人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:c099e).zip


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made by limei TheThe PassivePassive VoiceVoice made by limei TheThe PassivePassive VoiceVoice made by limei 1.review the past participle of the verb regular forms irregular forms 2.rewiew the tense of active voice and passive voice do/does is/am/are done is/am/are doing is/am/are being done did was/were done was/were doing was/were being done will do will be done have/has done have/has been done had done had been done would do would be done present tense present progressive tense past tense past progressive tense future tense present perfect tense past perfect tense past future tense 主动语态变成被动语态时要注意以下几点主动语态变成被动语态时要注意以下几点 : : 1 1 . . 含有双宾语的主动句变成被动句时含有双宾语的主动句变成被动句时 , , 如果把直接宾语变如果把直接宾语变 成被动语态主语时需要在间接宾语和谓语动词之间加上成被动语态主语时需要在间接宾语和谓语动词之间加上 介词介词 “ “ toto for”for”. . 如如 : : MaryMary gavegave meme a a penpen . . 间接宾语作主语:间接宾语作主语:I I waswas givengiven a a penpen byby MaryMary . . 直接宾语作主语:直接宾语作主语:A A penpen waswas givengiven toto meme byby MaryMary . . 2 2 . . 在在 “ “ 使役动词(使役动词(letlet , , makemake ,have,have), ,感官动词感官动词( seesee , , hearhear , , noticenotice , , watchwatch , , feelfeel )” ” 等后面加不定式做宾等后面加不定式做宾 语补足语时省略不定时符号语补足语时省略不定时符号 “ “ toto ” ” , , 但改成被动句时应但改成被动句时应 加上加上 “ “ toto ” ” . . TheyThey mademade himhim gogo therethere alonealone HeHe waswas mademade toto gogo therethere alonealone byby them.them. 3 3 . . 如果主动句中的谓语是短语动词如果主动句中的谓语是短语动词 ( (动介结构,动介结构, 动副结构)动副结构), , 变为被动句时变为被动句时 , , 短语动词的介词或短语动词的介词或 副词不可以丢掉副词不可以丢掉 . . 如如 : : TheyThey tooktook goodgood carecare ofof thethe boysboys . . TheThe boysboys werewere takentaken goodgood carecare ofof byby themthem. . 4.4.含有情态动词的被动语态:含有情态动词的被动语态: can/may/can/may/might+be+donemight+be+done 如:如:WeWe cancan repairrepair thisthis watchwatch in in twotwo days.days. ThisThis watchwatch cancan bebe repairedrepaired in in twotwo daysdays byby us.us. 1 1 . . HeHe tellstells usus a a storystory everyevery eveningevening . . WeWe areare toldtold a a storystory everyevery eveningevening byby himhim . . A A storystory is is toldtold toto usus everyevery eveningevening byby himhim . . 2.2. TheyThey shouldshould dodo it it atat once.once. It It shouldshould bebe donedone atat once.once. 3 3 . . WillWill hehe taketake hishis sistersister toto thethe parkpark ? ? WillWill hishis sistersister bebe takentaken toto thethe parkpark byby himhim ? ? 4 4 . . HeHe is is lookinglooking forfor thethe lostlost keykey . . TheThe lostlost keykey is is beingbeing lookedlooked forfor byby himhim . . 5.5. TheThe bossboss mademade himhim dodo thethe heavyheavy work.work. HeHe waswas mademade toto dodo thethe h heavyeavy workwork byby thethe boss.boss. 6.6. WeWe oftenoften hearhear himhim playplay thethe guitar.guitar. HeHe is is oftenoften heardheard toto playplay thethe guitarguitar byby us.us. TF Boys 活动图片 活动图片 活动图片 活动图片 活动图片 A good parent-children relationship should (set up)on the basis mutual understanding and respect. Parents should not impose their ideas on their children. Their children should (treat) as independent individual by them. It is advisable for the parents to learn how to listen to their childrens ideas.children should be encouraged to think on their own rather than decide everything by their parents. children should listen to their parents advice for theyre more experienced. Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents. one thing should always (keep)in mind by children-whatever they do comes from their love for us. It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be (narrow). be set up be treated be kept narrowed 被动语态复习课教学设计被动语态复习课教学设计 课题The Review of the passive voice 教材分析 1. 被动语态是初中阶段一个很重要的语言知识,是每年中考的必考点。本课 是被动语态的复习课。 2. 本节课内容以轻松、幽默的 Morning Report 设计开展活动,结合时尚元素 进行引入,通过听、说、读、写综合训练的方式让学生复习并掌握被动语态 的用法。 教学对象分析 1.本班人数众多,学生层次不同。个别学生因基础薄弱,所以教学过程中 需注重对基础知识的夯实。 2.本着初中学生对时尚热点话题的浓厚兴趣,将时尚元素引入课堂。充分 调动了学生对语法学习的积极性 。 教学目标 1. 知识目标:在进一步熟练被动语态用法的基础上,突破被动语态用法中这 三个方面的薄弱知识点(be done 中 done 的准确使用;感官动词和使役动 词在被动语态的用法;含双宾语及情态动词的被动语态的用法) 2. 能力目标:准确把握被动语态的结构和主要用法,熟练恰当地在班级以及 学校活动的真实情境中运用语态,以及解决生活中初中学生的实际问题, 尤其是本节课要突破的被动语态知识点。 3. 情感目标:在任务及活动的过程中,培养学生的观察、归纳能力、合作意 识与沟通能力,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点 1. 被动语态中 done 的正确使用; 2. 熟练掌握含有双宾语及情态动词的被动语态的用法; 3. 感官动词和使役动词的被动语态的用法。 教学难点 能在真实的情境中正确运用以上四个被动语态的应用。 教学策略 任务型教学,进行听、说、读、写四项技能的培养,小组合作 教学准备 PPT 课件,投影仪,听力材料 教学过程教学过程 教学环节 教师活动学生活动设计意图 1. Greeting and leading in(Morning report). 1. Greet the students 2. Ask Ss to do a morning report. Then bring out the grammar of today: “Passive voice”. (Good morning boys and girls!.Lets do a morning report before starting our class ) 1. Greet the teachers. 2. To do a morning report. 1. 用一则好消息吸引学生 的注意力。 2.通过晨读的形式导入话题, 让学生在情境中回忆被动 语态,为接下来的语法重 点作铺垫。(此晨读材料 的被动语态的训练以一般 将来和一般现在时为主。 ) 2. Presentation 1.Rewiew the voices in English, One is active voice,the other is passive voice.And review their forms. 2.Review the changeable forms of the verbs. 3. Check the answers. Lead Ss to pay attention to the difficult points of passive voice and overcome their weakness. (感 官动词和使役动词在被动语态 的用法;含双宾语的被动语态 的用法。) 1. Observe the answers and generalize the right forms and different tenses. 2. generalize the right forms of “be done” in different tenses. 3. Review the difficult points of passive voice 1. 引导学生复习被动语态 在各种时态的构成。 2. 引导学生总结出被动语 态中 be done 结构在不同时 态中的正确形式。 3. 引导学生关注,并强化 克服以上弱点。 Oral Pract ice Ask Ss to describe the picture、the song and the video on the screen.Using the important points we learnt. Describe the picture with classmates and then show it to all students in the class. 通过让学生用被动语态描 述其感兴趣的图片、歌曲 以及最新影视作品来加深 对被动语态语法点的掌握。 3. Pract ice Writt en Pract ice 1. Show Ss some sentences in active voice and ask them to change the sentences in passive voice. 1. Think about how to change the active voice into passive voice. 1.锻炼学生书写能力以及被 动语态的掌握程度。 2. Read some sentences and let the students change them into passive voice in oral. 3. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on the screen(these pictures are about their school activities) . 4. Ask the students to read the passage and filling the blanks 2.Change the sentences into passive voice and read them loudly to all the classes. 3.Look at the screen carefully and think of what you were doing in the pictures. 4.Filling the blanks and translate by yourselves. 2.锻炼学生口语表达能力。 3.让学生通过活动图片以及 亲身经历来描述图片所进 行的活动,巩固被动语态。 4.短文内容是关于孩子如何 与父母相处的热点问题, 不仅巩固了所学知识点也 让学生学会理解家长,学 会更好的与家长相处。 4. Conclusion and test time 1. Have Ss make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson. 2. Ask Ss to finish some exercises selected from High School Entrance Examinations. 1. Make a conclusion of what is learned this lesson, highlight the difficult points. 2. Finish some exercises. 1. 总结、回顾今天所学。 2. 中考链接。让学生做 10- 15 年的有关被动语态的真 题,检验所学的成果。 5. Homework 1. Finish the Evaluation Paper. 2. Finish exercise in English Weekly. 1. Finish the homework. 强化巩固课堂所学。
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人教版九年级Unit What are the shirts made of _Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案)_公开课_(编号:c099e) 人教版
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