人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:b1615).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section B 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:b1615)
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Section B (2a-2e) be thirsty for 渴望. be thankful to 感谢. be proud of 因.而自豪 He was thirsty for knowledge so he always stayed in the school library. He graduated from Harvard Law School He is thankful to all his teachers. The girls are proud of their father. Because he is responsible for his family and country. What is the most important thing in his opinion? Responsibility. Being responsible. 责任感、责任心 What is the most important thing youve learnt? Why? Weve all grown up so much. We are thankful to people who helped us a lot. We will graduate from junior high soon. We will always be proud of our school. But we are still thirsty for knowledge and a new world. Well set out on our new journey. We will be responsible for ourselves. 1. Do you think the headmaster likes the students? 2. How do you know that? 1: Read the first paragraph and answer: Yes, he likes them. 2: Read the second paragraph and answer the question. Who should the students thank and why? They should thank the important people in their lives- their parents, teachers and friends- because these are the people who have helped and supported them. None of you did it alone. Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 3: Read the third paragraph, fill in the columns. Life in senior high school It will be _ and they have _. The ways to deal with the future 1. _ the mistakes and _. 2. _and _ for their decisions and actions. 3. As they _ on their new journey, they _. harder many difficult tasks ahead of them Learn from never give up Choose wiselybe responsible set out shouldnt forget where they came from learn to be thankful changes in the students hopes for the students Which part interests you most? Why? 1. Role play: teacher student A student B parent 2. Write down your feelings and things you want to express. I am/ I feel. I think / remember I am looking forward to I want to How ? What? Graduation ceremonies in different countries. In western countries, they make invitation cards and welcome friends or relatives to enjoy the happy hours. In India, children will have graduation ceremonies in different levels and parents take many photos for them. In Germany, school hold graduation ceremony and sudents neednt take senior high entrance exams. In Japan, school hold graduation ceremony in March. Students wear school uniforms and sing songs together. In China, most parents are absent from their childrens junior high school graduation ceremony. In Russia, students wear traditional clothes. In China, senior high students tear books to celebrate their graduation. In UK, students celebrate their graduation by throwing ketchup (番茄酱) at each other. Some Japanese students have their own waythey wash their desks and chairs. This event has been a school tradition for more than 60 years. Students learn to show appreciation (感激) to others by doing it. Never fail to be thankful. None of you do it alone. Be friendly, be helpful. Be hard-working. Be responsible. Work together, we will achieve our dreams. Never fail to be thankful. 书面表达书面表达 同样面临毕业的我们,内心可能也有各种不同的感受, 请你就 此写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1. 马上就初中毕业了,你的心情怎样? 2. 你对自己的高中生活有怎样的计划或憧憬? (至少两点) 3. 表达你对老师、学校或后来者的寄语。 作文要求 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真 实姓名。 2.语旬连贯,词数80个左右。 Mind Map 1. Feelings: I feel excited/ happy/ thankful/ upsad/ . because. 2. Plans: Firstly, I will . Besides, . will also be my choice. (And Im looking forward to .) 3. Hopes: I hope my teachers will. As for students who are going to junior high, I think. (beginning) Its time to say goodbye. (linking) I know senior high starts a new journey for me. (linking) No matter where I go, . My futures not a dream. Lets go for it. Thanks for listening. U14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B2a-2e 教学版本:教学版本:新目标新目标九年级九年级 教学课型:阅读课教学课型:阅读课 教学对象:九年级学生教学对象:九年级学生 授课时间:授课时间:一一课时(课时(4545 分钟)分钟) 一、教材分析一、教材分析: 本节是九年级的最后一个阅读课,文章紧扣毕业话题,以演讲的方式 讲述了一名老师或校长对即将毕业学生的激励和寄语,引导学生从谈论过 去的中学生活转向对未来的展望。在语言上,除进一步综合训练 Section A 复习的语言项目外,还加强训练学生准确描述过去并展望未来的语言能 力,在技能上转为综合性在听、说、读、写训练。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 学生对毕业典礼的兴趣较浓,对自己即将结束在初中生涯也是充满各 种情感。他们对本单元的语言项目掌握不错,对表达自己的情感与想法充 满期待。 三、教学要求:三、教学要求: 1、训练学生关注文章体裁和写作目的,通过语境加深对文章的理解。 2、关注关键词和短语,理解其含义并学会运用。 3、体验毕业演讲语言魅力和其表达的真挚情感,感受教师对成长中的 学生饱含在喜悦和自豪之情,学会感恩,学会走好未来人生路。 四、教学安排四、教学安排: 本课用 1 课时完成。 第一步学习关键词与重点短语,深入理解文章和体会情感。第二步设 计不同活动,运用语言项目,学会表达自己的感受和想法。 五、教学思路:五、教学思路: 本课按照“知识积累理解体会表达运用的思路进行教学, 让学生从掌握重点词汇开始,逐步深入理解文章,再通过操练学会表达情 感和想法。希望借助几个任务的设计,逐步让学生掌握词、句、篇,并进 一步增强学生的信心,培养学生的主动性、创造性,激发学生的学习动力。 六、教学目标:六、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 掌握本课基本词汇、短语,理解文章,感受作者情感。 2. 运用本单元语言知识,明确表达自己的思想、感受。 (二)技能目标: 1. 理解文章体裁及作者的写作目的; 2. 熟练运用语言知识,表达自己的想法与感受。 (三)情感目标: 1. 调动学生的积极性,引导学生敢于表达自己的观点。 2. 设计小组讨论、小组合作等任务环节,培养学生乐于合作的 习惯,鼓励他们积极参与小组活动,互相帮助完成任务。 3. 培养学生的自信与感恩之心。 (四)学习策略目标: 在讨论与合作中,教会学生对信息进行整理和归纳,突出中心。 (五)文化意识目标: 培养学生互学互助的良好习惯,自信、感恩,树立正确的人生观与 世界观。 七、教学重点:七、教学重点: 掌握重点词汇,理解文章,学会条理清晰的表达自己。 八、教学难点:八、教学难点: 恰当运用所学的语言知识,有效、准确的表达自己的想法与情感。 9、教学过程教学过程 (Teaching procedure): Teaching Steps Teachers ActivityStudents ActivityTeaching AimsTeaching Means Step1: Greeting. (2 min) Talk about three moving pictures. Talk about three moving pictures. 1. Enliven the atmosphere and cheer up the students. 2. Teach some key phrases. 交际法 Step2: Warming-up (3 min) 1. Introduce Obama and play the video. 2. Ask a question: Whats the most important in his opinion? 1. Watch the video. 2. Answer the question. 1. Arouse their interests while watching the video of Obama. 2. Lead them to focus on graduation. 3. Keep using the key phrases. 讨论法 Step3: Leading- in: Lets think (3 min) 1. Raise questions: Have you learnt something important in the past three years? What is it? Why? 1. Discuss in pairs. 2. Share their ideas about this topic. 1. Learn by discussion and sharing 2. Encourage them to speak bravely. 讨论法 分享法 Step 4: Presentation: Lets read and discuss (10 min) 1. Extensive reading. 2. Intensive reading. 3. Raise a question: Which part interests you most? Why? 1. Look through the passage and choose the best answers. 2. Read carefully and thoroughly to answer the questions. 3. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. 4. Think and say. 1. Get to know the main ideas of each paragraph. 2. Improve the ability of showing their own ideas by thinking and saying. 呈现法 Step5: Practice: Lets practice (8 min) 1. Put the Chinese meanings of key phrases in order. 2. Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences. 3. Share their ideas together. 1. Get to know the meanings of key phrases and practice using them correctly. 2. Share with each other. 1. Learn to use the key phrases. 2. Encourage them to practice more freely and bravely. 练习法 示范法 Step6 : Brainstorm: 1. Guide students to talk about their feelings about 1. Talk about the feelings and something they want 1. Develop the ability of learning by using the key Lets write (6 min) graduation ceremony. 2. Divide the students into groups and discuss with partners. 3. Guide them to write down their different ideas as students, parents, teachers who attend graduation ceremony. to say about graduation freely. 2. Discuss and share the ideas with partners. 3. Write down their ideas as students, parents, teachers who attend graduation ceremony. sentences. 2. Make more chances for them to practice. 3. Encourage them to practice bravely. 交谈法 Step7: Lets act (8 min) 1. Help students while they are working together. 2. Praise them for their hard work in time. 1.Discuss with partners. 2. Choose one of the students to be a reporter, then have an interview with the partners. 3. Work together and act out their conversations. 1. Learn by discussing and acting. 2. Work in groups and learn from each other. 3. Share together. 讨论法 合作法 演示法 Step8: Fun time (3 min) 1.Show some statements about graduation ceremonies in different countries. 2. Introduce different graduation ceremonies. 1. Tell if the statement is true 2. Get to know more about graduation ceremonies in different countries. 1. Extend their knowledge about graduation. 2. Help students get to know more about different countries around the world. 游戏法 Step 9: Summary (1 min) 1. Make a conclusion. 2. Call on students go for their dreams and learn to be thankful and responsible. 1. Learn to be thankful and responsible. 2. Learn to go for their dreams bravely. 1. Call on students go for their dreams and learn to be thankful and responsible. 2. Best wishes to them. 总结法 Step 10: Homework (1 min) Please write a passage to talk about your feelings about graduation and plans for the senior high. (80 words) Practice by doing homework. 教学流程图:教学流程图: 板书设计:板书设计: U14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 2a-2e be thirsty for be responsible for be thankful to be proud of 热身:看图片,引出重点短语 看视频,引出话题 思考: 什么最重要 阅读: 理解大意 体验情感 讨论:感 受至深的 是什么? 操练: 掌握重 点短语 合作与分 享:写出 感受并表 演 归纳总结、评价、分享 独立思考、阅 读 分组讨论、交流、分享 放松时刻: 特色各异的 毕业典礼 be brave be friendly be helpful be honest be hardworking be thankful be responsible teamwork 教学反思:教学反思: 英语课程标准指出, “语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四 种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语 言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。 ” 本节课从让老师感动的图片引出重点短语,在加深重点短语的学习的同时引出奥 巴马,并通过奥巴马的视频引出话题:你快毕业了,学到什么重要的东西?从而让学 生回想自己在初中三年的收获,由此展开本节课的阅读。 在阅读的过程中,学生通过选择、回答等环节,逐步深入理解文章,并品味了文 章的情感。在重点短语的多次呈现与练习后,大部分学生也熟练掌握它们的含义及用 法。 在自由表达与表演环节,学生兴趣浓厚,主动性强,能够大胆运用所学去尝试表 达自己,体现了学为所用。后面的知识拓展环节,学生充满好奇,积极思考,保持着 学习的热情。 本节课,学生在听、说、读、写几个方面得到层层推进式的训练,由浅至深,不 断通过运用来强化学习,效果好。同时,课的设计也充分体现了情感教育,作为初中 英语的最后一个阅读课,紧密联系生活,激发他们的学习激情,培养他们的感恩之心 与责任感,鼓励他们勇敢、积极面对未来。如果在最后的表达与表演环节可以让更多 学生有机会展示的话,课堂会更加活跃。 附附 1. 练习设计:练习设计: Fast read: 1.This passage is a _. A. story B. notice C. letter D. speech 2.It is from _ to _. A. A teacher, a student; B. The headmaster, the students C. students, teachers; D. a parent, students 3.The purpose to write this passage is _. A. to ask parents for some help B. to deal with the students C. to celebrate the graduation D. to learn from the mistakes Put them in order: 1. be thirsty for 2. graduate from 3. be thankful to 4. be responsible for 5. be proud of 6. grow up 7. set out 8. none of 1. 为.而骄傲 2. 感恩 3. 成长 4. 出发 5. 一个都没有 6. 渴望 7. 毕业 8. 对.负责任 Choose and fill in: be responsible for None of graduate from set out be thankful to grow up be proud of be thirsty for 1. Those children from mountains _ knowledge. 2. We will always _ our school. 3. Everyone should _ ourselves. 4. People around us often help and support us a lot,so never fail to _ them. 5. We will _ junior high, it is time to say goodbye. 6. _ us will forget those friendly teachers and classmates. 7. Why not _ with courage and confidence. 8. We have learnt a lot and well _ some day. 附附 2:作业设计:作业设计 书面表达(书面表达(15 分)分) 根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置。 同样面临毕业的我们,内心可能也有各种不同的感受, 请你就此写一篇短文。 内 容包括: 1. 马上就初中毕业了,你的心情怎样? 2. 你对自己的高中生活有怎样的计划或憧憬? (至少两点) 3. 表达你对老师、学校或后来者的寄语。 作文要求 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语旬连贯,词数 80 个左右。 Mind Map (beginning) Its time to say goodbye. 1. Feelings: I feel excited/ happy/ thankful/ upset/ . because. (linking) I know senior high starts a new journey for me. 2. Plans: Firstly, I will . Besides, . will also be my choice. (And Im looking forward to .) (linking) No matter where I go, . 3. Hopes: I hope my teachers will. As for students who are going to junior high, I think.
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人教版九年级Unit 14 remember meeting all of you in Grade 7._Section 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:b1615) 人教版
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