人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:c042e).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:c042e)
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Teenagers should be allowed Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.to choose their own clothes. Section A Grammar focus 4C a letter from Jack Dear Cindy, Im not happy in my new school now. I like a girl in my class. She is nice and beautiful. But my parents dont allow me to make friends with her. I dont know if I can tell her about my love or just keep it in my heart. What should I do? Yours, Jack Students should be allowed to do homework with friends. Do you agree or disagree? Students should not be allowed to make up. Do you agree or disagree? Tell about more family rules from the pictures. What should teenagers be allowed to do or not? smoke Dont smoke. Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke. drink Dont drink. Students _ _ _ _ drink. shouldnt be allowed to drive Dont drive. Students _ _ _ _ drive. shouldnt be allowed to have part-time jobs Students _ _ _ _ have part-time jobs. should/can be allowed to can should get ears pierced Students _ _ _ _ get ears pierced. shouldnt/cant be allowed to cant shouldnt choose their own clothes can should may Students can/should/may be allowed to choose their own clothes. Should students be allowed to play cards? Do you think students should be allowed to have puppy love? Look at the sentences, figure out the main structure. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. Do you think we may be allowed to take photos? 构成: should/may/can/must + be + done should/may/can/must not + be + done Summarize: 一般现在时被动语态: am/is/are + done 一般过去时被动语态: was/were + done 情态动词被动语态: 情态动词 + be + done Put the sentence into passive voice. ( 变被动语态) I clean the classroom. SmallSmall game game 3. We washed our car yesterday.(主动变被动) Our car _ _ _ _ yesterday.was washed by us SmallSmall game game 2. He should cut his hair. (主动变被动) His hair _ _ _ _ him. should be cut by SmallSmall game game 1. He washes his car every day. (主动变被动) His car _ _ _ _every day.is washed by him SmallSmall game game You can be allowed to get a special gift! 4a Rewrite the sentences according to the example. 2. Parents should encourage teenagers to do social work for their community. Teenagers _. 3. Can Lucy do her homework tomorrow instead? Can_? 4. Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet? Do you think teenagers _? 5. Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions. Teenagers _. 6. Parents may ask teenagers to move out. Teenagers _. should be encouraged to do social work for their community. Lucys homework be done tomorrow instead must be kept always from the Internet teenagers be given chances to make their own decisions may be asked to move out by parents. If youre eighteen now, do If youre eighteen now, do you want to move out?you want to move out? 18 岁 Fast reading: Whats this passage talking about? 1. What are teenagers allowed to do in Western countries when they are eighteen? Why do they do this? 2. Do teenagers move out in most Asian countries? 3. What do Chinese parents think about it? Read carefully and answer questions: Read again and fill in the blanks in 4b. Should teenagers _(ask) to move out when they start working? In many Western countries, teenagers _(allow) to move out at eighteen. Their parents believe that they should _ (educate) to take care of themselves from a young age. This way, when they _(start) working they can manage their own lives. However, in most Asian societies, it is not common for teenagers to _(move) out. Chinese parents believe that it is better for children to live with parents who can _(take) care of them. But the young should then look after their parents as they get older. That is why Chinese adults _(continue) to live with their parents. be asked are allowed be educated start move take continue Youre the classmates in Jacks new school. Make a list of rules about what should and shouldnt be allowed in your school and reasons. A: In my opinion, students should be allowed to . B: I agree. But . C: I think/dont think should be allowed to . D. I disagree. Because theyre enough. / Youre right. Theyre too to . (choose ones own clothes, get ears pierced, have part-time jobs, drink, smoke, play cards, have puppy love, bring phones to school, cheat in the exam, make own decisions, move out, run after stars, ) Try to write a reply to Jack. Dear Jack, Im sorry to hear that youre not happy these days. Life for teenagers today is not easy. Because each of us has many strict rules both at home and school. Its very common to like someone in your class for teenagers, especially at a new school. I think you should _ _ _ There are also many other school rules you have to follow. For example, _ _ _ _ Rules make the world in order. Although we have our own ideas and try to be independent, we have to understand and follow many rules. As teenagers, our life should be colorful with study and a lot of fun. I hope you could spend more time doing sports. That will make you feel relaxed and happy. Yours, _ When you try to be yourself and do whatever you want, just remember: understand and respect! Thanks!Thanks! Goodbye!Goodbye! 9 年级年级 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A Grammar focus -4c 备课详情备课详情 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 能掌握主动语态变被动语态的变化方法。 能在口语表达以及书面表达中灵活运用主动和被动语态来表达自己的观点。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 让学生学会正确思考、合理处理青春期正在面临的一些问题,树立正确的人生观价值观。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 掌握主动语态变被动语态的方法,熟练运用被动语态的句型。 2. 教学难点: 主动语态变被动语态在转换过程中的时态变化方式和过去分词的运用。 三、教学过程 . Warming-up 由一封 Jack 的来信展开故事,他喜欢上了新学校班上的女同学但是家长却不允许交往, 为此他感到烦恼,不知道是应该对女孩说出自己的情感还是把这个心情留存在心里。他需 要我的帮助。由此和大家一起探讨各自家里都有些什么规则,作为句型复习,就直接用 Students should (not) be allowed to .来引导学生说出自己的家规。 . Presentation 1. Lead in 为了让学生对讨论的话题有直观的兴趣和有话可说,我借用了 Jack 的一封求助信: Dear Cindy, Im not happy in my new school now. I like a girl in my class. She is nice and beautiful. But my parents dont allow me to make friends with her. I dont know if I can tell her about my love or just keep it in my heart. What should I do? Yours, Jack 对于正处于青春期的青少年学生来说,这也是一部分孩子正在经历的心理历程。通过这 样的求助信一方面让孩子们有兴趣去思考,另一方面通过询问“What do you think he should do?”来引导孩子正确应对和处理类似的问题。 引入话题之后很快转入到“What family rules do you have?” 列给出一些常见规则,如: Students should be allowed to do homework with friends. 导孩子们复习 sb. should be allowed to do 这个句型。 并通过提问 Do you agree or disagree?让学生操练观点表达。 有了刚才句型的引入,再给出一些图片和文字提示进一步深入操练,根据提问“What should students be allowed to do?”让学生自己用情态动词的被动语态说出图片中表达的规则。 比如,给出一张抽烟的照片,提示学生我们可以说“Dont smoke!” 也可以说“Students shouldnt be allowed to smoke.”在这一组的练习中,我用到了本单元 Section A 所学到的常 用词汇,如 smoke, drive, get ears pierced, have a part-time job, choose ones own clothes, 由 should 逐渐延伸到 can/may 的被动语态的表达,由肯定句逐渐延伸到否定句、一般疑问句 以及宾语从句的操练。由一个情态动词的被动语态举一反三,体现语言的灵活性和牵引性, 也是从口头上让学生对各种形式都更加熟练,达到复习课巩固和提高的目的。 III. Grammar Study 1. 语法总结:语法总结: 总结情态动词的被动语态: 有了之前一系列层层递进的口头表达练习,是时候将本单元重点语法知识情态动词的 被动语态进行总结。但我是通过让学生自己从所学的句型中找到规律来归纳总结。 被动语态的几种形式: 再次引出所学的几种被动语态的形式复习:一般现在时、一般过去时和情态动词的被动 语态,写出每种的基本构成。 主动语态变被动语态的方法: 展示一个同学的照片让学生根据提示说出主动语态的句子“He cleans the classroom everyday.”我将句子分成“He”, “cleans”, “the classroom”, “every day”四个部分并分别写在 纸板上贴到黑板上。然后准备了“动作执行者” , “谓语动词” , “动作承受者” , “其他部分” 四张纸片,让学生在刚才的句子对应的词的上方贴出来。让他们学会体会句子结构和成分。 然后我准备了“The classroom”, “is cleaned”, “by him”, “every day”以及“动作执行者” , “谓 语动词” , “动作承受者” , “其他部分”四张纸片的四张卡片,让学生在黑板上贴出正确的 语序和被动语态中各个句子成分的位置,学生主动举手上来演示,既可以调动课堂积极性 又能让学生最直观的看到主动语态和被动语态之间各个句子成分之间的转换。 操作完成效果如下: 2. 语法练习语法练习 游戏:砸金蛋 可爱的金蛋显得神秘又有趣,让学生自己选一个数字砸开之后回答里面的问题,4 个 金蛋里有 3 个里面有题,分别是将一般现在时、一般过去时和含情态动词的句子变成被动 语态,是对之前语法总结的一个检验和实践。回答正确的可以得到一个小礼物,另外还有 一个金蛋砸开之后没有题直接就是送礼物,这也增加了孩子们的课堂积极性和乐趣。 书上 4a 的主动句变被动句练习 有了之前的语法总结和金蛋操练现在再来进一步将情态动词的被动语态句子写出来就 不是难事了,当然有几个句子都是宾语从句中的被动语态,要让学生注意语序的正确。学 生课堂写出来之后就念给大家一起评判是否写对了。 承上启下 为了给 4b 的短文填空打基础,我在 4a 的练习中加入了第 6 句:Parents may ask teenagers to move out.要求学生也变被动。目的是引入到 4b 的话题中。 . Reading and Filing (4b) 1. 口头练习:When youre 18, do you want to move out? 在之前的 4a 句子转换中我加入的最后一个句子就是与 4b 的文章内容有关,让学生变 成的被动语态的句子就是“Teenagers may be asked to move out by parents.” 当学生写出这个 句子时我就问他们“Do you think youll move out when youre 18? And why?” 引出 4b 中成 年后是否搬出去住的话题讨论。这样学生可以顺着我的引导说出他们的想法。 2. 阅读 短文填空其实也是阅读的一部分所以阅读文章的方法和步骤也要引导孩子们去养成。 先快速阅读 4b 的文字,根据已有的单词了解文章的主要内容,然后再细读一遍并回答 我设置的 3 个问题。问题中包含了中国家长和西方家长分别的态度是什么以及存在区别的 原因。这么做是为了让学生去思考中西方文化背景的差异,因为学一门语言,了解文化背 景也能促进语言的深入了解和学习,让他们更好地体会和运用所学的知识。 3. 填空:根据文章内容和上下文联系填写所缺单词。然后让学生说出自己的答案。 . Role-play the conversation. 1. 以 Jack 新学校同学的身份分组讨论这个学校的规则。这样 Jack 就知道在这个学校哪 些是允许哪些是不允许的。 A: In my opinion, students should be allowed to . B: I agree. But . C: I think/dont think should be allowed to . D. I disagree. Because theyre enough. / Youre right. Theyre too to . 除了课文中出现过的词汇这里我还给出了其他一些他们比较感兴趣的话题的课外词汇, 目的在于综合运用语言的能力能得到更好的提高。 小组准备好之后就以组为单位表演。 VIWriting. 语言的学习需要有效地输出,所以在口语练习、语法讲解、语法操练之后,我采用段 落写作的方式来检验学生的学习效果。 、 本堂课因为一开始就抛出了 Jack 的困惑所以整个课程围绕帮助 Jack 解决问题为情感 主线,到最后的写作也是针对 Jack 的疑问写一段话,写出给他的建议和学生对早恋问题的 自己的看法。这里不仅仅只是情态动词被动语态的表达,而是一个综合性观点表达,需要 学生把所有学过的知识结合自己的想法准确地表达出来。当然文章的开头和结尾我已经给 出,目的在于给学生构建一个框架、搭一座桥,这样他们就可以顺着已有的句型模式进行 模仿和迁移最后成为自己的能力。 给学生 10 分钟左右时间完成这个段落的写作,然后让学生读出自己的文段。大家一 起评说。 VII. C onclusion. 在写作的最后一段我提出,规则让世界更有序,虽然有时我们有不同的想法但是要学会尊 重规则的必要性,所以在本节课的最后我也提出整节课的情感升华:就是当孩子们想要努 力做独立有个性的的个体时也要懂得尊重和理解。用这个观点来引导学生看待事物的态度。 Writing Practice Dear Cindy, Im not happy in my new school now. I like a girl in my class. She is nice and beautiful. But my parents dont allow me to make friends with her. I dont know if I can tell her about my love or just keep it in my heart. What should I do? Yours, Jack Dear Jack, Im sorry to hear that youre not happy these days. Life for teenagers today is not easy. Because each of us has many rules both at home and at school. Its very common to like someone in your class for teenagers, especially at a new school. I think you should _ _ _ _ There are also many other rules you have to follow. For example, _ _ _ _ _ _ Rules make the world in order. Although we have our own ideas and try to be independent, we have to understand and follow many rules. As teenagers, our life should be colorful with study and a lot of fun. I hope you could spend more time doing sports. That will make you feel relaxed and happy. Yours, _
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人教版九年级Unit Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级公开课_(编号:c042e) 人教版
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