人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:a00a8).zip


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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 1.能正确使用下列词汇:能正确使用下列词汇:king, power, banker, pale, queen, examine, palace, wealth 2.能正确使用下列常用表达:能正确使用下列常用表达:call sb in, neithernor, feel like doing sth 3.能认读下列词汇能认读下列词汇: fame ,prime, minister, prime minister 4.能读懂故事并从中获得信息能读懂故事并从中获得信息;能用英语和小组能用英语和小组 成员运用语言结构分角色表演该故事。成员运用语言结构分角色表演该故事。 5.了解和理解合理的幸福观了解和理解合理的幸福观 Are you interested in the story? prime minister palace singer queen power fame king wealth banker What does the king have? /kwi:n/ /pram mnst/ /bk(r)/ /fem/ /wel/ /pls s(r)/pa(r)/ /k/ The king has so many things. Are these things make him happy? The Shirt of a Happy Man (Part ) A long time ago, in a rich and beautiful country, there lived an unhappy _. He slept badly and didnt feel like eating anything. His face was always pale as chalk. He often cried for no reason. This made the _ and his people worried. king queen One day, a doctor was _ in to examine the king. But he found nothing wrong with his body. “Its all in his mind. _ medicine nor rest can help him. What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. Thatll make him happy.” called Neither The _ _was called to the _. But when they explained the kings situation to him, he said, “Although I have a lot of _, it doesnt make me happy. Im always worried about losing my power. Many people are trying to take my position.” power palace prime minister Then, the kings _ came to the palace. “Oh, Im afraid Im not happy either,” he said. “I have a lot of _, but Im always worried about losing my money. Someone tries to steal my money every day.” banker wealth Do you want to read the story? P83 3a Read the story for the first time and answer the questions. 1. Can medicine help the king? Why or why not? 2. Why does power not make the prime minister happy? 3. Why does money not make the banker happy? 4. Why does fame not make the singer happy? Read it loudly and then do part two.(泛读)泛读) 中考任务型阅读题型之一:回答问题中考任务型阅读题型之一:回答问题 2.Scan( (细读)细读) the story and fill in the blanks. Do part three on your paper. PeopleThings he ownedFeelings he had the kinghad everythingunhappy the prime ministerhad a lot of _ worried about _ the power the kings bankerhad a lot of _ worried about _ the money the palace singerwas famousworried about _ _ others wealth power losing losing being followed by 中考任务型阅读题型之二:填表格中考任务型阅读题型之二:填表格 Groupwork: read the story again While you are reading, you may have difficulties understanding the story. Discuss with your members and find out the difficult language points together. At last, group leaders write them down on the whiteboard and explain them to us. 1.feel like doing sth/ want to do sth I feel like _ basketball. (play) 2.neithernor.; not onlybut also; There be; Here be;谓语动词就近原则谓语动词就近原则 Neither he nor I _ a good student. (be) Neither I nor he _ a good student. (be) am is 1. did not want to eat _didnt feel like eating 2.was asked to come and help _ 3. look carefully at _ 4. becoming less important _ 5. get my job _ losing power examine was called in take my position 3c Lets help the king to find happiness. Role- play the story in your groups and make up an ending for the story . narrator/king doctorprime minister bankersinger 1.Important words:king, power, prime, minister, prime minister, banker, fame, pale, queen, examine, palace, wealth; 2. Important phrases:feel like doing, call sb in, be followed by, lose my power, neithernor, take my position; 3.Did you do it? Summary(总结(总结) Are you happy? Where is the happiness? Its in your mind. Happiness depends on yourselves. I hope all of you will be happy every day. Homework 1.Write the words and phrases for three times of this lesson. 2.White a possible ending for the story and pre-view next part . 教学设计 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a-3c 一、教学目标 1.知识目标:能正确使用下列词汇:king, power, banker, pale, queen, examine, palace, wealth;能正确使用下 列常用表达:call sb in, neithernor, feel like doing sth;能认读下列词汇: fame ,prime, minister, prime minister. 2.能力目标:能读懂故事并从中获得信息;能用英语和小组成员运用语言结构分角色表演该故事。 3.情感目标:了解和理解合理的幸福观 二、学情分析:根据九年级学生的年龄特点,学生变得沉稳,本课结合学生的心理特点,从激发学生的兴趣 出发,从故事的角度再次唤起学生对英语的学习热情;同时九年级学生在知识学习方面已经掌握了一定的英 语基础知识,能够通过小组合作探究等学习方式,运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习,互相学习,鼓励他们 主动参与教学活动,在课堂上能进入角色,克服语言障碍和胆怯害羞的心理压力,真正成为学习的主体。 三、重点难点:能读懂故事并从中获得信息;能用英语和小组成员简单叙述小故事。 四、教学过程: 教学活动: 活动 1: 【导入】Warmingup:Dub a film T: Class begins, Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Sit down, please, Now first, daily report, whose turn? S1: T: OK. Can you dub a film? S1: T: Are you ready? S1: T: Lets begin. S1: T: OK. Good job. Boys and girls, who can tell me who is foolish in the story? Ss: T: Yes. The emperor. Yesterday, we learnt how to use make, can you use “make” to make some sentences according to the story? Who can? S3: T: OK. Very good. Others? S4: T: Very good. Who can sum up how to use make? Who knows? S5: T: Exerllent, very good. This class, lets go on learning Unit11, Section A, 3a-3c. Who can read the language goal? S6: T: OK, good. Nowadays, people are under too much pressure. Students have too much homework. Yes? Ss: Yes. T: People are usually unhappy, So, today we have a task, lets look for happiness. Where is the happiness? This class, we will learn a story. 设计意图:通过学生为用皇帝的新装的英文视频配音导入,复习 make 的用法,同时激发兴趣,运用信息差引 起本节课有关另一个国王的故事;同时通过学生读教学目标,学生明确本节课的内容,做到有目标的学习。 活动 2: 【讲授】Beforereading: 1、观察图片,学习单词;头脑风暴,记忆单词。 T: Are you interested in the story? Ss: T: Look at the pictures, who is he? Ss: T: What does he have?. Ss: T: Now follow meread it one by one T: I give you 20 and try to remember them. Then lets have a competition. Ss: 设计意图:以学生感兴趣的图片,运用启发式教学方法引出本课的单词,自然流畅,吸引学生的学习注意力, 激发学生的学习动机,调动学生的学习积极性,同时,在师生、生生互相交流的基础上,加深彼此之间的信 任和感情,培养学生的语言交际能力。 2、听短文填空,巩固刚刚学习的词汇,感知故事。 T: T: The king has so many things. Do these things make him happy? Ss: T: Lets listen and fill in the blanks. Open you paper and do listening. Ss: T: OK. This time, lets check the answers. Who can? Ss: 设计意图:听力是语言的输入过程,通过听的过程,学生对所学故事有个初步的了解,也能激发学生学习英 语的热情,同时对刚刚学习的词汇进行及时的复习巩固,趁热打铁,及时高效的掌握基础知识。 活动 3: 【讲授】Whilereading: 1、 泛读 T: You have known a little about the story. Do you want to know more about the story? Turn to page 83. Who can read the title? Ss: T: According to the title and the picture, can you guess the main idea of the story? Ss: T: who can read the questions? Ss: T: Now read the story loudly and then do part two. Ss: T: Lets check the answer. Ss: 设计意图:通过第一遍阅读即泛读,了解故事大意,并与中考题型相结合,获取信息,提高阅读能力。 2、 细读 T: Good job, boys and girls. Lets know more details. Scan the story and fill in the blanks. Do part three on your paper. Ss: T: Lets check the answer. Ss: 设计意图:细读是第二遍阅读,更深层次理解故事情节,获取细节信息,也与中考任务型题型链接,获取信 息,提高阅读水平。 3、 小组合作探究知识点。 T: While you are reading, some students have difficulties understanding the story. Yes?Its time to work in groups. Read the story again and find out some important language points in your groups. Ss: T: If you finish, group leaders write them down on the whiteboard. Ss: T: Lets look at the blackboard. Pay attention to “feel like doing sth” T: lets play a game, use these language points and guess the words or phrases from the story with meanings similar to these phrases. The first one, are you ready? Ss: 设计意图:通过小组合作,学生找出知识点,互相学习,合作探究,及时掌握所学知识;同时进行猜词游戏, 巩固基础知识,寓教于乐,寓学于乐。 活动 4: 【讲授】Afterreading:Role-play the story T: Boys and girls, we have known the story. But the king has a problem. He is unhappy. Its time to help him to find the happiness. Ok? Ss: T: Work in groups and role-play the story. Give the story a possible ending. Now begin. Ss: 设计意图:这是语言的综合运用的检测,通过生生之间的交流与互动,激发了学生的学习积极性,既巩固了本 课所学的语言知识,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的思维跳出课本,从而真正达到新课程提出的培养学生综合 运用语言的能力。 活动 5: Summary T: Which group is the best? Ss: T: What have you learnt? Ss: T: Are you happy? Ss: T: OK. Where is the happiness? I think it is in your mind. And happiness depends on yourselves. I hope all of you will be happy every day. 设计意图:及时反馈,及时总结,使学生养成好的学习习惯,知己知彼百战百胜,同时进行情感教育,使学 生了解和理解合理的幸福观,使他们更加热爱生活和学习,健康快乐的成长。 活动 6: Homework T: Write the words and phrases for three times of this lesson; White a possible ending for the story and pre-view next part. 设计意图:分层次布置作业,让学生写一篇故事的结局,预测故事的发展,留给学生自由发挥的空间。 板书: Unit11 Section A 3a-3c king pale feel like doing queen examine neithernor Happiness prime minister power takeposition yourselves Banker wealth losepower palace singer fame be followed by.
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人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry._Section 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_(编号:a00a8) 人教版 九年级 一册 _unit
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