人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c5d4d).zip


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Dontusepapernapkins. What can we do to help save the earth? Youcanhelpreducepollutionby puttingthatsodacaninadifferent bin. Leaveyourcarathome. Takeabusorrideyourbiketowork. Turnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoom. Turnofftheshowerwhileyouare washingyourhair. recyclebooksandpaper What can we do to help save the earth? Rank these items from the easiest (1) to the most difficult (5). _stopridingincars _recyclebooksandpaper _turnoffthelightswhenyouleavea room _turnofftheshowerwhileyouare washingyourhair _dontusepapernapkins 1a Recyclingpaper isreallyeasy. Iagree.Butits hardtostop ridingincars. 1b Compare your answers in 1a with your partner. Listen and check ( ) the things that Julia and Jack talk about. Things Julia and Jack talk about _turningoffthelights _turningofftheshower _notusingpapernapkins 1c Things Julia and Jack talk about _takingyourownbagswhen shopping _notridingincars _ridingabike _recyclingpaper Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do turningoffthe lights turningoffthe shower 1d Listen again. Check ( ) the things that Julia is doing now, the things she will do in the future and the things she would never do. Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do notusingpaper napkins takingyourownbags whenshopping. notridingincars ridingabike recyclingpaper 1e Wereallyshouldnt usepapernapkins, youknow. Iknow.I stoppedusing themlast year. Make a conversation using the information from the chart above. Say what is true for you. Youshouldturn offtheshower whenyoure washingyourhair. Oh,Iwouldnever dothat.Ihave veryshorthair,it onlytakesafew minutestowash. Weshouldtake ourownbags whenwego shopping. Oh,thats easy.Illdo thatfrom nowon. presidentn.负责 人;主席;总统 workn.(音乐、 艺术)作品 metal n.金属 Look at the title and the pictures in 2b. Can you guess what the passage is about? 2a Rethink, Reuse, Recycle! Whatcanyouseeinthepictures? Whatisit/aretheymadeof? Doyouthinkitisagoodwayto protecttheenvironment? Read the passage and find the main idea of each paragraph. Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 A.Bagsmadefromclothes. B.Artpiecesmadeofiron andothermaterialsfrom oldcars. C.Housebuiltofrubbish. Names What materials did they use? What did they make? Amy Hayes windowsanddoors fromoldbuildingsthat havebeenpulleddown anoldboat rocks oldglassbottles(n.瓶 子) ahouse Read the passage again and complete the chart below. 2b Names What materials did they use? What did they make? JessicaWong WangTao oldclothes; especially oldjeans bags iron(n.铁)and othermaterials fromoldcars beautifulart pieces 1. Amyrecentlywonaprizefrom _ 2.Whatdoesthesentence“shelives inahouseintheUKthatshebuilt herselfoutofrubbish”mean? Read paragraph 2 and finish the two questions. theHelpSaveOurPlanetSociety. 她住在英国,房子是她自己用废 弃物建造而成。 Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions. 1.IsJessicaWonggoodatrecycling? Whatdoesshedo? 2.Wheredoesshesellherbags? 3.Whatwillshewriteinherbook? Yes,sheis.Sheusesoldclothesthat peopledontwearanymoretomake bags. Hershopandwebsite. Newwaystouseoldclothes. Read paragraph 4 and answer the questions. 1.WhatdoesWangTaohopetosetup? Why? Hehopestosetupa“metalart” themepark.Becausehewantsto showpeopletheimportanceof environmentalprotection. 2.Translatethesentence“Notonlycan theartbringhappinesstoothers,butit alsoshowsthatevencold,hardironcan bebroughtbacktolifewithalittle creativity.”intoChinese. 艺术不但可以给人们带来快乐,而且 也说明只需要一点创造力,即使是冰 冷、坚硬的铁也可产生活力。 1.Doyouoftenthrowawaythingsyou dontneedanymore? 你经常扔掉你不再需要的东西吗? throwaway 1)扔掉,丢弃浪费(机会、优势或好处) 2)错过(机会等),放过;未能很好利用 (机会等) 3)浪费(时间、金钱等)乱花(钱等) 【运用】根据上面的不同意思翻译下列句子 。 Ineverthrowanythingaway. _ Dontthrowawaythisopportunity. _ Itwillbetimeandmoneythrownaway. _ 我从来不扔任何东西。 不要错过这个机会。 这将是浪费时间和金钱。 ()Recyclingisgood,sodont _bottlesornewspapers. A.findoutB.handin C.useupD.throwaway D 2.ShelivesinahouseintheUKthat shebuiltherselfoutofrubbish. build/make.outof用建造/制造 e.g.Hebuiltamodelshipoutofwood. 他用木头造了个模型船。 Somebirdsbuildnestsoutoftwigs. 一些鸟儿用细枝筑巢。 3.Thetopofthehouseisanoldboat turnedupsidedown. 房子的顶部是一条翻转过来的旧木船。 turnedupsidedown意为“被翻转过来 的;被颠倒过来的”,作后置定语修饰 boat。英语中短语和从句用作定语时,一 般置于名词之后,作后置定语。 e.g.thesighonthewall墙上的标志牌 (介词短语后置作定语) thechildrenboatingonthelake 湖上泛舟的孩子们 (现在分词短语后置作定语) thestoriesinventedbyeight-andnine- year-olds八九岁小孩子编写的故事 (过去分词短语后置作定语) amachinethatcandomanykindsof housework一个能做多种家务的机器 (句子后置作定语) 2c Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box. 1.AmyHayeslivesintheUK.Manyof theoldbuildingsinherneighborhood were_. pulleddown puttogoodusebuildoutof pulldown(拆下)setup knownfornotonlybutalso 2.Alltherubbishandoldthingsin Amysneighborhoodwerethen_ _whenAmybuiltherhouse. 3.Amyisverycreative.She_her frontgate_rocksandoldglass bottles.Sheputanoldboatontopof herhouse. put built outof puttogoodusebuildoutof pulldownsetup knownfornotonlybutalso togooduse 4.JessicaWongsellsherbagsinasmall shop,butshehasalso_anonline businesstosellthem. 5.ThoughJessicasbagsaremadefromold clothes,herbagsare_being cuteanduseful. setup knownfor puttogoodusebuildoutof pulldownsetup knownfornotonlybutalso 6.WangTao_makeslarge piecesofmetalartthatlooklike animalsorhumans,_ makessmallerpiecesforthehome. notonly butalso puttogoodusebuildoutof pulldownsetup knownfornotonlybutalso 2d Underline the words in the passage based on the words below. What are the differences? thinkuseenvironment usualrecyclebuild createspecialrecent importantprotectinspire thinkrethinkspecialespecially usereuse,usefulrecentrecently usualunusual environmentenvironmental recyclerecycling importantimportance buildbuildingprotectprotection createcreative;creativity inspireinspiration 1. Rethink, Reuse, Recycle ! re-是最常用的前缀之一。它可以加在 名词或动词前面,构成新的名词或动 词。re-表示以下三方面的意义: 1)表示“回”或“向后”的意思。例如: return(回来)recall(回忆,召回) retract(缩回,取回) 2)表示“再”、“重新”、“重复”的意思。 例如:rethink(再思考)reuse(再 运用)restart(重新开始)recycle (再利用) 3)表示“相反”、“反对”的意思。 例如:rebel(反叛,谋反)reverse (反转,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵 抗) 2.Sheisamostunusualwoman. un-前缀,常加在形容词、副词、分词、动 词和名词之前;第一,表示否定意义。第 二,表示“反动作”,即“相反的动作”。 例如:uneconomic不经济的 uncomfortable不舒服的unending无尽的 unfortunate不幸的unusual不平常的 unkind不仁慈的unbind解开,释放 uncover揭开的盖子unearth由地下 掘出unbutton解开钮扣 3.Nothingisawasteifyouhavea creativemind. -ive是形容词后缀,一般表示有.的 create -ivecreative 4.Amyrecentlywonaprizefromthe HelpSaveOurPlanetSociety. recent -lyrecently形容词加 ly变副词 5.Amyisaninspiration(n.灵感)tousall. 后缀-tion附在动词后面构成名词 1)当单词最后是t,d,te,de时,变名词加 tion或者ation,ition; 2)当单词最后是元音字母时,变名词加 sion等。 6.Sheespeciallylikestouseoldjeansto makehandbags. special和especial是同义词, especially是especial的副词。 7.Thethemeparktoshowpeoplethe importanceofenvironmental protection. importance是important的名词。 environmental是environment的形 容词形式。 protect -ionprotection 2e Make a list of things that need to be done to save the environment. Which things can be done by common people every day? takeyourownbagswhenyougoshopping spendlesstimeintheshower turnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoom takepublictransportratherthandrive avoidusingairconditioners Which things have to be done by governments and organizations? Discuss these with your group. educatethepublic ensurethatfactoriesgetridofwastein aresponsibleway preservetheforests preserveendangeredspecies notallowactivitiesthatseriously endangertheenvironment Survey the students in our class. Then take a class vote. DoyouNames recyclepaper? turnofflightsin thehouse? Unit 13. We are trying to save the earth! 第第 3 课时课时Section B( 1a 2e) 【学习目标学习目标】 1.掌握重点单词及短语。掌握重点单词及短语。 2.复习语法复习语法: 现在进行时,被动语态,现在完成时,情态动词。现在进行时,被动语态,现在完成时,情态动词。 . 【重难点重难点】: 1.能谈论环境污染和环境保护问题能谈论环境污染和环境保护问题. 2.2.借助文章标题分插图进行合理的预测。借助文章标题分插图进行合理的预测。 二合作交流二合作交流 1 1、 预习交流预习交流 WhatWhat cancan wewe dodo toto helphelp savesave thethe earth?earth? 2. 小组合作小组合作,翻译短文。翻译短文。 3.完成完成 2d 2 2、 合作学习合作学习 1 1、注意宾语从句的用法、注意宾语从句的用法, ,完成完成 SectionSection B B 1a1a 的任务的任务 2 2、播放录音,完成播放录音,完成 1b1b、1c,1c, 3 3、拓拓展展延延伸伸 完成完成 1d.1e1d.1e 4、完成、完成 2e. 4 4、系统总结系统总结 【知识点拨知识点拨】 4.Its hard to stop riding in cars. stop doing sth. 是是“停止做某事停止做某事”. stop to do sth. 则是则是“停下来去做某事停下来去做某事”。 stop sb.(from) doing. 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 如:如:When Li Ming came, I stopped to talk with him. The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother. Were so tired. Lets stop to have a short rest. We must stop him(from) doing such a foolish thing. 5. You must be very tired. Why not _ a rest? A. to stop to have B. to stop having C. stop to have D. stop having 三三【知识点拨知识点拨】: 1. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne,but she is a most unusual woman. hear/ hear of (about)/ hear from hear “听见听见”, “听到听到”,后可接名词、代词,后可接名词、代词+ 分词结构或动词原形。分词结构或动词原形。 hear 和和 hear of 都可以解做都可以解做“听说听说”,hear 后面接宾语从句,后面接宾语从句,hear of (about) 接名词、接名词、 代词或动名词。代词或动名词。hear from“收到收到的信的信”, “得到得到的消息的消息” e.g. I heard him just now. 我刚才听到他说话。我刚才听到他说话。 I have never heard of him before. 我以前从没听说过他。我以前从没听说过他。 I heard him singing in the next room. 我听见他在隔壁房间里唱歌。我听见他在隔壁房间里唱歌。 How often do you hear from your father? 你每隔多久收到你父亲的来信?你每隔多久收到你父亲的来信? 2.She lives in a house that she built herself out of tra eg.What did you make it out of? She made a box out of old planks. 3.The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glues together. be made of “由由制成制成”,主语为制成品,而且能看出原材料。,主语为制成品,而且能看出原材料。 be made from 意思也是意思也是“由由制成制成”,但制成品看不出原材料。,但制成品看不出原材料。 be made in 表示某一产品在某地生产或制造,表示某一产品在某地生产或制造,in 后面跟表示地点的名词。后面跟表示地点的名词。 be made by “由(谁)制造的由(谁)制造的”, by 后面接动作的执行者。后面接动作的执行者。 be made into “ 被制成被制成” 【夯实基础夯实基础】 (一)用所给动词的适当形式填空(一)用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Every day my mother _(get) up early. 2. The dinosaur eggs _(discover) many years ago by scientists. 3. Listen! Some children _(sing) an English song over there. 4. In our hometown there used to _(be) many old trees. 5. My work _(not finish) yet. I cant go out to play with you. 6. Sundenly I realized someone (follow)me. 7.Knives are (use)to cut things . 8.The children were told that the sun (rise)in the east. 9.Hes lived here since he (come)to the city . (二二)从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其正确的形式填入句子中。有些选项是多余的。从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其正确的形式填入句子中。有些选项是多余的。 1.Many people are worried about the animals. 2.Have you ever a zoo before? 3.I dont think zoos are places for animals to live. 4.Tigers and some dangerous animals in cages in the zoo. 5.Its necessary the zoo. 6.A zoo is a textbook for us. 7.This TV program people to protect the environment. 【夯实基础夯实基础】 1.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The old building _(set up) yesterday. 2.Most of the trash can _(recycle) in the future. 3. Tim was badly hurt, so he had to stop _(walk). 4.As soon as he saw me, He stopped _(speak) to me. 5.There are many people _(pick) up apples. 6. _(recycle) paper is not difficult. 7.He was surprised _(see) me in street. 8.So far man _(travel) farther than the moon. 9.Look!He _ (play) football. 10.The shop _(close) at five every day. 11.The lab building (build) 30 years ago. 12.When the teacher came in, the students stopped (talk). 【教师反思教师反思】 【学生反思学生反思】 visit , live, endanger , terrible , keep , urge , say, hard , difficult surprise, support
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