人教版九年级Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:7168f).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark._Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:7168f)
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Section A (1a-2c) I. Appearance 1.Mario used to be _. He used to wear _. 2. Amy used to be _. She used to have _ hair. 3. Tina used to have _and _ hair. short glasses tall short red curly 1b Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.Mario used to be _. He used to wear _. 2. Amy used to be _. She used to have _ hair. 3. Tina used to have _and _ hair. short glasses tall short red curly Memory Challenge: What is missing? used to be short used to wear glasses used to be tall used to have short hair Key sentences: used to +动词原形 过去常常做某事, 过去曾经 A: Did he use to be short? Learn and Practice B: Yes, he did. He used to be short. Height A: Did he use to be heavy? B: Yes, he did. He used to be heavy. Learn and PracticeBuild A: Did she use to have long hair? B: No, she didnt. She didnt use to have long hair. Learn and PracticeHair Learn and Practice B: No, she didnt. She didnt use to wear glasses. A: Did she use to wear glasses? Others Which group is the fastest? Sample: Line A: Did he use to be thin? Line B: Yes, he did. He used to be thin. /No, he didnt. He didnt use to be thin. Group competition: Train-driving game A: Did he/she use to.? B: Yes, he/she did. He/She used to /No, he/she didnt. He/She didnt use to 12 3 4 Personality and Interest Steve, Paula 2a Listen and check () the words you hear. _ friendly _outgoing _serious _humorous _ silent _active _brave _quiet _ helpful 2a Listen and check () the words you hear. 2b. Complete the chart about how Paula has changed. 1.Paula used to be really . She was always silent in class. She wasnt very . She was never brave enough to ask questions. 2. She got good grades in . She was also good in . She used to play the . 1.Now shes more interested in . She plays almost every day. Shes also on the team. 2.She still plays the 3. from time to time. In the pastNow piano music science outgoing quiet soccer sports swim piano You used to be good in music, didnt you? Learn and Practice You used to be silent, didnt you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. You used to be interested in sports, didnt you? Learn and Practice You used to be humorous, didnt you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Learn and Practice You used to be helpful, didnt you? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. You used to get good grades in P.E., didnt you? Learn and Practice You used to be on a badminton team, didnt you? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Charades 比手划脚 Guesser: You used to_, didnt you? Actor: Yes, I did. I used to _. /No, I didnt. I didnt use to _. -你来比划大家 猜 Rules: One student acts according to the chosen words. The other students guess what he or she used to be like. ( About personality, interests) be silent/ helpful/ humorous be good in be interested in. be on a .team get good grades in Guesser: You used to., didnt you? Actor: Yes, I did. I used to . /No, I didnt. I didnt use to Charades 比手划脚 Guesser: You used to_, didnt you? Actor: Yes, I did. I used to _. /No, I didnt. I didnt use to _. -你来比划大家 猜 Rules: One student acts according to the chosen words. The other students guess what he or she used to be like. ( About personality, interests) Our school is celebrating the 110th anniversary, many alumni(校友) come back to our school to meet their classmates and teachers! Can you imagine what will happen when you guys get together on the 130th anniversary of our school? Task Class Reunion Please work in groups of 4 or more to make up conversations. Imagine what you will talk about when you meet in 20 years Remember to use weve learnt today. Add more information to make it more interesting and reasonable. Act it out in the front. Useful expressions: Its great to see you again! You look different/Youve changed! You used to, didnt you? Yes, I did. I used to, but now I Look! Is that.? Did he/she use to. Loudness (大声) Fluency (流利) Accuracy (准确) Entirety (完整) We have a lot of changes in our lives. Whether or not we can change for the better depends on our own choices. So make a wise choice! 一生中我们会有很多“改变”, 而是否能变得更好取决 于我们自己的选择。所以做出明智的选择吧! Inspiration: silent humorous helpful Structures Did he/she use to ? Yes, he/she did. He/She used to /No, he/she didnt. He/She didnt use to You used to, didnt you? Appearance Personality tall, short heavy, thin long hair, wear glasses be interested in be on a team be good in get good grades in Interest What people used to be like Summary Homework 1.Make a survey. Interview at least 3 classmates about what they used to be like. 2. Make a report about your survey and write it down. Name AppearancePersonalityInterest 教学设计教学设计 课题:课题:人教版九年级 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (1a-2c) 教学内容概述:教学内容概述: 本节课为人教版九年级第一单元第一课时的教学,其话题是围绕“人物过去是什么样子”而展开的。 主要句型结构是“used to do”。本节课为听说为主的课型,让学生初步感知本单元所要学习的内容, 并回顾曾经学习过的关于人物外貌、性格、兴趣等的相关表达方式。 学习目标及重难点分析:学习目标及重难点分析: 1.能力目标:能够运用 used to do 这一结构就外貌、性格、兴趣爱好等方面谈论人物过去是 什么样子。 2. 知识目标:(1)能够初步运用 used to do 这一结构,这也是本课的教学重点及难点。 (2)学会 humorous, helpful, silent 等新单词,并回顾已学过的关于性格的词汇。 (3)学会 get good grades in, be good in, be on a team 等表示人物兴趣爱好方面 的短语,并回顾已学过的短语 be interested in 等。 3. 情感目标: 能够意识到人的一生当中会有很多“改变”,而能否变得更好取决于我们自己的选择。 希望同学们能够做出明智的选择,让自己变得更好。 学习者特征分析:学习者特征分析: 初三的学生已有一定的英语基础,已经学习过一些关于人物外貌、性格、兴趣爱好的表达,并且有 一定的学习生活经历和个性化的主张,大部分学生能较好地进行英语课堂上的活动和小组合作,并 且对游戏、小组竞赛、表演等充满热情,但也有部分同学基础较薄弱。 教学策略分析:教学策略分析: 教法:任务型教学 学法:独立学习、两两合作、分类归纳、小组合作学习。 媒体选择与设计:媒体选择与设计: 网络图片、班级学生照片、听力材料、幻灯片,电脑等多媒体设备。 教学流程图:教学流程图: Leading-inListening: 1bTeaching how to talk about appearance in the past the past Group competition: Train- driving gameListening: 2a2b Teaching how to talk about personality and interest Game: charadesTask: Class Reunion in 20 years Summary for today Homework for today 教学过程设计(含设计意图,时间分配)教学过程设计(含设计意图,时间分配) Stage Teaching ProceduresPurposeTime Pre-task Step 1 Warming-up Show students photos on the screen to arouse students interest. Guide students to guess what we are going to learn todaytalk about what people used to be like from three aspects: appearance, personality and interest. 通过展示许多班级同学的 旧照片来激起学生的兴趣, 从而自然引入本单元话题, 即谈论人物过去的样子。 1 Step 2 Listening:1b (1) Ask students to fill in the blanks (2) Memory challenge: Ask students to find out what the missing words are and then generalize the structure of “used to do”. (1)通过 1b 听力输入本节课 重点句型,让学生初步感知 used to do 的用法, (2)通过“记忆挑战”引导 学生自己观察句子的规律、 总结出 used to do 的用法。 4 Step 3 Teaching about appearance Show 4 pairs of students pictures on the screen. Then guide students to ask and answer about the pictures using the target language. Ask students to read after the teacher. (1)通过 4 组本班学生的 照片来教学生使用 used to do 来描述人物过去的外貌, 使学生进一步熟悉新句型。 4 组照片分别关于身高、体 重、头发和其他特征。通 过“分类归纳”的方法帮 助学生更高效地记忆知识。 4 Step 4 Train-driving game (1) Ask students to have a group competition Tell them the rules first: Students are divided into FOUR groups. EACH group is divided into TWO lines. Line A ask: Did he/she use to? ( according to the given pictures) Line B answer: Yes, he/she did. He/She used to /No, he/she didnt. HE/She didnt use to The teacher will be the timer(计时员) to see which group is the fastest. (2) Give students 1 minute to memorize the target language and prepare for it. 通过小组竞赛让学生运用 used to 描述过去人物的外 貌,为大任务做铺垫。本活 动设计目的重在训练学生 对本课重点句型的熟悉程 度。 比赛之前给学生一分钟时 间去记忆相关句子,调动 学生记忆知识的主观能动 性。 5 While- task Step 5 Listening 2a 2b (1) Ask students to listen to 2a and check the words they hear (2) Ask them to listen to 2b and complete the chart. (1)2a 通过听力输入描述 人物性格的相关表达方式。 输入 humorous,silent,helpful 三 个新词。 (2)通过听力输入描述人 5 物兴趣的 4 个表达方式。 Stage Teaching ProceduresPurposeTime Step6 Teaching about personality and interest. Show students pictures of different personalities and interests, then ask students to read after the teacher. 通过展示同学们的关于性 格、兴趣的照片,让学生 跟读学习 3 个表示性格的 新单词和 4 种短语。 5 Step 7 Playing a game charades Ask students to play a game called charades. Tell them the rules first : One student acts in the front according to the chosen paper. The other students guess what he or she used to be like, using the key sentences. The answer should be the same as the chosen paper says. (About the personality and interest) Guesser: You used to_, didnt you? Actor: Yes, I did. I used to _. . /No, I didnt. I didnt use to _. 通过“你来比划我来猜” 这个游戏,让学生进一步 熟悉和运用描述人物过去 性格和兴趣的相关表达方 式,为大任务做好铺垫。 本活动在于“猜”的过程, 而不是“猜”的结果。学 生在猜的过程中运用了目 标语言是最根本的目的。 5 While- task Step 9 Task: Class Reunion Ask students to imagine what they will talk about when they meet on the 130th anniversary of our school, and then act it out in the front. Please work in groups of 4 or more to make up conversations. Imagine what you will talk about when you meet in 20 years Remember to use the key sentences weve learnt today. Add more information to make it more interesting and reasonable. Act it out in the front. (Show some useful expressions on the screen to help students) 利用当前我校 110 周年校 庆的大背景,通过设置 “20 年后的同学聚会”这 一大任务,让学生在真实 情境中综合运用本节课所 学的重点知识,谈论人物 过去的样子,让学生将 “所学”运用到实际生活 中。此外,鼓励学生在应 用今日所学内容的基础上 加入其它信息,给水平较 高的学生一些发挥的余地, 同时让这个任务设计更有 趣味性、真实性。 13 Post- task Step 10 Summary (1) Ask students to remember: We have a lot of changes in our lives. Whether or not we can change for the better depends on our own choices. So make a wise choice! And recommend students a book to read in free time: Life Choices, Life Changes. (1)达到情感态度教育的 目的: 一生中我们会有很多 “改变”, 而是否能变得更好 取决于我们自己的选择。 所以去做出明智的选择吧! 推荐一本好书给学生业余 时间阅读,拓展学生的课 2 (2) Summarize the things we have learned today. 外阅读。 (2)让学生明确今日所学 重点 Post- task Step 11 Homework Make a survey. Interview at least 3 classmates about what they used to be like. NameAppearance PersonalityInterest (2)Make a report about your survey and write it down. 通过让学生课后完成“调 查”和“写报告”的作业, 使学生进一步巩固今日所 学内容。 1 Black- board Design Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (1a-2c) What people used to be like. Appearance Personality Interest tall/ short silent be interested in heavy/ thin humorous be on a swim team straight/curly hair helpful be good in wear glasses get good grades in Structure: used to do
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人教版九年级Unit used to be afraid of the dark._Section 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:7168f) 人教版 九年级
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