人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4b-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:b00cb).zip


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Unit 11: Sad movies make me cry. Task 1 Say out the adjectives to describe peoples feelings as many as possible; Task 2 Describe each picture with “make ” Task 3 Sum up the same phrase below. Xiao Wanzis mother makes her warm. Xiao Wanzi makes her mother angry. Doraemons leaving made Da Xiong sad . Exercise can make us strong /healthy. Da Xiongs mother made Da Xiong do his homework. The delicious food makes me want to eat. Sunshine makes her feel comfortable. Rainy days make him feel sad. Getting lost makes Xiao Wanzi cry. The boy was made to do the dishes. The boy was made to wash the clothes. Da Xiong was made to do his homework. Task 4 Think of appropriate words for the blanks. Dear Diary, June 29th I thought today was going to be really bad. To start with, it was cloudy and grey, and cloudy days make me _. And this was the day we would get our exam results back, but I didnt answer the exam questions very well last week. That made me _. I walked to school with my best friend Holly. She didnt say much to me. That made me a little _. In class, the teacher handed back our exams. That made me _. But I found out that I didnt do too badly. That made me very _. Then things got even better. Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice and turkey sandwich for lunch, and we talked a lot. That made me _. Task 5 1.Choose the best answer. 1).The soft music makes me feel _. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax 2).Dont make me _this or that. Im too busy. A. to do B. doing C. do 3).Though he often made his little sister _,today he was made _by his ister. A. cry, to cry B. crying, cry C. cry , cry D. to cry, cry 2.Complete the following sentences. 1)踢足球让我疯狂。 _ soccer _ me _. 2)这些树木使得森林看起来更漂亮。 The trees _ the forest _ more _. 3)红色使人们吃得更快些。 The color red _ people _ faster. Task 6 1. Complete the survey. Then ask two other students. You can begin like this: A: What makes you angry? B: When people throw rubbish on the streets, it makes me angry. C: Me,too. It makes me want to tell them to clean up the streets. 2.Write the survey report according to your survey results. Survey Report In our group,we have different feelings about how things affect us. For example,when I , it makes me . When I ,it makes . When , it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . What makes you .?YouStudent 1Student2Student3 happy want to cry uncomfortable angry nervous feel like dancing Unit11Sadmoviesmakemecry . SectionA:GrammarFocus4b anisland Oneday,youwentto TreasureIslandtolook fortreasure. TreasureIsland tornado 0 Awitchcameoutfromthe box. Shesaidyouhadbeen poisonedwhenyouopened thebox. 中 毒 Ifyouwanttogettheantidotes,you havetofinishthetasksbelowin40 minutes,oryouwilldie 解药 Butjusthalfofyouwhofinishthetasks betterandmorequicklycangetthe antidotes. Say out the adjectives to describe peoples feelings as many as possible; The group with more adjectives will get 2 points. Task 1 Sayoutthe negativewordsas manyaspossible. Sayoutthe positive wordsasmany aspossible AB feelings adj. happy pleased nervous excited comfortable bored annoyed angry sad stressedout sleepy scared relaxed proud unhappy energetic Sum up the description words about feelings. Task 2 Describe each picture with make PK Theonewhosaysmorequicklywillget1 pointforyourgroup.Ifyouknowthe answer,juststandupandsayitout,you dontneedtoputupyourhand. makesme anxious Theheavytraffic. Makesentenceswith“make.”. Xiao Wanzi XiaoWanzis mother_ XiaoWanzi_. makesherwarm. makeshermother angry makesXiaoWanzicry. 迷 路 了 Getting lost Doraemonsleaving_makesDaXiongsad. make them strong. Exercise can Thedeliciousfood_. makesmehungry makesmewanttoeat. Rainydays.makehimsad makehimfeelsad. Sumupthesamephrasebelow(1). XiaoWanzismothermakesherwarm. XiaoWanzimakeshermotherangry. DoraemonsleavingmadeDaXiongsad. makesb./sth.+ adj. Exercisecanmakeusstrong. Task 3 DaXiongsmothermadeDaXiongdohishomework. Thedeliciousfoodmakesmewanttoeat. Rainydaysmakehimfeelsad. Getting lost makesXiaoWanzicry. Sumupthesamephrasebelow(2). makesb./sth.+dosth. Lastnighttheboys mom_. Lastnighttheboy_. madetheboydothedishes wasmadetodothe dishes 妈 妈 让 我 洗 碗 ! Thismorningtheboys mom_. Thismorningtheboy_. madetheboywashtheclothes wasmadetowashtheclothes 妈 妈 让 我 洗 衣 服 ! DaXiongsmother_. madeDaXiongdohishomework wasmadetodohishomework(byhismother).DaXiong _ Sumupthesamephrasebelow(3). Theboywasmadetodothedishes. Theboywasmadetowashtheclothes. DaXiongwasmadetodohishomework. sb.bemadetodosth.passive voice DearDiary,June 29th Ithoughttodaywasgoingtobereallybad. Tostartwith,itwascloudyandgrey,and cloudydaysmakeme_. Thinkofappropriatewordsfortheblanks. feelsad tostartwith:起初;开始时 Task 4 Andthiswasthedaywewouldgetourexam resultsback,butIdidntanswertheexam questionsverywelllastweek.Thatmademe _.Iwalkedtoschoolwithmybestfriend Holly.Shedidntsaymuchtome.Thatmademea little_. Inclass,theteacherhandedback ourexams.Thatmademe_. worried sad nervous handback:退还,交 还 ButIfoundoutthatIdidntdotoobadly.Thatmade mevery_.Thenthingsgotevenbetter.Holly boughtmemyfavoritelemonjuiceandturkey sandwichforlunch,andwetalkedalot.Thatmade me_. happy happy/excited n.柠檬 1.Choose the best answer. Task 5 1).The soft music makes me feel _. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax 2).Dont make me _this or that. Im too busy. A. to do B. doing C. do 3).Though he often made his little sister _,today he was made _by his sister. A. cry, to cry B. crying, cry C. cry , cry D. to cry, cry 2.Complete the following sentences. 1)踢足球让我疯狂。 _soccer _ me _. 2)这些树木使得森林看起来更漂亮。 The trees _ the forest _ more _. 3)红色使人们吃得更快些。 The color red _ people _ faster. Playing makescrazy makelook eatmakes beautiful Completethesurvey.Thenaskthreeotherstudents. Whatmakes you? YouStudent 1 Student2 Student3 happy wanttocry uncomforta ble angry nervous feellike dancing Task 6 A:Whatmakesyouangry? B:Whenpeoplethrowrubbish onthestreets,itmakesme angry. C:Me,too.Itmakesmewantto tellthemtocleanupthestreets. In our group, we have different feelings about how things affect us. For example, When I ,it makes me . When , it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . Survey Report In our group, we have different feelings about how things affect us. For example, when my mom cooks me yummy food , it makes me happy. When Lucy works hard to get good grades, it makes her happy. When Alice hears from her parents, it makes her happy. When I have exams, it makes me nervous. When Lucy talks to strangers, it makes her nervous. When Alice Survey Report In our group, we have different feelings about how things affect us. When I , it makes me . When , it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . When ,it makes . Survey Report How to deal with our negative feelings Make your feelings out. Do something else that can make you happy. Learn to control your feelings (breathe, self suggestion, put yourself in others shoes). makesb./sth.+adj. makesb./sth.+dosth. sb.bemadetodosth. NegativewordsPositivewords 2.make Writeadiaryaboutsomething thatmakesyouhappyor unhappy (pleaseusethe“make”tomake sentences.) Lets see which group does better. Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A (Grammar Focus-4b) Teaching Material Grammar: the use of “make”. Lesson type: Revision Teaching Objectives: 1. Master the key words : to start with, grey, lemon 2.Master the use of “make” . 3.Be able to talk about how things affect people using “make ”. Moral Objective: Lead students to express their feelings freely and learn to deal with the negative feelings correctly. Teaching Important Points: Talk about how things affect people using “make” . Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Master the use of “make” . 2.Students review the set pattern “make+ sb. do sth.” in passive voice. Teaching Methods: 1. Task-based approach 2. Communicative method of teaching Learning Methods: 1. Interactive method 2. Cooperative learning method Teaching Procedures Step I. Warm-up Introduce the game “Island Escape” to students and tell them the rules of the game. Step II. Playing the game Task 1. Say out the adjectives to describe peoples feelings as many as possible; a.Boys and girls take turns to choose tasks to do. b. Boys and girls compete with each other to see who will finish the task better. c.The teacher leads students to summarize the description words about feelings in this part. Task 2. Describe each picture with“make ” Boys and girls describe each picture with“make ”.The one who says more quickly will get 1 point for their group . Task 3. Students summarize what they have reviewed in this part. Task 4. Think of appropriate words for the blanks.Then compare your choicea with your partner. a.Students fill in the blanks in the diary with appropriate words. b.If the answer is wrong,the other group will get 1 point. Task 5. 1.Choose the best answer. 1).The soft music makes me feel _. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax 2).Dont make me _this or that. Im too busy. A. to do B. doing C. do 3).Though he often made his little sister _,today he was made _by his ister. A. cry, to cry B. crying, cry C. cry , cry D. to cry, cry 2.Complete the following sentences. 1).踢足球让我疯狂。 _ soccer _ me _. 2).这些树木使得森林看起来更漂亮。 The trees _ the forest _ more _. 3).红色使人们吃得更快些。 The color red _ people _ faster. Task 6. a. Complete the survey. Then ask two other students. b. Write the survey report according to your survey results. c.Discuss:How do you deal with your negative feelings? Step III. Summary and homework a.The teacher asks students to summarize what they have learned in this period. b.Homework. c.The teacher will judge which group does better and announce the winner of the game. Blackboard Design Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A (Grammar Focus-4b) feelings(adj.) negative: positive: make bored excited disappointed relaxed make sb./sth.+adj. sad pleased make sb./sth. do sth. excited happy sb. be made to do sth. unhappy comfortable angry energetic
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人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry._Section Grammar focus 4a—4b_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_省级公开课_(编号:b00cb) 人教版
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