人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:9285a).zip


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Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat areare thethe shirtsshirts mademade of?of? (Section(Section B B 2b2b2c)2c) 一教材依据一教材依据: : 新目标英语 Go for it!九年级(全一册)第五单元(Section B 2b2c) 二二. . 设计思想:设计思想: 1.1. 教材分析教材分析 本单元是新目标英语 Go for it!九年级(全一册)第五单元,中心话题是谈论中国制 造的东西,主要语言功能项目是讨论产品用什么制造,在哪儿制造。本节课主要介 绍中国传统文化艺术形式天灯、剪纸和陶土艺术,同学们比较感兴趣。通过本 节课的学习,同学可以很好的了解中国传统文化艺术形式,增强国家文化自豪感。 2.2. 学情分析学情分析 本节课教学设计强调从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,结合学生实际, 谈论学生的业余时间活动。提倡采用任务型语言教学途径和方法,鼓励学生在教师 的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探索和合作等方式,发现语言的规律,逐步掌 握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略和自主学习能力。 3.3. 教学指导思想教学指导思想 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成 有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知 识和听说读写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。 三教学目标三教学目标 (一)(一)Knowledge Objects: 1. The students can use the new words: its, form, lively, heat correctly. 2. The students are able to make sentences with the useful expressions. (二)(二)Ability Objects: 1. The students can predict the main idea of the article by reading the title and grasp the details by scanning. 2. The students can introduce the traditional art forms in this passage according to the mind map. (三)(三)Moral Objects 1. The students are supposed to know something about Chinese traditional art forms and be proud of them. 2. Try to discover the beauty in common things and love your life. 四四.教学重难点:教学重难点: (一)(一)Teaching Key Points 1. To help the students understand this article well by some reading strategies such as predicting and scanning. 2. To help the students realize that it is important to discover the beauty in common things and love their life. (二)(二)Teaching Difficult Points 1. To help the students know the structure of this kind of article. 2. To help the students introduce the traditional art forms in this passage with the target language correctly. 五教学准备五教学准备 (一一)教师准备教师准备 1.搜集课件素材,准备制作课件。 2.学习新课程理念,理清教学思路,设计好教学环节。 (二二)学生准备学生准备 1. 预习,温故而知新。 六教法指导六教法指导 遵循学生是学习的主体的原则,在为学生创设实际情景的基础上,引导学生自主思考、 交流、讨论、归纳、学习,通过“问题情境-自主探究-拓展应用”的模式展开。 七学法指导七学法指导 通过游戏竞赛来调动学生的兴趣,在重点阅读训练的同时,加强说、读、写各环节的 综合训练,主意日常英语学习习惯的养成。 八课型八课型 新授 九课时九课时 1 课时 十十. 教学过程教学过程 教学内容教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Pre-readingPre-reading Organization Warm up 1.Organize Ss by greeting each other. 2.Show a slide“Are you ready?” 1.学生起立问候老师并 坐 2.学生阅读课前须知, 并做好课前准备 1.组织进入上课状态。 2.给学生养成良好的 英语学习习惯。 Lead in 出示精美剪纸集,请 学生欣赏,导入本节 课。 学生看剪纸集听教师介 绍 增进师生了解,激发 听课兴趣,为下一环 节做铺垫 询问学生了解什么种 类的传统艺术形式? 师生自由谈激发兴趣,为本单元 话题训练做准备 自由谈 PPT 展示不同的传统 艺术形式,请学生欣 赏。 教师请学生书写本节 课文章标题。 学生体会文章标题导进本节课内容 While-readingWhile-reading Task 1 Prediction How many traditional art forms are mentioned in the passage? What are they? ReadingReading TipTip Pay attention to 学生通过阅读题目完成 任务 通过阅读题目整体感 知文章,注意预测阅 读策略培养 教学内容教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 the title! It always helps you to get the main idea. Task 2 Fast Reading 1.Which part gives a general introduction? 2.Where can you find specific information? 学生通过快速阅读完成 任务 通过本阅读任务单让 学生了解文章结构, 知道总体介绍后会有 细节支撑。 Task 3 Careful Reading Read the passage and complete the chart. ReadingReading TipTip Let your eyes scan the text quickly to find the details that you are looking for. 寻读细节,并完成图表进一步理解文章 体会运用不同的阅读 策略 Task 4 Careful Reading Read Paragraph 2 aloud and finish the mind map with your partners. ReadingReading TipTip Read the questions carefully before you read the 寻读细节,并和同桌搭 档完成阅读任务 体会运用不同的阅读 策略进一步理解文章 Task 5 Careful Reading Read Paragraph 3 and complete the blanks. 寻读细节,完成阅读任 务 体会运用不同的阅读 策略进一步理解文章 Task 6 Careful Reading Read Paragraph 4 and put the steps for making pieces of clay art in order. 寻读细节,完成阅读任 务 体会运用不同的阅读 策略进一步理解文章 教学内容教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Task 7一带一路高峰论坛中一带一路高峰论坛中 国传统文化艺术形式国传统文化艺术形式 推介会推介会 1. Introduce the sky lantern , using the mind map. 2. Introduce the paper cutting with the clues. 3. Introduce the process of clay art to the class. 学生根据思维导图介绍 “天灯、剪纸和陶土艺 术”等传统文化艺术形 式。 通过复述文章让同学 们进一步加深文章理 解。 TestTest EvaluationEvaluation 1.讲比赛规则 2.讲练 3.评价 进行情感教育渗透。 Choose one of the following words, you will have a task! 比赛答题 笔记 互评 通过基础练习来巩固 落实本节课的知识点。 最后一道题是开放性 问题,旨在引导学生 重视合理安排业余生 活,养成良好生活习 惯 谈谈您的收获 REFLECTIONREFLECTION SUMMARYSUMMARY 1. 教师引导大家谈 本节课的收获 2. 总结本节课的重 点 学生谈自己的收获总结本节课的重点 Homework Supermarket Special 1: Finish 2d. Special 2: Recite one of the paragraphs. Special3: Make a survey of traditional art form and write a report. 学生自选作业并记录分层次布置作业有利 于不同层次学生学习 进步 形成性评价1.展示评价表格 2.引导学生自评互评 学生自评互评学会反思,激发同学 们的学习兴趣和提高 同学们自我超越的意 识 结束语感谢学生 感谢评委老师 学会感恩学会感恩 十一板书设计十一板书设计 十一教学反思十一教学反思 Beauty in Common Things Traditional art form (Objects of beauty) Materials used (Common things) Symbols of 你想英语学习轻松吗? 请养成良好的学习习惯! 1.请准备好课堂中要用的学习用品: 积分表+笔记本 + 练习本 + 错题本 + 双色笔 (学习的一把利剑 )+ 字典(无言的恩师) 2. 让我们的手+眼+嘴+耳+脑子动起来! 1.To learn about some traditional art forms in China by reading the passage. 2.To learn to move from general to specific. 3.To be able to discuss traditional art forms using passive voice: Sky lanterns are made of bamboo and covered with paper. The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. Free talk What kind of traditional art forms do you know? shadow figure Chinese painting Chinese calligraphy (书法) food art Chinese knot Chinese opera How many traditional art forms are mentioned in the passage? What are they? Reading Tip: Pay attention to the title and the pictures. Prediction预测 Task 1 Traditional Art Form Sky Lanterns Chinese Clay Art What are they? Paper Cutting g e n e r a l introduction s p e c i f i c information 1.Which part gives the main idea (general introduction)? 2.Where can you find specific information? Task 2 Fast Reading Reading Tip : A general introduction of the topic is usually followed by specific details and examples. Traditional art form (Objects of beauty) Materials used (Common things) Symbols of sky lanterns paper cutting Chinese clay art bamboo and paper paper (usually red) clay happiness and good wishes wishes for good luck and a happy new year love for life and beauty Read the passage and complete the chart. 2b Careful Reading Task 3 Reading Tip Scan the text quickly to find the details that you are looking for. sky lanterns first used by Zhuge Kongming made of bamboo, covered with paper, look like balloons used for: asking for help in the past; at festivals now symbols of: happiness, good wishes 1.Who first used sky lanterns? 2. What were they used for in the past? When are they used now ? 3.What are they made of ? 4.What are they regarded as? Read Paragraph 2 aloud and finish the mind map with your partners. Task 4 Paper cutting has been _for over 1,500 years. It is _ to do paper cutting. The paper _ before it _ with scissors. Then the paper was _ flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. During the spring festival, they_ on windows, doors and walls as of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. Read Paragraph 3 and complete the blanks. around difficult is cut turned into symbols is folded Task 5 are put Read Paragraph 4 and put the steps for making pieces of clay art in order. _The pieces are shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay. _ They are allowed to air-dry. _ They are fired at a very high heat. _ They are then polished and painted. 1 3 2 4 Task 6 中国 西安 Task7 中国 西安 1.Who first used sky lanterns? 2. What were they used for in the past? When are they used now ? 3.What are they made of ?4.What are they regarded as? Introduce the sky lantern , using the mind map. Paper cutting has been _for over 1,500 years. It is _ to do paper cutting. The paper _ before it _ with scissors. Then the paper was _ flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. During the spring festival, they_ on windows, doors and walls as of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. around difficult is cut turned into symbols is folded are put Introduce the paper cutting with the clues. 中国 西安 Introduce the process of clay art to the class. _The pieces are shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay. _ They are allowed to air-dry. _ They are fired at a very high heat. _ They are then polished and painted. 1 3 2 4 中国 西安 Test Evaluation Choose one of the following words, you will have a task! 完成句子( ) 最普通的东西也能转化成精美之物。 The most common things can be_ objects of beauty. turned into 单项选择( ) The paper is _ with scissors. A. cut B. cuts C. cutting A ( ) What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? They try to show things that are important in life such as love, beauty and family. Try to discover the beauty in common things and love your life. Which art form do you think is the most interesting? Why? ( ) REFLECTION SUMMARY 反思是 个好习 惯! Learn about some traditional art forms in China. Learn to move from general to specific. Be able to discuss traditional art forms using passive voice. 作业自选超市作业自选超市 Special 1:Finish 2d. Special 2:Recite one of the paragraphs. Special 3:Make a survey of traditional art form and write a report. Assessment Item 1.Whats your active behavior in this class? 2.What do you need to improve? 3.Whos your idol in this class? 4.Which team is the best in this class? Self-rating Wonderful * Very good * Good * Assessment Chart Step by step! 步步高,你一 定行!
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人教版九年级Unit What are the shirts made of _Section 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级公开课_(编号:9285a) 人教版 九年级 一册 _unit
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