人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:60004).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:60004)
      • 素材
        • a forever friend_clip.mp3
        • friendship is like the breeze.mp3
        • 什么是朋友- What is a Friend-_标清_clip.mp4
        • 第一段.mp3
        • 第三段.mp3
        • 第二段.mp3
        • 篮球.mp4
      • Frendship.ppt--点击预览
      • Friendship.wmv
      • 教案60004.doc--点击预览
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教学目标教学目标 1.1.知识与能力知识与能力 1 1)能掌握并运用本节课的)能掌握并运用本节课的词汇词汇和和短语短语。 2)2) 能运用能运用略读略读和和寻读寻读技巧完成阅读任务。技巧完成阅读任务。 3)3) 能够仿写一首小诗深化对友情的理解。能够仿写一首小诗深化对友情的理解。 2.2.情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 通过学习,使学生通过学习,使学生珍惜珍惜友情带来的温暖、鼓舞友情带来的温暖、鼓舞 和力量,和力量,感受感受生活中的美好。生活中的美好。 DramaSomeday PeoplelaughandpeoplecrySomegiveupsomealwaystry SomesayhiwhilesomesaybyeSomewillforgetyoubutneverwillI WritedowntearsorwritedownsmileWannaasunorakissbeyondnight WavetoallinnoiseorjustaquietItistimeorthemindwhichcanfly Congratulationstoyou,letuscelebratethegraduation(毕业毕业) Dramawillbepresent,letussendtheinvitations Somedaythewordscannotsayoutallofthepassion(热情热情) Somedayyoureyescananswerallthequestions Allthestars(have)fallenintoyoureyes andtherearewherethemoonwaswaken Allthepromises(have)fallenintomyheartandneverbetaken Somedaythewordsjustcannotsayoutallofthereasons Somedaymyfacechangessodoseasons Findoutwhoyouareanddontbeafraidofit Dramasomedayletstrywritedownsomememoriesofit Somedaythestoryisoveritsjustoverthen Holdthisbreathlistentothesongofit IlaughIcryandIrealizeSomewillforgetyoubutneverwillI 1.Afterlisteningtothesong,howdoyoufeel? A.B. 2.Whyisthesingerinthismood(情绪情绪)? A.Becauseshehasntseenherfriendsforalongtime. B.Becauseshehastosaygoodbyetohergoodfriends. Watch some videos and answer questions. 1.Whatisthevideoabout? Lead in Friendship. 2.Whatisafriend? Afriendissomeonewho compliments(称赞称赞)you. cheersyouup. letsyouwinsometimes. remembersyourbirthday. isfuntobewith makesyousmile What kind of friends do you want to have? A true friend should . be kind-hearted be talented be easy to get on with be hard-working be always there for you share happiness and sadness with each other respect(尊重尊重) each other believe in you Brain- storming Age Appearance(外貌外貌) Personality(性格性格) Hobby Ability(能力能力) Achievements(成就成就) Reportlikethis:Iwantafriendwhois/can Guessinggame Rules: Introducesomepeopleto you. Accordingtothetips(提示提示), guesswhohe/sheis. 1.Whatkindoftextisit? A.story B.poem(诗歌诗歌) C.novel(小说小说) 2.Whatdoesthetitle“Aforeverfriend”mean? Skimmin g convinceknvns unlockednlkt spiritsprt confusedknfjuzd completekmplit Word s v.说服;使确信,使信服说服;使确信,使信服 adj.未锁的未锁的 n.精神;心灵;情绪精神;心灵;情绪 v.鼓励;鼓舞鼓励;鼓舞 adj.困惑的;混乱的;糊涂困惑的;混乱的;糊涂 的的 adj.完整的;完全的完整的;完全的 v.完成完成 思维着力点:记忆思维着力点:记忆 Afriendwalksinwhentherestoftheworldwalks out. Sometimesinlife,youfindaspecialfriend. Someonewhochangesyourlifejustbybeingpartofit. Someonewhomakesyoulaughuntilyoucantstop; Someonewhomakesyoubelievethattherereallyis goodintheworld. Someonewhoconvincesyouthattherereallyisan unlockeddoorjustwaitingforyoutoopenit. ThisisForeverFriendship. PartI Someonewho changesyourlifebybeingpartofit. makesyoulaughuntilyoucantstop. makesyoubelievethereisgoodintheworld. convincesyouthereisanunlockeddoor waitingforyoutoopenit. 思维着力点:记忆思维着力点:记忆 Scannin g WritersfeelingsWhatwillfrienddo? 思维着力点:记忆思维着力点:记忆 Scannin g Part2 Whenyouredown,andtheworldseemsdark andempty. Yourforeverfriendliftsyouupinspiritsandmakes thatdarkandemptyworldsuddenlyseembright andfull. Yourforeverfriendgetsyouthroughthehardtimes, thesadtimes,andtheconfusedtimes. Part2 WritersfeelingsWhatwillfrienddo? down darkandempty hard,sadand confused lift you up in spirits make the world seem bright and full help you get through 思维着力点:记忆思维着力点:记忆 Scannin g Ifyouturnandwalkaway,yourforeverfriend follows. Ifyouloseyourway,yourforeverfriendguidesyou andcheersyouon. Yourforeverfriendholdsyourhandandtellsyouthat everythingisgoingtobeokay. Andifyoufindsuchafriend,youfeelhappyand complete. Becauseyouneednotworry,youhaveaforeverfriend forlife. Andforeverhasnoend. Part3 Whenyouwalkaway,yourfriendwill_. Whenyouareintrouble,yourfriendwill _you,_you_,and_yourhands. Withthehelpofyourfriend,youfeel_and _. follow guide cheeronhold happy complete Afterreadingthepoem,whatshouldatruefriend belike?Findsomedetailstosupportyouridea. necessary humorous active(积极的积极的) believable helpful cheerful(开朗开朗 的的) Eg. someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 思维着力点:理解、分析思维着力点:理解、分析 Discussing & Thinking F R I E N D Foreve r Easy-going Nice Responsibl e Inspiring 永远的永远的 Dependable 负责任的负责任的 鼓舞人心鼓舞人心 的的随和的随和的 友善的友善的 可信赖的可信赖的 思维着力点:评价思维着力点:评价 Summar y AForeverFriend Friendislikewine, itcanbebetterwhenitgrowsolder. Whenyouthinkbacktothepast, italwaysremindsyouofgoodmemories. Friendislikeanumbrella, itcanstopyoufromtherain. Whenyoufeelupsetordown, italwayshelpsyougetthroughthesadtimes. AForeverFriend Friendislike_, itcan_. Whenyou_, italways_. Friendislike_, itcan_. Whenyou_, italways_. Beapoet 思维着力点:应用、分析、创造思维着力点:应用、分析、创造 Group work True friendship is_. We should _it.valuablecherish Beawriter 俗话说:“患难见真情”,我们需要朋友 的帮助和鼓励,一起分享快乐。请写一篇 短文谈谈你对友情的看法。 内容包括: 1. 简单介绍你的朋友; 2. 讲述一件发生在你和你的朋友之间发生 的事; 3. 呼吁大家珍惜友谊,感受生活的美好。 介绍 发生 呼吁 思维着力点:应用、分析、创造思维着力点:应用、分析、创造 Homewor k Friendship Is Like the Breeze(微风)(微风) TerriFanning Friendshipislikethebreeze. Youcantholdit,smellit,tasteitOr knowwhenitscoming. Butyoucanalwaysfeelit,andyoull alwaysknowitsthere. Itmaycomeandthengo,butyoucan knowitllalwaysbeback. 课型:课型:阅读课 (一)学情分析(一)学情分析 通过两年多的英语学习,九年级的学生有了一定的英语基础,已基本具备 在阅读中获取细节信息的能力,掌握了略读、寻读等阅读策略,大部分学生能 用英语积极、自信地表达观点。本节课的活动贴合实际与知识能力,学生对头 脑风暴、游戏、讨论、仿写和绘画等教学活动比较感兴趣,喜欢在自主合作的 轻松学习氛围中进步,这样也可以缓解学习英语的畏难情绪。 (二)教材分析(二)教材分析 本课以 friendship 为话题,谈论学生对友情的理解。本节课通过阅读掌握相 关的词汇和短语,能运用略读和寻读的阅读模式完成阅读任务并进行诗歌的仿 写深化主题。通过本课的学习让学生深刻理解友情带来的温暖、鼓舞和力量, 感受生活的美好。通过本课的学习,不仅可以完成语言能力目标,又培养了学 生自主合作的能力,进而获得情感教育,培养思维能力,形成正确的文化价值 取向。 (三)教学目标(三)教学目标 1. 语言能力:掌握本课的词汇和短语: 如 confused、unlocked、convince、complete、spirit、compliment、cheer on、get through 和 lift up 等,运用阅读策略完成诗歌阅读任务,仿写一篇关于友情的诗 歌。 2. 思维品质:结合诗歌的理解,在仿写中做到想象丰富,条理清楚,内容 合理。 3. 文化品格:使学生珍惜友情带来的温暖、鼓舞和力量,感受生活的美好, 反映正确的文化价值取向。 4. 学习能力:通过头脑风暴以及讨论的方式,使学生自主合作学习,提高 综合运用知识的能力。 (四)教学重难点(四)教学重难点 1. 教学重点:掌握并灵活运用本节课的重点词汇、短语和句型。 2. 教学难点:运用略读、寻读和细读的阅读策略完成阅读任务,并仿写一 首关于友情的诗歌。 (五)教学策略(五)教学策略 (1)Communicative/ task-based/ student-oriented teaching method (2)Brainstorming (3)Game (4)Skimming,scanning (5)Writing a poem according to the sample (六)教学媒体运用(六)教学媒体运用 多媒体教学:歌曲、视频、音频等 (七)教学过程(七)教学过程 1. 教学过程思维导图教学过程思维导图 2. 教学过程教学过程 课堂教学过程课堂教学过程 教学流程教学流程教学步骤教学步骤 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 设计意图设计意图思维培养的思维培养的 着力点着力点 I. Warming upTeacher plays an English song. Students sing along with the music. 通过学唱英文歌曲 Drama Someday 引入话题,活跃课 堂气氛。 II. Lead in1. Teacher plays two videos. 2. Teacher asks some questions. Watch the video and answer some questions. 学生的形象性思维较强,通 过播放篮球和 what is a friend?两个视频,学生能 够快速获取信息,引入课题, 并回答问题: 1. What is the video about? 2. What is a friend? III. Pre-reading1. Guessing game: according to the sentences, let students guess who he/ she is? 2. Let Ss know the text of the passage and the meaning of the title. 3. Teach the new words 1. Students plays the guessing game. 2. Answer some questions. 3. Students learn the new words. 1. 通过玩猜人游戏活跃气 氛,进入话题,进行情 感教育: Choosing a true friend is not just by appearance. 2. 整体感知文章的类型, 了解文章题目的真正含 义。 3. 展示音标和图片,降低 学生学习本课新词汇的 难度。 记忆 IV While-reading1. Teacher introduce the reading strategies. 2. Teacher asks some questions . 1. Students read the poem. 2. Students answer the questions. 1. 通过略读、寻读等阅读 策略完成阅读任务,达 到布鲁姆认知理论的记 忆层次。 记忆 V Post-reading1. Let Students think and discuss a question. 2. Show the true meaning of friend. 1. Students discuss the question together. 2. Get the true meaning of friend. 通过小组讨论深刻领会朋友 的真正含义,激发学生思维 的碰撞,促进思维能力的培 养,体现学生自主合作的主 体地位。 理解、分析 VI Write and draw 1. Let Students discuss some questions. 2. Write and draw a poem in a 1. Students discuss questions. 2. Write and draw a poem 1. 小组讨论朋友像什么以 及朋友的作用为写诗做 应用、分析、 创造 group.in a group. 好铺垫。 2. 学生通过小组合作仿写 绘画一首诗,突出学生 的主体作用,激发创造 性思维,互相欣赏,鼓 励学生展示自己,进一 步渗透情感教育。 VII SummaryTeacher ask the students to summarize what we have learned in this class. Students summarize what they have learned in this class. 总结本节课的教学内容,清 晰本节课的主线,做到环节 紧凑。 分析 VIII HomeworkTeacher asks students to write a composition about friendship after class. Students write a composition about friendship after class. 布置与本节课主题相关的课 后作业,符合学生的实际, 与生活息息相关,内化本节 课所学知识。 应用、分析、 创造 IX Enjoy a poemTeacher play the video. Students read the poem. 通过图文并茂的诗歌进行情 感教育的渗透并升华主题。 理解 (八)课堂实录(八)课堂实录 I. Warming up T: Before we start our class, lets listen to a song, if you can sing it, please sing along with it. T: After listening to this song, how do you feel? Ss: Sad. T: Why is the singer in this mood? Ss: Because she has to say goodbye to her friends. T: Yes, friends are necessary. There are also other important things in our life. Such as Ss: Family, love, teacher II.Lead in 1. T: Do you want to watch videos? Lets watch a video. After that, please answer the following questions. T: What is the video about? Ss: Friendship T: What is a friend? S1: Someone who can cheer you up. S2: Someone who can let you win sometimes. S3: 2. T: So do you want to make friends? What kind of friends do you want to have? S1: I want a friend who is handsome S2: I want a friend who can cook dinner with me. S3: III. Pre-reading: Game: Guessing game 1. T:Lets play a game. I will introduce some people to you. According to the tips, guess who she/ he is. S1: S2: S3: 2. T: Do you want to be friends with them? S1: S2: S3: No, because he is too fat. T: In fact ,choosing a friend is not just by appearance. So today we are going to learn a passage about friend. 3. T: Before reading, tell me what the text the passage is? Ss: Poem. T: What does the title mean? S1:永远的朋友 S2:Someone who always stand by you IV. While-reading 1.T:Let come to the poem. How many parts about this poem? Ss: Three. 2. T: Please look through the passage quickly to find the answers. Dont read every word. And then answer the following questions. You can underline the answers in the passage. 3.T: Next, letcome to Part 2. Read it carefully and find out the writers feelings and see what the friend will do for her? 4.T: According to what you hear, fill in the blanks as quickly as possible. V. Post-reading 1. T:Lets read the poem along with the music. 2. T: After reading the poem, what should a true friend be like? Find some details to support your ideas. Discuss it in 2 minutes. 3. T: Lets check the answers. S: 4. T: You did a very good job. All of us are looking for this kind of friend. In my opinion, friend should be( forever, responsible, easy-going, nice and dependable) VI. Write and draw T: Now its your turn to write and draw a poem by yourselves. Before writing, discuss two questions. Ss:. T: Lets write a poem in groups and then share it with us. I give you five minutes. T: Time is up. Whod like to share your work? S1: S2: T: So after learning the poem, we know friendship is so valuable, we should cherish it. VII. Homework T: Homework for you today is to write a composition about friendship. Please take it seriously. VIII. Enjoy a poem T: Next, we will enjoy an English poem called “Friend is like the breeze” to end up our class. (九)板书设计(九)板书设计 A Forever Friend Topic: Friendship New words Phrases G1 G2 G3 G4 compliment lift up convince get through G5 G6 G7 G8 unlocked cheeron confused G9 G10 G11 G12 complete A Forever Friend Friend is like_, it can_. When you_, it always_. Friend is like_, it can_. When you_, it always_. (十)教学反思(十)教学反思 1.本课的教学基于重视学生思维能力的培养,设计巧妙,由简到难,循序渐 进。在培养学生的阅读技巧和诗歌仿写能力的同时,更加注重潜移默化地对学 生进行情感教育。从引入课题的 Friendship 和 What is a friend?的两个视频到结 束本课的 Friend is like the breeze 的诗歌欣赏,以及 Post-reading 的诗歌仿写和 绘画部分,整个教学设计都是围绕主题 friendship 展开的。这节课不仅仅是一篇 诗歌阅读课,更是一篇由诗歌而展开的寻找挚友之旅。通过阅读、讨论和仿写 等环节,使学生领会到友情的真正含义,珍惜友情,感受生活的美好。情感态 度价值观的渗透和核心素养的培养,从而使整篇诗歌阅读得到升华。 2.课程标准强调学生的参与性与英语综合运用能力的培养。整节课的读后 “what should a true friend be like”的讨论思考环节和诗歌仿写绘画部分,通过以 四人以小组的讨论,学生能在自主、合作的氛围中学习和进步,这也为学生提 供了开放的学习氛围。最后的诗歌仿写展示部分深化了本课的主题 friendship, 引导学生对友情的深刻理解和感受。此外,课外作业布置了一篇与本节课主题 相关的作文,与学生的生活息息相关。
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人教版九年级Unit Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_(编号:60004) 人教版
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