、保护环境为我国的保护环境为我国的基本国策基本国策 2 2、解决环境问题的方针:、解决环境问题的方针: 坚持预防为主坚持预防为主(把把“防防”放在首位放在首位 ) 防治结合防治结合 综合治理综合治理 绝不走西方国家绝不走西方国家“先污染、后治理先污染、后治理”的老路的老路 措施二:措施二:加大生态环境方面建设。加大生态环境方面建设。 因地制宜开展大规模的因地制宜开展大规模的防护林工程防护林工程建设建设 防治荒漠化纳入国家计划,大力开展防治荒漠化纳入国家计划,大力开展 治沙工作,创造了治沙工作,创造了生物固沙生物固沙等治沙经验等治沙经验 实行封山育林,退耕还林,退耕还湖,实行封山育林,退耕还林,退耕还湖, 退耕还牧工程退耕还牧工程(三退三还工程)(三退三还工程)恢复恢复 自然环境本来面貌自然环境本来面貌 措施三:措施三:加大环境污染治理:加大环境污染治理: 综合治理:三河(淮海海河辽河)综合治理:三河(淮海海河辽河) 三湖(太湖滇池巢湖)三湖(太湖滇池巢湖) 两区(重工业地区的酸雨、两区(重工业地区的酸雨、 城市大气污染区城市大气污染区 ) 措施四:措施四:提高公民环保提高公民环保意识意识,积极,积极 参与环保活动参与环保活动 (植树种草爱护花木不随地吐痰(植树种草爱护花木不随地吐痰 宣传环保知识宣传环保知识-) 环保,从身边小事做起!环保,从身边小事做起! 1,随手关闭水龙头,一水多用。 2,少用罐装食品,饮料。 3,多用肥皂,少用洗涤剂。 4,节约纸张,回收用纸。 5,不用少用一次性筷子。 6,自备餐盒,少用一次性餐盒。 1 1,购物多用布袋,拒绝白色污染,购物多用布袋,拒绝白色污染 2 2,自备购物袋,少用塑料袋。,自备购物袋,少用塑料袋。 3 3,不乱扔废物。,不乱扔废物。 4 4,吃完口香糖后包好,放好。,吃完口香糖后包好,放好。 5 5,选用节能灯。,选用节能灯。 6 6,买环保电池,防止汞镉污染。,买环保电池,防止汞镉污染。 7.7.参加环境保护义务宣传活动。参加环境保护义务宣传活动。 Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Section A 2a-2d 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标语言知识目标 基本词汇基本词汇: coal, ugly, cost, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin, shark, fin, 基本词组基本词组:be harmful to, at the top(of sth.), take part in, turn off, take action, throw away, put sth. to good use, pull down, bring back 基本句型基本句型:Were trying to save the earth! The river used to be so clean. The air is badly polluted. No scientific studies have showed that shark fins are good for health. We should help save the sharks. 2. 技能目标技能目标: 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和 used to 句型。 3. 情感目标情感目标: 有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1)能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动 词和 used to 句型。 (2)保护环境的措施方法。 2. 教学难点:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和 used to 句型。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 I. Listening 1. Work on 2a. Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A. land pollution B. air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution 2. Work on 2b. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1) The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days. 2) Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke. 3) There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _ things every day. 4) People are also littering in _ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly (丑陋) ones. II. Practice (Work on 2c) Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan. Jason: The air has become really polluted around here. Im getting very worried. Susan: Yes, I used to be able to see stars in the sky. Jason: The problem is that III. Discussion Ask students what we should do to save the earth. Help students answer, turn off the lights when you leave a room; stop riding in cars; stop using paper towels or napkins; recycle books and paper. IV. R
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!_Section 2a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:a01bf) 人教版
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