人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:500bc).zip


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Section A Period Two (3a3c) product France no matter local brand avoid handbag mobile everyday v. 生产;制造;出产 n. 法国 不论;无论 adj. 当地的;本地的 adj. 品牌;牌子 v. 避免;回避 n. 小手提包 adj. 可移动的;非固定的 adj. 每天的;日常的 Words Review If you go to another country, what would you do? adj. 当地的 n. produce v. visit famous places try local food talk to local people buy local products If you go to France, what products would you buy? handbag If you go to Switzerland, what products would you buy? 瑞士 If you go to Japan, what products would you buy? the US, what brand high-technology products cameramobile phone Prediction Read the title and predict. The difficult Search for American Products in the US 1. Where did the boy go? 2. Is it easy to buy local products? Why? the US difficult Look at the picture and predict. 3. Whats the main idea of this passage? American flag A. Many products in American shops are made in the US. B. Many products in American shops are made in China. Skimming Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Many products in American shops are made in the US. B. Many products in American shops are made in China. Read the passage quickly and find the main idea. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. What does “no matter” mean? A. 无论 B. 不要紧 Read Paragraph 1 and tell if the following statements are right or wrong? 1.The products, such as cameras, beautiful clothes, watches are made in foreign countries. 2.Kang Jian can easily buy an American- made toy cars. 3.Kang Jian went to San Francisco last year. F F T 全椒三中许俊华系列课件:13637004698 Careful reading Careful reading Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions. Kang Jian 1. What did he want to buy? 2. How many kinds of things are made in China? 3. How does he feel about “Made in China”? He wanted to buy a toy car and a pair of basketball shoes. He found seven kinds of things are made in China. Its great that China is so good at making everyday things. adj. = daily Kang Jian What did he want to buy? What did he find? What does he say? Read carefully and fill in the chart. a toy car a pair of basketball shoes He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. “Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China.” “In fact, there were many other things there made in China Even American flags are made in China.” Careful reading = keep away from Which one did he buy first? first next Beginning: Whatever you may buy in other countries, they might be made in China. Ending:He wishes that China can also be good at making high-technology products. Reading aloudRetelling Kang Jian who when where how what 1st2nd buytoy carshoes find (say ) so many cant avoid Filling the blanks An American housewife, Sara, found that her _ life was full of all kinds of Chinese products. She was a little worried. So she decided to stop bringing _with the words “Made in China” into her house for a year. Sara met her first problem when she found that her sons tennis shoes were too small. They were _and only 10 dollars. However, in order to _ buying a pair of Chinese shoes, she _ for two weeks. Finally, she bought in a _ shop a pair of sports shoes made in _ for 60 dollars. everyday products made in Chinaavoid searchedbrandcontinued localFrance No matter Filling the blanks Weeks later, she spent another 60 dollars on her baby daughters shoes of an American _. This kind of trouble _ while she kept her resolution. _what products she wanted to buy, those made in China were always the most easily found and cheapest. In the end, she realized that she can live without “Made in China”, but it is much more difficult and expensive. brandcontinuedNo matter Made in China cheap easily found not high- technology What does “Made in China” mean? How do you feel about “made in China”? Its your job to make it come true! We should move from “Made in China” to “Created in China”, from “China speed(速度)” to “China quality” and from “Chinese products” to “Chinese brands”. Thank you for your listening! Homework Read the passage again after class. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. What does “no matter” mean? A. 无论 B. 不要紧 Write what the words in bold refer to. those (products): _ those (countries): _ a camera, some beautiful clothes, a watch Japan, France, Switzerland it: _ _ they: _ So many products in the local shops were made in China. most of the toys 教学设计教学设计 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ? Section A(3a-3c) 、TeachingTeaching objectivesobjectives 1. Knowledge objectives (1) To master new words:product, France, local, avoid, handbag, mobile, everyday and so on (2) To use “no matter” sentence structure。 2. Ability objectives (1) Be able to find the information through skimming and careful reading (2) Be able to retell the passage through using mind map 3. Moral objectives To get to know the trend of world economy and the situation of china. Get students to work hard for our country 、AnalysisAnalysis ofof studentsstudents As students in grade nine,they have learned the passive voice and have some knowledge about world economy,so it will not be difficult for them to read this passage 、TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult pointspoints andand keykey pointspoints Teaching key points: Be able to find the information through skimming and careful reading Teaching difficulties: To know the advantages and shortcomings of China in the competition of world economy 、Teaching procedures Step1Warmingup 1、Words revision 2、Enjoy some pictures of different countries with music (France, Switzerland, Japan, the US). 设计意图 通过观赏一些外国的风景图片并欣赏音乐,创造一种轻 松的氛围,缓解学生的紧张感。同时,展示的图片也是为之后的上课 内容做一些铺垫。 Step2Presentation 1. Talk about the pictures and ask “If you go to another country, what would you do?” to present the new words “local” and “product”. 2. Present specific countries and ask “If you go to France/ Switzerland/ Japan/ the US, what products would you buy?” At the same time, present “France”, “mobile”, “high-technology”. 设计意图 通过第一个问题引导出本节课最重要的生词,扫除阅读 的障碍。接着在提出第二个问题时复现之前引出的单词,让学生在实 际情景中使用并掌握生词。 Step3Prereading Predict according to the title and the picture. 1. Where did the boy go? 2. Is it easy to buy local products? Why? 3. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Many products in American shops are made in the US. B. Many products in American shops are made in China. 设计意图 通过阅读材料标题和课文插图,学生可以预测本文的主 要内容。这是对学生阅读技能的培养,也是对于学生的思维能力的锻 炼。同时教师是通过循序渐进的方式,逐步引导学生预测文本,也激 发了学生的阅读兴趣。 Step4Whilereading 1. Skimming (1) Skim and check the answer of the prediction. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Many products in American shops are made in the US. B. Many products in American shops are made in China. (2) Present “No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong.” Guess the meaning of “no matter”. Find what two “those” refer to. 设计意图 通过略读核对学生之前对文本主要内容的预测,并从文 章开头寻找出关键句。紧接着再对关键句进行分析,通过对 no matter 猜测词义和寻找 those 的指代含义,渗透了另外两个重要的 阅读策略:猜测词义和理解指代。 2. Careful reading (1)Read paragraph 1 and check the sentences true or false 1 The products, such as cameras, beautiful clothes, watches are made in foreign countries. 2 Kang Jian can easily buy an American- made toy cars. 3 Kang Jian went to San Francisco last year. (2) Read paragraph two and answer three questions about “Kang Jian” 1 What did he want to buy? 2 How many kinds of things made in China did he find? 3 How does he feel about “Made in China”? (3) Check the answers and finish the mind map on the blackboard. 设计意图 通过仔细阅读,让学生寻找关键信息,既是训练学生寻找 信息的能力,也是对文本信息的整理和再构建。同时在核对答案时, 由学生来完成思维导图,则是让学生主动思考,发挥学生在课堂上的 主体作用,更是对学生思维能力的培养! 3. Careful reading (1) Fill in the chart 设计意图 再次通过仔细阅读,让学生完成表格。运用多种形式对 文本信息进行整理和再构建,除了思维导图还可以是表格等其他形式,这 也是给学生一个鲜活的解读文本的模板。 (2) Find what other two pronouns refer to. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. Even though most of the toys were American brands, they were made in China. (3) Think and answer “Which one did he buy first, the toy car or basketball shoes?” And add a chart to the mind map on the blackboard. 设 计意图 激发学生的深层思考。尽管文章在讲述买的两件物品时只 是简单地将 toy car 的故事写在前面,basketball shoes 在后面,但 是从文本中句子的内在逻辑联系,我们可以确定这两者位置不能交换,因 为买 toy car 时 Kang Jian 只发现 most of the toys 是中国制造, 而买 basketball shoes 时,他进一步发现 many other things 都是 中国制造,而且美国人 can hardly avoid 中国制造. 这个问题的设 计,就是为了让学生进一步深入思考,不仅仅要“知其然”,更要进一 步探究“其所以然”。而通过整理表格,我们也能更明显地感受到文 字间的逻辑关系。 4. Reading aloud Read aloud with the tape. 设计意图 学生跟着配套录音一起朗读,既能够培养学生的语音语 调,又可以逐渐训练学生的语速,日积月累地跟读能够逐渐提高学生 的口语能力。 Step5Postreading 1. Retelling Retell the passage according to the mind map. 设计意图 通过呈现完整的思维导图,帮助学生复述文章。同时,教 师将开头和结尾直接呈现出,既是给学生降低一定的难度,也是提醒 学生复述是要用自己的话将文章重新讲一遍。 2.Discussion Talk about feeling about “Made in China”. 设计意图 通过提问 How do you feel about “Made in China”? 让学生谈谈对于中国制造的看法,既是激发学生心中的爱国主义情感, 3. Think about “What does “Made in China” mean?” 4. Read the sentences We should move from “Made in China” to “Created in China”, from “China speed(速度)” to “China quality” and from “Chinese products” to “Chinese brands”. Its your job to make it come true. 设计意图 经过阅读和讨论,学生对于中国制造的了解更加全面。 因此这个问题不仅仅是对中国制造字面意思的解释,更是对中国制造 产品的评价。作为一名中国学生,在为国家感到自豪的同时,更加应 该看到我们的不足,并产生强烈的使命感,要为中国的进一步强大贡 献自己的力量! Step6Homework Read the passage again after class. 设计意图 激发学生奋斗的激情,并鼓励学生从现在开始做起,从课 后朗读文章开始。 课后练习 1. Single choice 1) _ the weather will be like tomorrow, well go surfing. A. No matter how B. No matter whats C. No matter what D. No matter if 2) Well never give up working on the experiment, _ difficult it is. A. no matter how B. no matter when C. no matter what D. no matter where 3) - What will the weather be like tomorrow? - It _ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows? A. must B. might C. shall D. should 4) - Wheres Jeff? - Im not sure. He _ be playing football on the playground. A. need B. might C. must D. can 5) _ well you drive, you must drive carefully. A. No matter where B. In order that C. No matter how D. As soon as 2. Filling in the blanks(Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.) An American housewife, Sara, found that her _ life was full of all kinds of Chinese products. She was a little worried. So she decided to stop bringing _ with the words “Made in China” into her house for a year. Sara met her first problem when she found that her sons tennis shoes were too small. They were _ and only 10 dollars. However, in order to _buying a pair of Chinese shoes, she _for two weeks. Finally, she bought in a _ shop a pair of sports shoes made in _ for 60 dollars. Weeks later, she spent another 60 dollars on her baby daughters shoes of an American _. This kind of trouble _while she kept her resolution. _what products she wanted to buy, those made in China were always the most easily found and cheapest. In the end, she realized that she can live without “Made in China”, but it is much more difficult and expensive. everyday avoid local France Made in China searched brand products No matter continued
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