人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-(编号:e04e8).zip


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Tolearntounderstandanduse passive voice in the simple past tense Learning Objectives 1.rule(名词)_ 2.near(副词)_ 3.nation(形容词)_ 4.偶然;意外地_ 5.发生_ 6.毫无疑问;的确_ 7.跌落_ 按要求写出下列单词或短语。 takeplace nearly ruler national byaccident withoutdoubt fallinto WatchandObserve n.击弦古钢琴 Complete the following sentences. 1.拉链是什么时候被发明的? _thezipper_? 2.它于1893年被发明。 It_in1893.wasinvented Whenwasinvented 3.它是由谁发明的? _itinvented_? 4.是由惠特科姆贾贾得森发发明的。 It_Whitcomb Judson. 5.茶叶什么时时候被带带到朝鲜鲜的? _tea_toKorea? 6.是在六到七世纪纪之间间被带带到朝鲜鲜的。 It_toKorea_the 6thand7thcenturies. wasinventedby Whenwasbrought wasbroughtduring Whowasby 7.热冰淇淋勺用来做什么? What_thehotice-creamscoop _? 8.它用来盛很凉的冰淇淋。 Its_reallycold ice-cream. usedforserving is usedfor 9.贝贝尔于1876年发发明了电话电话 机。 AlexanderGrahamBell_the telephonein1876. 10.电话电话 机在1876年被贝贝尔所发发明。 Thetelephone_ AlexanderGrahamBellin1876. invented wasinventedby 被动语态(PassiveVoice) 被动语态的基本动词形式是be+v-ed。通 过改变be的时态,可以构成不同时态的被 动语态。 一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为:was/ were+及物动词的过去分词。 1.肯定句:主语+was/were+V-ed+(by) Thenewswaspublishedbythegovernment. 2.否定句:主语+was/were+not+V-ed +(by) 3.一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+V-ed + (by)? Thenewswasntpublishedbythegovernment. Wasthenewspublishedbythegovernment? 4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+was/were+主语+V-ed +(by)? Whenwasthenewspublishedbythe government? 一般过去时被动语态的几种句型 1.“不及物动词+介词/副词”构成的短语动词 ,变成被动句时,要把它们作为整体看待 ,介词或副词不可与其动词拆开或漏掉。 如: Ourhomeworkwashandedinyesterday afternoon. Thehousewasfixedupbymyfather. 2.含有双宾语的主动句变被动句时,可将主动 句中的直接宾语或间接宾语变为被动句中的 主语。如果把主动句中的直接宾语(指物)变 为被动句中的主语,则需在间接宾语(指人) 前加适当的介词to或for。如: 主动结构: Dannygavemeaticketjustnow. 被动结构: AticketwasgiventomebyDannyjustnow. (直接宾语作主语) IwasgivenaticketbyDannyjustnow.(间接 宾语作主语) 3.有些动词常用其主动形式表示被动意义, 如sell,wash,write等和表示感觉、知觉的 系动词feel,sound,taste,smell等。如: Thiskindofdresssellswell. Thefishtastesverydelicious. 4.在主动句中,使役动词(如make等)和感官动词 (如see,watch,notice,hear等)后面常接不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语;但在被动句中, 这些词后面的动词不定式都需要带to。如: Thebossmadeusworkfortenhourstoday. Weweremadetoworkfortenhourstoday bytheboss. MomheardBensinginthenextroom. Benwasheardtosinginthenextroomby Mom. 感官动词 一感二听三让四看 主动句中to离开,被动句中to回来 【运用】 .单项选择 1.He_togiveaspeechat thegraduationceremonyatHarvard Universitylastmonth.(2016广东) A.invitesB.invited C.isinvitedD.wasinvited D 2.Lastweektheoldbooks_to raisemoneyforFreetheChildren. A.soldB.aresoldC.weresold (2016福建泉州) 3.Thesebeautifulphotos_bymy brother.Itookthem. A.aretakenB.arenttaken C.weretakenD.werenttaken C C .句型转换 1.Amiddleschoolstudentinventedanew robotlastterm.(改为被动语态) Anewrobot_byamiddle schoolstudentlastterm.(2016上海) 2.Thebossinthisfactorymadethe workersworkfor12hoursadayinthe past.(改为被动语态) Theworkersinthisfactory_made_ workfor12hoursadayinthepast. (2016四川达州) were wasinvented to 4a Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. 1.Theysoldthefridgeatalowprice. _ Thefridgewassoldatalowprice. n.冰箱adj. 低的;矮的 2.Somebodystolemycamerafrommy hotelroom. _ _ Mycamerawasstolenfrommyhotel room. pron.某人 n.重要人物 3.Wheredidyoutakethesephotos? _ 4.Ourparentsadvisedusnottogooutalone. _ _ 5.Differentwriterstranslatedthebookinto differentlanguages. _ _ Wherewerethesephotostaken? Wewereadvisedbyourparentsnotto gooutalone. Thebookwastranslatedintodifferent languagesbydifferentwriters. v.翻译 1.You_tothepartylastnight, werentyou?Whydidntyougo? 2.Theearthquakehappenedallofasudden, butluckilythevillagers_toa safeplace. wereinvited eat,like,invite,tell,lock,ring,break,bring werebrought 4b Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the box. v. 锁上 n.锁 突然;猛地 v.(使)发出钟声或 铃声;打电话 3.Thedoor_whenwearrived,so we_thebell. 4.Thestudents_nottoeator drinkinclass,butRuby_therule whenshestartedeatingabiscuitinscience class. 5.Thecookies_bythehungry kidsinlessthan20minutes,andthey really_them. waslocked rang broke weretold wereeaten liked n.钟声;铃声 n.饼干n.曲奇饼 Thetelephone_(invent)by AlexanderGrahamBell.He_ (born)in1847.Mr.Bell_(work)on theinventionofthetelephonewithThomas Watson. wasborn wasinvented worked Decide whether active or passive forms should be used in these sentence. Write the correct forms in the blanks. 4c In1875,Mr.Bell_(learn)howto sendmusicalnotesthroughaninstrument similartoatelephone.Finally,thetelephone _(invent)in1876.Thefirst sentencethat_(say)onthetelephone byMr.Bellwas“Mr.Watson,comehere;I wanttoseeyou.”Todaythetelephone_ (use)aroundtheworld. learned wasinvented wassaid isused adj.音乐的;有音乐天赋的n.仪器;工具 根据短文内容及括号内所给动词的提示,用 正确的时态和语态补全短文,使短文完整、 通顺。 AbillioncansorbottlesofCoca-Cola(1) _(drink)everydayalloverthe world! Thisfamousdrink(2)_ (invent)in1886byanAmericanchemist(药 剂师),Dr.JohnPemberton,inAtlanta,USA. aredrunk wasinvented He(3)_(call)itahealthdrink.At first,it(4)_(make)fromthecola nutandcocaplant.Pembertonspartner, FrankRobinson,(5)_(give)itthe name“Coca-Cola”. Thebusinessdidntstartwell.Inthefirst year,onlyninedrinksaday(6)_ (sell).In1888,thebusiness(7)_ (buy)byamannamedAsaCandler.He(8) _(open)thefirstfactory,inTexas,opened called wasmade gave weresold wasbought in1895.Sincethen,billionsandbillionsof gallons(加仑)havebeensoldinover200 countries. Coca-Cola(9)_still_(make) inthatfactoryinTexastoday. ismade 1.ReviewGrammar. 2.Previewthenewwordsand expressions. 3.Preview1a-1eonpage45. Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) 一、教学目标:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:fridge, low, somebody, translate, lock, earthquake, sudden, all of a sudden, biscuit, cookie, instrument 2)进行一步复习巩固学习 Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)进一步学习运用一般过去时态的被动语态。 4) 掌握主动语态变被动语态的方法,并通过不同方式的练习,来熟练运用。 2. 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 培养想象力,善于观察事物。面对难题,用积极的态度去解决,发挥想象力, 认识世界,改造世界。 二、教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 学习生词 fridge, low, somebody, translate, lock, earthquake, sudden, all of a sudden, biscuit, cookie, instrument 2) 复习巩固 Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2. 教学难点: 1) 一般过去时态的句子变为被动语态。 2) 综合运用所学的知识进行练习运用。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 . Revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words have learned in the last class. 2. Review some main phrases we have learned in the last class. Check the homework. . Lead-in Watch a video and observe the use of Passive voice. . Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读 Grammar Focus 中的句子,然后做填空练习。 拉链是什么时候被发明的? _ _ the zipper _? 它于 1893 年被发明。 It _ _ in 1893. 它是由谁发明的? _ _ it invented _? 它是由惠特科姆贾得森发明的。 It _ _ _ Whitcomb Judson. 茶叶什么时候被带到朝鲜的? _ _tea _ to Korea? 茶叶在六到七世纪之间被带到朝鲜。 It _ _ to Korea _the 6th and 7th centuries. 热冰淇淋勺用来做什么? What _ the hot ice-cream _ _? 它用来盛很凉的冰淇淋。 Its _ _ _ really cold ice-cream. 电话机在 1876 年被贝尔所发明。 The telephone _ _ _ Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. 贝尔于 1876 年发明了电话机。 Alexander Graham Bell _ the telephone in 1876. 2. 学生们根据记忆,看大屏幕来完成填空练习。 3. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行 强化记忆。 . Grammar 被动语态(Passive Voice)表示句子的主语是动作的接受者或受影响者。被动语态 的基本动词形式是 be+v-ed。通过改变 be 的时态,可以构成不同时态的被动语 态。 一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为:was / were+及物动词的过去分词。 一般过去时被动语态的几种句型: 1) 肯定句: 主语 + was/were + V-ed + (by) The news was published by the government. 2) 否定句: 主语 + was/were + not + V-ed + (by) The news wasnt published by the government. 3) 一般疑问句: Was/Were + 主语 + V-ed + (by)? Was the news published by the government? 4) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + was/were + 主语 + V-ed + (by)? When was the news published by the government? 1. “不及物动词+介词 / 副词”构成的短语动词,变成被动句时,要把它们作为整 体看待,介词或副词不可与其动词拆开或漏掉。如: Our homework was handed in yesterday afternoon. The house was fixed up by my father. 2. 含有双宾语的主动句变被动句时,可将主动句中的直接宾语或间接宾语变为 被 动句中的主语。如果把主动句中的直接宾语(指物)变为被动句中的主语,则 需在 间接宾语(指人)前加适当的介词 to 或 for。如: 主动结构: Danny gave me a ticket just now. 被动结构: A ticket was given to me by Danny just now. (直接宾语作主语) I was given a ticket by Danny just now. (间接宾语作主语) 3. 有些动词常用其主动形式表示被动意义,如 sell, wash, write 等和表示感觉、 知 觉的系动词 feel, sound, taste, smell 等。如: This kind of dress sells well. The fish tastes very delicious. 4. 在主动句中, 使役动词(如 make 等)和感官动词 (如 see, watch, notice, hear 等) 后 面常接不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语; 但在被动句中,这些词后面的动 词 不定式都需要带 to。如: The boss made us work for ten hours today. We were made to work for ten hours today by the boss. Mom heard Ben sing in the next room. Ben was heard to sing in the next room by Mom. 顺口溜:感官动词 一感二听三让四看 主动句中 to 离开,被动句中 to 回来 【运用运用】 . 单项选择单项选择 1. He Jiang _ to give a speech at the graduation ceremony at Harvard University last month. (2016 广东) A. invites B. invited C. is invited D. was invited 2. Last week the old books _ to raise money for Free the Children. A. sold B. are sold C. were sold (2016 福建泉州) 3. These beautiful photos _ by my brother. I took them. A. are taken B. arent taken C. were taken D. werent taken Keys: DCC . 句型转换 1. A middle school student invented a new robot last term. (改为被动语态) A new robot _ _ by a middle school student last term. (2016 上海) 2. The boss in this factory made the workers work for 12 hours a day in the past. (改 为被动语态) The workers in this factory _ made _ work for 12 hours a day in the past. (2016 四川达州) Keys: was invented; were to . 汉译英 1. 刚才,摄影比赛的结果张贴在布告板上了,我们去看看吧! _ _. Lets go and have a look! (2016 辽宁大连) 2. 上周,他被选中在那部电影中主演一名警察。 _ _. (2016 江苏扬州) 3. 你知道火车是什么时候发明的吗? _ (2016 山东威海) Keys: 1. The result of the photo competition was put up on the notice board just now. 2. Last week, he was chosen to play the lead role of a policeman in that film / movie. 3. Do you know when the train was invented? . Practice 1. Work on 4a: Read the sentences in 4a and rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. 2. Work on 4b: Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the box. eat, like, invite, tell, lock, ring, break, bring 1) You _ to the party last night, werent you? Why didnt you go? 2) The earthquake happened all of a sudden, but luckily the villagers _ to a safe place. 3) The door _ when we arrived, so we _ the bell. 4) The students _ not to eat or drink in class, but Ruby _ the rule when she started eating a biscuit in science class. 5) The cookies _ by the hungry kids in less than 20 minutes, and they really _ them. 3. Work on 4c: Decide whether active or passive forms should be used in these sentences. Write the correct forms in the blanks. The telephone _ (invent) by Alexander Graham Bell. He _ (born) in 1847. Mr. Bell _ (work) on the invention of the telephone with Thomas Watson. In 1875, Mr. Bell _ (learn) how to send musical notes through an instrument similar to a telephone. Finally, the telephone _ (invent) in 1876. The first sentence that _ (say) on the telephone by Mr. Bell was “Mr. Watson, come here; I want to see you.” Today the telephone _ (use) around the world. VI. Exercises 根据短文内容及括号内所给动词的提示,用正确的时态和语态补全短文,使短 文完整、通顺。 A billion cans or bottles of Coca-Cola (1) _ (drink) every day all over the world! This famous drink (2) _ (invent) in 1886 by an American chemist (药 剂师), Dr. John Pemberton, in Atlanta, USA. He (3) _ (call) it a health drink. At first, it (4) _ (make) from the cola nut and coca plant. Pembertons partner, Frank Robinson, (5) _ (give) it the name “Coca-Cola”. The business didnt start well. In the first year, only nine drinks a day (6) _ (sell). In 1888, the business (7) _ (buy) by a man named Asa Candler. He (8) _ (open) the first factory, in Texas, in 1895. Since then, billions and billions of gallons (加仑) have been sold in over 200 countries. Coca-Cola (9) _ still _ (make) in that factory in Texas today. Homework 1. Recite Grammar focus. 2. Preview the new words and expressions. 3. Preview 1a-1e on page 45.
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人教版九年级Unit When was it invented _Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级公开课_(编号:e04e8) 人教版 九年级
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