人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:f124b).zip


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Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5 Section B Section B Section B Section B Dear Lily, Long time no see, I miss you a lot. Ill introduce something special in my hometown to you. My hometown is known for pancakes, and they are widely popular now. They are made of wheat flour, while some of them made of corn flour. We make it at home. I like eating them very much, because they smell nice and taste delicious. They are brought to other countries now. They are also given to friends as gifts. Is there anything special in your hometown? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours,Lucy Beginning Ending 1 2 3 Body What is the product ? What is it made of ? What can it do? Why is it special? Read the letter and complete the chart. The product is pancake. It is made of wheat flour or corn flour. It is brought to other countries now , and they are given to friends as gifts. I like eating them, because they smell nice and taste delicious. They are widely popular now. My hometown is known for pancakes 。 be made by., They are brought to other countries now. They are also given to friends as gifts. They are made of wheat flour or corn flour. Product Link V.(连词) Link v. Link v. Link v. Link v. I like eating them, because they smell nice and taste delicious. Dear Lily, Long time no see, I miss you a lot. Ill introduce something special in my hometown to you. My hometown is known for pancakes, and they are widely popular now. They are made of wheat flour, while some of them made of corn flour. We make it at home. I like eating them very much, because they smell nice and taste delicious. They are brought to other countries now. They are also given to friends as gifts. Is there anything special in your hometown? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours,Lucy Beginning Ending 1 2 3 Body Name: Rice Flower Candy History: Over 100 years Taste: sweet and delicious. Materials:Vegetable oil, walnut, rice, peanut, sesame. Usage: Good food for all ages, good gift for relatives and friends. Honorary title: The Famous Brand in Chongqing City; China Time honored Brand. What is the product? What is it made of? Where is it made? What can it do? Why is it special? Group work. (Discuss the introduction and complete the chart.) Honorary title: The Famous Brand in Chongqing City; China Time honored Brand. Taste: sweet, and delicious. What is the product? What is it made of? Where is it made? What can it do? Why is it special? Name: Rice Flower Candy History: Over 100 years Materials: Rice, vegetable oil, walnut, peanut, sesame. Usage: Good food for all ages, good gift for relatives and friends. Rice Flower Candy History, Taste, Materials Jiangjin Usage Honorary title. 假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom对你家乡的特 产非常感兴趣,请你根据下列问题的提示介绍 一种你最喜欢的特产。 What the product is What it is made of/from Who it is made by Where it is made What it can do Why it is special Have a try. 【写作指导 】 人 称: 时 态: 布 局: 我(第一人称) 一般现在时 三段(开头、主体、结尾) 假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom对你家乡的 特产非常感兴趣,请你根据下列问题的提示 介绍一种你最喜欢的特产。 What the product is What it is made of/from Who it is made by Where it is made What it can do Why it is special Body Writing. 假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom 对你家乡的特产非常感兴趣,请你 介绍一种你最喜欢的特产。 Our hometown Jiangjin Our hometown Jiangjin Talk about feelings Build our hometown Love our hometown Finish and polish your writing.Finish and polish your writing. HomeworkHomework SummarySummary Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section B Writing .Read the letter and complete the chart. Dear Lily, Long time no see, I miss you a lot. Ill introduce something special in my hometown to you. My hometown is known for pancakes, and they are widely popular now. They are made of wheat flour, while some of them made of corn flour. We make it at home. I like eating them very much, because they smell nice and taste delicious. They are brought to other countries now. They are also given to friends as gifts. Is there anything special in your hometown? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Lucy What the product is? What it is made of? What it can do? Why it is special? II.假设你是李华,你的笔友假设你是李华,你的笔友 Tom 对你家乡的特产非常感兴趣,请你根据下列问对你家乡的特产非常感兴趣,请你根据下列问 题的提示介绍一种你最喜欢的特产。题的提示介绍一种你最喜欢的特产。 What the product is? What it is made of? Where it is made? What it can do? Why it is special? Name: Rice Flower Candy History: Over 100 years Materials: Vegetable oil,walnut, rice, sesame. Taste: sweet and delicious. Usage: Good food for all ages, good gift for relatives and friends. Honorary title: The Famous Brand in Chongqing City;China Time honored Brand. 活动一:活动一:Group work (Discuss complete the chart.) 活动二:写作。活动二:写作。 Dear Tom, Thanks for your last letter. You told me something special in my hometown, I will introduce Yours, Li hua 评价标准: 内容完整内容完整用词正确用词正确篇章合理篇章合理句式多样句式多样书写规范书写规范 1 I.I. TeachingTeaching Background(Background(教学背景)教学背景) 1.Analysis of teaching Materials(教学内容分析)教学内容分析) 1) 本节课是建立在开展了听力、阅读、语法教学基础上的写作课,是对本单元单词、 短语、句型的综合应用和深化。 2)写作内容是在了解本地特色产品的基础上,介绍家乡特产。 3) 写作是渐进的过程,需要两至三节课完成,本节课是过程性教学的第一节课。 2. Analysis of Learners (学情分析)学情分析) 1) 本单元教学中,学生通过前五课时的学习,已经掌握了一般现在时与一般过去时的 被动语态;掌握了写作中可能用到的重要短语 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等内容。 2) 学生对家乡特色产品了解很多,但具体到某物时,可能存在新单词。 II.II. TeachingTeaching Objectives(Objectives(教学目标)教学目标) 1.1.语言目标语言目标 1)通过师生、生生对话形式对 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等反复操 练。 2)在写作中正确应用 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等短语对家乡特色 产品的质地、功能、特点等信息进行描述。 2.2.知识目标知识目标 1)通过开展读题、讨论等活动,学生懂得审题能把握题目对人称、时态等的要求。 2)通过文本分析,实现以督促写,掌握书信开头、主体、结尾三段式的结构。 3.3.情感目标情感目标 学生通过学习和彼此交流,增进对家乡的了解,激发学生热爱家乡的情怀。 III.III. TeachingTeaching methods(methods(教学方法)教学方法) 1. 交际型教学法。 2. 功能型教学法。 3. 任务型教学法。 IV.IV. FocalFocal pointspoints andand difficultdifficult points(points(教学重难点教学重难点) 1.Focal1.Focal points(points(教学重点教学重点):): 1)以介绍地方特色产品为题完成写作。 2)通过开展读题、讨论等活动,能把握题目对人称、时态等的要求。 3) 通过文本分析,掌握书信中开头、主体、结尾三段式的结构。 4)通过口语交际和写作任务,用短语 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等 描述家乡特产。 2.Difficult2.Difficult points(points(教学难点教学难点):): 2 1)写作前对题目中人称、时态等的把握。 2)书信开头、主体、结尾三段式的结构。 V.V.教学过程设计教学过程设计 教教 学学 步步 骤骤 及及 教教 学学 活活 动动设计思路及意图设计思路及意图 Warming-up:Warming-up: ( (课前课前 1 1 分钟分钟) ) 教学活动:教学活动: 与学生打招呼,相互问候。 教学语言:教学语言: T:T: Hello everyone, are you ready to have todays class? S: T:T: Class begin S: T:T: Today, we will talk about something special in our hometown, and we will do the writing.(写板书). T:T: Look at the picture in the screen. Do you know where it is? S: T:T: Yes, its our hometown Jiangjin, you can see the Yangtze River runs along our hometown. Lets enjoy a song of Jiangjin. (听拥抱江津的歌,欣赏四面山、名人图片) 思路及意图:思路及意图: 通过跟学生打招呼,引起 学生对本节课的注意。明 确本节课的任务是写作, 学生带着学习任务进入本 节课的学习,有助于教学 更顺利的开展。 3 StepStep 1 1:Lead-inLead-in (2(2 分钟分钟) ) 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 欣赏歌曲和图片。 以歌唱家乡的歌曲拥抱江津为背景音乐,看一些家 乡的图片,包括 4A 级风景区四面山、名人邓稼先、陈独 秀、聂荣臻等。 2.欣赏后问学生知道哪些家乡特产。 教学语言:教学语言: T:T: We have wonderful places, famous people. Do you know any special food in our hometown? S :(说出江津著名的物品或特色食品) 思路及意图:思路及意图: 以歌唱家乡的歌曲来激发 学生学习兴趣。 以展示有代表性图片来增 进学生对家乡的了解。 同时导出本课话题:家乡 特色产品。 StepStep 2 2:Pre-Writing(17Pre-Writing(17 分钟分钟) ) 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 阅读文本。 2. 分析文本结构。 教学语言:教学语言: T:T: Great, you know so many special things in 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生说了家 乡特产后,以我的朋友 Lucy 给我的信件中介绍了 她的家乡特产为由,引起 学生学好奇心,引导学生 进入范文的文本分析,了 解信件三段式的布局。 4 Jiangjin .I have a friend, Lucy. She writes me a letter. She introduces something special in her hometown, do you want to know what it is? Lets read it. T:T: How many paragraphs are there? S: T:T: Yes, there are 3 paragraphs. The first paragraph is the beginning, the second paragraph is the body, and the third paragraph is the ending. 教学活动:教学活动: 2-3 名学生分享书信开头的不同写法。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: The beginning is very important, if you write a letter, how will you make the beginning? S:(2-3 students share their ideas.) 思路及意图:思路及意图:鼓励学生分 享几种不同的开头,训练 口语的同时,训练思维能 力。学生可以了解信件的 开头和结尾的多样化。 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 阅读主体部分,完成学案中表格信息填写。 2. 学生一问一答形式进行口语练习,老师完成思维导图。 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生对信件 主体部分进行阅读,完成 学案中表格填写,巩固 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等重要短 语。 5 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: Good, lets read the body carefully and complete the chart. S1: (3-4 组学生一问一答形式完成) S2: T:T: When you introduce something, we can use these information. (学生完成阅读后,开展一问一答形式的生生互动,学生答 问题的同时,老师贴思维导图,完成板书。) 思维导图:思维导图: 思路及意图:思路及意图:完成思维导 图,总结介绍物品时应该 从材料、用途、特征等方 面着手,为后面的写作作 铺垫。 教学活动:教学活动: 引导学生理解连词在写作中所起的作用。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: After we get the answers, we can use link-verbs to connect the sentences together. After that, you can get the whole paragraph. For example, in 思路及意图:思路及意图:通过前面表 格内容的填写,学生得到 了一些由重要短语 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等构成的 句子。 通过幻灯片展示,让学生 理解连词在写作中的运用 及作用。 6 the letter how many link-verbs can you find? S: (找出连词) 教学活动:教学活动: 找出范文中的连词。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: Yes, there are 3 link-verbs there. I think link- verbs are useful. It can make your article better understood. Do you think so? 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生通过寻 找文中的连词,更好理解 恰当使用连词的重要性和 必要性。 教学活动:教学活动: 师生、生生交流,自由讨论。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: I will reply the letter, what can I introduce? Can you give me some advice? S:(学生分享自己认为合适的产品) 思路及意图:思路及意图:以老师需要 给朋友回信,不知道介绍 什么产品为理由,向学生 征求意见。学生通过你一 言为一语的自由回答,说 出家乡特色产品的名字。 通过彼此的交流,信息的 互换,学生可以了解更多 家乡特产。 7 教学活动:教学活动: 师生交流,自由讨论。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: I think you are students, you shouldnt drink. And I dont think you know much about how to plant them, so I think this will be the best choice. (边说边操作幻灯片,只剩下“米花糖”) 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生可能对 花椒、柑橘等农业产品种 植过程不熟悉为理由,引 导学生选择“米花糖”作 为介绍的对象。 教学活动:教学活动: 1.对产品说明进行解读。 2.了解新单词。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: This is an introduction, lets read it together. Whats the name of the product? How long is the history? What about the taste? Whats it made of? 思路及意图:思路及意图:对“米花糖” 产品介绍进行解读,了解 米花糖的历史、口味、制 作材料、用途和荣誉称号 等基本信息。 通过图片解读和跟读等方 法学习新单词。 8 Oh, there are some new words, lets see what they are. (一问一答形式带学生一起阅读,一起处理生单词。 ) T:T: Discuss the introduction and complete the chart. (布置任务:学生小组内讨论产品介绍,并完成学案中表格 的填写。) 教学活动:教学活动: 1.小组内讨论。 2.完成表格的填写。 3.师生交流,以问答方式完成。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T:I think these three can be the answers. 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生通过小 组讨论,能找出产品的名 称、制作材料、产地、用 途等信息。 最后一个关于为什么很特 别的问题,学生也许把握 不好,通过幻灯片中对象 的出现形式的闪现,学生 会理解得更好。 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 小组讨论:究竟用哪个人称、时态合适? 2. 学生代表小组分享小组的讨论结果。 教学语言教学语言: : 思路及意图:思路及意图:通过学生自 由讨论,解决审题过程中 对人称、时态等可能存在 的争议。 9 T: First of all, read the title carefully. Are you ready to write? S: T: But before you write, I think you should think these questions clearly. What person? What tense? And what about the layout? Discuss in groups. S: (一个学生分享讨论后的结果) 教学活动:教学活动: 听老师分析。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: I think the body part will be the most difficult. I think the chart will help you a lot. Are you ready to write? Lets have a try. 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生明确了 写作要点后,再次明确主 体部分应该包括的信息。 让学生对写作中要点内容 更清晰。 StepStep 3 3:While-writingWhile-writing (15(15 分钟分钟) ) 教学活动:教学活动: 学生完成写作。 学生有 10 分钟时间完成写作。 (老师在小组间走动并给作指导,并找到作为评价的范文。 ) 思路及意图:思路及意图:完成铺垫后, 学生完成写作任务。 备注:对进行评价的范文 要书写规范,存在一定错 误的文章,便于下一步完 成评价。 10 StepStep 4 4:After-writingAfter-writing (10(10 分钟分钟) ) 教学活动:评价学生作文。教学活动:评价学生作文。 T:T: Assessment. (Let the Ss find some mistakes and correct them together.) 评价标准:评价标准: 内容完整内容完整用词正确用词正确篇章合理篇章合理句式多样句式多样书写规范书写规范 思路及意图:思路及意图:利用展台, 展示学生作文。 学生一起看范文,从书 写规范、内容完整、用词 准确、篇章合理、句式多 样 5 个方面进行评价。 五个方面中,有一个方 面好就得到一个五星。 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 欣赏一段视频。(现代化的、美丽的江津) 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: In our hometown, we have famous food, great persons and beautiful scenery. Lets watch a video, after you enjoy the video, I will ask some students to share your feelings. S: (7-8 个学生谈看视频后的感受) 思路及意图:思路及意图:通过视频的 欣赏,直观的看到江津工 业园、著名景区等。利用 视觉上的冲击力,让学生 感受家乡的现代化和美。 11 教学活动:教学活动:老师总结。 教学语言:教学语言: T:T: Great, you should study hard, love our hometown and build our hometown. 思路及意图:思路及意图:由学生分享 感受后,老师总结,生成 热爱家乡的情感目标。 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 学生总结今天学习内容。 2. 布置家庭作业。 教学语言教学语言: : T:T: What you have learned in this class? S:2-3 个学生总结。 T:T: Todays homework, you should finish and polish your writing. T:T: Thank you for your attention, Goodbye class. 思路及意图:思路及意图:学生回顾今 天学习内容,实现知识的 重现。 布置今天的作业:完成并 修改作文。 12 VI.VI. BlackboardBlackboard design(design(板书设计)板书设计) V.V. Self-reflection(Self-reflection(课后反思)课后反思) 本节课以介绍地方特色产品为写作任务,合理的用了交际型教学法、功能型教学 法、任务型教学法。通过恰当的师生活动,顺利的完成了教学任务。 教学亮点:教学亮点: 1.通过师生、生生对话等形式,对本单元描述产品时需要用到的重要短语 be made offrom, be famous for, be known for 等进行反复操练。学生在写作中能正确应 用以上短语对家乡特色产品质地、功能、特点等信息进行描述,实现了语言目标。 2.通过对写作题目的读题,小组内开展讨论等活动进行审题,学生在写作前对题目 中人称、时态等有了准确把握,学生掌握了审题的技巧,突破了教学难点。 3.通过范文的文本分析,实现以督促写掌握书信开头、主体、结尾三段式的结构, 实现了知识目标。 4.学生通过学习和彼此交流,增进对家乡的了解,激发学生热爱家乡的情怀,实现 了情感目标。 5.对学生在描述具体的家乡特产时使用了图片教学,避免了繁琐抽象的英文解释。 不足之处:不足之处: 1.板书的设计应该更合理。 2.学生小组活动可以更充分。 3.找一段 1-2 分钟米花糖制作视频,了解产品的制作过程。 UnitUnit 5 5 SectionSection B B WritingWriting Topic:Topic: SomethingSomething specialspecial inin hometownhometown UsefulUseful expressions:expressions: bebe mademade offromoffrom bebe famousfamous asas bebe knownknown forfor
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关 键 词:
人教版九年级Unit What are the shirts made of _Section 3a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_省级公开课_(编号:f124b) 人教版
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本文标题:人教版九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of -Section B 3a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:f124b).zip
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