人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 1a—1c-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:12f1f).zip


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Topic Revision You should take good care of yourself! eat heathy food 七年级上册七年级上册Unit 6 see a doctor 八年级上册八年级上册Unit1 do sports 七年级上册七年级上册 Unint 5 have good living habits 八年级上册八年级上册 Unit2 ways to keep healthy head nose mouth tooth (teeth) shoulder stomach leg ear neck hand throat back foot (feet) Lets say the parts of our body! eyes finger knee He should go to see a doctor! has a nosebleed Whats the matter with him? He has a fevercold stomachacheheadache sore back sore throat toothache cough illness sore leg others : have a pain in . is painful cut finger fall down have a nosebleed get hit on the head accident Whats wrong with them ? hurt ones leg hurt/injure ones knee advice for the sick people : go to the doctorgo to the dentist lie down and rest take some medicine drink more water drink some hot tea with honey take temperature dont stay up latedont eat junk food Brainstorm : at the doctors asking illness talking about the illness giving advice replying to the advice asking illness 1.1.WhatWhats s thethe matter(withmatter(with you)?you)? 2.2.WhatWhats s wrong?wrong? 3.3.WhatWhats s youryour trouble?trouble? 5.How5.How areare youyou feelfeelinging now?now? 6.6.HowHow longlong havehave youyou beenbeen likelike this?this? 4.4.IsIs therethere anythinganything wrongwrong withwith you?you? 生病的生病的 is ill/ is sick/ /something wrong with. 感觉感觉不舒服不舒服I feel terrible(bad/) 感觉感觉不舒服不舒服I dont feel well. 食欲食欲不振不振I dont feel like eating anything. some kinds of illnesses 胃痛胃痛have a stomachache 头疼头疼have a headache 牙疼牙疼have a toothache 眼睛疼眼睛疼have sore eyes 喉咙疼喉咙疼have a sore throat 背痛背痛have a sore back 发烧发烧have a fever 咳嗽咳嗽have a cough 感冒感冒 have a cold 感冒感冒catch a cold 挨打挨打 get hit 划伤了自己划伤了自己 cut myself 弄伤了自己弄伤了自己 hurt himself 发生意外事故发生意外事故 have an accident 出鼻血出鼻血have a nosebleed 有心脏病有心脏病have a heart problem 表表达达建建议议的用的用语语 1.1.LetsLets dodo it it nownow. . 2.2.YoudYoud betterbetter dodo it it nownow. . 3.3.YouYou shouldshould dodo it it nownow. . 4.4.YouYou needneed toto dodo it it nownow. . 5.5.YouYou shouldntshouldnt dodo it it nownow. . 6.6.DontDont dodo it it nownow. . 7.7.PleasePlease dodo it it nownow. . 8.8.What/HowWhat/How aboutabout dodoinging it it nownow? ? 9.9.WhyWhy notnot dodo it it tomorrowtomorrow? ? 10.10. ShallShall wewe dodo it it nownow? ? 应答建议的用语应答建议的用语 1.Ok,I1.Ok,I will./will./ 2.Certainly./Sure./2.Certainly./Sure./ 3.Good3.Good idea./idea./ 4.All4.All right./right./ 5.Yes,5.Yes, IdId lovelove to./to./ 6.Sorry,6.Sorry, I I wont./wont./ 7.Yes,7.Yes, IdId likelike to,to, butbut giving advice replying to the advice You look pale, Whats the matter with you ?/ Whats wrong?/ Whats the trouble ?. Im not feeling well. / I feel terrible. /Theres something wrong with my./ I have a toothache/headache/cut my finger. Well , lie down lets have a check / take temperature. / How long have you been like this ? About 3days. /Sometimes , I cant get sleep as well. It seems that you have a flu / cold /. Nothing serious , you are just too tired. Take some medicine , and have a rest. / Dont eat too much junk food / Live a healthy lifestyle ./ Eat more, do more exercise. Thanks a lot. Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Doctor: Patient: Patient: Doctor: Make your own conversation ( )1. Whats the matter with the woman ? A. She feels tired B.She has a headache. C. She has a sore throat. ( )2. How long has she been like this ? A. 3 days B.a week C. 3 or 4 days ( )3. What does the man suggest the woman do ? A. take some medicine B. take some tests C. have a rest Listen and choose the correct answer. A B C Whats the matter with the woman ? A: Good morning, sir. Whats the matter with you ? B: _. And, I sometimes feel tired and cant get sleep. A:_ B: About 2 days now. A:Lets take temperature, and have a check. . A: _, youre just too stressed out and tired. Remember to live a healthy lifestyle, go to bed early and get up early , often do exercise ,and dont stay up ! A: I see. _ B: You should eat more vegetables and dont eat junk food. A: Thanks a lot ! B: _ 补全对话:补全对话: Im not feeling well. How long have you been like this ? Nothing serious What should I eat ? You are welcome ! When did it start ? How long have you been like this ? 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 补全对话补全对话 解题步骤:解题步骤: 1.审题审题 通读通读 3.重读重读 核查核查 2.试填试填 (2015中考新思维P78) A: Hello ,Im Fangfang._1_ B: Im Li Hua. A:Hello,Li Hua._2_ B:Ive got a high fever.I have stayed here for five days. A:_3_ B: Much better.I hope I can go back to school soon. A:_4_ I will help you with your lessons. B: Thanks for your help. A:_5_Now. Let me read you a story. Where are they talking now? How do you know? Who is ill? What is Li Hua ? Did Fang Fang know Li Hua before? 审题审题 通读通读 补全对话 A: Hello ,Im Fangfang._1_ B: Im Li Hua. A:Hello,Li Hua._2_ B:Ive got a high fever.I have stayed here for five days. A:_3_ B: Much better.I hope I can go back to school soon. A:_4_ I will help you with your lessons. B: Thanks for your help. A:_5_ Now.let me read you a story. A: Hello ,Im Fang Fang._1_ B: Im Li Hua. A:Hello,Li Hua._2_ B:Ive got a high fever.I have stayed here for five days. A:_3_ B: Much better.I hope I can go back to school soon. A: _4_ I will help you with your lessons. B: Thanks for your help. A:_5_ Now.let me read you a story. WhatWhats s thethe matter(withmatter(with you)?you)? whatwhats s wrong?/whatwrong?/what s s youryour trouble?trouble? HowHow areare youyou feelingfeeling now?now? HowHow dodo youyou feel?feel? DontDont worry!worry! DontDont bebe worried!worried! TakeTake itit easy!easy! YouYou areare welcome.welcome. ThatsThats allall right.right. MyMy pleasure.pleasure. 试填试填 联系上下句联系上下句 对应疑问词对应疑问词 Whats your name,please? Can/May/Could I know your name? A: Hello, Im FangfangCan I have your name, please? B: Im Li Hua A: Hello, Li HuaWhats wrong(with you)? B: Ive got a high fever, I have stayed here for five days A: How are you feeling now? B: Much betterI hope I can go back to school soon A: Dont worryI will help you with your lessons B: Thank you . A: Youre welcomNow, let me read you a story 重读重读 验证验证 A:Good morning. B:Good morning. Whats wrong with you? A: I dont feel well. and I have a headache. B:How long have you been like this? A:Ever since this morning. B:Maybe youve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature? A:_1_ B:Can I take your temperature? A:_2_. B:Oh, youve got a fever. A:_3_ B:Nothing serious. A:_4_ B:You can take some medicine and drink much water. A:_5_ B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye! B:Bye! Is it serious? How often should I take this medicine? No, I havent. What should I do then? Sure. Writing: How to keep healthy 春天来了,容易患感冒,为了保持健康,某英语网站正在征集春天来了,容易患感冒,为了保持健康,某英语网站正在征集有关保持健康建议有关保持健康建议的的 稿件,请结合以下思维导图稿件,请结合以下思维导图 写一篇应征短文。写一篇应征短文。 提示:短文应包括图表全部信息。适当发挥提示:短文应包括图表全部信息。适当发挥,并并给出患感冒的建议给出患感冒的建议,条理清楚,条理清楚, 行文连贯。行文连贯。 ( 第十四章 P79) How to keep healthy Opening: It is spring now. Its easy for us to get a cold during this time.Do you know how to keep healthy? First, you should eat healthy food. You need to eat more fruit and vegetables. Dont eat junk food. Its bad for your health. Second, you d better do more sports. Such as running,jumping . Playing soccer is good for your health. Then, you should have good living habits.Such as ,sleeping early and getting enough sleep. Finally, if you have a cold, you need to see a doctor. You can lie down and rest.Dont forget to drink more water! Ending : I hope you can be healthy every day. Summary We learn: 1. How to talk with doctors. 2. How to keep healthy. 3. How to give advice. 背诵看病的建议及交际用语 An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。一天一个苹果,医生远离我。 中考英语专题复习中考英语专题复习健康健康 YouYou shouldshould taketake goodgood carecare ofof yourselfyourself 教学设计教学设计 一、教材单元安排一、教材单元安排: : 八年级八年级 下册下册 UnitUnit 1 1 中考新评价中考新评价 第六讲第六讲 中考新思维中考新思维 第十三章第十三章 二、主要内容:二、主要内容: 1.1.重点词汇:重点词汇:thethe partsparts ofof ourour bodybody 2.2.重点短语:重点短语:gogo toto thethe doctordoctor ; gogo toto thethe dentistdentist;lielie downdown andand restrest;taketake somesome medicinemedicine;drinkdrink moremore waterwater;drinkdrink somesome hothot teatea withwith honeyhoney;taketake temperaturetemperature;dontdont staystay upup latelate;dondon t t eateat junkjunk foodfood 3.3.重点句型:重点句型: askingasking illnessillness; talkingtalking aboutabout illnessillness;givinggiving adviceadvice; replyingreplying toto thethe adviceadvice 三、语法项目三、语法项目 表达建议的用语表达建议的用语 1 1、LetsLets dodo itit now.now. 2 2、YoudYoud betterbetter dodo itit now.now. 3 3、YouYou shouldshould dodo itit now.now. 4.4.YouYou needneed toto dodo itit now.now. 5.5.YouYou shouldntshouldnt dodo itit now.now. 6.6.DontDont dodo itit now.now. 7.7.PleasePlease dodo itit now.now. 8.8.What/HowWhat/How aboutabout doingdoing itit now?now? 9.9.WhyWhy notnot dodo itit tomorrow?tomorrow? 10.10.ShallShall wewe dodo itit now?now? 应答建议的用语应答建议的用语 1.Ok,I1.Ok,I will./will./ 2.Certainly./Sure./2.Certainly./Sure./ 3.Good3.Good idea./idea./ 4.All4.All right./right./ 5.Yes,5.Yes, IdId lovelove to./to./ 6.Sorry,6.Sorry, I I wont./wont./ 7.Yes,7.Yes, IdId likelike to,to, butbut 四、四、课时安排:课时安排:1 1 课时课时 五、教学步骤五、教学步骤 StepStep 1 1 导入导入 DutyDuty reportreport StepStep 2 2 复习复习 1 1、ReviewReview thethe partsparts ofof ourour bodybody 2 2、ReviewReview thethe illnessillness andand accidentaccident 3 3、ReviewReview adviceadvice forfor thethe sicksick peoplepeople StepStep 3 3 归纳归纳 1 1、表达建议的用语表达建议的用语 2 2、应答建议的用语应答建议的用语 StepStep 4 4 PairworkPairwork MakeMake youryour ownown conversationconversation StepStep 5 5 听力听力 WhatsWhats thethe mattermatter withwith thethe womanwoman ? ? StepStep 6 6 补全对话补全对话 补全对话补全对话 解题步骤及练习解题步骤及练习 StepStep 7 7 Writing:HowWriting:How toto keepkeep healthyhealthy 春天来了,容易患感冒,为了保持健康,某英语网站正在征集有关保春天来了,容易患感冒,为了保持健康,某英语网站正在征集有关保 持健康建议的稿件,请结合以下思维导图持健康建议的稿件,请结合以下思维导图 写一篇应征短文。写一篇应征短文。 范文范文 OpeningOpening: : ItIt isis springspring now.now. ItsIts easyeasy forfor usus toto getget a a coldcold duringduring thisthis time.Dotime.Do youyou knowknow howhow toto keepkeep healthy?healthy? First,First, youyou shouldshould eateat healthyhealthy food.food. YouYou needneed toto eateat moremore fruitfruit andand vegetables.Dontvegetables.Dont eateat junkjunk food.food. ItsIts badbad forfor youryour health.health. Second,Second, youyou dd betterbetter dodo moremore sports.sports. SuchSuch asas running,jumpingrunning,jumping . . PlayingPlaying soccersoccer isis goodgood forfor youryour health.health. Then,Then, youyou shouldshould havehave goodgood livingliving habits.Suchhabits.Such asas ,sleeping,sleeping earlyearly andand gettinggetting enoughenough sleep.sleep. Finally,Finally, ifif youyou havehave a a cold,cold, youyou needneed toto seesee a a doctor.doctor. YouYou cancan lielie downdown andand rest.Dontrest.Dont forgetforget toto drinkdrink moremore water!water! EndingEnding : : I I hopehope youyou cancan bebe healthyhealthy everyevery day.day. StepStep 8 8 SummarySummary StepStep 9 9 HomeworkHomework
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!_Section 1a—1c_ppt课件_(含教案)_公开课_(编号:12f1f) 人教版 九年级 一册
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