人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:64cc5).zip


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Unit6Whenwasitinvented? 1. 掌握style, project, daily, website, list, mention等重点单词。 2. 初步了解一般过去时的被动语态及特 殊疑问句。 3. 正确运用被动语态谈论重要发明的历 史和用途。 Period1(SectionA1a-2d) Do you know what these inventions are? KarlBenz 卡尔奔驰 Do you know who these inventors are? AlexanderBell 亚历山大贝尔 J.L.Baird 贝尔德 Can you match the inventions with the right inventors? Thefirsttelephonewasinvented(by Bell)in1876. Bellinventedthefirsttelephonein1876. KarlBenzinventedthefirstcarin1885. Thefirstcarwasinvented(byKarl Benz)in1885. Thefirsttelevisionwasinvented(byJ.L. Baird)in1927. J.L.Bairdinventedthefirsttelevisionin 1927. Look at the things below. In what order do you think they were invented? Discuss them with your group. Then number them 1-4. 1a 2 3 1 4 IthinktheTVwas inventedbeforethecar. Well,IthinktheTVwas inventedafterthecar. Listen and match the inventions with the years. 1b _1876 _1885 _1927 _1971 d a c b Listen and complete the conversation. Alice:Wasyourlifevery_whenyou wereakid? Grandma:Oh,_.Why? Alice:Well,youdidnthavemodern inventionslikea_,right? Grandma:Ofcoursewedid!Howolddoyou thinkIam?Thetelephone_in _.Youneedtotakea_class,Alice! difficult notreally telephone wasinvented 1876history Alice:Haha!Howabout_?They _yet,werethey? Grandma:Yes,theywere.Cars_ _in_.Myfamilyhadacar. Alice:Well,didyou_? Grandma:No,wecouldnt_one. Theywere_inthosedays.TheTV _around_,Ithink. cars werentinvented invented were 1885 haveaTV afford expensive wasinvented1827 Alice:Well,Iknowthatyoudidnthavea _,becausewelearnedinschool thatpersonalcomputers_in _. Grandma:Youreright.ButIhaveone now! computer wereinvented 1971 Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again. 1c Whenwasthe telephoneinvented? Ithinkitwas inventedin1876. Whenwasthecar invented? Itwasinventedin 1885. Whenwasthe TVinvented? Itwasinventedin 1927. Whenwasthe computer invented? Itwasinventedin 1971. Listen and number the inventions 1-3 in the order you hear them. 2a _shoeswithspecialheels _shoeswithlights _hotice-creamscoop,runsonelectricity 1 3 2 n.鞋跟;足跟 n.勺;铲子 n.电;电能 Invention Whatisit/aretheyused for? shoeswithspecial heels _thestyleofthe shoes shoeswithlightsseeing_ hotice-creamscoop_reallycoldice- cream Listen again and complete the chart. 2b changing serving inthedark n.样式;款式 Thefirstinventionisshoeswith _.Peoplealwayshittheirtoes on_onthewaytothe bathroomatnight.Sopeoplecanuse themfor_inthe_. Listen again and fill in the blanks. something seeingdark lights Thesecondinventionisaspecialice-cream _.Itrunson_andbecomes hot.Its_forservingreally_ice- cream. scoopelectricity usedcold Thelastinventionisshoeswithspecial _.Peoplecanmovetheheels_and _.Youcan_theheelsifyouare goingtoa_or_themifyouare justgoingoutfor_. heels down up raise partylower shopping Make conversations using the information in 2b. Whataretheshoes withlightsusedfor? 2c Theyreusedfor seeinginthedark. Whatarehotice- creamscoopused for? Theyreusedfor servingforreally coldice-cream. Whatareshoes withspecialheels usedfor? Theyreusedfor changingthestyle oftheshoes. HeyRoy,thesubjectformyschool projectis“Smallinventionsthat changedtheworld.”Canyouhelp methinkofaninvention? Role-playthe conversation. 2d Withpleasure!Letmethink hmmIknow!Thezipper! n.项目;工程 n.高兴;愉 快 n.拉链 Thezipper?Isitreallysuchagreat invention? Thinkabouthowoftenitsusedin ourdailylives.Youcanseezippers ondresses,trousers,shoes,bags almosteverywhere! adj.每日的 ;日常的 Well,youdoseemtohaveapoint Ofcourse!IthoughtaboutitbecauseIsaw awebsitelastweek.Thepioneersof differentinventionswerelistedthere. n.网站 n.先锋;先驱 v.列表;列清单n.名单;清单 Forexample,itmentionedthatthe zipperwasinventedbyWhitcomb Judsonin1893.Butatthattime,it wasntusedwidely. v.提到;说到 Really?Sowhendiditbecome popular? Around1917. 1.Well,youdoseemtohaveapoint 嗯,看来你说的确实有道理 助动词do放在动词seem前面主要用来加 强语气,“的确,确实”。在谓语动词前 添加助动词do表示强调的用法常见于肯 定句和祈使句中。 haveapoint指某人的说法或想法“有道理”。 e.g._,butthe problemisthatwedonthaveachoice. 也许你说的有道理,但问题是我们没有 选择。 Perhapsyouhaveapointthere 2.Theyareusedforseeinginthedark. beusedfordoingsth.“被用来做某事”。 与beusedtodosth.同义。表用途、目 的。 e.g.这台电脑是用来控制所有机器的。 你知道这个工具是用来做什么的? Thiscomputerisusedtocontrolall themachines. Doyouknowwhatthistoolisused for? 3.Thinkabouthowoftenitsusedin ourdailylives. thinkabout“考虑,想起”。 e.g.Heisthinkingabouttravellingin thesummerholidays. 他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。 Shewasthinkingabouther childhooddays. 她正回想她的童年时期。 【think短语】 thinkof指“考虑,记忆,记起” e.g.Youthinkofeverything! 你全都提到了。 Icantthinkofhisnameatthe moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。 thinksth.over“仔细想,审慎思考,作进 一步考虑”。 e.g.PleasethinkoverwhatIsaid. 请仔细考虑我说的话。 Iwanttothinkitover. 我想仔细考虑一下这件事。 thinksth.out“想通,想出,熟思”。 e.g.Hethoughtoutanewidea. 他想出了一个新主意。 Thatwantsthinkingout. 那件事需要仔细考虑。 .根据句意及提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1.Theclothesinthatstoreareindifferent _(样式). 2.Itsnotrighttowastewaterand_ (电). 3.Pleasetrythis_(网站).Ithinkits fantasticforbeginners. 4.Theyfoundgreat_(愉快)inplaying basketball. pleasure styles electricity website 5.Theoldmanisthe_(先驱)inthe field(领域)ofspace. 6.Helensnamewas_(列出)onthe blackboard. 7.Mr.Blacktoldmenotto_(提到) thatatthemeeting. 8.Dr.Wilson,couldyoupleasegiveabrief introductiontoyour_(工程)? project(s) pioneer listed mention .完成英语句子,每空一词。 1.很抱歉我不能想起这部电影的名字。 ImsorryIcant_the nameofthefilm. 2.你说的有道理,电脑在我们的日常生活中 起着重要的作用。 Youhaveapoint.Computersplayan importantpartinour_.dailylives thinkof 3.去年他去了很多国家,比如澳大利亚。 Hewenttomanycountrieslastyear, _,Australia. 4.那时我们正在上英语课。 WewerehavinganEnglishclass_ _. 5.安娜似乎不太喜欢这个主意。 Annadoesnt_the idea. seemtolike forexample at thattime Recite the conversation in 2d. Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: heel, scoop, electricity, style, project, pleasure, zipper, daily, website, pioneer, list, mention 能掌握以下句型: When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. What are they used for? They are used for seeing at night. 2) 能谈论物品被发明的时间、发明者,表达某发明的用途。 2.2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 了解一些近现代发明的时间及用途,激发自己热爱发明的情感。培养想象力, 善于观察事物。面对难题,用积极的态度去解决,发挥想象力,认识世界, 改造世界。 二、教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点:教学重点: 1) 本课时的单词、词组和句型,学习运用一般过去时态的被动语态。 2) 学会询问发明时间及用途的基本句型: When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. What are they used for? They are used for seeing at night. 2. 教学难点:教学难点: 运用一般过去时态的被动语态来讨论发明的发明时间及用途。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 I. Warming up 1. 展示一些近代发明的图片与近代发明的发明者,让学生们将图片与发明者相 连。 T: Do you know what these inventions are? S1: Its a car. S2: Its a telephone. S3: Its a television. T: Do you know who these inventors are? S1: Karl Benz S2: Alexander Bell S3: J. L. Baird Let Ss match the inventions and the inventors. . Presentation 引导学生们学习一般过去时态的被动语态结构。 让学生们看大屏幕的如果爱和发明者的图片,并将句子改为被动语态。 如: T: Karl Benz invented the first car in 1885. The first car was invented (by Karl Benz) in 1885. . Talking 1. Look at the pictures in 1a. Discuss with your group, in what order do you think they were invented? Try to number them 1-4. 2. Ss discuss with their partners and number the pictures. 3. Talking about the inventions: A: I think the TV was invented before the car. B: I dont agree with you. I think the TV was invented after the car. . Listening (1b) 1. T: Tell Ss look at the pictures and years on the left. Finish 1b. 2. Listen again and complete the conversation. Alice: Was your life very _ when you were a kid? Grandma: Oh, _. Why? Alice: Well, you didnt have modern inventions like a _, right? Grandma: Of course we did! How old do you think I am? The telephone _ in _. You need to take a _ class, Alice! Alice: Haha! How about _? They _ yet, were they? Grandma: Yes, they were. Cars _ _ in _. My family had a car. Alice: Well, did you _? Grandma: No, we couldnt _ one. They were _ in those days. The TV _ around _, I think. Alice: Well, I know that you didnt have a _, because we learned in school that personal computers _ in _. Grandma: Youre right. But I have one now! . Pair work (1c) 1. Ss try to remember the invention and the year. 2. Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B when the things in the picture in 1b were invented. Then change roles and practice again. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer in pairs. e.g. A: When was the telephone invented? B: I think it was invented in 1876. . Learning the new words & Listening Look at the pictures then learn the new words. Work on 2a: T: Tell Ss they will hear some interesting inventions. 1. Look at the pictures in 2a. Discuss the things what they are used for. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the chart below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to fill in the blanks. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. The first invention is shoes with _. People always hit their toes on _ on the way to the bathroom at night. So people can use them for _ in the _. The second invention is a special ice-cream _. It runs on _ and becomes hot. Its _ for serving really _ ice-cream. The last invention is shoes with special _. People can move the heels _ and _. You can _ the heels if you are going to a _ or _ them if you are just going out for _. . Pair work (2c) 1. Tell Ss to make conversations using the information in 2b. Make a model for the Ss. A: What are the shoes with special heels used for? B: They are used for changing the style of the shoes. 2. Let some Ss make conversations using the information in 2b. 3. See which group does the best. . Role-play (2d) 1. Read the conversations and Let Ss read after the teacher. 2. Explain some new words and main points in the conversation. 3. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in groups. X. Language points 1. Well, you do seem to have a point 嗯,看来你说的确实有道理 这句话中的助动词 do 放在动词 seem 前面主要用来加强语气,通常可译作 “的确,确实”。在谓语动词前添加助动词 do 表示强调的用法常见于肯定句 和祈使句中。 在英语中,have a point 通常指某人的说法或想法“有道理”。如: (Perhaps you have a point there), but the problem is that we dont have a choice. 也许你说的有道理,但问题是我们没有选择。 2. They are used for seeing in the dark. be used for doing sth.表示“被用来 做某事” 。 相当于 be used to do sth. e.g. 这台电脑是用来控制所有机器的。 你知道这工具是用于做什么的? This computer is used to control all the machines. Do you know what this tool is used for? 3. Think about how often its used in our daily lives. think about 表示“考虑,想起” e.g. He is thinking about travelling in the summer holidays. She was thinking about her childhood days. 他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。 她正回想她的童年时期。 【think 短语】 think of 指“考虑,记忆,记起” e.g. You think of everything! 你全都提到了。 I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。 think sth. over 指“仔细想,审慎思考,作进一步考虑” e.g. Please think over what I said.请仔细考虑我说的话。 I want to think it over. 我想仔细考虑一下这件事。 think sth. out 指“想通,想出,熟思” e.g. He thought out a new idea. 他想出了一个新主意。 That wants thinking out. 那件事需要仔细考虑。 Homework Recite the conversation in 2d.
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