人教版九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:763f8).zip


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Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A 1a2c 教案教案 【Teaching aims】 知识目标:知识目标: 口、笔头掌握以下句型: 1. A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group. 2. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 3 A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 熟练掌握词汇:textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation. 技能目标:技能目标:能用 how 引导的特殊疑问句和 by 短语对学习方法进行讨论。 情感态度:情感态度:能与别人交流学习方法,形成相互交流相互促进的学习氛围。 Difficulties:1.以 how 引导的特殊疑问句。 2.用 by 短语对学习方法的表达。 【Teaching steps】 Before listening Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(课堂热身和复习) 1.Read the English song on the screen. T: Before we begin, lets read the song on the screen aloud, OK? 2.Talk about the ways to study for a test. T: I know most of you are good at studying. Studying hard usually means you can get good grades in tests. Lets discuss ways you can study for a test. 教学设计说明教学设计说明:song 韵律流畅,节奏感强,朗朗上口,用它活跃气氛,激发兴趣;设置讨 论学习方法的任务,激活思维,以此,了解学生的已知和未知。 While listening Presentation(呈现新知识)(呈现新知识) 1.Show Ss the learning aims for this lesson on the screen. T:Work on 1a. This is Amy. Doesnt she look unhappy? She has a test tomorrow, but she doesnt know how to study for it. Lets try to help her, OK? 利用图片,学生学习短语,单词,句子和对话。 教学设计说明教学设计说明:利用帮助 Amy 学习,准备考试为情景话题,练习本课重点短语句型,同时, 对后面听力的进行预测。降低听力难度。 2.Work on 1b. 听录音,对 1b 中的人物对号入座。并进行听力策略指导。 3.听第二遍录音,补充句子。注意第三人称单数的转换。 4.模仿秀:跟读模仿,注意语音语调。 5.Pair work 。根据听力材料,练习下列对话: A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group. 教学设计说明教学设计说明:通过听模仿自主对话,进一步巩固本课功能句。 6.Talk about other ways you can study. 注意新单词的学习注意新单词的学习 conversation, aloud, pronunciation T:Well done! There are so many ways to study for a test. I believe we can all get good grades if we use some of these study methods! 教学设计说明教学设计说明:进一步启发学生思维,再次对下一段听力进行预测。 7.Work on 2a. 听 2a 中的录音,标出录音中听到的问句。 T: I am interested in the ways you study English. QuestionsAnswers 1._ Does anyone learn English by watching videos?_ 2._ Do you have conversations with friends in English?_ 3._ What about listening to tapes?_ 4._ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?_ 5._ Have you ever studied with a group?_ 8.Work on 2b. 听 2b 中的录音,找出问句相对应的答语。 完成学习目标一、二。完成学习目标一、二。 9.跟读,模仿语音语调。 10. Work on 2c. Pair work 。根据听力材料,练习下列对话: A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 教学设计说明:教学设计说明:通过练习,对本课的功能句进行巩固训练。 完成学习目标三。完成学习目标三。 After listening 1.小结。 2.Group work: 交流本组同学学习英语的方法,并记录下来,向全班同学汇报。 NameHow he/she studies for a test 教学设计说明教学设计说明:在会听会写的基础上,进一步提升,把本堂课的知识落实到书面上。 完成学习目标四。完成学习目标四。 【家庭作业家庭作业】 必做作业必做作业 1结合课堂反思情况和学习目标,熟练掌握本课的语言结构,并总结出你所学 的其后用 v-ing 的动词和短语。 选作作业 2利用本课所学重点句型,并联系你的生活实际,编对话。 对话内容:你和你的英国朋友 Mike 互相请教学习英语和汉语的方法。 教学设计说明教学设计说明:分层布置作业,促进不同层次学生的学习积极性。 1.Whoinventedpaperfirst? CaiLuninventeditinHanDynasty. 2.Whatwaspapermadeofthen? Itwasmainlymadeof bamboo. 3.Wasiteasyforpeopletomakepaper then? No,itwasnt.Itswasverydifficult. 4.Whatspapermadeoftoday? Itsmainlymadeofwood,bambooand cotton. Whatsthegoldmedal madeof? Itsmadeofgold. Isthistablemadeof wood? Itsmadeofglass. Isbuttermadeofmeat? No,itisnt.Itsmade fromcream. Thispairofchopsticksare madeofbamboo. Thiscoinismadeofsilver. n.筷子 n.硬币 n.银 adj.银色的 No,itisnt.Itsmadeofsilk. Isthisblousemadeof cotton? Itsmadeofsteel. Whatstheforkmadeof? n.女式衬衣 n.棉花 n.钢;钢铁 Thesepigslikegrass verymuch. apieceofleaf Kolaslikeleaves. n.草 n.叶子 n.叶子复数 1.chopsticks 2.window 3.coin 4.stamp 5.fork 6.blouse What are these things usually made of? Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible. 1a a.wood b.gold c.silver d.paper e.silk f.glass Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. 1b ThingsMadeofMadein shirtscottonKorea chopstickssilverThailand ringsteelAmerica Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b. 1c Thisringlooks nice.Isitmadeof silver? Yes,anditwas madeinThailand. Theseshirtsfeel comfortable.Are theymadeof cotton? Yes,andthey weremadein America. Thechopsticks looknice.Arethey madeofsilver? No,theyremade ofsteel,andthey weremadein Korea. Listen and check () the main topic of Nick and Marcus conversation. 2a _thesciencemuseum _theartandsciencefair _environmentalprotection _amodelplane _abeautifulpainting _grassandleaves Listen again. Write short answers to the questions. 2b 1.Whereistheartandsciencefair? _ 2.DoNickandMarcushavetopayto go? _ 3.Whatisthemodelplanemadeof? _ 4.Whatisthepaintingmadefrom? _ Outsidethescience museum. No,theydont. Woodandglass. Grass,leavesandflowers. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. Whatdidyou seeintheart andscience fair? 2c Isawahugemodel planeandareally beautifulpainting. Whatisthe modelplane madeof?What isthepainting madefrom? Theplanemadeof woodandglass.The paintingmadefrom grass,leavesand flowers. Read the conversation and complete the blanks. 2d 1.Chinese_teabothin thepastandnow. 2._Iknow,teaplants _onthesidesofmountains. 3.Whentheleavesareready,they _byhandandthen _forprocessing. isfamousfor Asfaras aregrown arepicked aresent 4.Thetea_andsentto manydifferentcountriesand placesaroundChina. 5.Peoplesaythattea_ _health_business! ispacked isgoodfor bothand Chinaisfamous fortea,right? Role-play the conversation. 2d Yes,bothinthe pastandnow. Whereistea producedinChina? Well,inmanydifferent areas.Forexample,Anxi andHangzhouarewidely knownfortheirtea. Howisteaproduced? Well,asfarasIknow,teaplants aregrownonthesidesof mountains.Whentheleavesare ready,theyarepickedbyhand andthenaresentforprocessing. Whathappensnext? Theteaispackedand senttomanydifferent countriesandplaces aroundChina. Itseemsthatmanypeopleallover theworlddrinkChinesetea. Yes,peoplesay thatteaisgoodfor bothhealthand business! bemadeof与bemadefrom辨析 1.Whatisthemodelplanemadeof? Whatisthepaintingmadefrom? 两词组都是“由制成的”之意。be madeof指从原料到制成品只发生了 形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物 理变化) bemadefrom指从原料到制成品发生质 的变化,无法复原(属化学变化)。 e.g.Glassismadeofglass. 玻璃杯是由玻璃制成的。 Thepaperismadefromwood. 纸是木头做的。 widelyadv.广泛地;普遍地 wide(形容词)+lywidely(副词) e.g.Gasiswidelyusedforcooking andheating. 天然气被广泛地用于做饭和取暖。 2.Forexample,AnxiandHangzhouare widelyknownfortheirtea. 3.WhereisteaproducedinChina? producev.生产;制造;出产 英语中有produce,grow和plant三个动 词均可用来描述农作物及植物的“种植 ;生产;生长”,但有所区别。 produce指农作物成产量化地“出产”, 或自然地“生长出;长出;结出(果实)” 。 e.g.Thisregionproducesover50%ofthe countrysrice. 这个地区出产整个国家50%以上的大 米。 Thesetreescanproduceverygood apples. 这些树能结出优质的苹果。 grow表示“种植;使生长”,着重指种植以 后的栽培、生长过程。 e.g.Theseplantsgrowfromseeds. 这些植物从种子生长而来。 Thevillagersgrowcoffeeandcornto sellinthemarket. 村民们种植咖啡和玉米好拿到市场上 去卖。 plant侧重“栽种;播种”这一行为,指把 种子或秧苗种到土壤里使之生长。 e.g.Howmanytreeshaveyouplantedthis year? 今年你们种了多少棵树? Theyplantedtomatoesandcarrotsin theirbackyard. 他们在后院栽种了西红柿和胡萝卜。 e.g.Suzhouisknownforits beautifulgardens. 苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名于世。 beknownfor以闻名;为人知晓 beknownfor=befamousfor 3.Forexample,AnxiandHangzhou arewidelyknownfortheirtea. beknownas和beknownfor beknownas意为“作为而著名”。 beknownfor意为“因而著名”。 根据句意用beknownas或beknown for的适当形式填空。 1.HanHan_his writings. 2.Asweknow,YaoMing_ abasketballplayer. isknownfor isknownas 一、Recite the conversation in 2d. 二、翻译下列句子。 1.这个戒指是银制的。 2.这种纸是由树木制成的。 3.油漆是由什么制成的。 4.杭州因其茶叶而为人所知。 5.据我所知,茶树被种植于山坡上。
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