人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:82b7b).zip


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1 话题专项复习话题专项复习Reduce Pressure 减压减压 (教学设计)(教学设计) 话题是中考复习的重中之重,它涵盖的题型有完型填空、短文填 空、阅读理解和读写综合,分数占据了总分的一半以上。话题考查的 知识面广,它既检测学生的语言综合运用能力,也考查了学生的写作 能力。本节课主要是通过完型填空、短文填空和写作三类题型进行复 习指导,帮助学生巩固和梳理这三类题型的解题方法,提高学生的语 言综合运用能力和写作能力。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、让学生积累关于减压的词句,提高自身语言综合运用能力; 2、通过完型填空、短文填空和写作的复习指导和训练,规范学生解题 方式,掌握相应的解题策略,养成良好的答题习惯。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写默写) 压力pressure 整天忙于学习be busy with study all day 学习时间太久study too long 考试太多too many exams 担心考试成绩worry about grades 父母想我名列前茅Parents want me to be the top student 考出好成绩get good grades 不能与同学相处好cant get on well with classmates 2 害怕面对缺点和错误be afraid of facing disadvantages and mistakes 太多的作业too much homework Step 2. Lets choose the right answer. (完形填空完形填空) Why Do We Have Pressure? Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious 1 in nowadays. As students, we 2 have to face much pressure, 3 the study pressure, exam pressure, relationship pressure and so on. But how can we 4 pressure? This is the 5 . Firstly, we should face the pressure 6 . Pressure is inevitable (不可避免的) in our daily life, 7 we cant be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. 8 is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some 9 and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any trouble by ourselves or by 10 help. ( ) 1A. rule B. report C. problem D. question ( ) 2A. still B. also C. too D. never ( ) 3A. as a result B. after all C. all above D. such as ( ) 4A. do with B. cope with C. busy with D. help with ( ) 5A. more important B. less important C. most important D. least important 3 ( ) 6A. correct B. appropriately C. lively D. sadly ( ) 7A. so B. because C. though D. although ( ) 8A. Listening B. Talking C. Singing D. Dancing ( ) 9A. informations B. advices C. suggestion D. suggestions ( ) 10A. the others B. others C. others D. the other Step 3. Lets fill in the blanks. (短文填空短文填空) Why and How Do We Reduce Pressure? More and more people are easily got into trouble because of pressure. For students, their parents 1 them to be the top students at school, so most students 2 about their grades, they have to be busy 3 their study all day. For adults, nearly all of them 4 stressed out. People of all ages are facing pressure because of the growing competition. Pressure causes a lot of 5 in our daily life. Its best for us to 6 some plans for reducing it. Inmy opinion, we should first have a right attitude towards failure. We should learn to face our disadvantages and 7 . Then, we should take enough exercise to strengthen our body. To be healthy is the most important thing for standing pressure. Whats more, we should 8 our holiday going sightseeing, 9 nature can help us forget all the trouble and relax ourselves. Its really 10 for people to reduce pressure to live a more relaxing life. Lets just try our best to achieve a comfortable life. Step 4. Lets read and write. (读写综合读写综合) A信息归纳:下面是一篇摘自信息归纳:下面是一篇摘自中学生英文报中学生英文报网站的报道。请仔细阅读该报道,按信息表网站的报道。请仔细阅读该报道,按信息表 4 中项目要求在答卷上的信息表中填写信息。中项目要求在答卷上的信息表中填写信息。 Life used to be fun for teenagers. They had lots of interests and they used to spend their spare time on them, like seeing a good film, going for a picnic or listening to music. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. It is hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say students have to work harder than they used to. They are less interested in how to spend their share time and more interested in passing exam. They knowthat good exam results may get them better jobs. But teenagers often feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams to take. They are too busy studying every day that they dont have their own time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers are getting short-sighted(近视)as they study too long every day. So they should think of ways to relax themselves. They should make a plan for study and find time to relax as much as possible. English Online made a survey on The Ways for Students to Relax. Here are the results. Some think that watching TV is good. Some believe that sometimes playing computer games isnt a bad way. Others think the best way to relax is to do sports with classmates. Information Card 5 The things teenagers used to do.1. The reason that teenagers feel stressed.2. The problem that is caused by studying too long. 3. Ways to relax. 4. 5. B:书面表达: 假设你们班要在下星期一举行题为“The Ways for Students to Relax” 的班会,请用英语写一篇 80 字左右的发言材料。 内容包括: 1简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。2你认为来自于 English Online 调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么? 3谈谈你个人自我放松的有效做法(至少三点) 。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ 写作方法指导: 一、审题,找要点。 1简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。 2你认为来自于 English Online 调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为 什么? 3谈谈你个人自我放松的有效做法(至少三点) 。 必须要写到上述这六点: 二、怎样写? 第一点:Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed(已给出) , because _. 第二、三点:From the result of the survey, I think_. Because_ 第四、五、六点:I also have three ways to relax. First,_. Second,_. Third, _.(接着还可以 Fourth, .Fifth, 来拓展哦!) 结尾:I hope my suggestions can help you. Step5. Time to write 让学生完成写作,通过自我评价、同伴评价和教师评价等方式指导和 提高学生的写作能力,然后分享学生的好文章。 Step6. 小结小结: 一、完型填空解题步骤梳理:1)通读全文,了解大意。2)领会句义, 7 斟酌选项(从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面 去考虑) 。3)复读全文,验证答案。 二、短文填空解题步骤梳理:1)通读全文,掌握大意,先义后形。 2)联系,形意结合,初定答案。3)反复推敲,迂回解题。4)排除疏 漏,调整答案。 三、书面表达写作技巧:审列加连美 审:认真审题,找出文章要表达的中心。 列:列要点。 加:加首尾,使结构完整。 连:恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清晰,衔接自然。 美:选好词句,美化文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言功底。 教学反思: 话题考查的知识面广,它既检测学生的语言综合运用能力,也考 查了学生的写作能力。本节课主要是通过完型填空、短文填空和写作 三类题型进行复习指导,帮助学生巩固和梳理这三类题型的解题方法, 提高学生的语言综合运用能力和写作能力。本节课从基础知识(词句) 复习到专题的训练和指导,从训练中教会学生解题的步骤和方法,通 过小组合作,培养学生的合作探究能力,提高学生的写作能力。通过 本节课的学习,规范学生解题方式,掌握相应的解题策略,养成良好 的答题习惯,但在教学过程中,还是体现了学生的词汇量少,阅读能 力弱,写作能力也待提高,在今后的教学中,要注重学生的词汇量的 积累和句子的表达,逐步提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 8 话题专项复习 Reduce Pressure(减压 ) 压力pressure 整天忙于学习be busy with study all day 学习时间太久study too long 考试太多too many exams 担心考试成绩worry about grades 父母想我名列前茅 Parents want me to be the top student 考出好成绩get good grades 不能与同学相处好 cant get on well with classmates 害怕面对缺点和错误 be afraid of facing disadvantages and mistakes 太多的作业too much homework Step 1. Lets write from memory. (默写) Why Do We Have Pressure? Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious 1 in nowadays. As students, we 2 have to face much pressure, 3 the study pressure, exam pressure, relationship pressure and so on. But how can we 4 pressure? This is the 5 . Firstly, we should face the pressure 6 . Pressure is inevitable (不可避免的) in our daily life, 7 we cant be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. 8 is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some 9 and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any trouble by ourselves or by 10 help. Step 2. Lets choose the right answer. (完 形填空) ( ) 1A. rule B. report C. problem D. question ( ) 2A. still B. also C. too D. never ( ) 3A. as a result B. after all C. all above D. such as ( ) 4A. do with B. cope with C. busy with D. help with ( ) 5A. more important B. less important C. most important D. least important ( ) 6A. correct B. appropriately C. lively D. sadly ( ) 7A. so B. because C. though D. although ( ) 8A. Listening B. Talking C. Singing D. Dancing ( ) 9A. informations B. advices C. suggestion D. suggestions ( ) 10A. the others B. others C. others D. the other Step 3. Lets fill in the blanks. (短文填空) Why and How Do We Reduce Pressure? More and more people are easily got into trouble because of pressure. For students, their parents 1 them to be the top students at school, so most students 2 about their grades, they have to be busy 3 their study all day. For adults, nearly all of them 4 stressed out. People of all ages are facing pressure because of the growing competition. Pressure causes a lot of 5 in our daily life. Its best for us to 6 some plans for reducing it. In trouble want worrywith feel make my opinion, we should first have a right attitude towards failure. We should learn to face our disadvantages and 7 . Then, we should take enough exercise to strengthen our body. To be healthy is the most important thing for standing pressure. Whats more, we should 8 our holiday going sightseeing, 9 nature can help us forget all the trouble and relax ourselves. Its really 10 for people to reduce pressure to live a more relaxing life. Lets just try our best to achieve a comfortable life. mistakes spendbecause important Step 4. Lets read and write. (读写综合) Life used to be fun for teenagers. They had lots of interests and they used to spend their spare time on them, like seeing a good film, going for a picnic or listening to music. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. It is hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say students have to work harder than they used to. They are less interested in how to spend their share time and more interested in passing exam. They know A信息归纳:下面是一篇摘自中学生英文报 网站的报道。请仔细阅读该报道,按信息表中项 目要求在答卷上的信息表中填写信息。 that good exam results may get them better jobs. But teenagers often feel stressed because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams to take. They are too busy studying every day that they dont have their own time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers are getting short-sighted(近视)as they study too long every day. So they should think of ways to relax themselves. They should make a plan for study and find time to relax as much as possible. English Online made a survey on The Ways for Students to Relax. Here are the results. Some think that watching TV is good. Some believe that sometimes playing computer games isnt a bad way. Others think the best way to relax is to do sports with classmates. The things teenagers used to do. 1. The reason that teenagers feel stressed. 2. The problem that is caused by studying too long. 3. Ways to relax. 4. 5. Information Card Spend their spare time on their interests Because they have too much homework to do both at school and at home More and more teenagers are getting short-sighted Watching TV Doing sports (写作训练) B:书面表达: 假设你们班要在下星期一举行题为“The Ways for Students to Relax”的班会,请用英语写一篇80字 左右的发言材料。 内容包括: 1简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。2 你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是 否有效,为什么? 3谈谈你个人自我放松的有效做法(至少三点)。 写作方法指导 一、审题,找要点。 1简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。 2你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效 ,为什么? 3谈谈你个人自我放松的有效做法(至少三点)。 必须要写到上述这六点: 二、怎样写? 第一点:Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed(已给出), because _. 第二、三点:From the result of the survey, I think_. Because_ 第四、五、六点:I also have three ways to relax. First,_. Second,_. Third, _.( 接着还可以Fourth, .Fifth, 来拓展哦!) 结尾:I hope my suggestions can help you. Time to write Lets check Lets share Dear fellows, Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed because we have too much homework to do, and we are very busy studying every day, we dont have our own time to do what we are interested in. We are very tired and sleepy all day, so we should learn to deal with it. What should we do to relax? From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax. Because its good for our health and it can make us relaxed. I also have three ways to relax ourselues. First, we can listen to music. Second, we can go to the movies with our parents on weekends. Dont study at home all the weekend. Third, when we feel tired, we can think about something interesting. I hope my suggestions can help you. Thanks! 小结: 一、完型填空解题步骤梳理:1)通读全文,了解大意。2)领 会句义,斟酌选项(从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下 文的联系等方面去考虑)。3)复读全文,验证答案。 二、短文填空解题步骤梳理:1)通读全文,掌握大意,先义 后形。2)联系,形意结合,初定答案。3)反复推敲,迂回解 题。4)排除疏漏,调整答案。 三、书面表达写作技巧:审列加连美 审:认真审题,找出文章要表达的中心。 列:列要点。 加:加首尾,使结构完整。 连:恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清晰,衔接自然。 美:选好词句,美化文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言 功底。
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人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry._Section 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_(编号:82b7b) 人教版 九年级
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