人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 3My weekend plan-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b2302).zip


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scy school calendarlUnit3 My school calendar endarcalendar A Lets talk Unit 3 My weekend plan Review What do you often do on the weekend? Presentation I will . What will you do this weekend? Im going to. Presentation Im going to see a film this weekend. Presentation Im going to. What are you going to do this weekend? Presentation Presentation What are Sarah and Mike going to do tomorrow? Sarah Mike Presentation Watch and tick. name see a film do go fishing have an art lesson go swimming Check your answer Presentation have an art lesson e Presentation Read and circle . 1.Whats Sarah going to do in her lesson? 2. What does Mike have to do now? 录音课文句子 Presentation Listen and repeat Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow? Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson. Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson? Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Mike: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike:You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Practice Role-play 两人一组,分角色朗读出对话。 Extention Dear . How are you? What are you going to do this weekend?Do you have any ideas? This is my weekend plan. I am going to do my homewok on Saturday morning. I on Saturday afternoon. I on Sunday morning. I on Sunday afternoon. Write an E-mail Homework 1. Read the dialogue twice. 2. Do a survey about the weekend plan of your friend. THANK YOU 1 Unit 3 My weekend plan Class: Name: a name name do have an art lesson go fishingsee a film go swimming Sarah Mike 2 Dear . How are you? What are you going to do this weekend? Do you have anything ideas? This is my weekend plan. I am going to do my homework on Saturday morning. I on Saturday afternoon. I on Sunday morning. I on Sunday afternoon. 1 / 11 Unit 3 A Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 (A Lets try Lets talk) 一、教学目标一、教学目标 (一一) 认知目标认知目标 1. 能够掌握四会句子: What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 2. 能够独立完成 Lets try 部分的练习。 3. 能够表述自己准备在将来的某个时间里干某事。 (二二) 能力目标能力目标 培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 (三三) 情感目标情感目标 教育学生要合理安排好时间。 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点 (一一) 重点重点 掌握四会句子 What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to lesson. Were going to draw some Renmin Park. 突破方法:反复朗读,培养语感,从而突破重点。 (二二) 难点难点 运用 be going to do 句型描述自己的活动计划,并与他人进行交流。 突破方法:反复朗读,在熟读的基础上:尝试替换练习,从而突破难点。 三、教法与学法三、教法与学法 引导法,点拨法,小组合作法。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教师准备多媒体课件、课文情景动画或音频 MP3(这些资料都可以在优教班班通优教班班通 平台上找到,老师可以下载整理使用) 。日历及课程表,图片,画板等。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 :Warm-up 师生进行日常会话。如: T: What do you do from Monday to Friday? S1: I often do homework and read books. 2 / 11 T: What do you usually do on Saturdays? S2: I usually read books. S3: I usually watch TV. S4: I usually do homework. Step 2: Presentation Lets try T: Its Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike. Lets listen to what they are going to do. 教师先让学生看问题,画出关键词,然后播放 Lets try 部分的录音,学生选择 正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知课时话题。 Lets talk 1. 教师出示当天的日历及课程表,与学生进行如下问答: T: What day is it today? S: Its Monday. T: What day is it tomorrow? 教师引导学生回答:Tomorrow is Tuesday. 然后板书并教读单词:tomorrow,可 采用拆分法教读。 T: What time is it now? S: Its eight oclock. T: What are you doing? S: We are having an English class. 教师指着日历问学生:What are you going to do tomorrow? 板书并教读句子: What are you going to do tomorrow? 同时教师适当讲述一般将来时的语法:一般 将来时表示将来某一时刻将要发生的动作、行为或存在的状态,或将来某一段 时间内经常发生的动作或状态;一般将来时的句子结构:be going to动词原形 可采用如下方式操练: T: be going to do S: be going to do T: Whatare you going todo? S: What are you going todo? 3 / 11 T: Whatare you going todo tomorrow? S: What are you going todo tomorrow? 2. 教师拿着画板,问:What are you going to do tomorrow? 引导学生回答:Im going to have an art lesson.板书并教读句子:Im going to have an art lesson.可采用 男生问女生答、再交换的形式练习句型。如: Boys: What are you going to do tomorrow? Girls: Im going to have an art lesson. Girls: What are you going to do tomorrow? Boys: I m going to have an art lesson. 3. 教师做画画的动作,说:What am I going to do? 学生回答:You are going to draw some pictures. 教师回答并板书:Yes, we are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 4. 教师拿着两张电影票或出示电影图片,说:Im going to see a film tomorrow. 板书并教读短语:see a film。让学生注意 film 的发音。 5. 播放 Lets talk 部分的录音,先让学生带着问题静听两遍,问题如下: What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow? 核对答案后,再次播放录音,学生跟读对话中的句子,然后分角色朗读对话。 可让学生进行小组与小组之间的朗读比赛。鼓励学生替换对话中的时间和地点 信息进行练习。 6. 教师示范书写四会句子,学生仿写。 Step 3 :Practice 1. 教师出示图片,师生一起猜相应的短语。短语如:go ice-skating, wash clothes, draw pictures, 2. 教师将学生分成四人一组,让学生讨论周末计划并写出相应短语。运用如下 句型:What is . going to do? What are . going to do? He /She is going to . They are going to .教师可和几位学生做示范对话。 3. 教师将学生分成四组,每组围成一圈,一名学生站在中间充当老虎。游戏开 始,其他学生问:What are you going to do? “老虎”回答:Im going to read books.学生继续问。而当“老虎”回答:Im going to eat you.时,“老虎”就开 4 / 11 始设法抓住一名学生,被抓到的学生接着充当老虎,继续游戏。 Step 4: Consolidation and extension 1. 把 Lets talk 部分的录音读给家长或朋友听。 2. 抄写四会句子。 3. 做活动手册上的配套练习。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 My weekend plan tomorrow see a film What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 六、教学反思六、教学反思 这节课主要进行会话教学。会话教学离不开情景,语言交际离不开情景, 学生只有参与真实情景中的交际活动,才能真正掌握语言。教师运用实物和动 作把学生带到真实的语言环境中,让学生身临其境,再通过多种方式对单词和 句子进行操练,不仅让课堂充满趣味性,更让学生乐于学习,积极融入课堂。 在新知识的巩固阶段,教师立足于教学内容,创设了一些游戏来巩固新知 识。采用表演的形式来进行任务型的教学,不但让学生了解做事要有计划性, 而且还激发了学生的竞争意识。这样做既活跃了课堂气氛,又提高了课堂效率, 达到了良好的教学效果。 2014.10.12-10.132014.10.12-10.13 西安市名师大篷车听课作业西安市名师大篷车听课作业 苏小苏小 宋军良宋军良 5 / 11 题目:题目:20142014 新版新版 peppep 六上六上 Unit3Unit3 mymy weekendweekend planplan A A 部分部分 LetsLets trytry wash my clothes; draw pictures; play football; go for a picnic. Which activity do you like? Please answer my question: T:What are you going to do this weekend? S: Im going to 设计意图:通过动词短语替换练习,让学生进一步熟悉设计意图:通过动词短语替换练习,让学生进一步熟悉 bebe goinggoing toto。 3. Lets talk (1) T: Mike is on the phone with Sarah now. Watch the video and answer the questions: a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? b.What is Mike going to do tomorrow? 设计意图:带着问题观看,有利于学生理解课文。设计意图:带着问题观看,有利于学生理解课文。 (2)Watch it again and fill in the blanks a. Sarah and her classmates are going to _ in Renmin Park. b. Mike have to _now. 9 / 11 (3) Read the dialogue after the tape. (4) Lets act as Mike and Sarah. 设计意图:角色扮演,进一步锻炼交流能力。设计意图:角色扮演,进一步锻炼交流能力。 StepStep Three:PracticeThree:Practice WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? 设计意图:小组会话,为小组展示做好铺垫。设计意图:小组会话,为小组展示做好铺垫。 StepStep Four:ProductionFour:Production 1. Find your partner: Its Friday, you are talking the weekend plan with your friend. WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend?找出相同安排的人,周找出相同安排的人,周 末一起去活动。末一起去活动。 2、对话展示 What are you going to do this weekend/tomorrow? Im going to What about you? (Lets together.) 3. Talk about our classmates weekend plan 根据刚才同学们的反馈信息,进行提问 What is going to do? 10 / 11 What aregoing to do? 设计意图:人称变换,进一步熟悉设计意图:人称变换,进一步熟悉 bebe goinggoing toto。 4. Lets wrap it up 语法小结 (1) Be going to 表达的意思 “打算要做的事情” (2) Be 动词的用法复习 What _ Sarah going to do? _ _ going to play the piano. What _ John and Mike going to do? _ _ _ to do homework. StepStep Five:Five: AssessmentAssessment andand homeworkhomework 1. Make a weekend plan 设计意图:进一步练习写作能力。设计意图:进一步练习写作能力。 七七. .教学评价教学评价 1. 评价内容:学生课堂参与性,小组合作能力,交流能力,反应 能力等 2.评价方法:小组评价,师生评价,生生评价,个人自评等 老师对表现优秀的,除了精神鼓励,可以奖励本课动词短语打印卡 等。 八、板书设计:八、板书设计: Unit 3 My Weekend Plan 11 / 11 What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. What _ _ going to do? He/She is going to We/They are going to 九、九、 教学反思:教学反思: 1.通过小组合作,成员展示,锻炼了学生合作能力,交流能力。通过小组合作,成员展示,锻炼了学生合作能力,交流能力。 2.动词短语切近学生生活实际,便于学生理解记忆。动词短语切近学生生活实际,便于学生理解记忆。
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