人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:702cc).zip


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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (Grammar Focus-4c) Learning Aims Words and Expressions: 1.能正确使用能正确使用 European, African, British, speech, in public 词汇和表达词汇和表达; 2. 区分区分used to do sth.和和 be used to doing sth. Target languages: 使用使用used to结构描述或询问过去的情况结构描述或询问过去的情况 Culture: 懂得自我完善的重要性懂得自我完善的重要性 Guessing Game. Talk about your English teachers past (过去过去) Pair work (Know about each others past. ) A: I used to be shy/. Did you use to be shy/? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I used to read scary books/. Did you use to read scary books/ ? A: Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. shy, thin, heavy, short, quiet, outgoing, friendly, serious, silent, be late for class, be afraid of the dark hang out with friends, wear glasses/ read scary books, watch scary movies 话题交谈话题交谈 中不要触中不要触 及双方的及双方的 敏感处敏感处 Pair work (Talk about your favorite singer , actor or classmate.) A: Did Li Yuchun/ use to wear glasses/have? B: Yes, she/he did. / No, she/he didnt. Guo Degang Li Yuchun Chen Yixun Zhao Liying before before before I used to be short. I didnt use to be popular in school. Paula used to be really quiet. She didnt use to like tests. You used to be short, didnt you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Did he use to wear glasses? Yes, he did./ No, he didnt. Group work Read and find out how to describe(描述描述) or ask about the past with “used to”.(读并找出如何用读并找出如何用“used to”描述或询问有关过去描述或询问有关过去) Grammar Focus 反意反意疑问句疑问句 /附加疑问附加疑问 句句 前后意思相反前后意思相反 used to 的含义,肯定结构、否定结构、疑问句及其 答语 一、一、used to意为意为“过去常常过去常常”,用于表示过去习惯性的动作用于表示过去习惯性的动作 或存在的状态,后跟动词原形。或存在的状态,后跟动词原形。used to没有人称和数的变没有人称和数的变 化。化。 二、二、used to的句式变化的句式变化 1. 否定句:否定句:主语主语 + didnt use to do sth. 2. 一般疑问句一般疑问句 Did+ 主语主语 + use + to do? 答语:答语:Yes, sb. did. / No, sb. didnt. 3. 反意疑问句反意疑问句 主主语语+used to do sth, didnt+人称代词?人称代词? 主主语语+didnt use to do sth, did+人称代词?人称代词? 4a Write sentences about the past by using used to (使用使用”used to” 来写有关过去的句子来写有关过去的句子) . 1.My mom/ have curly hair/ have straight hair 2.Jerry/read books on European history/read books on African culture. 3.Sandy/teach British English/teach American English 4.Emily/eat hamburgers/ eat bread e.g. Grace/watch a lot of TV/watch a lot of movies Grace used to watch a lot of TV. She didnt use to watch a lot of movies. My mom used to have curly hair. She didnt use to have straight hair. Jerry used to read books on European history. She didnt use to read books on African culture. Sandy used to teach British English. She didnt use to teach American English. Emily used to eat hamburgers. She didnt use to eat bread. 英国人的英国人的 非洲(人)的;非洲人非洲(人)的;非洲人 欧洲(人)的;欧洲人欧洲(人)的;欧洲人 4b Write about Emilys changes. Five years ago Now didnt eat a lot of vegetables loves carrots and tomatoes listened to pop music enjoys country music was afraid of being alone is afraid of giving a speech in public watched scary movies hates scary movies didnt read a lot of books reads at least six books a year Emily has changed a lot. Emily didnt use to eat a lot of vegetables, but now she loves carrots and tomatoes. She used to listen to speech n. 讲话,讲话, 发言发言 in public 公开地公开地 WhatWhat diddid youyou learnlearn in in thisthis lesson?lesson? Do you have other problems? 1.used to do sth. 意为意为“过去常常过去常常”。 to后跟动词原形,只用于一般过去后跟动词原形,只用于一般过去 时态。时态。 2. be used to + n. /pron./doing 意为意为“习惯于习惯于”。to是介词,后接名词、代词或动是介词,后接名词、代词或动 名词。可用于各种时态。名词。可用于各种时态。 DoDo somesome exercises!exercises! 基初知识基初知识 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.1. 我以前常害怕在公众前演讲。我以前常害怕在公众前演讲。 I I _ _ bebe afraidafraid ofof givinggiving a a _in_in _._. 2.2. 杰瑞以前常常读欧洲历史方面的书,但现在却读有关非洲文化的杰瑞以前常常读欧洲历史方面的书,但现在却读有关非洲文化的 书。书。 JerryJerry _ _ _books_books onon _ history,history, butbut nownow hehe readsreads booksbooks onon _ culture.culture. 3.3. 你表妹以前常害怕独自一人,不是吗?你表妹以前常害怕独自一人,不是吗? YourYour cousincousin _ _ bebe afraidafraid ofof _ alone,alone, _she?_she? 4.4. 珍妮以前在学校里常常不受欢迎。珍妮以前在学校里常常不受欢迎。 JennyJenny _ _ _ bebe popularpopular inin school.school. 5.5. 我不习惯午饭吃这么多。我不习惯午饭吃这么多。 ImIm _ usedused toto _ soso muchmuch atat lunchlunch time.time. used to speechpublic used to read European African used to being didnt didnt use to noteating 易混点测试易混点测试 1.She used to _with her parents, but now she is used to _with her classmates at school. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live 2. I _ shopping on Saturdays, but now I no longer do so. A. used to go B. used to going C. used going D. get used to going 3.Sandy_ books on European history. She didnt use to read books on African culture. A. used to read B. used to reading C. get used to reading D. is used to reading Lets sing. Weve changed a lot. How time flies! Ive changed a lot. I used to be short. (I) used to be shy. (I) used to be thin I used to be quiet. You cant believe ! Ive changed a lot. Hes changed a lot. He used to be short. Encouragement Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything. -Bernard Shaw 无变化就无进步,那种不能改变自己头脑的人无变化就无进步,那种不能改变自己头脑的人 绝不可能改变任何事物。绝不可能改变任何事物。 -肖伯纳肖伯纳 Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. (写写你外貌、性格和爱好方面的变化写写你外貌、性格和爱好方面的变化) Homework 1 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (Grammar Focus-4c) 【教学目标教学目标】 Words and Expressions: 1.使学生能正确使用 European, African, British, speech, in public 词汇和表达; 2.使学生能初步区分 used to do sth.和 be used to doing sth. Target languages: 使学生能使用 used to 结构描述或询问过去的情况 Culture: 使学生懂得自我完善的重要性 【教学重点教学重点】使用 used to 结构描述或询问过去的情况 【教学难点教学难点】区分使用 used to do sth.和 be used to doing sth. 【教学方法教学方法】:乐高立体教学法,情景交际法 【教学步骤教学步骤】: One. Warming-up/Lead in. As time goes by, we change a lot. I have changed a lot, too. Please guess what I looked like in the past. (教 师板书: I used to be thin. 和题目) Two. Teaching aims showing. Three. Pair work. (1)Know about each others past in pairs. A: I used to be + adj./ shy/. Did you use to be shy/? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I used to + V 原/ read scary books/. Did you use to read ? A: Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. (2)Talk about your favorite singer , actor or classmate in pairs. A: Do you know ? B: Yes, I do. A: Did she/he/ use to be short/wear glasses/have? B: Yes, she/he did. / No, she/he didnt. Four. Group work. (1)Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. Try to find out how to describe(描述) or ask about the past with “used to”. (2)强调 used to 的含义,肯定结构、否定结构、疑问句及其答语: 一、used to 意为“过去常常” ,用于表示过去习惯性的动作或存在的状态,后跟动词原形。used to 没有人称和数的变化。 二、used to 的句式变化 1. 否定句:主语 + didnt use to do sth. 2. 一般疑问句:Did+ 主语 + use + to do? 答语:Yes, sb. did. / No, sb. didnt. 3. 反意疑问句: 主语+used to do sth, didnt+人称代词? 2 主语+didnt use to do sth, did+人称代词? Five. Writing. (1)4a Write sentences about the past by using used to (使用”used to” 来写有关过去的句子) (2)4b Write about Emilys changes. Six. Summary living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live 2. I _ shopping on Saturdays, but now I no longer do so. A. used to go B. used to going C. used going D. get used to going 3.Sandy_ books on European history. She didnt use to read books on African culture. A. used to read B. used to reading C. get used to reading D. is used to reading Eight. Lets sing a song. Weve changed a lot. How time flies! Ive changed a lot. I used to be short.(I) used to be shy.(I) used to be thin. I used to be quiet. You cant believe ! Ive changed a lot. (第二遍: 把 I used to.换成 He used to. ;Ive changed a lot. 换成 Hes changed a lot.) Nine. Encouragement and homework. Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything. -Bernard Shaw Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. 【课后反思课后反思】 1 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (Grammar Focus-4c) 【教学目标教学目标】 Words and Expressions: 1.使学生能正确使用 European, African, British, speech, in public 词汇和表达; 2.使学生能初步区分 used to do sth.和 be used to doing sth. Target languages: 使学生能使用 used to 结构描述或询问过去的情况 Culture: 使学生懂得自我完善的重要性 【教学重点教学重点】使用 used to 结构描述或询问过去的情况 【教学难点教学难点】区分使用 used to do sth.和 be used to doing sth. 【教学方法教学方法】:乐高立体教学法,情景交际法 【教学步骤教学步骤】: One. Warming-up/Lead in. As time goes by, we change a lot. I have changed a lot, too. Please guess what I looked like in the past. (教 师板书: I used to be thin. 和题目) Two. Teaching aims showing. Three. Pair work. (1)Know about each others past in pairs. A: I used to be + adj./ shy/. Did you use to be shy/? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I used to + V 原/ read scary books/. Did you use to read ? A: Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. (2)Talk about your favorite singer , actor or classmate in pairs. A: Do you know ? B: Yes, I do. A: Did she/he/ use to be short/wear glasses/have? B: Yes, she/he did. / No, she/he didnt. Four. Group work. (1)Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. Try to find out how to describe(描述) or ask about the past with “used to”. (2)强调 used to 的含义,肯定结构、否定结构、疑问句及其答语: 一、used to 意为“过去常常” ,用于表示过去习惯性的动作或存在的状态,后跟动词原形。used to 没有人称和数的变化。 二、used to 的句式变化 1. 否定句:主语 + didnt use to do sth. 2. 一般疑问句:Did+ 主语 + use + to do? 答语:Yes, sb. did. / No, sb. didnt. 3. 反意疑问句: 主语+used to do sth, didnt+人称代词? 2 主语+didnt use to do sth, did+人称代词? Five. Writing. (1)4a Write sentences about the past by using used to (使用”used to” 来写有关过去的句子) (2)4b Write about Emilys changes. Six. Summary living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live 2. I _ shopping on Saturdays, but now I no longer do so. A. used to go B. used to going C. used going D. get used to going 3.Sandy_ books on European history. She didnt use to read books on African culture. A. used to read B. used to reading C. get used to reading D. is used to reading Eight. Lets sing a song. Weve changed a lot. How time flies! Ive changed a lot. I used to be short.(I) used to be shy.(I) used to be thin. I used to be quiet. You cant believe ! Ive changed a lot. (第二遍: 把 I used to.换成 He used to. ;Ive changed a lot. 换成 Hes changed a lot.) Nine. Encouragement and homework. Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything. -Bernard Shaw Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. 【课后反思课后反思】
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人教版九年级Unit used to be afraid of the dark._Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:702cc) 人教版
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