人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:40986).zip


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1 Unit 6 When was it invented?(3a-3c) 一、一、引入定标:引入定标:(时间:(时间: 2 2 分钟)分钟) 学习目标学习目标: : (1)(1)掌握四会单词:掌握四会单词:ruler.ruler. remain.remain. smell.smell. national.national. trade.trade. doubt.doubt. popularitypopularity 短语:短语: byby accident.accident. taketake placeplace withoutwithout doubtdoubt 了解三会单词:了解三会单词:accidental.accidental. boilboil (2)(2)继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。继续学习一般过去时的被动语态。 二、探究指导:二、探究指导:(时间:(时间: 2525 分钟)分钟) 自学指导自学指导-1-1:TaskTask 1 1 ReadRead thethe titletitle andand guessguess thethe answeranswer toto thethe questionquestion : : 自学检测自学检测-1-1 (白板展示)(白板展示) HowHow waswas teatea invented?invented? TeaTea waswas inventedinvented _._. 自学指导自学指导-2-2:TaskTask 2 2 FastFast readingreading ReadRead thethe passagepassage quicklyquickly andand matchmatch eacheach paragraphparagraph withwith itsits mainmain idea.idea. 自学检测自学检测-2-2 (白板展示)(白板展示) ParagraphParagraph 1 1 LuLu YuYu andand hishis bookbook Cha Jing ParagraphParagraph 2 2 HowHow teatea spreadspread toto otherother countriescountries ParagraphParagraph 3 3 HowHow teatea waswas inventedinvented byby accidentaccident TaskTask 3 3 Careful-readingCareful-reading 自学指导自学指导-3:Task 3 Careful-reading Read Paragraph 1 自学检测自学检测-3:(白板展示):(白板展示) 2 ReadRead ParagraphParagraph 2 2 WhatWhat isis Cha Jing about?about? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ReadRead ParagraphParagraph 3 3 andand completecomplete thethe chart.chart. Title:_Title:_ 1._1._TeaTea waswas broughtbrought toto KoreaKorea andand Japan.Japan. AroundAround 16601660TeaTea appearedappeared 2._2._ AroundAround 1660,1660, butbut 3._3._TeaTea hadhad becomebecome thethe nationalnational drinkdrink inin England.England. InIn thethe 19th19th century.century.TheThe teatea tradetrade _ fromfrom ChinaChina toto WesternWestern countries.countries. 自学检测自学检测-4(白板展示):(白板展示):TaskTask 4 4 CompleteComplete thethe sentencessentences withwith thethe correctcorrect formsforms ofof thethe verbsverbs inin thethe box.box. inventinvent drinkdrink bringbring produceproduce tradetrade 1.1. OneOne ofof thethe worldsworlds favoritefavorite drinksdrinks waswas _ byby accident.accident. 2.2. TeaTea waswas firstfirst _ byby ShenShen NongNong 5,0005,000 yearsyears ago.ago. 5 3.3. A A nicenice smellsmell waswas _ whenwhen thethe teatea leavesleaves droppeddropped intointo thethe hothot water.water. 4.4. TeaTea waswas _ toto KoreaKorea andand JapanJapan duringduring thethe 6th6th andand 7th7th centuries.centuries. 5.5. TeaTea isis nownow _ betweenbetween manymany differentdifferent countries.countries. 反馈梳理:反馈梳理:(时间:(时间: 5 5 分钟)分钟) 你在完成以上任务中学到了哪些知识,概括一下:你在完成以上任务中学到了哪些知识,概括一下: _ _ _ 三、三、 当堂测评当堂测评 (时间:(时间: 1010 分钟)分钟) (1 1)PracticePractice makesmakes perfect!perfect! 1. 本溪是中国最美的城市之一。本溪是中国最美的城市之一。 Benxi is _in_in China.China. 2. 毫无疑问,是大卫连续进了两个球。毫无疑问,是大卫连续进了两个球。 _, itit waswas DavidDavid whowho scoredscored twotwo goalsgoals inin a a row.row. 3. 直到这个问题得到解决,我才会感到放松。直到这个问题得到解决,我才会感到放松。 _ _ (2 2)WhereWhere therestheres a a will,will, therestheres a a way.way. ( )1.1. - DoDo youyou knowknow whowho inventedinvented thethe television.television. - No,No, I I onlyonly knowknow itit _ inin 1927.1927. A.A. inventinvent B.B. toto inventinvent C.C. isis inventedinvented D D .was.was inventedinvented ( )2.2. - HowHow diddid youyou improveimprove youryour spokenspoken English?English? - I I oftenoften talkedtalked withwith friendsfriends inin EnglishEnglish andand listenedlistened toto EnglishEnglish songssongs _._. A.A. inin timetime B.B. byby accidentaccident C.C. fromfrom nownow onon D.D. fromfrom timetime toto timetime ( )3.3. LookLook atat ourour newnew school.school. ItIt _ lastlast year.year. A.A. builtbuilt B.B. waswas builtbuilt C.C. isis builtbuilt D.D. willwill bebe builtbuilt ( )4. - TheThe shirtshirt feelsfeels soft.soft. CanCan youyou telltell me_?me_? 2 - Cotton.Cotton. A.A. whatwhat itit isis mademade ofof B.B. wherewhere itit isis mademade C.C. howhow muchmuch itit isis D.D. whywhy itit isis popularpopular (3)(3) KnowledgeKnowledge isis power.power. ( )1.1. AsAs farfar asas I I know,know, thethe robotrobot thatthat cancan helphelp peoplepeople cleanclean thethe floorfloor _ inin thethe 1980s.1980s. A.A. isis inventedinvented B.B. inventedinvented C.C. waswas inventedinvented D.D. inventsinvents ( )2.2. TheThe bridgebridge _ byby thethe farmersfarmers themselvesthemselves inin 1982.1982. A.A. builtbuilt B.B. waswas builtbuilt C.C. areare builtbuilt D.D. waswas buildingbuilding ( ( )3.)3. WhoWho isis playingplaying thethe piano?piano? HowHow beautifulbeautiful itit _!_! A.A. tastestastes B.B. lookslooks C.C. soundssounds D.D. smellssmells ( )4.4. - TheThe boxbox isis veryvery heavy.heavy. WhatsWhats inin it?it? - Oh,Oh, itit _ chocolate.chocolate. A.A. isis filledfilled withwith B.B. isis coveredcovered withwith C.C. isis mademade ofof D.D. isis usedused forfor (4)(4) GodGod helpshelps thosethose whowho helphelp themselves.themselves. ( )1.1. - CanCan I I playplay withwith mymy classmatesclassmates thisthis afternoon,afternoon, mum?mum? - IfIf youryour homeworkhomework _,_, youyou maymay gogo out.out. A.A. isis finishfinish B.B. isis finishedfinished C.C. isis finishingfinishing D.D. willwill finishfinish ( )2.2. ItsIts reportedreported thatthat moremore buildingsbuildings _ inin ourour citycity nextnext year.year. A.A. willwill bebe builtbuilt B.B. werewere builtbuilt C.C. builtbuilt D.D. willwill buildbuild ( )3.3. EachEach yearyear quitequite a a lotlot ofof treestrees _ toto improveimprove thethe environmentenvironment inin China.China. A.A. havehave plantedplanted B.B. areare plantedplanted C.C. werewere plantedplanted D.D. plantedplanted ( ( )4.)4. WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful song!song! ItIt _ soso sweet.sweet. A.A. feelsfeels B.B. soundssounds C.C. tastestastes D.D. smellssmells 四、四、 分层达标:分层达标:( (课后作业课后作业) ) 【必做题必做题】 请你根据以下要点提示写一篇题为请你根据以下要点提示写一篇题为 ChineseChinese TeaTea 的短文,向外国朋友介绍中国的茶和茶文化。的短文,向外国朋友介绍中国的茶和茶文化。 1.1. 历史:中国人种茶饮茶已有历史:中国人种茶饮茶已有 50005000 多年;多年; 2.2. 龙井茶闻名于世,这些茶都是手工采摘;龙井茶闻名于世,这些茶都是手工采摘; 3.3. 喝茶的地方茶馆、餐馆、家、喝茶的地方茶馆、餐馆、家、 4.4. 喝茶的益处有利健康喝茶的益处有利健康 2 5.5. 提出希望。提出希望。( (可做适当的发挥可做适当的发挥) ) 80-10080-100 词词 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【选做题选做题】 教材 分析 本单元的中心话题是通过谈论常见物品的发明史,来学习被动语态的基本构 成和用法。语言技能和语言知识基本上都是围绕这个中心话题展开的: Section A 的活动设计侧重本单元的基本目标语言的学习;3a-3c 是阅读板 块的活动。阅读语篇讲述了我国有记载的饮茶起源的故事:它是如何被神农 无意中发明的;茶叶的发展和传播历史。3a 训练学生的快速阅读技巧,需要 学生在快速阅读之后为各段匹配段落大意。3b 需要学生细读文章回答与茶叶 有关的细节问题。3c 则是一个读后综合了词汇和语言结构的巩固性活动。 学情 分析 初三的学生有一定的英语基础,大部分有较为明确的学习目标和认真的学习 态度。我所带的四班有一部分学生能听懂老师的话题,并参与讨论,与他人 进行相关的信息交换,并表达自己的意见。本单元是要了解有关发明的知识, 而这些发明大部分都是生活中常见的,因此这会降低课堂学习的难度。 教学 目标 1, 知识与技能: Key words and phrases. 2 过程与方法: Talk about the history of tea and give their own ideas Train students speaking, listening and reading skills. 3.情感,态度与价值观: The cultivation of students innovation ability and desire. 教学 重难 点 1To help the students understand the reading passage 2. Key words and phrases. 教 法 任务型教学法 分组教学法 asking-answering 教学过程及问题情境学生活动设计意图 StepStep 1.1. lead-inlead-in 1 Read the title and guess the answer to the question ? 1)Do you like drinking tea? 2)Do you know who invented tea? 3)When was tea invented? And how was tea Have a free talk 通过图片,欣赏歌 曲中国茶的视 频,感受中国茶文 化的源远流长,激 发学生对文章的学 习兴趣。 快速阅读,了解课 文中心思想。 invented? StepStep 2.Presentation2.Presentation FastFast ReadingReading Ask the students to read the passage quickly and do 3a. check the answers. 1. Ask the students to read the passage after the tape, then read together ,make sure every student can read the passage fluently. 2. Ask some questions. Paragraph 1 Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing Paragraph 2 How tea spread to other countries Paragraph 3 How tea was invented by accident 3. Check the answers . 4. Read the article again and explain the key points (by accident , smell) Careful-reading Read Paragraph 1 . Read Paragraph 2 1. show the pictures of Lu Yu and his Cha Jing 2. ask the answers and Enjoy the song Answer the questions in 3a Read after the tape Answer the questions in 3b Learn the key points and do exercises Brainstorm something about Lu Yu and his Cha jing Discuss in groups 跟读录音,校正学 生语音语调。 设置问题,完成阅 读教学任务, 讲解知识点,精心 挑选相关中考考 题,提升学生利 用知识解决问题 的能力,使九年级 学生直面中考, 实现高效课堂。 呈现学生感兴趣的 图片来调动学生思 考的积极性 小组活动,提升学 生的团队合作能力。 allow the students to discuss in groups What is Cha Jing about? 3. check the answers. Read Paragraph 3 and complete the chart. 1play the radio and have the students read after the tape. 2 Title:_ 1._ _ Tea was brought to Korea and Japan. Around 1660Tea appeared 2._ _ Around 1660, but 3._ Tea had become the national drink in England. In the 19th century.The tea trade _ from China to Western countries. 3check the answer. 4Explain the key points, not.until Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. invent drink bring produce trade (1)1. One of the worlds favorite drinks was _ by accident. 2. Tea was first _ by Shen Nong 5,000 years ago. 3. A nice smell was _ when the tea leaves dropped into the hot water. Read the text Answer the question Fill in the blanks with the words, 通过更多练习,增 强学生对本科词语 的理解。 4. Tea was _ to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 5. Tea is now _ between many different countries. (2) check the answers. StepStep 3.3. Summary.Summary. 作 业 布 置 请你根据以下要点提示写一篇题为请你根据以下要点提示写一篇题为 Chinese Tea 的短文,向外国朋友介绍中国的茶和的短文,向外国朋友介绍中国的茶和 茶文化。茶文化。 1.历史:中国人种茶饮茶已有历史:中国人种茶饮茶已有 5000 多年;多年; 2.龙井茶闻名于世,这些茶都是手工采摘;龙井茶闻名于世,这些茶都是手工采摘; 3.喝茶的地方茶馆、餐馆、家、喝茶的地方茶馆、餐馆、家、 4.喝茶的益处有利健康喝茶的益处有利健康 5.提出希望。提出希望。(可做适当的发挥可做适当的发挥) 80-100 词词
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人教版九年级Unit When was it invented _Section 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_(编号:40986) 人教版 九年级 一册 _unit
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