人教PEP版六年级上册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:4047d).zip


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人教版 PEP六年级上册 Unit3 My Weekend Plan A. Lets talk weekend happy weekendbusy weekend meaningful weekend (有意义的) We often take a trip pick apples eat good food have a picnic climb mountains fly kites do homework wash the clothes clean the room watch TV cook dinner play ping-pong sing and dance play sports clean the room cook dinner have an art lesson climb mountains play ping-pong read books go shopping fly kites listen to music go for a picnic see a film take a trip s What am I going to do this weekend? You are going to Lets try 1.What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? Listen and answer. Hes going to see a film. 2.What is Mike going to do tomorrow? Shes going to have an art lesson. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1. Sarah and her classmates are going to _ in Renmin Park. 2. Mike has to _ now. draw some pictures do his homework Mike:_ _tomorrow? Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson. Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson? Sarah: _ _ _. Mike: _ Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Discuss and choose(讨论选词) Word list(每词每词只能用一次只能用一次) What draw some pictures in Renmin park Sounds great!We re going to are you going to do Lets talk Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow? Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson. Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson? Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Mike: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow? Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson. Mike: What are you going to do in your lesson? Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Mike: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike: You too.I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Mike: What are you going to do tomorrow? Sarah: Im going to have an art lesson. Mike: What are you going to do in your leson? Sarah: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. Mike: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. Sarah: Have a good time! Mike: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Sarah: OK. Bye. Role play(角色扮演) 评价等级 A A 声音洪亮 AA A 朗读流利 AAAAA 能脱稿完成 weekend plan Mike is going to. Sarah is going to. go fishing Who? this Saturday this Sunday Mike go fishing see a film Sarahgo swimming have an art lesson draw pictures When? They are talking about their weekend plan ,too Hi,Mike Im not going to have a happy weekend. Why? What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to I am going to have dancing lesson this Saturday. I am going to do lots of homework this Sunday. I am going to no time play. What about you? I am going to see a film with my friend. I am going to take a trip with my family. Sounds great! Have a good time. I have to do my homework now. Bye. Bye! How do you think of Nancys weekend plan? A: Sounds great! B: Sounds boring. 为了保持健康,我们每个人都应劳逸结合。 To keep healthy, every one of us should work and rest. Weeken is coming. What are you going to do? Get into groups of four and talk about your weekend plan. 周末就要到了,你将去做什么? 四人小组一起相互谈谈你的计划) A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to What are you going to do? A: Im going to B: Sounds great/Have a good time! take a trip climb mountains listen to music play sports play ping-pong see a film fly kites watch TV read books Name Talk about your friends holiday plan. (根据调查表,同桌两一起谈谈朋友们的假期计划)(根据调查表,同桌两一起谈谈朋友们的假期计划) A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to. A : What is_ going to do? B: He/she is going to. A: What are and going to do? B: They are going to Homework: 1. Listen to the tape and read this dialogue. (听录音并熟读课文听录音并熟读课文) 2. Make a new weekend plan with your friends. (和朋友一起编一个周末计划和朋友一起编一个周末计划) Mikes weekend plan Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday Mike is going to. He is going to. do homeworkgo fishing 人教版 PEP 六年级上 Unit3 My weekend plan A Lets talk 教学反思 本节课是人教版 PEP 六年级上 Unit3 My weekend planA Lets talk 这节 课主要围绕着 weekend plan 的话题展开,非常贴近学生的生活,通过猜我的周 末计划呈现本节课的核心句型。以激发学生学习为主,引导学生运用英语完成 有实际意义的语言任务,注重学生的主体参与和体验,循序渐进,关注学生兴 趣的激发和个体的差异,提倡在语境中感受语言,并迁移到生活中,学以致用。 一、循序渐进,渗透教育 教学中以小学英语的新课标为依据,强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认 知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。我在设定教学 目标时,通过多种教学手段进行教学,能调动学生学习积极性,能介绍自己的 周末计划,能够树立需要在活动前做好合理计划的意识,并让学生能做到劳逸 结合,养成好的生活习惯。 二、形式多样,学习浓厚 我根据学生的年龄特点,结合教材情况,充分利用多媒体课件展开教学。 在引进新课上我都有针对性的设计,如从 What do you often do on the weekend? 再引出 What are you going to do this weekend?在各个环节的衔 接上我都过渡得非常自然,合理。对于重难点的处理,我采取了配音、由浅到 难的对话挑战、表演、复述等多种方式,极大地调动了学生学习的积极性,学 生练习充分,知识掌握的扎实。 三、注意细节,不断改进 这堂课学生们都能上课精神抖擞,热情高涨,教学效果不错,多种多样的教 学方法来调动学生的积极性,但是还存在以下不足的地方。 1.教学内容有点多,拓展部分处理的有些仓促,最后一本分四人小组操练的内 容没能如期完成,有些遗憾。 2、教学活动中的还需要注意一些小细节,齐读过多,可注意个别朗读, 3、连读的部分没有加以指正。 1 人教版 PEP 六年级上 Unit3 My weekend plan A Lets talk 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本部分学习的核心句型是:What are you going to do? Im going to 教材通过 Mike 和 Sarah 打电话的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语 用情景。在五年级下册第三单元,学生已经接触 What will you do?对一般将 来时的用法有一定的了解。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。大部分 学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英语课, 学习兴趣不是很高,同时,有些学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题;另 一方面,学生有一定的分化。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)知识目标:学生能够理解对话大意;能按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗 读对话;能够在情景中运用句型 What are/is. going to do? Im going to He/She is going to They are going to 提问及作答。 (二)能力目标:能够树立需要在活动前做好合理计划的意识,让学生做到劳 逸结合,养成好的生活习惯。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 重点:学生能够表演 Lets talk 中的对话,并能在真实情景中运用。 难点:了解 be going to 表示将来发生的动作的基本用法,并加以简单运用。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 2 Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup 1. Sing a song 2. Free talk T: Boys and girls, what day is it today? S: Its Friday. T: Great! What day is it tomorrow? S: Its Saturday. T: Oh! Weekend is coming. Are you happy? Today we are talking about weekend plan.(引出课题 My weekend plan) 【教学设计意图】通过谈话激趣,唱歌的引入,激发学生的兴趣,为导入新课 作铺垫。 T: Boys and girls! Do you like weekend? We have a kind of weekend. We have a happy weekend, busy weekend, meaningful weekend. What do we often do on the happy weekend? S: We often. on the happy weekend.(根据多名学生的回答,复习了之前学 的句型和很多的动词短语) T:What about busy weekend? S: We often. on the busy weekend.(根据学生的回答出示多个动词短语) T: What about meaningful weekend? S:We often. on the meaningful weekend.(出示多个之前学过的动词词组) T: We can do many things on the weekend,but this weekend, I am going to be busy, but I am happy.Can you guess? What am I going to do this weekend?(引出新句型) 引导学生用 You are going to. 来猜。 3 播放录制的录音,看看谁猜对了。 【教学设计意图】通过自然的谈话,让学生复习了旧句型和词组,以便更好的 了解和接受新知识,并且很自然地引出新的句型。 2. 引出 Lets try T:How do you think of my weeekend? You know my weekend is very busy,What about our friends Mike and Sarsh? 播放 Letst try 的录音,叫学生核对答案。 3. 教学 Lets talk (1)引出 Lets talk T: Mike cant go swimming this Saturday. What about Sunday? What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow?(出示问题,学生读题,听录音,回答 问题) (2)Listen again and fill in the blanks. 4 【教学设计意图】通过反复听对话回答问题,让学生初步感知对话。 (3)Discuss and choose(讨论选词)。再通过听音核对答案。 板书本课文的重点句型 What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have an art lesson. We are going to draw some pictures. T: When we are talk about our weekend plan we can use be going to. For example. (引导学生一起回答)I am going to. You are going to. SheHe is going to. We are going to. They are going to. 【教学设计意图】通过讨论选词,让学生进一步熟悉对话。 StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1. Read after the tape. 5 2.分男女生为 Lets talk 配音 3.Challenge(从两颗星到五颗星的挑战,直到背出对话) 【教学设计意图】通过各种挑战由浅到深,能让学生很有兴趣反复地操练对话, 最后让学生自然地背出对话。 4. Role play(为表演划分等级,声音响亮得两颗星,如能流利清晰的得三颗星, 能脱稿的得五颗星) Step4:Step4: ExtensionExtension 1. Try to retell(同桌根据幻灯片提示来复述对话) 6 【教学设计意图】通过复述,提高学生的口头表达能力。 2. T: We know Mike have a good wekend. What about his friend ,Nancy? Shes sad. What happen? Can you guess? What is Nancy going to do this weekend? S: Shes going to.(让学生猜,再出示答案) T: How do you think of Nancys weekend plan. Sounds great? S: No, sounds boring. T: To keep healthy, every one of us should work and rest.为了保持健康, 我们每个人都应劳逸结合。 【教学设计意图】通过此环节,渗透情感教育,让学生做到劳逸结合,养成好 的生活习惯。 3. 四人一组,调查每个人的周末计划,并复述出来。 Step5Step5 SummarySummary Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework 7 1. Listen to the tape and read this dialogue. 2. Make a new weekend plan with your friends. 板书设计板书设计 What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have an art lesson. We are going to draw some pictures. 人教版 PEP 六年级上 Unit3 My weekend plan A Lets talk 教学反思 连平县第一小学 饶素瑜 本节课是人教版 PEP 六年级上 Unit3 My weekend planA Lets talk 这节 课主要围绕着 weekend plan 的话题展开,非常贴近学生的生活,通过猜我的周 末计划呈现本节课的核心句型。以激发学生学习为主,引导学生运用英语完成 有实际意义的语言任务,注重学生的主体参与和体验,循序渐进,关注学生兴 趣的激发和个体的差异,提倡在语境中感受语言,并迁移到生活中,学以致用。 一、循序渐进,渗透教育 教学中以小学英语的新课标为依据,强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认 知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。我在设定教学 目标时,通过多种教学手段进行教学,能调动学生学习积极性,能介绍自己的 周末计划,能够树立需要在活动前做好合理计划的意识,并让学生能做到劳逸 结合,养成好的生活习惯。 二、形式多样,学习浓厚 8 我根据学生的年龄特点,结合教材情况,充分利用多媒体课件展开教学。 在引进新课上我都有针对性的设计,如从 What do you often do on the weekend? 再引出 What are you going to do this weekend?在各个环节的衔 接上我都过渡得非常自然,合理。对于重难点的处理,我采取了配音、由浅到 难的对话挑战、表演、复述等多种方式,极大地调动了学生学习的积极性,学 生练习充分,知识掌握的扎实。 三、注意细节,不断改进 这堂课学生们都能上课精神抖擞,热情高涨,教学效果不错,多种多样的教 学方法来调动学生的积极性,但是还存在以下不足的地方。 1.教学内容有点多,拓展部分处理的有些仓促,最后一本分四人小组操练的内 容没能如期完成,有些遗憾。 2、教学活动中的还需要注意一些小细节,齐读过多,可注意个别朗读, 3、连读的部分没有加以指正。
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人教PEP版六年级上册Recycle 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:4047d) 人教版 pep 三年级 起点 出发点 六年级 上册 英语 recycle _ppt
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