人教版九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-(编号:80865).zip


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Unit 7 Section A 3a-3c Mom knows best! tinytiny babybaby teen=teenagerteen=teenager hug lift talk back What is a poem like? One feature: Using the same sentence pattern. (句式)(句式) The other feature: It has rhyme. (押韵)(押韵) Fast reading Lets divide the poem into 3 paragraghs. A B C Why didnt the boy talk back to his mom before 7? What did mom really give him? Careful reading Who was right, mom or the boy? Why do you think he talked back to his mom when he was after 7? How does the man think now? He regretted (后悔(后悔 ) 1. 2. talking back to mom. not listening to mom. Group A Group B Group C Lets read the poem! Some tips for reading a poem: 1. Read with full of feelings. 2. Pay attention to the same sentence patterns. 3. Pay attention to the rhyme. Group A: Read paragragh 1 Group B: Read paragragh 2 Group C: Read paragragh 3 Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy. And every day the boy would come, and he would gather her leaves, and make them into crowns, and play king of the forest. . He would climb up her trunk, and swing from her branches, and eat apples. And they would play hide-and-go-seek. . And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade. Z Z Z And the boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was happy. But time went by. And the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone. Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, “Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy.” “I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy. “I want to buy things and have fun. I want some money. Can you give me some money?” “Im sorry,” said the tree, “but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples. Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city. Then you will have money and you will be happy.” And so the boy climbed up the tree, and gathered her apples, and carried them away. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for long time, and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, “Come, Boy, climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy.” “I am too busy to climb trees,” said the boy. “I want a house to keep me warm,” he said. “I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house?” “I have no house,” said the tree. “The forest is my house, but you may cut off my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy.” And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build his house. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak. “Come, Boy,” she whispered, “come and play.” “I am too old and sad to play,” said the boy. “I want a boat that will Take me far away from here. Can you give me a boat?” “Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. “Then you can sail away and be happy.” And so the boy cut down her trunk, and made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy, but not really. And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you, my apples are gone.” “My teeth are too weak for apples,” said the boy. “My branches are gone,” said the tree. “You cannot swing on them” “I am too old to swing on branches,” said the boy. “My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You cannot climb” “I am too tired to climb,” said the boy. “I am sorry,” sighed the tree. “I wish that I could give you something, but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry.” “I dont need very much now,” said the boy, “just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired.” “Well,” said the tree, straightening herself up as best she could, “an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. sit down and rest.” And the boy did. And the tree was happy. The End Read the poem The giving tree: 1.Divide the poem into 5 paragraghs. 2.Find the same sentence pattern and the rhyme in this poem. 3.What the tree is like in the poem? History make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave , logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲 理使人深刻,伦理使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辩理使人深刻,伦理使人有修养,逻辑修辞使人善辩 ! Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯弗朗西斯培根培根 1 教学设计思路:教学设计思路: 本节课要学习的是一首诗歌。主要目标是了解诗歌的写作特点 ;学生合作学习,理解诗歌中作者在不同时期对母亲情感的变化; 欣赏诗歌并有感情的朗诵诗歌;建立学生对诗歌的兴趣。 课前,带领学生欣赏一段关于感恩母亲歌曲表演的视频,引出 一些新的词汇,为接下来的诗歌学习做好铺垫;导入今天的学习以 后简单了解诗歌的两个重要特征 相同句式和押韵;初读诗歌,呈现三幅孩子不同时期与妈妈在一起 的图片,进行配对,让学生迅速把握诗歌的段落结构,对学生进行 分组;各组分段细读各段,分析不同时期作者对母亲情感的变化, 概括段落大意,整体把握诗歌;分析完诗歌就进入到了朗诵阶段: 第一步,听,第二步,探讨如何读诗,第三步,留给学生准备的时 间,学生分三小组准备,推荐学生分别朗诵诗歌的三段,揣摩语气 。学生欣赏诗歌The giving tree!课后作业:模仿写出自己与妈妈之间的故事;找出The giving tree.中的相同句式和押韵,把诗歌分成五段,感知树在这首诗中有 什么寓意,朗诵诗歌。 希望通过这节课的学习,学生对如何欣赏诗歌有一个更加清晰的认 识。 2 教学目标 1. Students know the features of a poem and learn to enjoy a poem; 2. Students analyse the writers different feelings to his mom in different periods of life through finishing some reading tasks; 3. Students learn to read the poem aloud as beautifully as they could. 教学重点1. Students analyse the writers different feelings to his mom in different periods of life; 2. Students learn to read the poem aloud and enjoy poems. 教学难点Students analyse the writers different feelings to his mom in different periods of life. 教学方法Group work, speaking, reading 教具、实验情况Multi media and blackboard 教师活动学生活动设计意图 Before class Play a video about a boys singing performance of showing his love to his mom. Step1. Greetings and Leading-in 1. Greet the whole class and introduce myself. 2. Talk about the video and present some new words. Step2. Reading Task 1. Discuss what a poem is like. Task 2 Fast reading: Prepare 3 pictures for students to match. Divide students into 3 groups. Task 3 Careful reading Present some questions for each group to discuss. Discuss the main idea of each paragragh. Ask students to talk about the whole poem. Students watch the video and feel the boys deep love to his mom. Students learn the new words. Task 1. Students find the same patterns and rhyme in this poem. Task 2 Read the poem quickly and divide the poem into 3 paragraphs. Match each paragragh with each picture. Task 3 Students pay attention to the feelings of the writer in each paragragh. Get the main idea of each paragragh. Talk about the whole poem. 用一段感人的视频在课前进 行铺垫,让学生快速进入学 习状态。 铺垫生词,导入诗歌学习。 学生了解诗歌特点,学会从 结构上欣赏一首诗歌。 按所给图片将诗歌分成三段 ,让学生把握诗歌框架。 三组同学按任务细读各段, 让学生讨论并体会诗歌中作 者对母亲之间的关系及情感 的变化。 整体把握诗歌情感。 3 Task 4 Read the poem aloud. Step3. Enjoying a poem Read a poem The giving tree for students to enjoy. Step4. Homework 1.Write their own stories with mom. 2.After class, please divide the poem into 5 paragraphs. Find out the same sentence pattern and rhyme in the poem. Discuss what the tree is like in the poem. Step5. Summary History make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. Francis Bacon Task 4 Each group reads one paragraph. Students look at the pictures and enjoy the poem. Students take the worksheet and finish the homework after class. 读诗歌,体会诗歌在朗读上 的美感。 补充欣赏另一首著名的诗歌 ,让学生再次感受诗歌的美 感。 作业一:让学生回忆与母亲 间的故事并感受母爱; 作业二:学生在课下继续分 析和诵读课上补充的诗歌, 让他们爱上诗歌。 借用九年级学生最近在语文 课上学习的一段培根的话来 结束本节课,鼓励学生全面 发展。 板书设计 Unit 7 Mom knows best. Moms love. Kids misunderstanding. Kids understanding. Unit 7 Mom knows best. (学案)(学案) 4 1.Talk about your stories and write it down.讲出并写下你的故事讲出并写下你的故事 When I was sick, my mom . When I was sad, my mom . When I first learned to walk, my mom . When I called “Mom”, my mom . When I was three playing in the park, my mom . When I was, she . But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to .” / “I should not .” 2.After class, please divide the poem into 5 paragraphs. Find the same sentence pattern and rhyme. Make a guess what the tree is like in this poem. Read the poem aloud.课下,请将下面的诗歌分成课下,请将下面的诗歌分成5段,找出相同句式和押韵段,找出相同句式和押韵,谈谈这首诗里的谈谈这首诗里的 树像什么。有感情的朗诵诗歌。树像什么。有感情的朗诵诗歌。 The giving tree By Shel Silverstein Once there was a tree . . . and she loved a little boy. And every day the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns and play king of the forest. He would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches and eat apples. And they would play hide-and-go-seek. And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade. And the boy loved the tree . . . very much. And the tree was happy. But time went by. The boy grew older, and the tree was often alone. Then one day the boy came to the tree And the tree said, Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat my apples and play in my shade and be happy. I am too big to climb and play, said the boy. I want to buy things and have fun. I want some money. Can you give me some money? Im sorry, said the tree, but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples. Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city. 5 Then you will have money and you will be happy. And so the boy climbed up the tree and gathered her apples and carried them away. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time . . . and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, Come boy, climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and be happy. I am too busy to climb trees, said the boy. I want a house to keep me warm, he said. I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house? I have no house, said the tree. The forest is my house, but you may cut my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy. And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build his house. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak. Come boy, she whispered, come and play. I am too old and sad to play, said the boy. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. Can you give me a boat? Cut down my trunk and make a boat, said the tree. Then you can sail away and be happy. And so the boy cut down her trunk and made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy . . . but not really. And after a long time the boy came back again, I am sorry Boy, said the tree, but I have nothing left to give you- my apples are gone. My teeth are too weak for apples, said the boy. My branches are gone, said the tree. You cannot swing on them- I am too old to swing on branches, said the boy. My trunk is gone, said the tree. You cannot climb- I am too tired to climb, said the boy. I am sorry, sighed the tree. I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry I dont need very much now, said the boy, just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired. Well, said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come boy, sit down. Sit down and rest. And the boy did. And the tree was happy. The End
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人教版九年级Unit Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes._Section 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级公开课_(编号:80865) 人教版
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