人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-(编号:c06b3).zip


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Topic: Talk about school rules. Grammar structure: be allowed to do sth. should (not) be allowed to do Language points: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never. Kind reminderKind reminder Listen carefully.Speak loudly. Dont be nervous. Dont be afraid of making mistakes (错误). Dont be shy. Watch the video and answer the question. lead in lead in Whats this video about?Whats this video about? How many rules are mentioned How many rules are mentioned in this video? What are they?in this video? What are they? They are They are allowed allowed to.to. They They are not allowed are not allowed to do.to do. Sentence tructure: Sb. be(not) allowed to do sth. . Ask and answer What are you (not) allowed to do in your classroom? Were allowed to . Were not allowed to . eat in class study on computersget ears pierced answer questions actively Free talk sleep in classsleep in class speak too loudly speak too loudly Yes, I always get to class late. Yes, I usually get to class late. Yes, I sometimes get to class late. No, I hardly ever get to class late. Presentation No, I never get to class late. Do you ever get to class late? Yes, I often get to class late. always usually often sometimes hardly ever never Always(100%) usuallysometimes hardly ever never(0%) often Adverbs of frequency频率副词 Do you ever do these things? How often do you do these things? Groupwork Work in groups and then give a report. always usually often sometimes, hardly ever, never Do you ever get to class late? study with friends? finish a test early? worry about failing a test? use a mobile phone in class? . In my group, Li Ming always gets to class late. He usually studies with friends. So he often finishes a test early. And he sometimes watches TV on weekends. But he hardly ever worries about failing a test. He never uses a mobile phone in class. So he is a good student. Wang Li Sample report Peter But. Peter had a really bad day yesterday! Something about Peter Pre-Listening Pre-Listening Pre-Listening Pre-Listening clever, honest, kind and hard- working He got up late. When he ran to the bus stop, the bus had already left. At school, there was a big math test, could Peter get to school on time(准时)? What happened to him then? Task 1. listen and check. 听一段关于Peter母子的对话,选出Peter谈论的事情。 1. worry about failing a test 2. get to school late 3. finish a test early 4. study with friends 5. take a math test 6. argue with the teacher While-listening ( ) 1.Whats the matter with Peter? A. Hell fail a Chinese test. B. Hell fail an English test. C. Hell fail a math test. ( ) 2.Why did Peter go to school on foot? A. Because his bike was broken. B. Because he missed the bus. C. Because there was no car. ( )3.Why wasnt Peter allowed to take the test? A. because he was late for the class . B. because he argued with the teacher. C. because he was a bad student. ( )4. What did Peter think of the school rules? A. He thought it was very good. B. He thought it was unfair. C. He thought it was fair. ( )5. What would Peter do at last? A. He wouldnt go to school again B. He hated and argued with the teacher. C. He would communicate with his teacher, and let the teacher know the reason. C B B A C Task 2. listen and choose Its not fair if they dont even give me a chance. Peter had a talk with his mother about the math test .He told his mother that he was going to fail the test because he _and he had to _ . So his teacher didnt allow him _. Peter thought it was not _, and he should be_ His mother said he could _ after school. So Peter said maybe if he explained _ She can understand. missed the bus walk to school to take the testfair allowed to take the test later talk to the teacher what happened, Post-listeningg Task 1: Retell the story 1. Peter should be allowed to take the test later. 2. Students need strict rules. 3. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. A: I think Peter should B: I dont agree. C: I think be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格 Task 2: Pair-work Read the following statements. Then discuss them with your group. Sample: A: I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later. B: I disagree. C: I think students need strict rules. A: Its not fair if they dont even give him a chance. B: The school has to have rules. C: But if he explains what happened, the teacher will understand. A one-day headteacher竞选竞选 一日班主 任 What do you think of the school rules? If you have a chance to be a one-day headteacher, what do you think the students should be allowed to do? You can begin your report like this : Hello,everyone: If I have a chance to be the headteacher, I think students should be allowed to, because Consolidation 完成句子 1. 应该允许孩子与朋友一起学习。 Children_ _ _ to study with friends. 2. 老师告诉我们上课不能迟到。 The teacher tells us not to_ _ _ _ . 3. 怀特先生总是对自己的两个孩子要求很严格。 Mr. White_ always_ _ his two children. should beallowed get to class late isstrict with ExercisesExercises What have you learned in this class? Summary 句型 词汇 be allowed to do. should be (not) to do. Adverbs of frequency always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 短语 get to class late study with friends be strict with sb. be strict in sth. . What do you think of the rules at home? Make a list of things teenagers should and shouldnt be allowed to do at home. Which rules should be changed? Then write a article about 80-100 words. 1 本节课题本节课题Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B 1a-1e 课标和考课标和考 试说明对试说明对 本节相关本节相关 要求要求 这是本单元 Section B 的第一课时,课型为听说课,本节课是在 A 部分的基础上进 一步强化目标语言的,可以说它起着承上启下的作用,对其基础地位和铺垫作用 应予以高度重视,课堂任务应该追求语言学习的实践和应用能力的提升。 本节教学本节教学 目标目标 1. 学生能够准确地复习频度副词的用法及正确使用。 重点单词及短语: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never get to class late, worry about failing a test, finish a test early, take the test later. 目标语句:Sb. be allowed to do sth. Sb. should be allowed to do sth. 2. 熟练运用目标语言谈论规则。 3在听的过程中体验并感知目标语言的内容,学会提取所需要的关键信息。 本节中的本节中的 核心概念核心概念 重点难点重点难点 【教学重点教学重点】 要求学生掌握频率副词及目标语言的准确使用。 【教学难点教学难点】 学生能流利的说出自己学校的一些规则。 落实本节落实本节 核心概念核心概念 重点难点重点难点 的方法的方法 组内讨论问答、做报告、看视频。 本节中设本节中设 计的五到计的五到 七个主要七个主要 课堂提问课堂提问 1. How many rules are mentioned in this video? 2. What are you allowed to do in your classroom? 3. Do you ever get to class late? 4. What rules do you want to change if you have a chance to be a headteacher? 5. How do you like the statements about Peter? 6. What happen to him then? 本节教材本节教材 可以创新可以创新 发挥的点发挥的点 本节课我设计了一个 report 活动,学生通过四人一组讨论然后报告,本环节难度 上有所拔高,是对前面知识点的整合,有利于提高学生的语言综合运用能力,旨 在服务学生的语言输出。 对于优秀对于优秀 学生可进学生可进 行提升的行提升的 设计设计 组内调查然后作报告 2 本节中落本节中落 实的典型实的典型 案例、生案例、生 活素材活素材 学生可以在讨论学校规则的基础上,深入家庭,探讨家庭规则。 基本的教基本的教 学流程学流程 Step 1 Lead-in 1. watch a video made about rules. 2. Ask questions:Whats this video about? How many rules are mentioned in this video? 【设计意图】 从视频入口,抛砖引玉,同学们通过观看短暂的视频以及回答问题,引出今 天的重点内容。 Step 2 Pre-listening 1. Show some pictures and ask: What are you allowed to do in your classroom? At the same time,let students practice the key structure: be allowed to do sth. be not allowed todo sth. 【设计意图】 为了调动学生的兴趣,ppt 中的人物全是学生所熟悉的一些上课时的场景,他 们会觉得亲切、好玩在保持较高兴趣的过程中快乐高效地学习英语。老师先举例 一道学生开后说英语,从整体上调动了学生的积极性和兴趣。 2. Ask students: do you ever get to class late. Then lead them to speak these adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever and never. sleep in class 3 Next, show a picture about these adverbs of frequency and their possibilities of frequency. Finally, ask them to discuss in groups of four and make a short report by using these adverbs of frequency to ask each other how often they do these things. 【设计意图】 这一部部分是呈现 1a 和 1b 内容,操练了频率副词的基本用法,同时也是一个 听前的活动,为下面的听力以及听后的活动做准备。 Step 3 While- listening (1c&1d) 1. Show a picture of my little son Peter and say something about him. Then tell them Peter had a bad day yesterday to let them guess what happened to Peter. Next, lead them to enjoy two pictures about the things happened to Peter. Finally, ask them to listen to the tape and check the things that Peter mentioned in the conversation between his mother and him. 2. After listening for the first time, students have got the main idea of the conversation. So in this time they are asked to listen to the tape again and do a multiple choice the consolidate the content of the tapescript. Then ask some students to check the answers one by one. 【设计意图】 由前面的庭前活动作为铺垫,又有听力部分的整合,所选的任务有事大家所 熟悉的,拉近了学生与听力内容的距离,让学生更能精会神进行听力练习。而且 听力采用两遍式,学生每一次都有任务去完成,有利于保持学生学习的热度。 Step 4 Post-listening (Work on lb) In this step, I designed two tasks. 1. Story retelling. Ask students to look at a short passage about the conversation between Peter and his mom and ask them fo fill in the blanks according to what they have heard. 2. Pair work (1e). Students are required to make a dialogue among their group members a, b, c and d. They should to express their opinions about these statements of 1e. They are given 3 minutes to finish it. Then ask some groups to show their performances. 【设计意图】 4 者一部是一个听后的活动,总共有两项,由于这是一节听说课,所以主要进行听 和说的操练,采取个人和小组对话的形式,既锻炼了学生的口语,同时加强了学 生的团队合作。 Step 5 Consolidation (report) Lead students to be a one-day headteacher. They are asked to imagine what would he /she do if they have a great to be a one-day headteacher. Which rules they want to change in that position. They are encouraged to think of as many rules as they can. Then they need to make a report just like the sample one. Five minutes later, some students will stand in the front of the class to act out. 【设计意图】 这是一个听说活动后的一个巩固活动,主要为了操练学生这一节课的目标语言, 以及启发学生去想象然后发表自己的观点,这个话题很新,而且让学生都优化可 说,学生参与度比较高。Step 6: Report Step 6 Exercises 【设计意图】 简单的练习帮助复习了语言目标,巩固了所学。 Step 7 Summary 【设计意图】 一节完整的课应有始有终,总结对于学习这个整个单元具有承上启下的作用。 Step 8 Homework: What do you think of the rules at home? Make a list of things teenagers should and shouldnt be allowed to do at home. Which rules should be changed? Then write a article about 80-100 【设计意图】 整堂课都在讨论学校的规则,这个家庭作业我让学生拓展一下,用本节课的目标 语言描述一下家里的一些规则,学生在听说的基础上进行写作练习,提升了学生 的英语学习综合能力。 Step9 Emotional education: a video called Teachers are not saints. 【设计意图】 播放这个视频,我是想让学生多了解一下老师,让他们多体谅一下老师,老师不 5 是神仙,但是老师和他们的亲人一样关心着他们。 组内教师组内教师 意见交流意见交流 6 备注备注
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人教版九年级Unit Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section 1a—1e_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级公开课_(编号:c06b3) 人教版
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