人教版九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:907b1).zip


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Whose volleyballis this? Itmust beCarlas. Sheloves volleyball SectionA PeriodThree GrammerFocus4c Carl a laboratorylbr,tr; outdoors coat sleepy sleep fallasleep n.实验室实验室 adv.在户外;在野在户外;在野 外外 n.外套;上衣外套;上衣 adj.困倦的;瞌睡困倦的;瞌睡 的的 v./n.睡觉睡觉 睡着的、入睡的睡着的、入睡的 Reviewwords WordMagic 幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学 应迅速应迅速读出读出并说出并说出中文中文意思。意思。 3秒秒内说不出,即刻失去机会,下位内说不出,即刻失去机会,下位 同学接续,每位同学只有一次机会。同学接续,每位同学只有一次机会。 接龙正确的同学可给本组加一分!接龙正确的同学可给本组加一分! Activity1 sleepy toytruck outsidethe window feeluneasy pickup hairband somethingvaluable belongto favoritewriter havefun(in) doingsth. havenoidea laboratory anoutdoors activity bestolen runaway attend next-door neighbor createfear Rules: 1.Stand up with a sound of ”bingo” and say out your guesses after the game begins. 2. Just say out your guesses. One guess, one point, add to your group. 3. One guess, one chance for each student. Activity2 Lead-in1 Itcouldbe _. Italsomightbe _. Canyouguesswhatitis? Threebirds abeautifulface Canyouguesswhatitis? Itcouldbe_. Italsomightbe_. awhitevase twofaces Canyouguesswhatit is? Use the sentence structure: It may/could / might/must/cant be a/an Read out the guesses: It may be a zero/cookie. It could be a circle/cake. It might be an egg/ear ring. It cant be a key/flower. It must be a backpack. Canyouguesswhatit is? Pair work: Read out the guesses in pairs: A: What is it ? B: It may be a zero/cookie. Guesses: 1. It could be a circle/cake. 2. It might be an egg/ear ring. 3. It cant be a key/flower. 4. It must be a backpack/schoolbag. Canyouguesswhatit is? 1.Use “must” to show that you think something is_. 2.Use “may” “could” or “might” to show that you think something is_. 3.Use “cant ” to show that you are almost sure something is_. probablytrue possiblytrue nottrue (100%) (0%) Summary1 Learntomakeinferences (20-80%) Duringtheguessinggame,we Learntomakeinferences 情态情态 动词动词 程度程度 Fourstarsis thehighest. 肯定句肯定句否定句否定句疑问句疑问句 must may might /could cant can Summary1 Letslearnanothergrammarpoint! Lookandsay,fillintheblanksafter watching. Whoseisthis? Activity3 Lead-in2 1.Whosehatisthis? Its_.dads moms =Thehat_dad.(属于属于) =Thedress_mom.(属于属于) (爸爸的)(爸爸的) (妈妈的)(妈妈的) belongsto belongsto 2.Whosedressisthis? Its_. Consolidation:Lookandsay,fillinthe blanksafterwatching. Whoseisthis? 3.Whosedollisthis? Its_. =Thedoll_.(属于我的属于我的 ) belongstome 4.Whosepuppyis this? Its_. Mins (Min的的) =Thepuppy_Min.(属于属于) (我的我的) mine belongsto Consolidation:Lookandsay,fillinthe blanksafterwatching. Whoseis this? 1.Whosehatisthis? Its_. 2.Whosedressisthis? Its_. 3.Whosedollisthis? Its_. 4.Whosepuppyisthis? Its_. dads=Thehat_dad. moms =Thedress_mom. =Thedoll_me. =Thepuppy_Min. mine Mins belongsto belongsto belongsto belongsto Consolidation:Letschant(让我们吟唱让我们吟唱) besbs=belongtosb. UsewhatyouvelearnttofinishthetasksonP60 Whosevolleyballis this? ItmustbeCarlas.sheloves volleyball. Whosehairbandis this? ItcouldbeMeishairband. OritmightbelongtoLinda. Theybothhavelonghair. Whatdidyouseethat night? Imnotsure,nutitcantbea dog.Itwasbigger.Ithinkit mightbeabearorawolf. GrammarFocus P60 ReadtheGrammarFocustogether,paymoreattention tothekeywordsinred. GrammarFocus: 1.Whosevolleyballisthis? It_Carlas.Shelovesvolleyball. 1.2.Whosehairbandisthis? It_Meishairband.Oritmight _Linda.Theybothhavelonghair. 1.Whatdidyouseethatnight? Imnotsure,butit_adog.Itwas bigger.Ithinkit_abearorawolf. must be couldbe belongto cantbe mightbe FillintheblanksaccordingtotheGF. Whoseisthis? Howtotalksomethingwhomitbelongto Findsomerules. It cantbe _. It must be _. It could/mightbe_. belong to _. belong to _. Summary2 sbs sbs sb sbs sb 名词所有格或名词性物主代词名词所有格或名词性物主代词 名词或宾格代词名词或宾格代词 belong to _.sb 1.Thisbook_beCarlas.Hernameison thebook. A.mightB.couldC.mustD.cant 2.Jacksbikeisblue,sothisyellowone_be his. A.mustntB.cantC.couldntD.mightnt 3.Theguitar_belongtoAlice. Onlysheplaystheguitarhere. A.couldB.mustC.cantD.can 1.4.Thisbackpackmustbe_. Isawhercarryityesterday. A.LucysB.LucyC.LucysD.Lucys Choosethebestanswer. 1.A:WheresJean? B:Imnotsure.She_(is/mightbe/mustbe)inthelaboratory. 2.A:Everyoneisgoingtothepoolafterschool. B:Really?It_(mustbe/cantbe/couldbe)hotoutdoors. 3.A:Thatsthephone. B:Hmm.Iwonderwhoit_(mustbe/couldbe/shouldbe). 4.A:IwonderiftheseareJimsglasses. B:They_(cantbe/mightbe/couldbe)his. Hedoesntwearglasses. 5.A:Ihearwaterrunninginthebathroom. B:It_(couldbe/mustbe/cantbe)Carla. Shewasthinkingoftakingashower. 4aChoosethebestwaytocompleteeachsentenceusingthewords inbrackets. 1.A:WheresJean? B:Imnotsure.She_(is/mightbe/mustbe)inthe laboratory. 2. A:Everyoneisgoingtothepoolafterschool. B:Really?It_(mustbe/cantbe/couldbe) hotoutdoors. 3. A:Thatsthephone. B:Hmm.Iwonderwhoit_(mustbe/couldbe /shouldbe). might be must be could be 4aChoosethebestwaytocompleteeachsentenceusingthewords inbrackets. 4.A:IwonderiftheseareJimsglasses. B:They_(cantbe/mightbe/couldbe)his. Hedoesntwearglasses. 5.A:Ihearwaterrunninginthebathroom. B:It_(couldbe/mustbe/cantbe)Carla. Shewasthinkingoftakingashower. cant be must be 1.A:Manypeoplearewearingcoats. B:Theweathermustbe_. 2.A:Sallyhasbeencoughingalot. B:Shemightbe_. 3.A:Thisrestaurantisalwaysverycrowded. B:Thefood_. 4.A:WheneverItrytoreadthisbook,Ifeelsleepy. B:Itcant_. very cold having a cold must be delicious be interesting 4bCompletetheseresponses. TherearethreechildreninMannisfamily.Manniis14 yearsold.Shehaslonghair.Shelikesplayingthepianoand drawing.Yanhanishersister.Sheis8.Shealsohaslonghair.She likessinginganddancing.Sheoftenlistenstomusic.Herbrother Siyouisa6-year-oldboy.Helikessportsandoftengoesbikeriding withhisfriends.Buthehasanotherbadhobby,usuallyplaying mobilephonegames. Manni Yanhan Siyou Hereisapassageaboutastudentsfamilyin ourclass.HernameisManni.Readthepassage andtrytorememberalltheinformation.(2 minutes) 4cLead-in Yesterday,Mannilostherbackpack.Inthebackpackthere aremanyimportantthingsasthepicturesbelow.Thismorning,you foundherbackpack.Pleaseusewhatyouvelearntinthisclass( must,could,might,cant,belongto,besbs,why,because)to discusswithyourgroupmembers,talkingaboutthethingsinitand inferwhomtheymightbelongto.(atleast,eachpersononesentence) Activity4 honorcertificate medal Thingsinthebackpack Sentencestructures: 1.Themight/could/must/cantbes,because 2.Themight/could/must/cantbelongto, because Activity5Writing:Useyourdiscussionstowritea shortpassageaboutyourinferences.(about 80words) Man ni Yanha n Siyou Youcanbeginlikethis: Iguess/think/themight/could/must/cantbes, because.Themight/could/must/cantbelongto, because.Andthe_ honorcertificate medal 及时小结才能巩固及时小结才能巩固 所学知识所学知识 情态动词微课情态动词微课.mp4 Summary3 microlecture 微课 2.Readingmakesafullman. 1.Ithinkbookmarksmustbe usefulwhenwearereading. Chickensoup(心灵鸡汤心灵鸡汤) 书签书签 阅读使人充实。阅读使人充实。 Homework 1.Copyandrecitethenewwordsin thisperiod. 2.Makesentenceswiththestructure “must/could(might)/cant+动原动原 because”. 1 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析: 本单元主要学习情态动词表“推测”的用法。是对情态动词的进一步学 习。在七、八年级学生都已经学习了情态动词的基本用法,本单元是对其用法的扩展。就本 节课而言,教材以 Grammar Focus 入手,以 4a、4b、4c 练习为辅,巩固“推测”这个话题和 应用,将其具体化,并在使用中体会和理解。训练学生的逻辑判断和分析能力。 二、整体设计思路:二、整体设计思路:首先,有目的的让学生在 Word Magic Game 中复习已学词汇,在 A Bingo Game 中引出语法目标语言 It may/could / might/must/cant be a/an 。继而在 Pair work 中操练在游戏中得来的目标语言。及时在 Summary 1 中概括 Learn to make inferences。紧接着 在观看一个 flash 后,巧妙运用 Look and say 引出第二个语法点 infer something whom it might belong to /be sbs。在 Lets chant 和 Grammar Focus 中进行操练。又在 Summary 2 中及时概括。 并运用所学完成 Quiz 和课本 4a、4b 的练习。本节课最具有亮点的设计是本节课最具有亮点的设计是对 4c 的改编。第一 步,我以一段关于本班一位学生三姐弟的兴趣爱好或特长的短文作为引入,让学生记住文中 的信息点。第二部,设计了一个 Group work,在 Lost and Found 活动中,运用目标语言推测 她书包里物品的归属,口头进行语言输出训练。第三部,再把小组讨论的所有表推测的句子 写成一段短文,以书面形式进行语言输出训练。最后,以微课微课的形式归纳总结本节语法新授 课的所学,多角度,全方位地巩固提升。 教学目标:教学目标:根据我对本班学生的认知水平和学习特点的了解,我制定本节课的学习目标 如下: Learning Aims:学习目标 Vocabulary: laboratory, outdoors, coat, sleepy, sleep, fall asleep 2 Target language: It may/could / might/must/cant be a/an 。 Whose volleyball is this? It must /could/might be Carlas. It must /could/might belong to Carla. ( belong to sb. 和 be sbs ) Knowledge Aims: 知识目标知识目标 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:laboratory, outdoors, coat, sleepy, sleep, fall asleep 2)进行一步复习巩固学习 Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)掌握情态动词的用法和物体所属的句型。 Ability Aims:能力目标能力目标 1Speaking, listening, writing, and communicating with others. 2. Use must, might, could and cant for making inferences. Teaching Importance and Difficulties: 教学重难点教学重难点 Importances: 1. 教学重点: 1) 复习巩固 Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 总结情态动词的用法。 Difficulties: 2. 教学难点: 1) 学习运用情态动词的用法。 3 2) 掌握物体所属的句型。 Method Objects in Teaching:教学方法教学方法 1. Bingo games , look and say , lets chant, microlecture methods. 2. Pair work and Group work methods. Teaching Aids 教具教具: PPT, task paper, pens Teaching Procedures:教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Revision Using a Word Magic Game to review some main words and phrases we learned in Section A. Step 2 Lead-in 在 A Bingo Game 中引出语法目标语言 It may/could / might/must/cant be a/an 。 Step 3 Pair work: Read out the guesses in pairs: A: What is it ? B: It may be a zero/cookie. Step 4 Summary 1: Learn to make inferences 1. Use “must” to show that you think something is_. 2. Use “may” “could” or “might” to show that you think something is_. 3. Use “cant ” to show that you are almost sure something is_. 学生在 Pair work 中操练在游戏中得来的目标语言。及时在 Summary 1 中概括 Learn to make inferences。 4 Step 5 Watch a flash of “Whose puppy is this.” Step 6 Look and say, fill in the blanks after watching it and then chant together. 1. Whose hat is this? Its_.(爸爸的) = The hat _ _ dad. (属于) 2. Whose dress is this? Its_.(妈妈的) = The dress _ _ mom. (属于) 3. Whose doll is this? Its_. (我的) = The doll _ _ _. (属于我的) 4. Whose puppy is this? Its _. (Min 的) = The puppy _ _Min. Step 7 Read the Grammar Focus together, pay more attention to the key words in red and then fill in the blanks according to the GF. 1.Whose volleyball is this? It _ _Carla s. She loves volleyball. 2. Whose hair band is this? It _ _ Mei s hair band. Or it might _ _Linda. They both have long hair. 3.What did you see that night? I m not sure, but it _ _ a dog. It was bigger. I think it _ _ a bear or a wolf. Step 8 Summary 2 Whose volleyball is this? It must /could/might be Carlas. It must /could/might belong to Carla. Rules: belong to sb. (名词或宾格代词) be sbs ( 名词所有格或名词性物主代词 ) 5 学生在观看一个 flash 后,巧妙运用 Look and say 引出第二个语法点 infer something whom it might belong to /be sbs。在 Lets chant 和 Grammar Focus 中进行操练。又在 Summary 2 中及时概括 be sbs = belong to sb.的规则。 Step 9 Finish the exercises in Quiz、4a、4b Quiz: Choose the best answer. 1.This book _ be Carlas. Her name is on the book. A. might B. could C. must D. cant 2. Jacks bike is blue, so this yellow one _ be his. A. mustnt B. cant C. couldnt D. mightnt 3. The guitar _ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A. could B. must C. cant D. can 4. This backpack must be _. I saw her carry it yesterday. A. Lucys B. Lucy C. Lucys D. Lucys Step 10 4c Lead-in Read the passage and try to remember all the information. There are three children in Mannis family. Manni is 14 years old. She has long hair. She likes playing the piano and drawing. Yanhan is her sister. She is 8. She also has long hair. She likes singing and dancing. She often listens to music. Her brother Siyou is a 6-year-old boy. He likes sports and often goes bike riding with his friends. But he has another bad hobby, usually playing mobile 这是对 4c 的改编。一段关于本班一位学生三姐弟的兴趣爱好或特长的短文作为引入, 让学生记住文中的信息点。 Group work: Discuss with your group members and take some notes if necessary. Lost and Found Yesterday, Manni lost her backpack. In the backpack there are many important things as the pictures below. This morning, you found her backpack. Please use what youve learnt in this class(must, could, might, cant, belong to, be sbs, why, because) to discuss with your group members, talking about the things in it and infer whom they might belong to. (at least, each person one sentence) Sentence structures: 1. The might / could / must / cant be s, because 6 2. The might / could / must / cant belong to , because Group work,学生在 Lost and Found 活动中,运用目标语言推测她书包里物品的归属, 口头进行语言输出训练。 Step 11 Writing: Use your discussions to write a short passage about your inferences. ( about 80 words) You can begin like this: I guess/think/ the might / could / must / cant be s, because . The might / could / must / cant belong to , because. And the _ _ 学生把小组讨论的所有表推测的句子写成一段短文,以书面形式进行语言输出训练。 Step 12 Microlecture 最后,以微课的形式归纳总结本节语法新授课的所学。 Homework 1. Copy and recite the new words in this period. 2. Make sentences with the structure “must/could(might)/cant + v. , because”. Blackboard Design Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Sentence structures: 1. It may/could / might/must/cant be a/an 。 2. Whose volleyball is this? 3. It must /could/might be Carlas. 4. It must /could/might belong to Carla. ( belong to sb. 和 be sbs ) 5. Writing: You can begin like this: 7 I guess/think/ the might / could / must / cant be s, because . The might / could / must / cant belong to , because. And the _ _ 教学反思教学反思 本节课的闪光点: 1本节课为本单元的第三课时,是一节语法新授课。所有课题任务都紧扣本单元的语法:情 态动词表推测的用法而展开。环环相扣,层层递进,由浅入深,突显重点与难点,最后得出 结论。 2第二步设计了 A Bingo Game 让学生感知情态动词,让学生在游戏中让学生学习情态动词 的用法,并自然得出结论。 3第二个语法点由一段 flash“Whose puppy is this”作引入并利用其中的台词编了 “Whose hat is this?”Its dads. The hat belongs to dad. 等四段一问一答填空练习,自然引出和操练了本 课的一个重要知识点:“be sbs” and “belong to sb.” 和学习 whose 问句。 4第三步让学生运用语法聚焦和 4a、4c 进一步消化巩固情态动词的用法。再把情态动词分 别与“belong to sb.“和 “be sbs” 结合使用,使语法与知识点巧妙融为一体,便于学生 消化吸收。 5第四步对教材的 4c 进行了改编。设计了一段关于本班一位学生三姐弟的兴趣爱好或特长 的短文作为引入,让学生记住文中的信息点。还设计了一个 Group work,学生在 Lost and Found 活动中,运用目标语言推测她书包里物品的归属,口头进行语言输出训练。第三个巧 妙设计是让学生把小组讨论的所有表推测的句子写成一段短文,以书面形式进行语言输出训 练。 6Summary 部分让学生自己概括,复习这一课的语法知识。 7最后,以微课的形式归纳总结本节语法新授课的所学。 8Chicken soup,让学生再次运用语法和知识点完成填空练习,同时也升华了学生的情操。 8 9本节课有 Pairwork 和 Groupwork 两个活动。Pairwork 是学生运用语法点和知识点模仿编 对话;Groupwork 先口头讨论再写成 passage,使学生的口语和写作都得到了练习。 10整节课重点、难点突出,每个环节都围绕主题展开。听说读写练游戏融为一体。 本节课的不足之处: 1、 个别练习讲解不够透彻,可适当使用母语。 2、 有的学生在 Pairwork 设计的对话意境不合适,未能进一步深化。 通过这次录播课,让作者深刻地体会到,要上好一堂课必须做大量的准备工作,备课要 备学生、备教案、备教学过程,要有认真严谨的态度,灵活的教学方法。让学生在快乐的情 景氛围中学习,调动学生的主动性和积极性,使师生互动取得最大效果。
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