人教版九年级Unit 6 When was it invented -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:b0543).zip


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Grade 9 Unit 6 Section A (3a-3c) Pre-readingPre-reading 课前认真预习3a-3c,并从文中找出下列短语和句型。 1. 偶然 _ 2. 据说. _ 3. 据认为. _ 4. 掉入.里 _ 5. 发生 _ 6. 毫无疑问 _ 7. 在英国,茶叶大约直到1660年才出现。 _ 8. 茶叶是什么时候传到其他国家的? _ by accidentIt is said that. It is believed that.fall into take place without doubt In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660. When was tea brought to other countries? While-readingWhile-reading ReadRead thethe passagepassage quicklyquickly andand matchmatch eacheach paragraphparagraph withwith itsits mainmain idea.idea. ParagraphParagraph 1 1 LuLu YuYu andand hishis ChaCha JingJing ParagraphParagraph 2 2 HowHow teatea spreadspread toto otherother countriescountries ParagraphParagraph 3 3 HowHow teatea waswas inventedinvented byby accidentaccident ReadRead thethe passagepassage againagain andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questions.questions. 1.1. WhenWhen waswas teatea firstfirst drunk?drunk? _ 2.2. HowHow waswas teatea invented?invented? _ 3.3. WhoWho isis calledcalled “thethe saintsaint ofof teatea”? ? _ 4.4. WhatWhat isis ChaCha JingJing about?about? _ 5.5. WhenWhen diddid thethe teatea tradetrade fromfrom ChinaChina toto WesternWestern countriescountries taketake place?place? _ About 5,000 years ago. By accident. Lu Yu. It describes how tea planats were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. In the 19th centuries. WorkWork in in groupsgroups toto findfind outout thethe importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points.points. sometime, sometimes, some times ListenListen toto thethe passagepassage carefully.carefully. Post-readingPost-reading FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith thethe correctcorrect forms.forms. AnAn AccidentalAccidental InventionInvention OneOne day,day, ShenShen NongNong _ drinkingdrinking waterwater overover anan openopen fire.fire. SomeSome _ fromfrom a a teatea plantplant _ intointo thethe waterwater andand _there_there forfor somesome time.time. So,So, oneone ofof thethe worldsworlds favoritefavorite _ _._. ItIt _that_that teatea _to_to KoreaKorea andand JapanJapan duringduring thethe 6th6th andand 7th7th centuries.centuries. TheThe teatea tradetrade fromfrom ChinaChina toto WesternWestern countriescountries _in_in thethe 19th19th century.century. ButBut wewe ChineseChinese areare withoutwithout doubtdoubt thethe _ whowho bestbest understandunderstand thethe cultureculture ofof tea.tea. was boiling fellremained drinkswas invented was believedwas brought took place ones remain,remain, drink,drink, believe,believe, boil,boil, fall,fall, taketake place,place, one,one, invent,invent, leaf,leaf, bringbring leaves ConsolidationConsolidation exercise:exercise: 1.1. I I foundfound mymy lostlost penpen underunder mymy bedbed _._. A.A. byby accidentaccident B.B. byby thethe endend C.C. byby mistakemistake D.D. byby carcar 2.2. TheThe studentsstudents didndidnt t stopstop talkingtalking _ thethe teacherteacher camecame intointo thethe classroom.classroom. A.A. whilewhile B.B. untiluntil C.C. asas D.D. atat 3.3. ItIt isis _ thatthat ourour EnglishEnglish teacherteacher willwill visitvisit AmericaAmerica duringduring thethe summersummer vacation.vacation. A.A. saidsaid B.B. sayingsaying C.C. saysay D.D. SaysSays 4.4. GreatGreat changeschanges _ inin thethe citycity inin thethe lastlast fewfew years.years. A.A. havehave beenbeen takentaken placeplace B.B. happenedhappened C.C. havehave takentaken placeplace D.D. havehave happenedhappened 5.5. TheyThey hadhad a a wonderfulwonderful timetime atat thethe party.party. TheyThey ateate andand ateate untiluntil nono foodfood _ onon thethe table.table. A.A. putput B.B. keptkept C.C. leftleft D.D. remainedremained A B A C D Summarry:Summarry: Homework:Homework: 根据下面的表格内容写一篇英语短文。要求:根据下面的表格内容写一篇英语短文。要求:80词左右。词左右。 InventionsInventionsWhenWhenWhoWhoBeBe usedused forfor teaabout 5,000 years ago a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong drinking basketballDecember 21,1891 a Canadian doctor called Naismith fun or exercise potato chipsin 1853George Grumeating bicyclein the 1880speople in Englandtraveling abcus(算盘)in the 6th centuryChinese peoplecounting 1 学习目标 1. 知识目标: 1) key words and phrases: remain, by accident, take place, without doubt, fall into 2)key sentence patterns: In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660. When was tea brought to other countries? It is said that . It is believed that. 2. 技能目标:掌握 PWP 阅读技能,提高阅读速度及阅读综合理解能力 3. 情感目标:了解茶的历史,弘扬民族文化 学习重点能正确认识及运用一般过去时态的被动语态结构 was/were done 学习难点能熟练运用一般过去时态的被动语态讨论茶叶的发明人、时间、地点等 教学方法小组合作探究 学习过程学习过程 (Studying Procedure) Pre-reading Step 1. 课前小组合作认真预习 P43 的 3a-3c,并从文中找出下列短语和句型。(1min) 1. 偶然 _ 2. 据说. _ 3. 据认为. _ 4. 掉入.里 _ 5. 发生 _ 6. 毫无疑问 _ 7. 在英国,茶叶大约直到 1660 年才出现。 _ 8. 茶叶是什么时候传到其他国家的?_ Step 2. Lead-in. Please appreciate a piece of video about tea culture.(3mins) While-reading Step 3. Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. (3mins+2+1) Paragraph 1 Lu Yu and his Cha Jing Paragraph 2 How tea spread to other countries Paragraph 3 How tea was invented by accident Step 4. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (5mins+2mins+2mins) 1. When was tea first drunk? _ 2. How was tea invented? _ 3. Who is called “the saint of tea”? _ 4. What is Cha Jing about? _ 5. When was tea brought to other countries? _ Step 5. Work in groups to find out the important and difficult language points in this passage, 2 then show your results to us. Then learn a difficult point by watching a piece of micro class. (3mins+3mins) Micro Class (4mins): Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. (Do you know the differences of the four words or phrases: some time, sometime, sometimes, some times?) Step 6. Listen to the recording of the passage carefully.(2mins) Post-reading Step 7. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms according to the passage. (3mins+2mins+1mins) remain, drink, believe, boil, fall, take place, one, invent, leaf, bring An Accidental Invention One day, Shen Nong _ drinking water over an open fire. Some _ from a tea plant _ into the water and _ there for some time. So, one of the worlds favorite _ _. It _ that tea _ to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. The tea trade from China to Western countries _ in the 19th century. But we Chinese are without doubt the _who best understand the culture of tea. Step 8. Consolidation exercise. (3mins+2mins+2mins) 1. I found my lost pen under my bed _. A. by accident B. by the end C. by mistake D. by car 2. The students didnt stop talking _ the teacher came into the classroom. A. while B. until C. as D. at 3. It is _ that our English teacher will visit America during the summer vacation. A. said B. saying C. say D. says 4. Great changes _ in the city in the last few years. A. have been taken place B. happened C. have taken place D. have happened 5. They had a wonderful time at the party. They ate and ate until no food _ on the table. A. put B. kept C. left D. remained Step 9. Make a summary.(1min) Step 10. Homework 3 根据下面的表格内容写一篇英语短文。要求:80 词左右。 InventionsWhenWhoBe used for teaabout 5,000 years ago a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong drinking basketballDecember 21,1891 a Canadian doctor called Naismith fun or exercise potato chipsin 1853George Grumeating bicyclein the 1880speople in Englandtraveling abcus(算盘)in the 6th centuryChinese peoplecounting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Step 11. 教(学)反思 Make notes: 知识超市: A. 易错辨析:take place 与 happen 4 1. take place 发生(多指因某种原因或按照事先安排的发生,无被动语态) e.g. Great changes have taken place in our hometown. 2. happen 发生(一般指偶然或突发性的发生,无被动语态) e.g. What happened to you just now? B. 各种茶的英文表达,你知道吗? 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 白茶 white tea 花茶 scented tea 乌龙茶 Wulong tea 文化园地:你知道世界各国的饮茶习俗吗? 当今世界有 160 多个国家、近 30 亿人口饮茶。17 世纪初荷兰荷兰从中国进口茶叶,荷兰人 有早茶、午茶和晚茶的习俗,且喜欢喝红茶,有的还佐以糖、奶、柠檬等;英国英国17 世纪传 入茶饮,有下午茶之风,以红茶为主,且 80%的英国人每天饮茶,茶叶进口量居世界第一; 法国法国17 世纪传入茶饮,最早进口中国绿茶,之后是乌龙茶、红茶、花茶,饮茶已经成为法 国人日常生活的一部分;美国美国17 世纪末传入茶叶,18 世纪以中国武夷茶为主,19 世纪以绿 茶为主,20 世纪红茶激增,最近几年流行白毫喝乌龙;印度印度17 世纪传入茶叶,后来成为世 界红茶主产地。
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人教版九年级Unit When was it invented _Section 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_(编号:b0543) 人教版 九年级 一册 _unit
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