人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 3a—3b-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-部级优课-(编号:108f1).zip
Chongqing Tianbao Experimental School Tang Tang ? for you to write about The best group in learning can have the priority (优先权优先权) to choose the animal. 鱼鳍鱼鳍 鱼翅汤鱼翅汤 海洋生态系统海洋生态系统 食物链食物链 1. Is shark fin soup(鱼翅汤) good for health? A Yes B. No C. No scientific(科学的) studies show that 2. Which part of China is shark fin soup popular? 3. Sharks are _ of the food chain in oceans ecosystem. A. at the bottom(底部) B. in the middle C. at the top 4. Every year, around _ sharks are killed and traded in finning industry. A. 50 million B.70 million C.90 million 5.Which one is not an environmental protection group(环保组织)? A. WWF B. WildAid C. WTO D A C B 测测你对鲨鱼了解多少!测测你对鲨鱼了解多少! A B C Tips: 各小组讨论后,将问卷 调查的答案写在纸条上,阅读 结束后揭晓答案 ? ? ? Problem FactsSolution 1. This _ and _dish is especially _ in southern China. 2. Do you realize that youre _ a whole shark each time you _ a bowl of shark fin soup? Para.1 read and fill the blanks famous expensive killing enjoy popular Para.2 read and match When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain. But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. Read para2 and match the idea with the cards. 阅读第二段,将大意与 彩卡文字匹配! Process(过程过程) of killing sharks Effect(影响) on the food chain Numbers about sharks Process(过程过程) of killing shark Effect(影响) on the food chain Numbers about sharks cruelharmful Para.2 read and guess When people catch the sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel but also harmful to the environment. The underlined word “cruel” means _. A. 简单的B.厉害的C.残忍的D.快捷的 浏览上下文猜词义 (context) 前加后添构新词 (word-building) When people catch the sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel but also harmful to the environment. The underlined word “harmful” means _. A. 有益的B. 危险的C.困难的D. 有害的 harm (伤害伤害)+ -fulharmful(有害的有害的) Para. 3 read and fill the chart Environmental protection groups 1.They are _ about finning. 2. They have asked the governments to _ to stop the sale of shark fins. WildAid the WWF teaching the public develop laws 1. Is shark fin soup good for health? A Yes B. No C. No scientific(科学的) studies show that 2. Which part of China is shark fin soup popular? 3. Sharks are _ of the food chain in oceans ecosystem. A. at the bottom(底部) B. in the middle C. at the top 4. Every year, around _ sharks are killed and traded in the industry. A. 50 million B.70 million C.90 million 5.Which one is not an environmental protection group? A. WWF B. WildAid C. WTO D A C B C B C B C for you to write about The best group in learning can have the priority (优先权优先权) to choose the animal. crocodile 鳄鱼鳄鱼 mink 貂貂 elephant ABC crocodile skin bag 鳄鱼皮手袋鳄鱼皮手袋 fur coat 皮草大衣皮草大衣 ivory chopsticks 象牙筷象牙筷 crocodile 鳄鱼鳄鱼 mink 貂貂 elephant Make your MIND MAP Follow the structure, add more details. ProblemFacts Solution Save the _ 两分钟小组讨论,根据问题,完成思维导图(两分钟小组讨论,根据问题,完成思维导图( 增加细节)增加细节) Student 1,2 Student 3,4 Student 5,6 Problem Facts Solution Tips: 每两名同学合 作完成一部分的写作 ,然后将各部分粘贴 在poster上 ProblemFacts Solution We can save the animals before its too late. Lets make the world a better place. 授课材料(教材)的电子文档授课材料(教材)的电子文档 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 这是一堂读写课,希望通过文本阅读,达到以读促写的目的。本课以 为野生动物保护日制作海报为任务主线,通过对 Save the Shark 一文 的阅读,在理解文章结构思路的基础上,借助 mind-map 和 jigsaw writing 的方法,帮助学生完成拯救其他野生动物的写作,培养学生独 立思考、合作互助的思维品质,树立人与自然的和谐相处的文化意识。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析: 这是一篇关于鲨鱼的阅读材料。文章结构简洁紧凑,是一篇典型的说明 文,其结构可以概括为:提出问题列举事实解决解决,很适合为写 作提供借鉴和参考。文章的语言准确严谨,但也有一些较为专业的单词, 可能会形成学生的阅读障碍,需要专门处理。 2. 学生情况分析: 初三的学生对于自然和生态保护有较好的意识,也对鲨鱼这种大型动物 充满好奇,能以一种较为理性和客观的眼光来对待人类破坏自然环境这 一话题。他们也能够在读写结合的课堂中,能力得到发展。 三、教学目标(以下各项可整合)三、教学目标(以下各项可整合) 1. 语言能力目标: 理解并运用文章中相关的生词短语, 并在写作中加以运用 2. 学习能力目标: 掌握 skimming, scanning 等阅读技巧,归纳思维导图等阅读策略;并 能举一反三,重构思维导图完成写作 3. 思维品质目标: 培养学生“类比”的思维方式,通过鱼翅的例子类比生活中其他危害 野生动物的现象; 通过“反思”寻求解决问题或改善现状的方法,通过写文章和做海报 的方式,培养学生将思想化为行动的积极态度。 4.文化品格目标: 引导学生关注人与自然的和谐相处,培养学生广阔的视野和社会责任 感 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: 理解文章大意,通过 mind-map 理清文章脉络,让学生明确写作思路。 学生通过合作讨论,借鉴 mind-map 的结构,为后续的写作搭建支架。 2. 教学难点: 激发学生的兴趣和潜力,让学生高效地投入到读写活动中 五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称)五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称) 1. 快乐课堂: A survey “测一测:看看你对鲨鱼了解多少” “ 激发学生的阅读兴趣; 2. 自主课堂: Make your mind-map 小组合作完成思维导图,培养学生自主学习和互 助学习的能力 3.“英语做事”课堂: Write a poster about wildlife, 是本堂课的任务目标贯穿始终 4. 人文素养课堂: 12 月 4 日是野生动物保护日,结合这一主题开展征集野生动物海报的 活动,真实而富有意义。学生带着任务去阅读,从而举一反三,由读到 写。将关注的焦点从鲨鱼拓展到其他濒危野生动物。 六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Teaching procedure ActivitiesTeaching effect Warming-up 1.Watch a video about Wildlife Conservation Day 2.Introduce the task of making poster 通过视频引入保护野生动物 的主题,唤起学生参与的热 情。明确本课的读和写的目 标 Pre-reading 1.Vocabulary learning 2.Prediction: have a survey about sharks 图片解决生词障碍 鲨鱼知识问卷调查使学生调 动已有知识,对未知信息大 胆猜测。在读前激发学生的 好奇和阅读兴趣 While-reading 1.Skimming and match 2.Scanning and find detailed information 3.Word guessing 通过略读,获取文章各段落 大意,再通过找读,猜词等 方法理解细节,逐层梳理文 章内容,构建 mind-map Pre-writing 1.Group discussion: make a new mind-map 发挥学生的自主学习和合作 探究的能力,模仿文本的框 架,以其他动物为主题,构 建新的思维导图。 Writing Jigsaw writing 再基于 mind-map,组员分工 合作完成写作(即 jigsaw writing) Summary Emotional education 总结本节课的收获,鼓励学 生为保护野生动物继续努力 七、教学评价七、教学评价 1. 评价内容: 对课堂学习中的师生互动和小组合作的过程进行评价 2. 评价方法: 口头表扬,小组积分 八、板书设计八、板书设计
- 资源描述:
Chongqing Tianbao Experimental School Tang Tang ? for you to write about The best group in learning can have the priority (优先权优先权) to choose the animal. 鱼鳍鱼鳍 鱼翅汤鱼翅汤 海洋生态系统海洋生态系统 食物链食物链 1. Is shark fin soup(鱼翅汤) good for health? A Yes B. No C. No scientific(科学的) studies show that 2. Which part of China is shark fin soup popular? 3. Sharks are _ of the food chain in oceans ecosystem. A. at the bottom(底部) B. in the middle C. at the top 4. Every year, around _ sharks are killed and traded in finning industry. A. 50 million B.70 million C.90 million 5.Which one is not an environmental protection group(环保组织)? A. WWF B. WildAid C. WTO D A C B 测测你对鲨鱼了解多少!测测你对鲨鱼了解多少! A B C Tips: 各小组讨论后,将问卷 调查的答案写在纸条上,阅读 结束后揭晓答案 ? ? ? Problem FactsSolution 1. This _ and _dish is especially _ in southern China. 2. Do you realize that youre _ a whole shark each time you _ a bowl of shark fin soup? Para.1 read and fill the blanks famous expensive killing enjoy popular Para.2 read and match When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain. But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. Read para2 and match the idea with the cards. 阅读第二段,将大意与 彩卡文字匹配! Process(过程过程) of killing sharks Effect(影响) on the food chain Numbers about sharks Process(过程过程) of killing shark Effect(影响) on the food chain Numbers about sharks cruelharmful Para.2 read and guess When people catch the sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel but also harmful to the environment. The underlined word “cruel” means _. A. 简单的B.厉害的C.残忍的D.快捷的 浏览上下文猜词义 (context) 前加后添构新词 (word-building) When people catch the sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel but also harmful to the environment. The underlined word “harmful” means _. A. 有益的B. 危险的C.困难的D. 有害的 harm (伤害伤害)+ -fulharmful(有害的有害的) Para. 3 read and fill the chart Environmental protection groups 1.They are _ about finning. 2. They have asked the governments to _ to stop the sale of shark fins. WildAid the WWF teaching the public develop laws 1. Is shark fin soup good for health? A Yes B. No C. No scientific(科学的) studies show that 2. Which part of China is shark fin soup popular? 3. Sharks are _ of the food chain in oceans ecosystem. A. at the bottom(底部) B. in the middle C. at the top 4. Every year, around _ sharks are killed and traded in the industry. A. 50 million B.70 million C.90 million 5.Which one is not an environmental protection group? A. WWF B. WildAid C. WTO D A C B C B C B C for you to write about The best group in learning can have the priority (优先权优先权) to choose the animal. crocodile 鳄鱼鳄鱼 mink 貂貂 elephant ABC crocodile skin bag 鳄鱼皮手袋鳄鱼皮手袋 fur coat 皮草大衣皮草大衣 ivory chopsticks 象牙筷象牙筷 crocodile 鳄鱼鳄鱼 mink 貂貂 elephant Make your MIND MAP Follow the structure, add more details. ProblemFacts Solution Save the _ 两分钟小组讨论,根据问题,完成思维导图(两分钟小组讨论,根据问题,完成思维导图( 增加细节)增加细节) Student 1,2 Student 3,4 Student 5,6 Problem Facts Solution Tips: 每两名同学合 作完成一部分的写作 ,然后将各部分粘贴 在poster上 ProblemFacts Solution We can save the animals before its too late. Lets make the world a better place. 授课材料(教材)的电子文档授课材料(教材)的电子文档 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 这是一堂读写课,希望通过文本阅读,达到以读促写的目的。本课以 为野生动物保护日制作海报为任务主线,通过对 Save the Shark 一文 的阅读,在理解文章结构思路的基础上,借助 mind-map 和 jigsaw writing 的方法,帮助学生完成拯救其他野生动物的写作,培养学生独 立思考、合作互助的思维品质,树立人与自然的和谐相处的文化意识。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析: 这是一篇关于鲨鱼的阅读材料。文章结构简洁紧凑,是一篇典型的说明 文,其结构可以概括为:提出问题列举事实解决解决,很适合为写 作提供借鉴和参考。文章的语言准确严谨,但也有一些较为专业的单词, 可能会形成学生的阅读障碍,需要专门处理。 2. 学生情况分析: 初三的学生对于自然和生态保护有较好的意识,也对鲨鱼这种大型动物 充满好奇,能以一种较为理性和客观的眼光来对待人类破坏自然环境这 一话题。他们也能够在读写结合的课堂中,能力得到发展。 三、教学目标(以下各项可整合)三、教学目标(以下各项可整合) 1. 语言能力目标: 理解并运用文章中相关的生词短语, 并在写作中加以运用 2. 学习能力目标: 掌握 skimming, scanning 等阅读技巧,归纳思维导图等阅读策略;并 能举一反三,重构思维导图完成写作 3. 思维品质目标: 培养学生“类比”的思维方式,通过鱼翅的例子类比生活中其他危害 野生动物的现象; 通过“反思”寻求解决问题或改善现状的方法,通过写文章和做海报 的方式,培养学生将思想化为行动的积极态度。 4.文化品格目标: 引导学生关注人与自然的和谐相处,培养学生广阔的视野和社会责任 感 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: 理解文章大意,通过 mind-map 理清文章脉络,让学生明确写作思路。 学生通过合作讨论,借鉴 mind-map 的结构,为后续的写作搭建支架。 2. 教学难点: 激发学生的兴趣和潜力,让学生高效地投入到读写活动中 五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称)五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称) 1. 快乐课堂: A survey “测一测:看看你对鲨鱼了解多少” “ 激发学生的阅读兴趣; 2. 自主课堂: Make your mind-map 小组合作完成思维导图,培养学生自主学习和互 助学习的能力 3.“英语做事”课堂: Write a poster about wildlife, 是本堂课的任务目标贯穿始终 4. 人文素养课堂: 12 月 4 日是野生动物保护日,结合这一主题开展征集野生动物海报的 活动,真实而富有意义。学生带着任务去阅读,从而举一反三,由读到 写。将关注的焦点从鲨鱼拓展到其他濒危野生动物。 六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Teaching procedure ActivitiesTeaching effect Warming-up 1.Watch a video about Wildlife Conservation Day 2.Introduce the task of making poster 通过视频引入保护野生动物 的主题,唤起学生参与的热 情。明确本课的读和写的目 标 Pre-reading 1.Vocabulary learning 2.Prediction: have a survey about sharks 图片解决生词障碍 鲨鱼知识问卷调查使学生调 动已有知识,对未知信息大 胆猜测。在读前激发学生的 好奇和阅读兴趣 While-reading 1.Skimming and match 2.Scanning and find detailed information 3.Word guessing 通过略读,获取文章各段落 大意,再通过找读,猜词等 方法理解细节,逐层梳理文 章内容,构建 mind-map Pre-writing 1.Group discussion: make a new mind-map 发挥学生的自主学习和合作 探究的能力,模仿文本的框 架,以其他动物为主题,构 建新的思维导图。 Writing Jigsaw writing 再基于 mind-map,组员分工 合作完成写作(即 jigsaw writing) Summary Emotional education 总结本节课的收获,鼓励学 生为保护野生动物继续努力 七、教学评价七、教学评价 1. 评价内容: 对课堂学习中的师生互动和小组合作的过程进行评价 2. 评价方法: 口头表扬,小组积分 八、板书设计八、板书设计
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