人教版九年级Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry.-Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-(编号:404b9).zip


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Section A (1a-2d) feelings(感觉感觉) bored nervous angry energetic uneasy annoyed uncomfortable sad comfortable tense upsetupset excited surprised frightened happy relaxed Brainstorm stressed out What kinds of movies do you know? sad movie comedy documentary action movie Lead in cartoon scary movie Comedies make me _. laugh/happy/relax What do you think of comedies? How do you feel about comedies? Documentaries make me _. sleepy How do you like documentaries? Action movies make me _. excited How do you feel about action movies ? How do you feel about sad movies? Sad movies make me _. cry/want to cry Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? 1a Id like to go to Rockins Restaurant because the decoration is interesting and modern. Besides, customers can enjoy loud and modern music. Id like to go to Blue Ocean for the atmosphere is quiet and calm. Customers can enjoy classical and smoothing music there. Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. Rockin s Restau rant 1.The _pictures make Amy _. 2.The _ music makes Amy _. Blue Ocean 3. The _ music makes Amy _, but it makes Tina _. awful uncomfortable loud nervous soft relax sleepy 1b Listening Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin Restaurant. Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. 1c Pairwork Listen and number the pictures 14 in the order you hear them. 1234 2a Listening 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina _ . 2. Amy didnt want to _ at Rockins Restaurant. 3. Loud music makes John want to _ . 4.The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy _. 5. Sad movies dont make John cry. They just make him want to _ . Listen again. Complete the statements. crazy stay dance cry leave 2b A survey in groups 1.Do you often work and play with your friends? 2.What do you often do together? 3.How do you feel about working or playing with together? Report: Workgroup 1.Who is Alices friend? Who is Nancys friend? Julie Nancy Alice adj.共同的共同的 Nancy and Alice have a common friend. Alice is friends with Julie. Nancy is friends with Julie. 2d Role-play the conversation. 2.Why is Alice unhappy? Because she thinks Julie is now better friends with Nancy than with her. 3.Whats Berts suggestion to Nancy? Nancy should ask Alice to join them each time she does something with Julie. 1. The 比较级比较级 +从句从句,the 比较级比较级+从句从句. 越越,就越,就越 如:如: _you pay, _you gain. 付出付出越多越多,收获,收获越多越多。 _you read,_ you write. 你读得你读得越多越多,你写得,你写得越好越好。 _ you start, _youll be back. 你出发得你出发得越早越早,回来得就回来得就越早越早。 Language points The morethe more The more the better The earlierthe sooner 2. Then she wont feel left out. to be/feel left out 表示表示“被遗忘被遗忘 ; 被忽略;被冷落被忽略;被冷落”之类的意思。之类的意思。 e.g. No one speaks to him, he always feels left out. 没人跟他讲话,他总是觉得被没人跟他讲话,他总是觉得被 人冷落。人冷落。 3. Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为吃饭时我喜欢听点我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为吃饭时我喜欢听点 舒缓的音乐。舒缓的音乐。 would rather do sth. (prefer to do sth.)意为意为“宁愿;宁愿; 宁可;更喜欢宁可;更喜欢”,此处,此处would并无过去的意思,并无过去的意思, rather 为副词,表示相当或相反,该句式常用来表为副词,表示相当或相反,该句式常用来表 示选择的意愿。示选择的意愿。 She would rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。她宁可到农村去工作。 4. so that 与与 so that so that 意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,引导结果状,引导结果状 语从句语从句 例:例:I studied so hard that I got the first place. 我如此地努力以至于得了第一名。我如此地努力以至于得了第一名。 so that 意为意为“以便以便;为了为了”,引导目的状语从引导目的状语从 句。句。 例例: I study hard so that I can have a good future. 我努力学习是为了能有美好的未来。我努力学习是为了能有美好的未来。 5. Why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Why dont +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不为何不? 用来提出建议或劝告。用来提出建议或劝告。 e.g. Why dont you go with us? Why not go with us? 你为什么不和我们一起去呢?你为什么不和我们一起去呢? 1) make +n. make food 做饭 make the bed铺床 make money赚钱 make a plane 做飞机 2) make+sb./sth.+n 名词做宾语补足语 The party made her a good teacher. They made him their head. (他们的首领) 3)make+sb./sth.+adj.形容词宾语补足语 The awful pictures make Amy uncomfortable. The soft music makes Tina sleepy. 4) make+sb./sth.+do 使某人做某事使某人做某事 Sad movies make me cry. 【体验体验】他讲的笑话使我们大笑起来他讲的笑话使我们大笑起来 His jokes _ . 注意:当make 用于被动语态时, 必须带不定式符号to. We were made to work all night. made us laugh The boss made us work all night. 5)make+sb./sth.+v.pp过去分词宾语补足语 I made myself understood by all the students. 我使自己得到了所有学生的理解。 You must make yourself respected. 你必须使自己受到尊敬。 6) make it 习惯用语, 及时赶到, 做成了 I just made it to my class. 我恰好赶到班级。(arrived in time) 1. What you said _ (make) me really angry. 2. Loud music makes him _ (feel) bad. 3. Why did you keep me _ (wait) for a long time? 4. The children are made _ (clean) their room every day . 5.Id rather _(watch) TV than _(hang) out. 6. _(swim) in the morning makes me energetic. feel waiting to clean watch hang Swimming makes Exercises 1._his new sunglasses _Tony look mysterious. A. Wears; make B. Wears; makes C. Wearing; make D. Wearing; makes 2. The war makes the girl _ . A. frightened B. frightening C. frighten D. frightens 3.Id rather _tennis than swim. A. to play B. playing C. play D. played Exercises 4. -How do you feel when the national flag go up ? -It makes me _very proud. A. felt B. to feel C. feeling D. feel 5. What do you think _these young people so excited? A. making B. to make C. makes D. maked 6.I like pop music, but _my father _my mother likes it. A. Either; or B. Both; and C. neither; nor Innovation A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 Friendship will last for ever.友谊天长地久 。 一、一、Recite the conversation in 2d. 二、二、Imagine you are an owner of a restaurant. Think about how you decorate it, well choose one from each group to show on the screen and tell us why you did it like that. Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d) 【单元教学内容分析单元教学内容分析】 本单元以 How do things affect you?为话题, 谈论外界事物如何影响人的心情。重 点语法为使役动词 make 的用法。通过本单元本课时的学习,引导学生学会比较、选择对 自己有影响的事物,并能正确处理一些实际问题,要求学生掌握表达某物或某事给人带来 的感觉、看法或影响等。既巩固了语言学习目标,又培养了学生的合作能和交际能力,培 养他们做个情感丰富的人。 【单元学情分析单元学情分析】 通过两年多的初中英语学习,九年级学生已经掌握了一定的英语基础知识,他们也能 够比较自觉地学习英语,并能够通过使用英语来表达他们的某些感受。我教的班级为普 通班,其中 1/4 的同学英语基础较好,1/2 的同学英语基础中等,1/4 的同学英 语基础薄弱,大多数学生英语学习兴趣较浓,乐于感知新事物。但还有一小部 分同学基础相对薄弱。因此在设计课程时需综合考虑,在活动之间搭设台阶, 循序渐进。课堂活动设计上遵循由易到难的原则,使不同层次的学生都学有所 得。 结合学生的年龄特点及知识能力,本课联系学生生活实际,引导学生结合自己的生活体验, 以小组对话、采访等方式,运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习,互相学习,鼓励他们主动 参与教学活动,在课堂上能进入角色,克服语言障碍和胆怯害羞的心理压力,真正成为学 习的主体。 【教学目标教学目标】 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1、词汇:描写“feelings(感受)”的形容词: happy,surprised,embarrassed,sick,anxious, angry, guilty,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,stressed out,worried,tense,excited,interested,relaxed,bored,comfortable 1、能够运用所学知识,谈论或询问事物对我们情绪的影响或人对某一件事或物的看法。 2、学会比较,分析不同事物的优缺点,从而进行优化选择。 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1、学习动词 make 的用法,即 make+sb./sth+adj./n./infinitive without to/p.p,并能在实际情 境中简单地运用。 2、学会以下基本句型: How do you feel about loud/soft music? How do you feel about the pictures? Loud music makes me tense/angry/. Soft music makes me sleepy/sad/relaxed The awful pictures make me tense/uncomfortable. 3、能听懂听力内容,并能完成相应的练习。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不 好的事情对自己的正面影响。培养学生做一个情感丰富的人。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 通过小组对话、采访等方式比较不同的事物,谈论它们对我们情绪的影响 。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1、掌握本课时中出现的生词:would rather,drive sb. Crazy,the more.the more.,lately, be friends with sb,leave out,friendship 2、动词 make 的用法:make+sb./sth+adj./n./infinitive without to/p.p。 3、能够用英语描述自己的情感 【教学方法教学方法】 任务型教学法:任务型教学法:倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。 竞赛教学法竞赛教学法:根据初中生争强好胜的性格特征,在课堂内引进小组竞争机制,提高团体合作效 率,加强团体凝聚力,激发学生的求知欲和参与意识。 多媒体辅助教学多媒体辅助教学:形象,生动,使课堂容量相对增加,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会, 有利于英语语言综合运用能力的提高。 【教具教具】电脑多媒体等。 【教学过程设计教学过程设计】 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1. Greetings and revision: Step 2. Presentation 1. Show some pictures for Ss and ask them about their feelings. 2. How do you feel about these following pictures? 3. Review the kinds of movies and answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?”【 Step 3 Listening 1. 1a.Look at the picture and answer: what can you see in the picture? Theyre thinking about their experiences in different restaurants. Compare answers with a partner. Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? 2. 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. Make 3 sentences using “Id rather.” Step4 Pairwork 1.1c.Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. 2.Imagine you are an owner of a restaurant. Think about how you decorate it, well choose one from each group to show on the screen and tell us why you did it like that Step5 Listening 1. 2a. Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them. 5. Listen again. Complete the statements. Step6 Pairwork 1. Role-play the conversation. 2.A say:A friend is easier lost than found.So we should value friendship Step7 Role-playing 1.Readthe conversation and answer the questions.2.Acting Step8 Language points. 1.Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为吃饭时我喜欢听点舒缓的音乐。 would rather do sth. (prefer to do sth.)意为“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,此处 would 并无过去的 意思,rather 为副词,表示相当或相反,该句式常用来表示选择的意愿。 She would rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 2. But that music makes me sleepy. 但是那种音乐会让我昏昏欲睡。 主语+make sb. +adj.意为“使某人感到; 使处于某种状态” 。 The color red makes me nervous. 红色会使我紧张。 3. Waiting for Amy drove Tina _. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。 drive sb. crazy 意为“让某人抓狂;使某人发疯;令人疯狂”,相当于 make sb. crazy。 So much work almost drives me crazy. 这么多工作几乎让我抓狂。 4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy _ . 电影如此的悲伤以至于它让 缇娜和艾美感到。 “主语+谓语+so +adj./adv. +that +句子”引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。 When the fans saw the famous singer, they got so excited that they cried out. 当粉丝们看到这个著名的歌手时他们如此激动以至于都哭出来了。 5. Well . yes and no. She was really late. 嗯,既开心又不开心。 yes and no 表示对某一问题的两可回答,意为“既是又不是;不能说定”。 - Were you surprised when you received something from Andy? 你收到安迪的东西时惊讶吗? - Well, yes and no. I knew he would send me something. But I just wasnt sure what it would be. 嗯,既惊讶又不惊讶。我知道他会送我东西,但是不知道他会送什么。 6.Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common. 我越是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们是有多么的相似。 (1) “The+形容词或副词比较级(+句子), the+形容词或副词比较级(+句子)”意为“越越.”。 表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个 the 都是副词,而不是冠词。 The more I read the book,the more I liked it这本书我越看越喜欢。 The earlier you start, the sooner youll be back. 你出发得越早,回来得就越早。 (2) “have in common”意为“有共同点;相似” My sister and I have only one thing in common. 我和姐姐只有一个共同点。 7. Mmm . why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? 嗯每次你和朱莉在一起的时候,你何不邀请爱丽丝加入呢? each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次”, 类似的词组还有 every time, next time, last time, the first time 等。 You should take off your shoes first each time you enter the room. 每次你进入房间就应该先脱鞋。 8. Then she wont feel left out. 那么她就不会觉得自己被冷落。 to be /feel left out ,意为“被遗忘;被忽略;被冷落;被抛弃”。 New fathers often feel left out when their baby arrives. 当自己的孩子出生时,那些新爸爸们往往有些被冷落的感觉。 Step 9 Exercises: Step10Homework 1.Recite the conversation in 2d. 2.Imagine you are an owner of a restaurant. Think about how you decorate it, well choose one from each group to show on the screen and tell us why you did it like that.
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