人教版九年级Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90178).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are _Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:90178)
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Teaching aims 知识与能力: 1. 解读课标和考试说明对宾语从句的要求、分析中考命题趋势及考点。 2. 掌握宾语从句的结构,学会并能使用宾语从句表达观点。 3. 掌握宾语从句答题技巧,培养分析、理解及解决问题的能力。 过程与方法: 点拨引领、归纳总结、讲练结合 情感、态度、价值观: 打好基础,勤学苦练、奔向目标 Important points 掌握宾语从句的三要素引导词、语序、时态 Difficult points 语序和时态呼应、与疑问词+不定式的转化 Teaching tools Multi-media Teaching procedures Teaching contentsTeacher-student activitiesPurposes Step Lead in Step Present Step Summary 1 Step Summary 2 Warm up Listen to an English song Check the answers Lead to the Object Clause and three elements Have a competition. Do some exercises . Sum up the key points of the three elements. Have a competition. Do some exercises. Sum up the problem-solving skills. T: Greet the Ss. Ss: Listen and fill in the blanks T: Show the lyrics and check the answers. Ss: Check the answers together and then translate them into Chinese. T: Lead to the Object Clause and three elements. Ss: Look and remember. T: Divide the students into three groups and then show the students different kinds of exercises. Check the answers. Ss: Do the exercises. Look and remember. Sum up the key points of the three elements with the teacher. T: Ask students to do some exercises. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. T: Sum up the problem-solving skills with the students. Refresh the class. Lead in the grammar Review the guide words, the orders and tense of the Object Clause Teach the students to use the skills to solve the problems quickly and correctly. Step Memorize Step Summary 3 Step Writing Step Homework Do the exercises. Sum up and remember the usages of “whether” and “Wh-/How +to do”. Do the exercises. Sum up the error-prone Write a composition Finish the test papers Ss: Look and remember. Use the skills to do the exercises. T: Show some exercises and check the answers. Ss: Check the answers. Sum up the usages and remember them. T: Show the exercises and check the answers. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. Try to sum up the rules. T: Show the important prompts of the composition and then guide the students to write it. Listen and guide . Ss: Practise writing and pay attention to the rules of the grammar. Share the composition . . T: Ask them to finish the test papers after class. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. Remember the usages and use them freely. Remember the error- prone and avoid making mistakes Practise writing Consolidate what they learned and tell them study hard. Blackboard design 引导词 语序 时态 简化 否定前置 Object Clause Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me Aslongasyouloveme Althoughlonelinesshasalwaysbeenafriendofmine Imleavingmylifeinyourhands PeoplesayImcrazyandIamblind. Riskingitallinaglance Howyougotmyblindisstillamystery Icantgetyououtofmyhead Dontcarewhatiswritteninyourhistory. Aslongasyoureherewithme Idontcare_ _ _ whoyouare Whereyouarefrom Whatyoudid YOURLOGO GrammarObjective Clauses 在复合句中,由 一个_充当宾 语,这个句子叫 宾语从句。 宾语从句 句子 YOURLOGO 宾语从句宾语从句 考查形式考查要点考纲要求 掌握宾语从句的使用 引导词 语序 时态 单项选择 翻译句子 完形填空 书面表达 1.MissZengaskedwhywashelateforschool. hewas 宾语从句语序必须陈述语序先主语后谓语。 2.Idontknowwhatdoeshelike. helikes 从句中的助动词(do/does/did)要去掉。 3.Iwonderwhereheisnow? . 宾语从句句末标点要随主句。 改错题 Xuansays_ _. 1.原句如果是陈述句,引导词用_, 并可省略。 that 这游戏太难了。 (that)thegameis toodifficult 翻译组句 Whereismyfather? Xuanwonders_ _. where hisfatheris 2.原句如果是特殊疑问句,引导词用 _,并把从句改成_语序。特殊疑问词陈述 导演疯了吗? 他们怀疑导演是不是疯了。 Theydoubt_ _. whether/ifthe directoriscrazy 3 . 原 句 如 果 是 一 般 疑 问 句 , 引 导 词 用 _,并把从句改成_语序。if(whether)陈述 2.Ididntknowwhomtheletters_(be)from.were 1.Ihearhe_(call)metomorrow. willcall 用所给词的适当形式填空 3.MissHesaidthatthesun_(rise)intheeast. rises 主现从不限,主过从也过, 真金不怕火来炼。 主句时态 从 句 时 态 连 接 前连 接 后 一般现在时时态保持不变 一般过去时 一般现在时一般过去时 一般过去时过去完成时 一般将来时过去将来时 现在进行时过去进行时 现在完成时过去完成时 确定从句的时态(根据主句时态) 宾语从句三要素 引导词 that(陈述句) ifwhether(一般疑问句) 特殊疑问词 (特殊疑问句) 时态 主句为一般现在时从句可为任何时态 主句为一般过去时从句 相应的过去时态 语序宾语从句的语序都为陈述句语序 注:客观真理 自然现象 公式定理 名言警句 时态不变 基础知识回顾与总结 ()1.-Canyoutellme_itisfromheretotheSummer Palace? -Itsaboutfifteenminutesride.(2016宜昌) A.howlongB.howfarC.HowsoonD.howmuch ()2.Heaskedme_toldmetheaccident.(2015武汉) A.whoB.whichC.whomD.whose B A 重情重义(意) 答题技巧? 中考链接一:考查引导宾语从句的连接词 ()3.Tomsaidhe_backinaweek.(2014四川) A.willcomeB.wouldcomeC.come ()4.Shesaysthatshe_toGuangzhou.(2015广东) A.hasnevergoneB.hadnevergone C.hasneverbeenD.hadneverbeen B C 前呼后应 答题技巧? 中考链接二:考查宾语从句的时态 ()5.Doyouknow_? A.wheredoessheliveB.sheliveswhere C.whereshelivesD.whereshelive ()6.Lilysmotherlookedforherforhalfanhour, butcouldnotfind_? AwhatLilywasB.whatwasLily C.wherewasLilyD.whereLilywas 排除法 1、语序2、时态3、语意 C D 答题技巧? 中考链接三:考查宾语从句的语序 掌握好答题技巧, 既可以提高答题的准确率, 更能提高答题速度。 答题技巧 重情重义 前呼后应排除法 2.Mymotheristhinkingabout_shewillgo 3.-Couldyoutellme_Mr.Smithis? -Heisateacherinaschool. 1.Didyouhear_Isaid? onvacation.MaybeshellgotoShanghai. what where what 实战演练填入适当的引导词 ()5.Hesaidthatlight_muchfasterthansound. A.traveledB.willtravelC.travelsD.is traveling ()4.Whocantellus_aboutoverthere? A.whattheytalkB.whatdotheytalkC.whataretheytalkingD. whattheyaretalking D C 实战演练单项选择 6.Ididntremember_. (商店什么时候关业) 实战演练翻译句子 7.Wewanttoknow_ _. (他是否已经习惯了那的生活) ifhehasalreadybeenused tothelifethere whentheshopclosed 2.Letmeknow_youcancomeornot. 5._itistrue,Icanttell. 3.Idontknow_toaccept. 4.Iworryabout_Ihurtherfeelings. 与ornot连用只能用whether 介词后只能用whether 与todo不定式连用只能用whether 当宾语从句移到句首表示强调时只能用whether 1.Iwanttoknow_sheisright. whether Whether whether whether if/whether 请用if和whether填空 特殊识记一whether的特殊用法 Whether 特用有四点 句首强调用whether; 介后“是否”用whether; or not 只和whether 连; whether 和 to do有“姻缘”。 1.IdontknowwhatIshalldonext.(变为简单句) Idontknownext. 2.Canyoutellmewhenwellleavetomorrow? (变为简单句) Canyoutellmetomorrow? whattodo whentoleave 特殊识记二简化 疑问词引宾从,简化“_”。疑问词+不定式 1.Couldyoutellme_it? A.whatcanIdoB.howcanIdo C.whattodoD.howtodo 2.Icantdecide_. (买哪本书) D whichbooktobuy 实战演练 3.我想知道怎样让她高兴起来。 Iwanttoknowhowtocheerherup. ( )1.-Could you tell me _ ? Im going to see him. -Sorry, I dont know. A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li live C. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived C 中考易错专练一 could/would用“请求”,不表过去 ,表_从句时态_。委婉不受限 ()2.Idontfeelverywell.Mumaskedme _thismorning. A.whatthematteris B.whatiswrong C.whatthematterwas D.whatwasthematter D 引导词做_,宾从语序不用变。主语 Whathappened? Whatsthematter? Whatswrong? Whatsinthebox? Whichisthewaytothehospital? Whowaslateforschool? 热点句式 疑问词做主语 2.Iforget_. A.whendidIdomyhomework B.whenIdiddomyhomework C.whenIdidmyhomework D.whendidImyhomework 1.Tomasked_toschoollate. A.whodidoftencomeB.whooftendidcome 实战演练 C.whooftencameD.whooftencome 2.Iforget_. A.whendidIdomyhomework B.whenIdiddomyhomework C.whenIdidmyhomework D.whendidImyhomework C C1.Tomasked_toschoollate. A.whodidoftencomeB.whooftendidcome 实战演练 C.whooftencameD.whooftencome 3.我认为不会下雪。 I_thatit_. dontthinkwillsnow 4.Idontbelieveshewilllendyouthemoney. (翻译成汉语) 我相信她不会借你钱。 中考易错专练二 I(we)think/Iguess/believe,_莫忘记。 否定前置 5.我想我们不应该阻止他加入俱乐部。 Idontthinkweshouldstophimfromjoining theclub. 1. He says if it _(not rain) tomorrow,he will come. 2. He didnt tell me if it _ (rain) tomorrow. wouldrain doesntrain if 时态含义 如果 是否 中考易错专练三 此if非彼if 4.Whenit_(stop)raining,wellgo swimming. 5.Couldyoutellmewhenthefilm_(start)? Illleaveforamoment. stops 什么时候 willstart 当的时候 when when的两副面孔 comeswillswim willgo 在中考试题中,对状语从句和宾语从句的混合考查更加频繁,要注意综 合分析。 2.Ireallydontknowifshe_itwhenshe_. A.finds,arrivesB.finds,willarriveC.willfind,willarriveD. willfind,arrives 1.Whensummer_(come),I_(swim)intheriverinvillage.But thisyearIdontknowwhenI_(go)there. D 温馨提示 实战演练 易错归纳 could / would表委婉 if / when 双面孔 否定前置 疑问词作主语语序不变 你的朋友邀请你参加他的毕业典礼。你想知道更多关于毕业典礼的信息,开头结尾已 给出。 提示:1.典礼开始的时间2.典礼举行的地点 3.参加典礼的人4.并表示会按时到达 要求:请用宾语从句完成作文 Dearfriend, Thankyouforinvitingmetoyourgraduationceremony.Iwouldliketoattendit.ButIwant toaskyousomequestionsaboutit._ _ _ Imlookingforwardtoyourreply. yours, _ Composition Teaching aims 知识与能力: 1. 解读课标和考试说明对宾语从句的要求、分析中考命题趋势及考点。 2. 掌握宾语从句的结构,学会并能使用宾语从句表达观点。 3. 掌握宾语从句答题技巧,培养分析、理解及解决问题的能力。 过程与方法: 点拨引领、归纳总结、讲练结合 情感、态度、价值观: 打好基础,勤学苦练、奔向目标 Important points 掌握宾语从句的三要素引导词、语序、时态 Difficult points 语序和时态呼应、与疑问词+不定式的转化 Teaching tools Multi-media Teaching procedures Teaching contentsTeacher-student activitiesPurposes Step Lead in Step Present Step Summary 1 Step Summary 2 Warm up Listen to an English song Check the answers Lead to the Object Clause and three elements Have a competition. Do some exercises . Sum up the key points of the three elements. Have a competition. Do some exercises. Sum up the problem-solving skills. T: Greet the Ss. Ss: Listen and fill in the blanks T: Show the lyrics and check the answers. Ss: Check the answers together and then translate them into Chinese. T: Lead to the Object Clause and three elements. Ss: Look and remember. T: Divide the students into three groups and then show the students different kinds of exercises. Check the answers. Ss: Do the exercises. Look and remember. Sum up the key points of the three elements with the teacher. T: Ask students to do some exercises. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. T: Sum up the problem-solving skills with the students. Refresh the class. Lead in the grammar Review the guide words, the orders and tense of the Object Clause Teach the students to use the skills to solve the problems quickly and correctly. Step Memorize Step Summary 3 Step Writing Step Homework Do the exercises. Sum up and remember the usages of “whether” and “Wh-/How +to do”. Do the exercises. Sum up the error-prone Write a composition Finish the test papers Ss: Look and remember. Use the skills to do the exercises. T: Show some exercises and check the answers. Ss: Check the answers. Sum up the usages and remember them. T: Show the exercises and check the answers. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. Try to sum up the rules. T: Show the important prompts of the composition and then guide the students to write it. Listen and guide . Ss: Practise writing and pay attention to the rules of the grammar. Share the composition . . T: Ask them to finish the test papers after class. Ss: Do the exercises and check the answers. Remember the usages and use them freely. Remember the error- prone and avoid making mistakes Practise writing Consolidate what they learned and tell them study hard. Blackboard design 引导词 语序 时态 简化 否定前置 Object Clause
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人教版九年级Unit Could you tell me where the restrooms are _Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_公开课_(编号:90178) 人教版
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