人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:f2646).zip


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Unit10. Youre supposed to shake hands. Section A 1 (1a-2b) 一,根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.Before going to bed, the parents often _(亲吻)their son and say “Good night” to him. 2.People in some countries like to _ (鞠躬) to each other when they meet. 3.You are _ (应该) to learn about some school rules of the new school. 4.Different countries have different _(习俗). We should learn something about them. 二二, 单选题。单选题。 (抢答,争做今日课堂小明星)(抢答,争做今日课堂小明星) 1. You _ supposed to shake hands when you meet them. A. do B. are C. did D. have 2.She saw the Great Wall _ the first time. A. in B. at C. by D. for 3.In America, the people are supposed to _ when they meet for the first time. A. bow B. shake hands C. hug D. kiss 4. Everyone is supposed _ a seat belt in the car. A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn 5.Tom is expected _ the chess competition. A. winning B. win C. to win 6. The baby _drink milk every day. A. was supposed to B. is supposed to C. be supposed to D. are supposed to 三, 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.In the United States and Mexico, people are supposed _ _ _(握手) when they meet for the first time. 2.In Japan and Korea, youre supposed to _( 鞠躬)when you meet someone. 3.People in Brazil often _ (吻) when meet. 4.In America , you _ _ _(不应该) eat with your hands. 四、翻译句子。 1. 当初次见面时他们应该鞠躬。 They _ _ _ bow when they meet _ _ _ _. 2.你不应该在这里吸烟. You are _ _ _ smoke here. 3.我总是犯一些语法错误. I always _ _ _ in grammar. Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. “be supposed to do sth应该做某事 Section A( 1a-2b) 学习目标:学习目标: 1.重点单词: 2.重点短语: 3.重点句型: shake, custom, bow, kiss, greet. shake hands, be supposed to do sth, be not supposed to do sth, be expected to do sth, make some mistakes, for the first time. A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. shake hands kiss bow hug bow shake hands kiss customs hug Different countries have different customs. Brazil Korea Japan the United States Mexico Do you know these countries? What do people do when they meet for the first time in these countries? They are supposed to shake hands. shake hands China 1.What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time? =They should shake hands. In Brazil 2.What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to kiss. They are supposed to bow. In Japan . 3.What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time? In Korea 4.What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to bow. 5.What are people in the United States supposed to do when they meet for the first time? They are supposed to shake hands. In the United States They are supposed to shake hands. In Mexico 6.What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time? CountriesCountriesCustomsCustoms 1. 1. Brazil Brazil 2. 2. the United States the United States 3. 3. Japan Japan 4. 4. Mexico Mexico 5. 5. Korea Korea a. bowa. bow b. Shake handsb. Shake hands c. kissc. kiss b 1a What do people do when they meet for the first time? Match the countries with the customs. custom custom 风俗;习俗风俗;习俗 custom customerer顾客顾客 c a b a Listen and check your answers in 1a. CountriesCustoms 1. _ Brazil 2. _ the United States 3. _ Japan 4. _ Mexico 5. _ Korea a. bow b. Shake hands c. kiss c b a b a 1b 一,根据句意及汉语汉语 提示完成句子。 1.Before going to bed, the parents often _(亲亲 吻)their son and say “Good night” to him. 2.People in some countries like to _ (鞠躬) to each other when they meet. 3.You are _ (应该应该 ) to learn about some school rules of the new school. 4.Different countries have different _(习习 俗). We should learn something about them. kiss bow supposed customs 抢抢答, 学一学,练练一练练, Lets chant . A:What are people in China supposed to do ? B:We are supposed to shake hands. Shake hands, shake hands, shake hands. A:What are people in Korea supposed to do? B:Theyre supposed to bow. Bow, bow, bow. A:What are people in Brazil supposed to do? B:Theyre supposed to kiss. Kiss, kiss, kiss. 我自信,我朗读 A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: TheyTheyre re supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. Brazil Japan China Mexico =They should shake hands. =They are supposed to shake hands. kiss bow shake hands shake hands be supposed be supposed to to do sth do sth 表示表示 “ “应该应该 ( (做做) )或被期望或被期望 做某事做某事” ”, , 后须接动词原形后须接动词原形. . eg. You are supposed to shake hands.eg. You are supposed to shake hands. = = be expectedbe expected to do sth to do sth = should do = should do 二、句型转换。 They are supposed to shake hands. 1.改为否定句: They _ _ supposed to shake hands. 2.改为同义句: They _ shake hands are not should 1. You _ supposed to shake hands when you meet them. A. do B. are C. did D. have B 2.She saw the Great Wall _ the first time. A. in B. at C. by D. for D B 三,单选题。 3.In America, the people are supposed to _ when they meet for the first time. A. bow B. shake hands C. hug D. kiss 4. Everyone is supposed _ a seat belt in the car. A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn 5.Tom is expected _ the chess competition. A. winning B. win C. to win 6. The baby _drink milk every day. A. was supposed to B. is supposed to C. be supposed to D. are supposed to B B C 抢抢答,争做今日课课堂小明星 1.In the United States and Mexico, people are supposed _ _ _(握手) when they meet for the first time. 2.In Japan and Korea, youre supposed to _( 鞠 躬)when you meet someone. 3.People in Brazil often _ (吻) when meet. 四, 根据汉语提示完成句子。 4.In America , you _ _ _(不 应该) eat with your hands. to shake hands bow kiss arent supposed to Do Romans do when you are in Rome. 入乡随俗 We are supposed to know some customs about other countries. If you dont know the customs of other countries, you may make some mistakes. Maria (Brazil) An exchange student Maria is an Maria is an exchange studentexchange student. Last night she . Last night she had dinner at had dinner at an American friends house.an American friends house. Listen Listen and check (and check ( ) the mistakes Maria made.) the mistakes Maria made. 2a Marias mistakes _ arrived late _ ate the wrong food _ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way _ wore the wrong clothes greet =to welcome or say “hello” “问候,打招呼” e.g. He greeted her by saying “good morning”. 他向她打招呼说 “早上好”。 Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 2b 1. Maria was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but she _. 2. In Marias country, when youre invited for 7:00, youre expected to _. 3. When Maria met Pauls mom, she was supposed to _. 4. Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time. arrived at come later wear shake hands 8:00 五、翻译句子。 1. 当初次见面时他们应该鞠躬。 They _ _ _ bow when they meet _ _ _ _. 2.你不应该在这里吸烟. You are _ _ _ smoke here. 3.我总是犯一些语法错误. I always _ _ _ in grammar. are supposed to for the first time not supposed to make some mistakes 本课重点回顾 1.重点单词单词 : 2.重点短语语: 3.重点句型: shake, custom, bow, kiss, greet. shake hands, be supposed to do sth , be expected to do sth, for the first time, make some mistakes. A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. 1. 用“be supposed to”. be not supposed to 列举几条作为学生在家或在学校应该做和 不应该做的事. 2.Recite the words from passport to make .feel at home . 3.全品作业本p109. Thank you Unit10. Youre supposed to shake hands. Section A 1 (1a-2b) 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: shake, custom, bow, kiss, greet. 2) 能掌握以下短语:shake hands, be supposed to do sth, be not supposed to do sth, be expected to do sth, make some mistakes, for the first time. 3)掌握 be supposed to 句型的用法。 A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. 2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 1. 学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗和对时间的看法。 2. 了解西方国家的风土人情和习俗。 二、教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:be supposed to 的用法 2. 教学难点:中西方人们见面礼仪的差别。 培养学生跨文化交际意识。 三、教学过程:三、教学过程: 1. Turn to page 165, read the words of Unit10. 2.Close the books, and write the new words.( custom-make an effort ) 3.展示学习目标: shake, custom, bow, kiss, greet. shake hands, be supposed to do sth, be not supposed to do sth, be expected to do sth, make some mistakes, for the first time. A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. 4利用多媒体播放图片,学习新单词:custom, bow, kiss, greet, 5Lead-in 利用多媒体播放各国初次见面的礼仪,用新单词:custom, bow, kiss, greet, 引出Different countries have different customs. 然后大屏幕展示地球仪, 师生对话: T: Do you know where Brazil/ the United States/ Japan/Mexico/Korea is? S: T: Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time? S: 6.1a. 多媒体呈现 1a 图片, 让学生根据图画内容, 说说图中的握手, 接吻, 鞠躬是哪个国家的礼仪, 然后按要求把书本给出的“国家”和“习俗”连接起来。 老师不要给出答案。 7. Listening 1b. Listen to the recording and check your answers to activities in 1a. 8.Exercise ( 学中有练 ) 一,根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.Before going to bed, the parents often _(亲吻)their son and say “Good night” to him. 2.People in some countries like to _ (鞠躬) to each other when they meet. 3.You are _ (应该) to learn about some school rules of the new school. 4.Different countries have different _(习俗). We should learn something about them. 9我自信,我朗读 Lets chant . A:What are people in China supposed to do ? B:We are supposed to shake hands. Shake hands, shake hands, shake hands A:What are people in Korea supposed to do? B:Theyre supposed to bow. Bow, bow, bow. A:What are people in Brazil supposed to do? B:Theyre supposed to kiss. Kiss, kiss, kiss. 10. 1c. Pair work: A: What are people in Korea/ to do when they meet for the first time? B: They are supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: Theyre supposed to shake hands. 教师介绍本单元的目标语言:Youre supposed to . 11Exercises 三三,单选题。单选题。 (抢答,争做今日课堂小明星)(抢答,争做今日课堂小明星) 1. You _ supposed to shake hands when you meet them. A. do B. are C. did D. have 2.She saw the Great Wall _ the first time. A. in B. at C. by D. for 3.In America, the people are supposed to _ when they meet for the first time. A. bow B. shake hands C. hug D. kiss 4. Everyone is supposed _ a seat belt in the car. A. wearing B. to wear C. to be worn 5.Tom is expected _ the chess competition. A. winning B. win C. to win 6. The baby _drink milk every day. A. was supposed to B. is supposed to C. be supposed to D. are supposed to 12. Listening 2a. Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friends house. Listen and check () the mistakes Maria made. Marias mistakes _ arrived late _ ate the wrong food _ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way _ wore the wrong clothes 2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 1.Maria was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but she _. 2. In Marias country, when youre invited for7:00, youre expected to _. 3. When Maria met Pauls mom, she was supposed to _. 4. Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time. 13. Exercises 四、翻译句子。 1. 当初次见面时他们应该鞠躬。 They _ _ _ bow when they meet _ _ _ _. 2.你不应该在这里吸烟. You are _ _ _ smoke here. 3.我总是犯一些语法错误. I always _ _ _ in grammar. 14. 本课重点回顾. 重点单词: shake, custom, bow, kiss, greet. 2.重点短语: shake hands, be supposed to do sth , be expected to do sth, for the first time, make some mistakes. 3.重点句型: A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow. How about in the United States? A: In the United States, theyre expected to shake hands. 15. Homework: 1. 用“be supposed to”. be not supposed to 列举几条作为学生在家或在学校应该做 和不应该做的事. 2.Recite the words from passport to make .feel at home . 3.全品作业本 p109.
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人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands._Section 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_(编号:f2646) 人教版
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