人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:613de).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section B 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:613de)
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1 / 2 How to better the writing 一、一、The criteria for outstanding writing 1.Rich vocabulary (1) Better the words I love running because it helps me lose weight and keep fit. Running helps both my body and my mind. (2) Better the phrases During the three years, I have taken part in different kinds of activities. Because of basketball, I develop unbreakable friendship with my teammates and become more confident. (3) Add adj. or adv. We will present you with a performance. We were excited at the news. 2.Attractive sentences Better the following sentences by using different sentence patterns. 1)Use adverbial clause(状语从句状语从句). My school life is colorful and meaningful. I will never forget it. 2)Use attributive clause(定语从句定语从句). We finally won the game. It made us jump up and down in excitement. 3)Use exclamatory sentence (感叹句感叹句). The voluntary work is very meaningful and rewarding. 4)Use negative sentences(否定句否定句). We will be happy if you bring some gifts with you. 5)Use inverted sentence(倒装句倒装句). We achieve our goal only in this way. 6)Use emphatic sentence(强调句强调句). Ms. Sui encourages me to hold on to it. 7)Use a rhetorical question (反问句反问句). Your heart beats faster. 3.Correct grammar 2 / 2 My brave won the thumb of the coach and the applause from teammates. To win the competition, I joined them and practice hard every day. 4.Tight logic Linking words 表并列: 表转折: 表因果: 表递进: 表先后: 表时间: 5.Clear structure English is so important that we need to learn it very well. If you want to learn English well, the following tips can help you. Before class, wed better read the textbook, and we are supposed to make a vocabulary lists. In class, listening to the teacher carefully is a good way to learn English. Its also important to take notes. After class, we should memorize the words, and wed better watch some English movies. English is not so difficult. The most important thing is to put your heart into it. As the saying goes, Where there is a will, there is a way. 二、二、Better the writing Time past quickly. It was 3 years since I came to our school. Study here, I grow up a lot. I will graduate. Id like to do something for my school. Because of the beautiful campus, I can have a good mood every day when I study. Its important to protect the environment for the next group of students. Im going to take part in the voluntary work to clean up the campus. Because of the teachers help and encourage, I become a good student. I plan to be the teachers assistant to help do something. I hope to do this things because our school brings me, teach me knowledge and give me future. Id like to try my best to do things for it to show my thankful and love for my school. How to betterHow to betterHow to betterHow to better your your your your English writingEnglish writingEnglish writingEnglish writing Teaching objective At the end of the class, you will be able to: better your English writing from 5 aspects 第一档 (15-13) 评分标准: What kind of writing can be outstanding? 文段表达评分标准: 第一档 (15-13) 1.词汇丰富。(Rich vocabulary) 2.句式多样。(Attractive sentences) 3.语言准确。(Correct grammar) 4.语意连贯,表达清楚,具有逻辑性。 (Tight logic) 5. 结构清晰。(Clear structure) 6.完全符合题目要求,观点正确,要点齐全, 详略得当。(Outline) (1) Better the word. . enjoy am fond of am interested in I love running because it helps me lose weight and keep fit. 1. Rich vocabulary (1) Better the word. shapes Running helps both my body and my mind. 1. Rich vocabulary During the three years, I have taken part in different kinds of activities. (2) Better the phrase. a variety of various kinds of 1. Rich vocabulary Because of basketball, I develop unbreakable friendship with my teammates and become more confident. (2) Better the phrase. Thanks to Owing to 1. Rich vocabulary We will present you with a performance. (3) Add adj. We will present you with a well-prepared performance. 1. Rich vocabulary We were excited at the news. (3) Add adv. We were extremely excited at the news. 1. Rich vocabulary Better the sentences by using different sentence patterns. Pair work My school life is colorful and meaningful. I will never forget it. 1)Use adverbial clause(状语从句). My school life is so colorful and meaningful that I will never forget it. 2. Attractive sentences We finally won the game. It made us jump up and down in excitement. 2)Use attributive clause(定语从句). We finally won the game, which made us jump up and down in excitement. 2. Attractive sentences The voluntary work is very meaningful and rewarding. 3)Use exclamatory sentence (感叹句). How meaningful and rewarding the voluntary work is! 2. Attractive sentences We will be happy if you bring some gifts with you. 4)Use negative sentences(否定句). We cant be happier if you bring some gifts with you. will be happy 2. Attractive sentences 5)Use inverted sentence(倒装句). Only in this way can we achieve our goal. only in this wayWe achieve our goal only in this way. 2. Attractive sentences Ms. Sui encourages me to hold on to it. 6)Use emphatic sentence(强调句). It is Ms. Sui who/that encourages me to hold on to it. 2. Attractive sentences Your heart beats faster. 7)Use a rhetorical question (反问句). Does your heart beat faster? 2. Attractive sentences 3. Correct grammar (1) Avoid errors of parts of speech (2) Avoid errors of tense of verbs My brave won the thumb of the coach and the applause from teammates. Find the grammatical mistakes. brave bravery To win the competition, I joined them and practice hard every day. . Find the grammatical mistakes. practice practiced 4. Tight logic A better logic can make readers have a better understanding of the writing. English is so important that we need to learn it very well. If you want to learn English well, the following tips can help you. Before class, wed better read the textbook, and we are supposed to make a vocabulary lists. In class, listening to the teacher carefully is a good way to learn English. Its also important to take notes. After class, we should memorize the words, and wed better watch some English movies. Learning English well is not so difficult. The most important thing is to put your heart into it. As the saying goes, Where there is a will, there is a way. Linking words(连接词) How to better the logic? 表并列: 表转折: 表因果: 表递进: 表先后: 表时间: and, bothand;as well as but, yet, however because, so, as a result not onlybut also; whats more, first, second, third, next, finally when, while, after, before, as soon as 5. Clear structure Beginning: introduction Body: details Ending: conclusion English is so important that we need to learn it very well. If you want to learn English well, the following tips can help you. Before class, wed better read the textbook, and we are supposed to make a vocabulary lists. In class, listening to the teacher carefully is a good way to learn English. Its also important to take notes. After class, we should memorize the words, and wed better watch some English movies. Learning English well is not so difficult. The most important thing is to put your heart into it. As the saying goes, Where there is a will, there is a way. Put the writing into a better structure English is so important that we need to learn it very well. If you want to learn English well, the following tips can help you. Before class, wed better read the textbook, and we are supposed to make a vocabulary lists. In class, listening to the teacher carefully is a good way to learn English. Its also important to take notes. After class, we should memorize the words, and wed better watch some English movies. Learning English well is not so difficult. The most important thing is to put your heart into it. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way. ” If you want to learn English well, the following tips can help you. Topic sentence 初中三年的生活即将结束。21世纪英语报正 在开展“我想为学校做点什么”的征文活动, 请根据英文提示,以“I want to do something for my school”为题写一篇征文稿,谈谈你想 为学校做些什么事、如何去做、为什么做这 些事等。 1.What would you like to do for your school? 2.How are you going to do these things? 3.Why are you going to do these things? Time past quickly. It was 3 years since I came to our school. Study here, I grow up a lot. I will graduate. Id like to do something for my school. Because of the beautiful campus, I can have a good mood every day when I study. Its important to protect the environment for the next group of students. Im going to take part in the voluntary work to clean up the campus. Because of the teachers help and encourage, I become a good student. I plan to be the teachers assistant to help do something. I hope to do this things because our school brings me, teach me knowledge and give me future. Id like to try my best to do things for it to show my thankful and love for my school. Better the writing 1. Read the text on your own. 2. Think about how to better it. 3. Mark the places where you can make improvements. Individual work 1. Discuss in a group of four/five. 2. Make improvements in the handout. 3. Give a group presentation. One of you should read the revised version to the class on behalf of your group. Group Work Keep in mind how to better the writing. Time past quickly. It was 3 years since I came to our school. Study here, I grow up a lot. I will graduate. Id like to do something for my school. Because of the beautiful campus, I can have a good mood every day when I study. Its important to protect the environment for the next group of students. Im going to take part in the voluntary work to clean up the campus. Because of the teachers help and encourage, I become a good student. I plan to be the teachers assistant to help do something. I hope to do this things because our school brings me, teach me knowledge and give me future. Id like to try my best to do things for it to show my thankful and love for my school. Better the writing Outstanding Writing: Follow the Rules. Read more, recite more. Make an outline ahead Rich vocabulary Attractive sentences Correct grammar Tight logic Clear structure HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 三年的初中生活即将结束。请你以 My favorite activity为题,为英语 报刊投稿。注意:文章应包括下面 三个问题的内容。 1.What school activities do you have? 2.Which one is your favorite? 3.Why do you like it best? 1 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 (一)对课标的理解与把握 五级课标要求学生能够根据提示独立修改小作文,能与他人合作,解决 问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务。其中五级写作目标要求学生:1. 能 在教师的指导下对短文进行修改;2. 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑 关系。 (二)指导思想与理论依据 20 世纪 70 年代末,西方语言学家提出了过程写作法。首创者美国西北 大学教授 Wallace Douglas 指出:“写作是一个过程,写作课应教授的是构 成写作过程的一步一步的操作方法。”过程写作法认为,写作是一个思维创 作过程和社会交互过程。写作者通过写作过程中协商、监督、互评等认知活 动和交互活动提高其认知能力、交互能力和书面表达能力。 这种写作方法符合语言教学发展,提倡以学生为中心,强调写作过程是 一种群体间的多项交际活动,而不是个人的单独行为,强调反复修改在写作 中的作用。在写作课上,通过小组讨论和分享合作,复习、挑选、组合和形 成新的文章。 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课为初三总复习阶段的写作优化课,主要内容是根据一档文的评分标 准,引导学生在评分标准的指导下,从 rich vocabulary, attractive sentences, correct grammar, tight logic, clear structure 5 个角度来优化写作。 学生情况分析学生情况分析 1. 自然状况自然状况 学生为初三(7)、(8)班的 A 层学生,大部分学生英语基础不错,主动参 与意识强,喜欢思考,上课状态较为积极活跃,喜欢小组合作、乐于分享。 2. 知识背景知识背景 本节课要优化的学生习作是初三年级 4 月初月考试卷中的书面表达,前一节 课我已带领学生分析了写作要求,讨论了写作思路、写作内容,列出了 outline。 3. 存在的问题存在的问题 部分学生会在作文中尝试运用高级表达,但语法基本功不扎实,会出现用法 不恰当的情况;部分学生在写作中常出现用连续的简单句构成段落的现象。 从句子层面来看,词汇、短语使用单一,句型不够多样;从段落层面来看, 句与句之间常常缺乏有效的衔接。 教学目标教学目标 通过本节课的学习,学生将能够从 rich vocabulary, attractive sentences, correct grammar, tight logic, clear structure5 个方面改进写作。 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 2 教学重点:教学重点: 从 rich vocabulary, attractive sentences, correct grammar, tight logic, clear structure 5 个方面改进写作。 教学难点:教学难点: 引导学生内化并灵活运用 5 个改进写作的策略。 教学重难点的突破办法:教学重难点的突破办法: 教师指导学生理解如何对某一个句子进行改进;学生通过个人体验、小 组活动等方式,运用不同的策略分步优化写作。 教学流程图教学流程图 Better the word Group Work: Better a piece of writing from 5 aspects. OUTPUT Rich vocabulary Attractive sentences Correct grammar An outstanding piece of writing Better the phrases Add adj. or adv. Use different sentence patterns Use linking words Three paragraphs HOMEWORK INPUT Complete another piece of writing after class. Avoid errors of parts of speech Avoid errors of tense of verbs Tight logic Clear structure Topic sentence 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师教学活动教师教学活动学生学习活动学生学习活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Lead-in (2 mins) T asks Ss what kind of writing can be outstanding and what the criteria are. Ss think over and answer Ts questions. 让学生明确一档 文的评判标准, 使其关注课堂即 3 将进行的写作优 化练习。 Step 2 How to have rich vocabulary (3 mins) T guides Ss to better the words and phrases and add adj. or adv. Ss follow Ts guidance and answer questions. 引导学生逐步改 进单词、词组, 恰当运用形容词, 副词来增强句子 的感染力。 Step 3 How to have attractive sentences (7 mins) T guides Ss to better the sentences by using different sentence patterns. Ss discuss in pairs and have a try to better the sentence. 引导学生逐步改 进句子,使其通 过习题进行内化, 最终能够做到句 式多样。 Step 4 How to avoid grammatical mistakes (2 mins) T asks Ss to find the grammatical mistakes and correct them. Ss find and correct the grammatical mistakes. 引导学生避免常 见的两个类型的 语法错误。 Step 5 How to have a tight logic (3 mins) T shows Ss a passage and asks them what makes the passage logical and asks Ss to tell different linking words. Ss think over and answer the questions. 引导学生学会借 助连接词来表达 清楚逻辑关系。 Step 6 How to have a clear structure (2 mins) T shows Ss a passage and asks Ss to put the writing into a better structure and gets students to find the topic sentence. Ss read the passage and complete the task. 引导学生有结构 清晰的意识,并 在写作中注重写 主题句。 Individual work Ss think about possible improvements on their own first. Step 7 Making improvements on a piece of writing (12 mins) T asks Ss to improve a piece of writing from the 5 aspects. T guides Ss to do individual work first and then group work. Group work Ss discuss in a group of four or five and make improvements together. The group leader is prepared to give a presentation on the improved version. 引导学生运用本 节课讲解的优化 技巧对现有文章 进行改进,进一 步落实内化。 Step 8 Presenting the T asks volunteers to present their revised version to the Group leaders present in front of 学生展示修改之 后的文章,对本 4 revised version (8 mins) rest of the class. the class and other Ss listen and take notes. 节课介绍的如何 优化写作进行输 出,教师点评并 检测教学效果。 Step 9 Homework (1 min) T asks Ss to complete another piece of writing on their own after class and keep in mind how to better the writing. 板书设计板书设计 How to better your writing rich vocabulary attractive sentences correct grammar tight logic clear structure
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人教版九年级Unit 14 remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:613de) 人教版
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