人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 4I have a pen pal-A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:203d6).zip


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展开 人教版PEP三年级起点六年级上册英语Unit4Ihaveapenpal_A_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级优课_编号203d6.zip人教版PEP三年级起点六年级上册英语Unit4Ihaveapenpal_A_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级优课_编号203d6.zip
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Unit 4 I have a pen palUnit 4 I have a pen pal A. Lets learnA. Lets learn Lets sing!Lets sing! What are your hobbies?What are your hobbies? There are many clubs in the school.There are many clubs in the school. Listen and match!Listen and match! singsinginging I like singI like singinging. . storstory y iesies readreadingingstoriesstories I like . I like . I like singI like singinging and read and reading ing stories. stories. playplayingingfootballfootball He likeHe likes s He likeHe likes s sing singinging, read, readinging stories and playstories and playing ing football. football. dodoingingkung fukung fu She likeShe likes s She likeShe likes s sing singinging, read, readinging stories, playstories, playing ing football and football and dodoinging kung fu. kung fu. dancdancinging e e taktakinging e e taking picturestaking pictures makmakinging e e making kitesmaking kites dancdance einging taktake einging makmake einging We likeWe like We like singWe like singinging, read, readinging stories, playstories, playing ing football, football, dodoinging kung fu and danc kung fu and dancinging. . What are your hobbies?What are your hobbies? What can you do well?What can you do well? I like I like doingdoing puzzles and puzzles and dancingdancing. . I can I can do do puzzles well.puzzles well. Many people like doing puzzles.Many people like doing puzzles. There is a puzzle club in our There is a puzzle club in our school.school. What are their hobbies?What are their hobbies? What are Johns hobbies?What are Johns hobbies? He likes doing kung fu and He likes doing kung fu and reading stories.reading stories. What are Amys hobbies?What are Amys hobbies? She likes reading stories She likes reading stories and dancing.and dancing. What are their hobbies?What are their hobbies? They like playing football They like playing football and singing.and singing. School clubsSchool clubs Come and join us!Come and join us! What are your hobbies?What are your hobbies? What club will you join?What club will you join? HobbiesClubs dancingdancing club singing singing club reading storiesreading club playing footballfootball club playing basketballbasketball club playing ping-pongping-pong club paintingpainting club swimmingswimming club cookingcooking club doing kung fukung fu club I like dancing. He likes dancing. She likes dancing. If you like dancing too, please join our dancing club! I like playing football. He likes playing football. She likes playing football. If you like playing football too, please join our football club! Finish the ads for the clubs!Finish the ads for the clubs! We want to know more about you.We want to know more about you. Write about yourself!Write about yourself! Hi! Im Mike. Im from Class 2, Grade 6. I like dancing and playing football. I can dance well. I can play football well, too. I want to join the dancing club and the football club. Thank you! Are your hobbies good or bad?Are your hobbies good or bad? 1.Introduce your ads and get stars from the team members. 2. What are good hobbies and what are bad ones? Write down four good hobbies and three bad ones. 3. Preview the lesson on P40. 六上六上 UnitUnit 4 4 I I havehave a a penpen palpal A A LetsLets learnlearn 教学反思教学反思 在教学设计时,笔者充分考虑到六年级学生的认知水平和年龄特点,从激 发学生的学习兴趣和年龄特点出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务, 开展形式多样的教学活动,培养学生的听、说、读、写各方面的能力。在授课 中除了体现利用情境整体输入的词汇课教学理念,还注重与学生的生活经验紧 密结合,体现语言的语用功能。具体来说,本节课有以下几个特点: 1、以学生为主体,关注教学活动 本节课以“School clubs”为授课主线,教师利用这一主线,把“Warm- up” 、 “Presentation” 、 “Practice” 、 “Extension” 、 “Emotional education” 这几个授课环节有机地融合成一个整体。本课中各项活动的开展,都力求提供 给学生以真实的情境,从而更能贴近学生生活,有真实的语言意义。这当中有 师生、生生间的互动,有利于语言的真实交际运用。 2、利用多媒体设备,创设生动有趣的教学情景 教师利用多媒体课件、自制趣味视频等帮助学生更好地体验学习活动,给 学生营造轻松、愉快的课堂气氛,为学生创设真实生动的语言场景,使课堂变 得有声有色,学生学得有滋有味。通过师生对话、趣味游戏、team work、个性 化写作等各种活动鼓励学生大胆参与、深入思考、积极发言,从而提高学生综 合运用语言的能力。 3、巧妙利用板书,有效帮助学生归纳知识 笔者利用课堂活动而同步生成板书,可以帮助学生借助板书而梳理本节课 的知识要点。同时,在板书的设计上,笔者注重图文并茂,有利于进一步突出 教学重点。 但是,纵观本节课的教学,笔者觉得还有一些有待改进的地方。例如,在 教学节奏和教学时间的把握方面有欠缺。如果在最后的活动中给学生足够的时 间进行思考、讨论及展示,教学效果会更好。 1 / 22 授课教师:教授课教师:教 材:材:PEP 人教版六年级上册 课课 型:型:词汇教学 年年 级:级:六年级 上课时长:上课时长:40 分钟 教材内容 2 / 22 一、教学设计整体思路一、教学设计整体思路 本节课以“School clubs”为授课主线,教师利用这一主线,把“Warm- up” 、 “Presentation” 、 “Practice” 、 “Extension” 、 “Emotional education” 这几个授课环节有机地融合成一个整体。本课中各项活动的开展,都力求提供 给学生以真实的情境,从而更能贴近学生生活,有真实的语言意义。这当中有 师生、生生间的互动,有利于语言的真实交际运用。 教学活动的开展采用了“任务驱动”式“合作学习”的方式,整个学习以 学生能在实际生活中灵活运用为动力,学生在学中用,用中学,通过感知、交 流、合作等方式,完成学习任务。 课堂上,采取教师自编歌曲、趣味图片、微视频等多种教学手段,给学生 营造轻松、愉快的课堂气氛,为学生创设真实生动的语言场景,使课堂变得有 声有色,学生学得有滋有味。通过师生对话、趣味游戏、team work、个性化写 作等各种活动,鼓励学生大胆参与、深入思考、积极发言,从而提高学生综合 运用语言的能力。 3 / 22 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、语言知识和语言技能目标: (1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu。 (2)能够根据教师设置的情景,使用上述单词和词组,结合本课的核心句型 like(s) 谈论兴趣爱好。 (3)能仿照范例编写出 school clubs 的广告。 (4)能运用本课所学的爱好的单词、词组及核心句型来谈论个人信息。 2、学习策略目标: 通过头脑风暴、小组合作等方式激活思维,培养小组合作的意识。 3、情感态度目标: 通过本课 “Good or bad hobbies?” 微视频的观看,可以帮助学生结合自己 的实际情况,分析自己爱好的性质,从而做到摈弃不良的兴趣,培养良好的兴 趣及爱好。 三、教学内容分析三、教学内容分析 本节课选自人民教育出版社出版的义务教育教科书 英语(PEP) 2013 版,六年级上册第四单元 A 部分的 Lets learn。本课时的教学重点为:1、能够 听、说、读、写单词和词组:dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu。2、能够根据教师设置的情景,使用上述单词和词组,结合本课 的核心句型 like(s) 谈论兴趣爱好。而本课的教学难点为:学生能掌握 dancedancing 的动名词变化规则及 storystories 复数形式的变化规则。 4 / 22 四、学情分析四、学情分析 六年级的学生已经有了一定的英语学习的语言知识基础,也掌握了一定的 英语学习策略。学生在本单元 A 部分 Lets talk 已经学会运用句型:What are your hobbies? I like来询问别人的兴趣爱好。因此在教学过程中,可以以旧代 新,激发兴趣,引出新知。同时,他们也喜欢更有挑战性和思维性的活动,因 此在活动设计的方面,笔者设计了一些新颖有趣、实效性强的活动及游戏,如 “齐唱教师自编的趣味歌曲” 、 “拼图游戏” 、 “观看兴趣爱好的短片”等。此外, 笔者在授课中除了体现整体输入的词汇课教学理念,还注重与学生的生活经验 紧密结合,体现语言的语用功能。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 1、教学重点 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu。 (2)能够根据教师设置的情景,使用上述单词和词组,结合本课的核心句型 like(s) 谈论兴趣爱好。 2、教学难点: (1)学生能掌握 dancedancing 的动名词变化规则。 (2)学生能掌握 storystories 复数形式的变化规则。 六、教学辅具六、教学辅具 多媒体课件、自制趣味歌曲及视频、学生课堂练习 七、教学流程图七、教学流程图 Warm-up Free talk Sing a song 5 / 22 利用 free talk 及教师自己编制的趣味歌曲,导入本课学习话题 “hobbies”,创设轻松愉快的课堂气氛,并为学生的词汇课的学习做好语 言铺垫。 Presentation Listen and match or cross Look and learnLook and say 借助“学生们讨论 hobbies 与 school clubs”的情景整体引入新授单词,学生在情境中学单词, 用单词,较好地体现词汇教学的特点。 Practice 教师设计的层次递进且趣味性较强的操练活动,可以帮助学生进一步巩固、运用新授单词、 词组。 Ask and answerFinish the ads for the school clubs Extension& Emotional education Self-introduction writing Puzzle game 6 / 22 八、教学过程八、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing a song “What are your hobbies?” 师生问候后,教师说道:Ive made a funny song for you. Lets listen and sing it together. 接着师生齐唱“What are your hobbies?” 【设计意图:教师根据教学需要,自己编制了这首节奏明快的歌曲,通过齐 唱趣味歌曲,学生的上课积极性很快就被调动起来,同时,教师也借助歌曲呈 现本节课的重点句型: What are your hobbies/ I like】 2. Free talk 学生唱完歌后,教师接着歌曲的话题问道:Now, can you tell me your hobbies? What are your hobbies? 学生纷纷回答: I like 【设计意图:通过 free talk,一方面可以快速拉近师生之间的距离,另一方 面也为本课时将要学习的单词和句型做好铺垫。】 Homework Introduce the ads and get remarks from the team leaders leaders Write down four good hobbies and three bad ones 教师设计特色的作业,帮助学生运用、培养听、说、读、写等的综合性语言技能。 通过“自我介绍”的写作及“Good or bad hobbies”的情感教育环节,不仅可以帮助学生巩 固本课时的教学重、难点,还可以结合生活实际,拓展课外知识。 Watch a video about “ Good or bad Hobbies” 7 / 22 Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen and match 教师利用 PPT 呈现情景:Zhang Peng 和朋友们正在讨论自己的爱好及将要 加入的 school clubs。T: There are many school clubs in the school. Zhang Peng is talking with his friends about the hobbies and the school clubs they are going to join. 学生听对话,把人物与对应的爱好连线(见图一) 。 (图 1) 听力内容为: Zhang Peng: Wow, there are many clubs in our school. What clubs are you going to join, Amy? Amy: I like singing and dancing. I will join the singing club and the dancing club. What about you, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: I like reading stories and playing football. I will join the reading club and the dancing club. What about you, Xiao Yu? Xiao Yu: I like doing kung fu. I also like playing football. So I will join the kung fu club and the football club. 【设计意图:教师设计的这个听力活动,巧妙地利用情景把五个新授单词/ 8 / 22 词组:singing, dancing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu 整体地呈现 出来,体现了“整进整出”的原则。同时,把话题 hobbies 与 school clubs 结合 起来,更贴近学生的学校生活,容易产生共鸣。】 2. Look and learn & Look and say (1)singing T:Just now, weve known something about Zhang Peng and his friends hobbies and the school clubs they are going to join. Its time for us to learn the words about hobbies.教师利用 PPT 呈现动词 sing 的原型,学生齐读出“sing” ,接着, PPT 中动态出现 sing + ingsinging ,学生根据单词的拼读规则,齐读出 singing。教师边板书学生边拼读 singing。接着,教师结合图片,引导学生描述: I like singing. (见图 2) (图 2) (2) reading stories 教师利用 PPT 先呈现单词 story,让学生思考,story 如何变成复数形式, 学生观察后回答:Change “y” into “ies”。接着教师呈现词组 read stories,学生齐 读后,教师再动态呈现 read + ingreading,学生根据发音规则读出 reading stories。 9 / 22 【设计意图:story 的复数形式 stories,是本课时学生学习的难点之一,教师 借助 PPT 的动态呈现形式,能帮助学生更好地解决此难点。 】 Look and say PPT 中出现 singing 及 reading stories 的图片,T:Can you make up the sentence with these two pictures? You can begin with “I ilke”,学生思考后回答: I like singing and reading stories.(见图 3) (图 3) (3)playing football 教师用上述类似的方法呈现 playing football:play football + ingplaying football Look and say PPT 中出现 singing,reading stories 及 playing football 的图片,T:Can you make up the sentence with these three pictures? Please begin with “He likes”(见图 4),学生思考后回答:He likes singing, reading stories and playing football.(见图 5) 10 / 22 (图 4 ) (图 5) (4)doing kung fu 教师用上述类似的方法呈现 doing kung fu:do kung fu + ingdoing kung fu Look and say PPT 中接龙式地出现 singing,reading stories, playing football 及 doing kung fu 的图片,T:Can you make up the sentence with these four pictures? Please begin with “She likes” (见图 6),学生思考后回答:She likes singing, reading stories, playing football and doing kung fu.(见图 7) (图 6) (图 7) (5)dancing PPT 中出现 dance 的原型,教师问道:If we want to add “ing”, what should we do? Yes, we should delete the letter “e” and then add “ing” (教师利用 PPT 动态呈 现 dance 去 e 加 ing) (见图 8) 。 11 / 22 (图 8) T: Besides dance, there are more words that we should delete “e” and then add “ing”. Lets come and have a look. 接着 PPT 动态地呈现更多的以不发音“e”结 尾的动词加 ing 的变化过程(见图 9): (图 9) 【设计意图:dancedancing 的变化规则,是本课时学生学习的重、难点之 一,教师借助 PPT 的动态呈现形式,能帮助学生更好地解决此重、难点。 】 Look and say PPT 中接龙式地出现 singing,reading stories, playing football,doing kung fu 及 dancing 的图片,T:Can you make up the sentence with these five pictures? Please begin with “We like” (见图 10),学生思考后回答:We like singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu and dancing.(见图 11) 12 / 22 (图 10) (图 11) 【设计意图:Look and say 环节,一方面可以接龙式地呈现前面学习的新授 词汇,巧妙地巩固所学词汇,另一方面,也可以拓展 I / He/ She/ We like不同 人称的句型形式。 】 Step 3: Practice 1. Ask and answer: What are your hobbies? What can you do well? (1)T: Just now we knew Zhang Peng and his friends hobbies. What are your hobbies? What can you do well? As for me, I like doing puzzles and dancing. But I can just do puzzles well. What about you?学生与同桌讨论后,教师请一些学生回 答: I like I can well. 【设计意图:I like与 I can是学生容易混淆的两个句型,教师在此环节 特别渗透 I canwell,一方面可以帮助学生区分、应用这两个句型,为拓展环 节中的写作活动做好铺垫,另一方面也帮助学生明白“爱好的不一定是擅长的” 。 】 2. Puzzle game: What are their hobbies? T: There are many students in our school like doing puzzles, just like me. And there is a puzzle club in our school. Lets come and do some puzzles. 教师利用 PPT 呈现拼图,学生根据图片及句子提示,回答问题(见图 12、13、14、15、16、17) 13 / 22 (图 12) (图 13) (图 14) (图 15) (图 16) (图 17) 【设计意图:通过此新颖、有趣的 puzzle game,一方面可以激发学生学习 的兴趣,另一方面可以培养学生观察、思维的能力】 14 / 22 3. Finish the ads for the school clubs (1)Talk about the hobbies and the school clubs T: Just now weve taken part in the puzzle club in our school, and there are more clubs in our school, such as the dancing club, the painting club, the cooking club, etc.(见图 18) (图 18) T: What are your hobbies? What clubs are you going to join? 教师利用 PPT 呈 现、补充一些爱好及学校俱乐部的词汇(见图 19) ,让学生四人小组就自己的 爱好及想要加入的 school clubs 进行讨论。 15 / 22 (图 19) 【设计意图:此讨论环节的设计,一方面可以帮助学生通过相互交流信息, 巩固本节课的教学重点,另一方面,教师为学生提供了更多与话题相关的词汇, 有利于学生更顺利地进行话题讨论及拓展词汇量,为下一步的广告写作环节奠 定良好的基础。 】 (2)Write the ads for the school clubs T: Youve talked about your hobbies and the school clubs you are going to join. Here comes a task for you! Please design some advertisements (ads) for the clubs you are going to join. Then more students are attracted to come. 教师呈现任务:为将要 加入的学校俱乐部设计广告,以吸引更多的学生加入(由于课堂时间有限,学 生已利用教师提供的模版提前设计好了 school clubs 的图片) 。 教师 先利用 PPT 展示一些设计得较好的图片(见图 21、22) 。 16 / 22 (图 20) (图 21) (图 22) 17 / 22 教师用 PPT 呈现自己的范例,让学生一起朗读。 (见图 23、24) ,接着学生 按照教师提供写作框架,为自己想加入的兴趣俱乐部写广告词。学生写作完毕 后,教师邀请一些学生代表上台展示自己的作品。 (图 23) (图 24) Step 4 Extension & Emotional education 1. Self-introduction writing T: We finished some ads for the clubs we are going to join. Thats great! If you join the clubs, the club leaders and the members will want to know more about you. Can you write about yourself, so that they can know you better? 教师呈现写作任务: 为了让学校俱乐部的组长和组员更了解自己,我们来写一写自我简介(包括姓 名、年龄、班级、兴趣、擅长的方面等) 。 教师先呈现简介的范例(见图 25) ,接着让一些同学口头介绍自己,最后 再进行写作。 18 / 22 (图 25) 【设计意图:此项“自我简介”的写作活动,紧扣着学生的学习及生活需 求而设计,可以帮助学生综合运用本节课所学的兴趣爱好词汇及核心句型:I like I can well. I want to join】 2. Watch a video: Good or bad hobbies? 学生观看教师自制的情感教育视频“Good or bad hobbies?” 学生边观看边 思考自己的兴趣爱好是好的还是不好的。教师在学生观看视频后进行个别的提 问:What are your hobbies? Are your hobbies good or bad? 【设计意图:通过观看教师自制的情感教育视频,自然渗透 good or bad hobbies 的概念,同时,本视频中还加入了一些与兴趣爱好相关的词组,有利于 学生拓展学生的词汇量。 】 Step 5 Homework 1. Introduce your ads and get stars from the team members. 19 / 22 2. What are good hobbies and what are bad ones? Write down four good hobbies and three bad ones. 3. Preview the lesson on P40. 【设计意图:学生课堂完成的作品,要向小组长介绍自己的作品并获得 “评价星星” (见图 26) ,而获得最多“评价星星”的作品将会被展示。作业二 的设计有利于学生结合自己的实际生活进一步巩固、拓展课堂知识。 】 (图 26) Blackboard designing (板书设计板书设计) (上课前原图) 20 / 22 (上课后原图) 附件:附件: 一、学生课堂写作练习 二、学生课后作业评价表 21 / 22 三、学生作品(3 份) (作品一) 22 / 22 (作品二) (作品三) Super: Good: OK: Speaking Writing Designing Items Leaders I _ He _ She _ If you _ too, please join our _ club! I _ He _ She _ If you _ too, please join our _ club! Designing: Speaking: Writing:
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人教PEP版六年级上册Unit have pen pal_A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:203d6) 人教版 pep 三年级 起点 出发点 六年级 上册
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