人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:905bb).zip


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SectionA 3a-3c 英国青年鲁滨逊从小喜欢航海,曾三次离家到南美各地旅行。一日他怀着云游四海的高远志 向,告别家人,越过大西洋和太平洋,在惊心动魄的航海中经历无数险情,后来整条船在太平洋 上不幸罹难,船上的人都葬身海底,惟有他一人得以奇迹般地活下来,并只身来到一座荒无人烟 岛上。 他从绝望的缝隙中得到了生命的启示,性格坚强的鲁滨逊在岛上独立生活了28年。他在孤 岛上劳作生息,开拓荒地,圈养牲畜,生产水稻和小麦,年复一年与孤独为伴,克服了种种常人 难以克服的困难。圣经成为他的精神支柱,凭着惊人的毅力和顽强不息的劳动,他盖起了房 子,收获谷物,驯养山羊,用兽皮制作衣物。他曾与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇。后来 他搭救了一个土人,称他为“星期五”,把他收作仆人。他以非同寻常的毅力和勇气,克服了难以 想象的艰难困苦,用勤劳的双手,为自己创造了一个生存的家园。 一直到第28个年头一艘英国船来到该岛附近,鲁滨逊帮助船长制服了叛乱的水手,才返回英 国。这时他父母双亡,鲁滨逊收回他巴西庄园的全部受益,并把一部分赠给那些帮助过他的人们。 Robinson Crusoe ship tool gun mark sand cannibal towards land n. 船 n. 工具 n. 枪;炮 n. 迹象;记号;分数 v. 做记号;打分 n. 沙滩;沙 n. 食人肉者 prep. 朝;向;对着 n. 陆地;大地 船n. 工具n. 枪;炮n. 迹象;记号;分数n. 做记号;打分v. 沙滩;沙n. 食人肉者n. 朝;向;对着prep. 陆地;大地n. ship tool gun mark sand cannibal towards land Read the passage and answer the following questions. 1. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? 2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call =name (v.称呼,叫称呼,叫)the man Friday? Because he meets him on a Friday. 3a Another ship. 1.arrive on this island 2.make a boat 3.bring back 4.give up 5.wait for 6.cut down 7.build a house 8.kill for food 9.the marks of another mans feet 10.who else 11.see sb. doing sth. 12.run towards 13.help sb. do sth. 14.name sb. 15.teach sb. sth. 1.arrive on this island 2.make a boat 3.bring back 4.give up 5.wait for 6.cut down 7.build a house 到达这个岛 制作船 带回来 放弃 等候 砍倒 建房子 8.kill for food 9.the marks of another mans feet 10.who else 11.see sb. doing sth. 12.run towards 13.help sb. do sth. 14.name sb. 15.teach sb. sth. 杀死作为食物 另一个人的脚印 还有谁 看见某人正在做某事 朝跑 帮助某人做某事 给某人起名为 教某人某事 When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing. But Ive found the ship and made a small boat. Ive brought back many things I can use food and drink, tools, knives and guns. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. I have already cut down trees and built a house. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables. A few weeks ago, I found the marks of another mans feet on the sand. Who else is on my island? How long have they been here? Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him kill the cannibals. This man now lives with me and helps me. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already taught him some English. Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. 1. You can use these to shoot things: _ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: _ 4. You can use these to cut things: _ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: _ guns ship island knives marks 3b Correct the sentences.3c 1.Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another mans feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. Robinson nothing. cut down trees nothing. Robinson Some cannibals Play a game 123 456 789 1.Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life.(写出同义句)写出同义句) I have lost everything but I have not lost my life. 2. Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables. (译成中文) 我甚至学习种植水果和蔬菜 How long have they been here? 3. 他们来这里多久了?(译成英语) 4._ of them died but _ ran towards my house.(根据课文内容填空) One the other 5.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 I have already taught_(he) some English. him 6.根据课文内容填空根据课文内容填空 I _ already _ trees and built a house. have cut down 7.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 I saw some cannibals _ ( try)to kill two men from a broken ship. trying 8. 翻译翻译: 等待等待 wait for 9. Have you read Robinson Crusoe _? A. already B. yet B Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?(?(Section A3a- 3c) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容一、教学内容 3a-3c 是 SectionA 的阅读板块。该部分节选了鲁滨逊漂流记的片段。活动 3a 要 求学生带着问题阅读文章,从文中获取信息。3b 引导学生关注语言细节,借助所提供 的关键信息,尝试从文章中找出符合描述特征的事物。而 3c 要求学生在理解的基础上 修正信息,以加深对文章的理解。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、知识目标:、知识目标:能掌握以下单词、短语与句型: ship,tool,gun,mark,sand,cannibal,towards,land, bring back, wait for, cut down, learn to do, one.the other, run towards. Although I have lost everything,I have not lost my life. How long have they been here? I saw some Cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. 2、能力目标、能力目标: .能熟练运用现在完成时 .能带着问题阅读文章,学会通过阅读, 寻找关键信息。 3、情感目标:、情感目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生吃苦耐劳,乐观向上的精神。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 阅读短文,提高获得相关信息的能力,使用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解、分析。 四、教学方法四、教学方法 情景教学法,任务型教学法。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 搜集与本节课内容相关的关于鲁滨逊漂流记的图片、故事简介、录音、视频, 然后制作课件。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 StepI. Lead in 导入(示例)导入(示例) Teacher: Have you read Robinson Crusoe? Teacher: If you have,what do you know about this story? Who is the main character? ( Students answer the question, and permit Ss to describe it in Chinese. ) Teacher: Do you want to know it in English ? Lets watch a short film. (设计目的:短片讲述了鲁宾逊在荒岛上的生活,提高了学生的学习兴趣,也将学生带入 学习情景中来。) StepII. Preview display 预习展示预习展示 以英汉互译的形式出示本节课的新单词,并注意学生的发音,以检查学生课前的预习 情况。 1. ship 船 n. 2. tool 工具 n. 3. gun 枪 n. 4. mark 记号 n.做记号 v. 5. sand 沙 滩;沙 n. 6. cannibal 食人肉者 n. 7. towards 朝,向 prep. 8. land 陆地,大陆 n. 着陆 v. (设计目的:通过了解学生的预习情况适当调整教学目标。) Step III. Reading activities Task1:Fast reading 出示幻灯片,引导学生带着 2 个问题对全文进行速读,并找出问题的答案。 1. What will Robinson Crusoe wait for? 2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? (设计目的:让学生从总体上对文章内容有一个把握;先自己读,找答案,再在小组内核 对答案,在小组长的带领下让每一个孩子把自己的问题在小组内解决。) Task2: Read the passage aloud and find the useful expressions. 幻灯片出示汉语短语,让学生边阅读边找出答案,先自己找然后小组内对照答案,并 解决没有找出的内容,然后展示短语。 1.arrive on this island 到达这个岛 2.make a boat 制作船 3.bring back 带回来 4.give up 放弃 5.wait for 等候 6.cut down 砍倒 7.build a house 建房子 8.kill for food 杀死作为食物 9.the marks of another mans feet 另一个人的脚印 10.who else 还有谁 11.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 12.run towards 朝跑 13.help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 14.name sb. 给某人起名为 15.teach sb. Sth. 教某人某事 (设计目的:小组内每个成员都参与阅读和寻找,实现了孩子之间的互帮互助,也提高了孩 子们的合作意识和自己解决问题的能力。) Task3:3b Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. Task4:3c Correct the sentences. (设计目的:引导学生首先读取大意,接着读取细节,教师讲解要点,学生读后训练,加 深理解,培养学生良好的阅读习惯与解题技巧。) StepIV Play a game(hurricane) 各组任意选择自己的幸运数字抽题抢答,并获得相应分数,进行比赛。 1.Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life.(写出同义句) 2.Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables. (译成中文) 3.他们来这里多久了?(译成英语) 4._ of them died but _ ran towards my house.(根据课文内容填空) 5.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 I have already taught_ (he) some English. 6.根据课文内容填空 I _ already _ trees and built a house. 7.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 I saw some cannibals _ (try)to kill two men from a broken ship. 8.翻译: 等待 9.Have you read Robinson Crusoe _? A. already B. yet (设计目的:把短文中重难点语法及句子设计在竞争游戏里,真正做到了寓教于乐,提高 了课堂效率。)
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