人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:56fa8).zip


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Lets go into “the World of Numbers” 走进数词的世界 【学习目标学习目标】 1. 通过本节课的复习,学会正确使用基数词和序数词。 2. 通过本节课的复习,学会运用所学知识描述日常生活中与数字相关的内容。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1. 通过本节课的复习,了解序数词的拼写规律并能够正确拼写序数词。 2. 通过本节课的复习,学会运用所学知识描述日常生活中时间的表达法和分数的表达法。 【教学步骤教学步骤】 I. Lead-in II. 基数词的复习基数词的复习 1. Group work : Talk about your daily life. 2. Listening Tinas daily life Tina is a student in Class Two,Grade _. She is _ years old. The senior high school entrance exam (中考) is coming, in order to get good grades, she works very hard. In the morning, Tina usually gets up at _ . Then she brushes her teeth quickly. Before breakfast, she usually has morning readings for half an hour . She goes to school at _. At school, she often listens to the teachers carefully and reviews English, history and Chinese in her spare time. Besides, she always does exercise for half an hour every day. After school, she has dinner at ten to eight. After that, she does her homework at _ . She isnt good at math, so she spends more time on math. It is usually from ten to _. She goes to bed at _ . Good habits and exercise make her a better student. III. 序数词的复习序数词的复习 1. 小试牛刀 Sunday is the_ day of a week. March is the_ month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. August is the _month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. September is the _month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. December is the _month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. _ is the fifth month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. _ is the second month of a year. _is the_ day of a week. 2. Group work Lets review the rules:一起复习基数词变序数词的规律 one first eleven twenty-one two twelve twenty-two three thirteen twenty-three four fourteen twenty-four five fifteen twenty-five six sixteen twenty-six seven seventeen twenty-seven eight eighteen twenty-eight nine nineteen twenty-nine ten twenty thirty thirty-one IV. 当堂检测当堂检测 1._(四分之三)of the students in Class 2 know the date of Fathers Day. 2.Today is Marys _(十二岁) birthday. She is _ years old now. 3.Boys and girls, please turn to page _ (五) and look at the _(五)picture. 4. I live in Room 805. Sam lives in the room right above mine, on the n_ floor. 5._(五分之一) of the work has been finished. 6.The number of the students is about three _ in our grade. A. hundreds B. hundreds of C.hundred D.hundred of 7.My hometown is a beautiful place, because there are _ trees around my home. A. hundreds of B. hundred C.hundreds D.hundred of 8.The senior high school entrance exam (中考)starts on _. V. Writing Practice 中考离我们越来越近,时间越来越紧迫,我们该如何更有效的安排空闲时间呢?请以 小组为单位,制定你们自己的一天计划。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 【我的收获我的收获】 _ _ _ _ 语法专项突破语法专项突破 专题四专题四数词数词 考点一基数词(表数量) 数字基数词形式例词 012各自独立zero 0;one 1;nine 9;twelve 12 131939重读 teen 结尾 特殊:thirteen 13;fifteen 15;eighteen 18 一般:fourteen 14;sixteen 16 2090 整 位数 以 ty 结尾 twenty 20;thirty 30;forty 40;fifty 50;eighty 80来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K 两位数 (几十几)整位数个位数thirtyfive 35 三位数 (几百几).hundredand两位数six hundred and sixtysix 666 多位数 从右向左数起,每隔三位数加一个 逗号,依次读作 thousand(千) 、 million(百万) 、billion(十亿) , 逗号中间按三位数读 89,696,787,656 eightynine billion,six hundred and ninetysix million,seven hundred and eightyseven thousand,six hundred and fiftysix 考点二序数词(表顺序) 数字序数词变化规则例词 1、2、3不规则变化first,second,third 419基数词尾加 th 特殊:fifth 第五;eighth 第八;ninth 第九; twelfth 第十二; 一般:fourth 第四;nineteenth 第十九 2090 整位数ty 变为 tie 再加 thtwentytwentieth;ninetyninetieth 两位数或多位 数(整数除外) 只变个位数 (hundred,thousa twentythird 第 23;one hundred and fiftyninth 第 159;hundredth 第 100 nd 等只在词尾加 th) 【提醒】 (1)序数词要加定冠词 the,但若序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格 时省略 the。 This is our first lesson.这是我们的第一节课。 (2)序数词前加 a/an 表示“又一,再一”。 Even though the Browns have 3 children,they still want a fourth one. 尽管布朗夫妇已有 3 个孩子,可他们还想再要一个。 考点三分数 1分数的表达 (1)分子用基数词,分母用序数词;如果分子大于 1,分母要用复数形式。 3/4 three fourths4/5 four fifths (2)在英语中, “四分之一”常表示为 a quarter;“四分之三”表示为 three quarters;“二 分之一”表示为 a half。 (3)百分数的表达方式是:基数词percent。 Forty percent of the students in our class are from cities. 我们班有 40%的学生来自城市。 2分数的用法 “分数of限定词名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式; “分数of限定词不可数名词/名词单数”作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。但“分 数of限定词population”作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式,此时 population 意为 people。 One half of the students are from China in this school. 这所学校一半学生来自中国。 Two thirds of her money is spent on clothes. 她把三分之二的钱花在了衣服上。 Three fourth of the population in Singapore are Chinese.来源:Z&xx&k.Com 新加坡四分之三的人是中国人。 1 (2012 湖南郴州中考,34)Last year,one hundred English teachers took part in the _ English Summer Training. AtwomonthBtwomonthsCtwo months 2 (2012 湖南郴州中考,29)Li Jiacheng plans to give _ of his money to the charity. Really?What a kind man he is! Aone third Bone three Cone thirds 3 (2012 四川广安中考,26)Guangan is a beautiful city,isnt it? Yes.There are about two _ visitors here every week. Athousands of Bthousands Cthousand 4 (2012 四川南充中考,30)I think _ should not be allowed to drive. Asixteen years oldBsixteenyearoldCsixteenyearolds 5 (2012 广东佛山中考,34)Three students ran faster than Lily in the race.Lily was_.来源:Z#xx#k.Com Athe fourth Bfour Cthe third 6 (2011 湖北恩施中考,32)He wrote his _ novel when he was _. Afive;fifties Bfifth;fifty Cfifth;fiftieth 7 (2012 四川自贡中考,23)I hear your friend is visiting Sanya again.Is it the second time for him? Yes,and he will come for _time next spring. Aa third Ba second Cthe third 8 (2012 福建宁德中考,34)Excuse me,which is the way to the museum? Sorry,I dont know.This is my_ time here. Afirst Bsecond Cthird 9 (2012 福建南平中考,27)Thanks to Project Hope,_ children have better lives. Athousands of Bthousands Cthousand 10The work is too difficult for Mr Zhu to finish in a week.He needs _ days. Amore two Btwo more Ctwo another 11The road is over _ meters long. Asix hundred and fiftytwoBsix hundreds and fiftytwoCsix hundred,fiftytwo 12_ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. ATwo fifths;is BTwo fifth;are CTwo fifth;is 13About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the _. Atwothirds;1970Btwothirds;1970sCtwothird;1970 14_ of the warm water _ already been used up. ATwothird;hasBTwothird;haveCTwothirds;has 15Its 7:45. Yes,its _. Aa quarter past sevenBa quarter to eightCfifteen past seven oclock 16Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory? No,I think we need _ students. Aanother Btwo others Ctwo more 17The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people. Athousand Bthousands of Cthousand of 18Well be back for our schools _ anniversary ceremony. I see.That means youll have a gettogether with your classmates in _ years. Afifteen;seven Bfifteenth;seven Cfifteen;seventh 19Good news!Bill won _ medal in the long jump just now. Really?Thats his _ one at our sports meeting. Aa;four Ban;fourth Ca;fourth 20Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English. Atwo third Btwo thirds Ctwo three 21Nearly _ of the earth _ covered by sea. Athree fourth;isBthree fourths;isCthree fourth;are 22What class are you in? Im in _. AGrade Two,Class FiveBClass Five,Grade TwoCclass Five,grade Two 23Whats the date today? Its _. ADecember oneBDecember the firstCthe December first 24How many teachers are there in your school? _,but Im not sure. AHundreds BHundred COne hundred 25Was he born in _ century? No,he was born in the _. Atwentyone;1990Bthe twentyfirst;1990Cthe twentyfirst;1990s 四、数词四、数词 【考纲分析考纲分析】 1. 中考考纲 : (1) 基数词 (2) 序数词 2. 近 5 年中考数词的考点及分值分布 年份题型分值考查内容 2012 年单项选择1序数词:seventieth 2013 年单项选择1基数词(编号):Room 308 2014 年单项选择1基数词:In his fifties 2015 年单项选择1序数词: fifth 2016 年单项选择1基数词(编号):Page eighty 【自主学习自主学习】 一、一、数词分为_ 和_。_表数量,后面常接 _。_ 表顺序,前面常有_修饰,后面常接_。 分数的表达: 分子用_,分母用_, 分子大于 1 时,分母加_. 二、写出下列数字的基数词和序数词 1 2 3 5 8 9 12 20 21 22 23 40 百 千 百万 三、把下列短语译成英语 1. 三个月 2. 第二个周末 3. 成千上万颗星星 4. 40 个学生 6. 第 12 个生日 6. 在他三十多岁时 7. 在 21 世纪 20 年代 8. 四分之三的书本 9. 三年级四班 10. 第 7 路公共汽车 11. 第五课 12. 数百棵树 参考答案 三、1.three months2.the second weekend 3.thousands of stars4.forty students 5.the twelfth birthday6.in his thirties 7.in the 2020s8.three quarters of books 9.Class 4, Grade 310.Bus No.7 11.the fifth lesson / Lesson Five 12. hundreds of trees 【教师点拨教师点拨】 常考基数词、序数词一览表常考基数词、序数词一览表 数字基数词序数词数字基数词序数词 1onefirst16sixteensixteenth 2twosecond17seventeenseventeenth 3threethird18eighteeneighteenth 4fourfourth19nineteennineteenth 5fivefifth20twentytwentieth 6sixsixth21twenty-onetwenty-first 7sevenseventh22twenty-twotwenty-second 8eighteighth30thirtythirtieth 9nineninth40fortyfortieth 10tententh50fiftyfiftieth 11eleveneleventh60sixtysixtieth 12twelvetwelfth70seventyseventieth 13thirteenthirteenth80eightyeightieth 14fourteenfourteenth90ninetyninetieth 15fifteenfifteenth100one hundred 基数词变序数词口诀: 1,2,3 特殊记,结尾各为 t,d,d; 加 th,4 开始; 8 少 t, 九去 e,千万别忘记; (eighth,ninth) 5 和 12 不规则,f 来把 ve 替; (fifth,twelfth) 20 到 90, y 结尾变成 ie; (twentieth) 若是几十几,前基后序就可以。 考点 1 基数词 (1) 基数词表示数量,后面一般接复数名词(“一”除外)。如: seven days (2) 基数词的读法: 从右向左看,每隔三位划一逗号,倒数第一个逗号之前要用 thousand,倒数第二个逗 号之前要用 million,倒数第三的逗号之前要用 billion 表示。 如: 7,258,366,200 可读为: seven billion,two hundred and fifty-eight million,three hundred and sixty-six thousand,two hundred 百位与十位之间要加 and。 如:one hundred and twenty-five;十位与个位之间要加连词 符。如:seventy-four (3) hundred,thousand, million,billion, dozen 前面有具体数字时,后面不加 s 和 of; 如果没有具体数字, 后面必须加 s 和 of。如:five hundred (五百), hundreds of(成百 上千的), ten thousand(一万), thousands of(成千上万的), millions of(上百万的) (4) 时间的读法 顺读法: 点钟分钟 如:2:05 two five 3:50 three fifty 逆读法: 分钟 30,用“past”:分钟 past 点钟 (几点过几分) 如:4:15 four fifteen / a quarter past four 6:30 half past six thirty past six 分钟 30 分钟,用“to”:分钟(60分钟数) to (点钟1) (几点差几分) 如:7:40 twenty to eight 8:45 a quarter to nine fifteen to nine 整点的表达 :点钟 oclock。 如:9:00 nine oclock (5) 编号的表达 名词基数词 the序数词名词 如:Lesson One the first lesson (6) 小数点用“point” ; 百分数用“percent”的表达。如:1.4 one point four; 60% sixty percent (7) 与表示度量衡单位的词连用:10 米深/长/宽/高 ten meters deep /long /wide / tall 【课堂检测课堂检测】 ()1. of volunteers will be needed for 2014 Horticulture Exportion in Qingdao. Lets go and them. A. Thousands; join B. Thousand; be a member of C. Three thousand;take part in D. Thousands; be in ()2. Every year, farmers go to big cities to work. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of ()3. The chairperson received about three applications to join the Bird Watching Club. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds ()4.Did you know the earth is home to animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of ()5. The action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. A.130-minute B.130-minutes C.130 minute D.130 minutes 考点考点 2 序数词序数词 (1) 序数词表示顺序,前面一般有“the” 或代词修饰,后面一般接名词单数。 如:Monday is the second day of the week. Today is his seventeenth birthday. 注意:a / an 序数词表示:又一,再一 (表示泛指) I have failed twice, but I want to try a third time. (2) 分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于 1,分母s。 如:1/3 one third; 3/4 three fourths / three quarters (3) 日期的表达 月-日-年 如: It happened on January the second, 1990. / It happened on January 2,1990. 考点考点 3 其他重点表达其他重点表达 半小时 half an hour半天 half a day 两天半 two and a half days two days and a half 一至两天 one or two days one day or two 在 20 世纪 90 年代 in the 1990s 在他 30 多岁 in his thirties 再多两天 two more days = another two days 【课堂检测课堂检测】 ()1. David, how old is your father this year? . And we just had a special party for his birthday last weekend. A. Fortieth;forty B. Forty;forty C. Forty;fortieth D. Fortieth;fortieth ()2. Its said that of the water around the world polluted. A. two third; has B. two thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; is ()3.Mothers Day is celebrated across the world on the Sunday in May. Thats right. People show their love for their mothers by giving some presents. A. first B. second C. third D. last ()4.Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival. I see. And we can take part in activities. A. tenth; tenth B. ten; tenth C. tenth; ten D ten; ten ()5. Aboutof the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the . A. three five; 1996 B. three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997 D. third fifths; 1990s 【中考回放中考回放】 ()1. Please turn to page _ and take a look at the picture on it. (2016 广东省卷) A. the eightieth B eightieth C. eighties D. eighty ()2. I live in Room 403, Sam lives in the room right above mine, on the _ floor. (2015 广东省卷) A. third B. three C. fifth D. five ()3 Its never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his. (2014 广东省卷) A. the fiftieth B. fiftieth C. fifty D. fifties ()4.Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in? . (2013 广东省卷) A.308 Room B. Room 308 C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room ()5.How was your weekend?(2012 广东省卷) Great! It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves. A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth 【真题演练真题演练】 ()1. Meimei is going to be an older sister. Her parents are planning to have their _ child. (2016 重庆) A. oneB. twoC. firstD. second ()2. About _ of the land _ covered with trees and grass. (2016 龙东) A. three fifths; is B. three fifths ; are C. three fifth; are D. third five ; are ()3. More than two _ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year. (2016 淮安) A. hundredB. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of ()4. Li Ming will be . His parents are going to have a party for her birthday. (2016 天津) A. sixteen; sixteenth B. sixteenth; sixteenth C. sixteen; sixteen D. sixteenth; sixteen ()5. The _Brazils Olympic games will be held on August 5. _exciting news for the long summer vacation! (2016 咸宁) A. thirty-one; How a B. thirty-first; What C. thirty-first; What an D. thirty-one; How ()6. A recent survey shows that 30 out of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire. (2016东营) About _ of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isnt it? A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters ( )7一 How far is the small town from London? Its about kilometers(2016 绵阳) Atwo hundred and thirty five Btwo hundreds and thirty five Ctwo hundreds and thirty-five Dtwo hundred and thirty-five ( ) 8We have stayed at this school for (2016 新疆) ATwo years and half BTwo and half a years CTwo years and a half DTwo and a half year ()9. Now,everyone,please turn to Page and look at picture (2016 滨 州) ATwelve;the fifth BTwelfth;the fifth CTwelve;five DTwelfth;five ()10. What does the fresh juice contain? _of the juice_ orange. Its nice. .(2016 六盘水) A. Four-fifth; are B. Four-fifth s; are C. Four-fifth; is D. Four-fifths; is ()11. I think should not be allowed to drive.(2016 南充) A. sixteen years old B. sixteen-year-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-years-old ()12. Its my _ time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the books in it are my favorite. (2016 哈尔滨) A. forth B. four C. fourth D. fiveth ()13. Nowadays,_ of the old people in the area_ used to dancing on the square after supper. (2016 恩施) A. two third; is B. two thirds; are C. two thirds ; is D. two two; is ()14. Helen loves reading. She has read _ books this month. (2016 邵阳) A. fiveB. fifthC. five ofD. fifth of ()15. The book Journey to the West is very popular. Yeah, more than_ students in our school bought it. (2016 郴州) A. three hundred B. three hundreds C. hundred of D. three hundreds of ()16. This is the time that I come to Paris. I have been here twice. Me too. The world is so large that I want to see more of it. (2015 山西) A. first B. second C. third D. fourth ()
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