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    关 键  词:
    新教材 人教版 2019 英语 必修 一册 词汇表 教材 例句 词汇 用法 讲解 专项 练习题 答案 下载 _必修 第一册_人教版(2019)_英语_高中

    1、第 1 页 共 60 页 【新教材】人教版(2019)高一英语必修第一册词汇表 (含教材例句及词汇用法讲解、专项练习题及答案) 本词汇表主要特色: 1.呈现教材原文例句,重视词汇在语境中的运用。 2.词汇用法讲解紧扣新课标和新考纲,深度和广度适中,条理清晰,系统完整。 3.精选高考真题例句、词典例句和时文例句,例句具有典型性和示范性。 4.展示高考真题,揭示高考命题角度和思路。 5.适合高一学生同步使用以及高三学生总复习使用。 Book 1 Welcome Unit 1.exchange/kstend/ n.交换; 交流; 交易 Im an exchange student from the

    2、UK. 我是一名来自英国的交换生。 (P2) Im going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.我将到巴黎交流参观。 Our school does an exchange with a school in France.我们学校与法国的一所学校进行交流。 I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange ? 我请你吃午饭,你给我修计算机,这算是公平交易吧? an open exchange of ideas and information思想和信息的公开交流 educati

    3、onal exchanges for young people面向年轻人的教育交流 trade and cultural exchanges with China与中国的贸易和文化交流 in exchange for作为交换 They sold eggs inexchange for saltand tea.他们把鸡蛋卖掉换取茶叶和盐。 Linda teaches me French inexchange forChinese lessons. 琳达教我法语,作为交换我教她汉语。 vt.交换; 交流;交易; 兑换 第 2 页 共 60 页 to exchange ideas/news/info

    4、rmation交流思想/互通消息/交流信息 Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses. 所有的组员都相互交换了电子邮件地址。 If the shirt doesnt fit, take it back and the store will exchange it. 如果衬衫不合适就把它拿回来,商店将给你掉换。 exchange sth (with sb)和某人交换某物 I exchange learning experience with my classmates. 我与同学交流学习经验。 I shook hands and exchan

    5、ged a few words with the manager. 我与经理握手,相互交谈了几句。 exchange A for B把 A 换成 B If you are not satisfied with the car, you can always exchange it for another. 如果你对车不满意,可以随时另换一辆。 I am going to America next week, so Ihavetoexchange someRMB for dollars. 我下周要去美国,所以得把人民币兑换成美金。 2. lecture /lekt(r)/ n.讲座;讲课;演讲;

    6、 教训 in the lecture hall 在报告厅(P2) a lecture to sb给某人讲课/演讲 He gives a lecture to first-year students.他给一年级学生讲课。 a lecture on/about sth关于某方面的讲课/训斥 Smith gives lectures on business management.史密斯教工商管理课。 I know I should stop smokingdont give me a lecture about it. 我知道我该戒烟,别再训斥我了。 vi. (开)讲座;演讲;讲课 Did you

    7、ever lecture at Harvard?你在哈佛大学开过讲座了吗? I was asked to lecture on Chinese literature yesterday.昨天我应邀去讲中国文学。 第 3 页 共 60 页 vt.训斥 lecture sb about/on sth因某事指责/训斥某人 Hes always lecturing me about the way I dress.他对我的衣着总是指手画脚的。 lecture sb about doing sth因干某事指责/训斥某人 He used to lecture me about drinking too m

    8、uch .他以前常唠叨我喝酒太多。 【拓展】 lecturer / lektr(r) / n.(大学或学院中的)授课者, (英美大学中的)讲师; 演讲者 Hes a lecturer in French at Oxford.他是牛津大学的法语讲师。 The lecturer spoke very clearly so that we could hear every word. 演讲者讲话很清楚,我们每个字都能听清。 3. registration /redstren / n.登记;注册;挂号 in the registration office 在登记处(P2) The registrati

    9、on of students for the course will begin on Thursday morning. 学生登记上的这门课将于星期四上午开始。 Please write your home address on the registration form. 请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。 They charge a small registration fee.他们收一点注册费。 the registration of a childs birth婴儿出生登记 the registration of letters and parcels信件和包裹的挂号 4.regis

    10、ter/ redst(r) /vt. 雌性的 She was the greatest female poet in America.她是美国最伟大的女诗人。 The animal in the picture was a female elephant.照片上的动物是头母象。 n.雌性动(植)物;女子 Fifty percent of the workers were female.50%的工人是女性。 Each female will lay just one egg in April or May.每个雌体四五月份只产一粒卵。 7. male / mel/ adj.男(性)的; 雄性的

    11、a male nurse/model 男护士 / 模特儿 a male flower 雄花 n.雄性动(植)物;男子 第 5 页 共 60 页 More females than males are employed in the factory. 这家工厂雇用的女性比男性多。 8. nationality /nnlti/ n.国籍; 民族 When asked his nationality, he said British.被问及国籍时,他说是英国。 The college attracts students of all nationalities.这所大学吸引着各国的学生。 The Y

    12、i nationality is distributed mainly over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. 彝族主要分布在云南 、 四川和贵州三省。 9. nation / nen/n.国家; 民族; 国民 It seemed that the nations health was improving.好像该国的健康状况正在改善。 The British are known as a nation of dog lovers.英国人以爱犬而闻名。 The whole nation were watching the football game

    13、.全国的人都在看这场足球赛。 【拓展】 national /nnl/ adj.国家的; 民族的 national and local newspapers全国性的和地方的报纸 national and international news国内和国际新闻 Agriculture plays an important part in the national economy. 农业在国民经济中占重要地位。 Lin Zexu and Yue Fei are our national heroes. 林则徐和岳飞是我们的民族英雄。 10. designer /dzan(r)/n. 设计师; 设计者 -

    14、What does Amy want to be inthe future? 艾米将来想做什么? -A designer.设计师。(P2) My brother is a fashion designer.我哥哥是一名时装设计师。 11. design / dzan / 第 6 页 共 60 页 n.设计; 方案;图案 She came to London in 2019 to study fashion design. 她 2019 年来到伦敦学习时装设计。 The shoes were of good design and good quality. 这些鞋样式新颖,质量上乘。 They

    15、drew up the design for the house in a week. 他们在一周内就画出了房子的图样。 by design= on purpose故意地 I am sure he did it by design.我肯定他是故意做的。 We dont know if it was done by accident or by design. 我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的. vt.设计;筹划 design a car/a dress 设计汽车 / 连衣裙 This bridge was designed by Scott. 这座桥是斯科特设计的。 He has a job d

    16、esigning websites.他得到了一份网站设计工作。 We need to design a new course for the third year. 我们需要为三年级学生制订一个新的课程。 be designed to do sth. 专门为了做 The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 These programs are designed to develop the economy. 这些项目是为了发展经济而

    17、设计的。 be designed for为而设计 This training is designed for teachers.这项培训是为老师设计的。 Its not designed for anyone under age eighteen. 它不是为 18 岁以下者设计的。 be designed as被设计为 The room is designed as a small reception hall for important visitors . 这个房间被设计为用来接待重要来宾的小型会客室。 第 7 页 共 60 页 12. campus / kmps /n.校园; 校区 An

    18、 exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus. 一个交换生正在校园里和一位老师谈话。 (P3) The campus of Harvard University is very beautiful.哈佛大学的校园非常漂亮。 They spoke of the old days on the campus.他们谈起昔日的校园生活。 The campus covers an area of twenty square kilometres. 这个校园占地二十平方公里。 13. formal / f:ml / adj. 正式的 ;正规的 Pe

    19、ople speak in a more polite way in formal situations. 在正式场合人们说话更礼貌。 (P3) He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Mary.他给玛丽写了一封非常正式的道歉信。 They had a formal dinner after the play.演出结束后他们举行了一个正式的晚宴。 He didnt have any formal dance training.他没受过任何正规的舞蹈训练。 【拓展】 (1)formally / f:ml / adv.正式地; 正规地 We need

    20、 to dress formally for the party.我们需要穿得正式参加晚会。 Everyone was formally lined up to meet the king.大家正式地列队迎接国王。 (2)informal / nf:ml /adj.非正式的;非正规的 an informal meeting/visit 非正式的会议 / 访问 The house has an informal atmosphere.房间里有一种轻松随意的氛围。 I would like it to be an informal occasion.我希望把它办得不那么正式。 (3) inform

    21、ally/nf:ml/ adv.非正式地; 不拘礼节地 They told me informally that I had got the job.他们非正式地告诉我已获得那份工作。 The guests were seated very informally around the table.客人们很随意地坐在桌旁。 第 8 页 共 60 页 14. anxious / ks / adj.焦虑的; 不安的;渴望的 Tom is a very anxious person.汤姆是个非常容易焦虑不安的人。 an anxious look/face/expression忧虑的目光 / 面容 /

    22、表情 be anxious about sth 为某事焦虑 He seemed anxious about the meeting.他似乎对这次会议忧心忡忡。 be anxious for sb 为某人焦虑 Parents are naturally anxious for their children.父母自然为儿女担心。 be anxious to do sth 渴望干某事 She was anxious to finish school and get a job.她渴望毕业找一份工作。 【拓展】 (1)anxiously / ksl / adv.焦急地;担忧地 He is anxiou

    23、sly waiting for the result of the medical tests.他焦急地等待着体检结果。 I hope for her letter anxiously.我盼望着她的回信。 (2) anxiety / zati/n.焦虑;忧虑;渴望 Her voice was full of anxiety.她的声音满是焦虑不安。 Anxiety is modern mans natural state.焦虑是现代人的自然状态。 He shouted at her with anxiety.他焦急万分地对着她大喊大叫。 Toms anxiety to succeed led h

    24、im to work hard.汤姆对成功的渴望使他更加努力。 15. annoyed /nd/ adj.(人感到)恼怒的,生气的 Her mother was annoyed because she was so late. 她母亲生气了,因为她来晚了。 He was annoyed to learn that the train would be delayed.他得知火车要晚点,心里感到烦恼。be annoyed with sb (at/about sth)(因某事) 对某人恼火 He was very annoyed with me about my carelessness.因为我粗

    25、心大意,他对我恼火了。 【拓展】 第 9 页 共 60 页 annoying /n/ adj. (令人)恼怒的;生气的 Dont ask lots of annoying questions.不要问许多烦人的问题。 You must have found the children annoying.你肯定觉得这些孩子讨人厌烦。 It is annoying that there is no hot water.没有热水,真烦人。 16. annoy /n/ vt. 使恼怒; 打扰 She sometimes does things on purpose just to annoy me.她有时

    26、存心做些事来使我生气。 A fly was annoying him.一只苍蝇搅得他心烦。 It annoyed me that I didnt have time to do more reading.腾不出时间多看会儿书让我很烦。 17. frightened /fratnd/ adj. (人)受惊吓的; (人感到)害怕的 a frightened child受了惊吓的小孩 Her frightened face showed us that something terrible had happened to her family. 她惊恐的神色向我们表明她家出了大事。 be frigh

    27、tened of sth /of doing sth 害怕某事/干某事 She was frightened of flying. 她害怕坐飞机。 Im frightened of walking home alone in the dark. 我害怕在黑夜单独走路回家。 be frightened to do sth 害怕干某事 She was too frightened to tell her family what had happened. 她太害怕了,不敢告诉家人发生了什么事。 be frightened that害怕 She was frightened that the pla

    28、ne would crash.她害怕飞机会坠毁。 【拓展】 (1)frightening / fratn /adj.令人恐惧的;吓人的 a frightening experience/thought可怕的经历/想法 The idea of death is frightening to most people.死的想法对于大多数人都是可怕的。 Its frightening to think it could happen again.想到此事可能再次发生就使人不寒而栗。 第 10 页 共 60 页 (2)frighten / fratn /vt.使惊恐; 吓唬 Sorry,I didnt

    29、mean to frighten you.对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。 Most children are frightened by the sight of blood.大多数孩子见到血就害怕。 18. senior/si:ni(r)/ adj. (级别、地位等)较高的; 年长的 senior high school (美国)高中 So this is it senior high school at last! 就是这样终于上了高中! (P4) a senior manager/lecturer高级高级经理/高级讲师 a senior post/position高级职务 / 职位 be

    30、senior to sb 比某人资格高(老) He is senior to me.他的职位比我高。 Williams felt himself to be senior to all of them.威廉斯自认为比他们所有人资格都要老。 n.较年长者 My brother is my senior by two years. 我哥哥比我大两岁。 19. at last 终于; 最后 The rainy season has ended at last. 雨季总算过去了。 At last they won their freedom. 他们终于赢得了自由。 His wish to visit

    31、China has at last come true. 他要访华的愿望终于实现了。 At first he was very tense and at last relaxed. 起初,他非常紧张,最后终于放松了下来。 20. outgoing / atg / adj.爱交际的;外向的;开朗的 Im not outgoing so Im a little anxious right now. 我不外向,所以我现在有点焦虑。 (P4) He is an outgoing and lively person.他是个性格开朗而又活泼的人。 Shes friendly and outgoing.她好

    32、相处,性格外向。 21. impression/mpren/n.印象;感想 第 11 页 共 60 页 make an impression 留下好印象 I want to make a good first impression. 我想给人留下好的第一印象。 (P4) I hope to make a good impression on your family.我希望给你的家人留下个好印象。 have /get a good/bad impression of sb/sth对某人 / 某事物的印象好 / 不好 I have a good impression of him.我对他印象很好。

    33、 a good/bad impression on sb给某人留下好 的/ 不好的印象 Her words left a lasting impression on me.她的话给我留下了难忘的印象。 first impression 第一印象 First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.第一印象是持久的。毕竟,你永远不可能再有一个机会去给别人再留一次第一印 象。 There was a general impression

    34、 that tomorrow meant a fresh start. 普遍的感觉是明天意味着一个新的开始。 22. impress/mpres/ vt. 使钦佩;给留下深刻的好印象 It impressed me that she remembered my name.令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。 What impressed me most was their brave spirit.给我印象最深的是他们的无畏精神. impress sb with/by给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed with/by 对印象深刻 She was deeply impressed by/wit

    35、h the scenery in Guilin. 桂林的景色给她留下了深刻的印象。 impress sth on sb 把印在上; 使铭记 My father impressed on me the importance of hard work. 我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。 vi. 留下印象;引人注目 The scenery in Guilin never fails to impress.桂林的景色永远让人叹为观止。 【拓展】 impressive /mpresv/ adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的 第 12 页 共 60 页 While I really dont like art

    36、, I find his work impressive. 虽然我不喜欢艺术,但是我发现他的作品令人印象深刻。 This is an impressive book. 这是一本感人的书。 23. what if如果会怎么样呢? What if no one talks to me? 如果没人跟我说话怎么办?(P4) 【用法讲解】 what if 用于疑问句句首,尤用于询问不希望看到的事发生时的结果。 What if it rains?要是下雨 怎么办 ? What if anything should happen to the child? 万一这孩子出了差错怎么办? So what if

    37、you make a mistake? 如果你犯了错那又怎样? 24. guy / ga / n.小伙子;男人;家伙 I was working with a guy from Japan.我与一个来自日本的小伙子一起工作。 Hi, guys. How are you doing?嗨,伙计们,大家还好吧? 25. concentrate / knsntret /vt. 聚集会神 I havent been able to get enough sleep , and Im too tired to concentrate in class. 我睡眠不足,课上精力不集中。 concentrate

    38、 on(doing)sth集中注意力于(干)某事 I couldnt concentrate on the experiment. 我无法集中精力做实验。 (P4) You should concentrate on food while eating. 吃饭时,你应该把注意力放在事物上。 Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste. 自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费。 concentrate sth on(doing)sth 集中于(干)某事 You should concentrate your energy on readin

    39、g and writing.你应该集中精力于阅读和写作。 I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding a place to live in. 第 13 页 共 60 页 我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。 【拓展】 concentration /knsntren/ n.集中; 专心 This book requires a great deal of concentration.这本书需要全神贯注才能读懂。 With great concentration she worked out the problem.她聚精会神地解出了这个问题。 2

    40、6. experiment /kspermnt/ n.实验;试验 What do we learn from the experiment ? 我们从这个实验中学到了什么? to do/perform/conduct an experiment 做实验 Many people do not agree to do experiments on animals. 许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验。 27. leave.alone不打扰., 不惊动. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone! 我真想告诉他请安静

    41、点,别打扰我。 (P4) Ive told you beforeleave my things alone! 我告诉过你-别碰我的东西! Leave the birds nests alone.不要去碰鸟巢。 28. awkward / :kwd / adj.令人尴尬的; 难对付的 I didnt feel awkward or frightened at all. 我一点也不觉得尴尬或害怕。 (P4) They were trying to get out of this awkward situation.他们正设法摆脱困境 。 There was an awkward silence i

    42、n the meeting room. 会议室里一阵令人尴尬的沉默。 Shes got to an age where she is being awkward.她到了难相处的年龄。 29. junior / du:ni(r)/ adj. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的 第 14 页 共 60 页 junior high school(美国)初级中学 I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends 我想念我初中的朋友,但我相信我会结交新朋友。 (P4) My daughter is 1

    43、6 and my boy is already in junior high school. 我女儿 16 岁了,我儿子已经上初中了。 We could give the job to somebody junior.我们可以把这份工作交给职位较低的人. be junior to sb 比某人资格低 She is junior to me. 她职位比我低。 n.职位较低者; (体育运动中)青少年 office juniors 办公室的一般职员 She has coached many leading juniors.她训练过许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。 30. explore / kspl:(

    44、r)/vt. 自信地 You must act confidently.你必须表现得自信。 He felt safe now, and he spoke more confidently.他觉得现在安全了, 便更大胆地说起来。 I can confidently promise that this year is going to be very different. 我可以信心十足地保证今年将大不一样。 第 16 页 共 60 页 32. confidence /knfdns/n.信心; 信任;自信心 He expressed his confidence that they would w

    45、in. 他表示了自己的信心:他们必定取胜。 He gained confidence when he went to college. 他上大学后增强了自信。 confidence in sb/sth对某人/某物有信心(信任) I have every confidence in my students abilities. 我完全相信我的学生的能力。 We have confidence in our government. 我们对政府充满信心。 with confidence 自信心地;把握地 He answered the questions with confidence . 他自信地

    46、回答了那些问题。 I can say with confidence that the economy will be better soon. 我可以有把握地说经济很快就会好转。 33. forward / f:wd / adv. (also forwards)向前;前进 He took two steps forward. 他向前走了两步。 They ran forward to welcome her. 他们跑向前去欢迎她。 adj.向前的;前进的 只用于名词前 the forward movement of history 历史的向前发展 the planes forward door

    47、 飞机前舱门 look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做) ;期待(做) Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student. 汤姆期待着见到新来的交换生。 (P6) We are looking forward to the coming of spring. 我们正盼望着春天的到来。 I look forward to your reply 我期待你的答复。 I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我盼望着不久收到你的信。 第 17

    48、页 共 60 页 34. take notes 记笔记 listen to the teacher and take notes听老师讲课并做记笔记(P7) I take notes while listening and reading. 我边听边读边做笔记。 (P7) Students should take notes in class.学生在课堂上应该记笔记。 She took out her notebook and began to take notes.她掏出笔记本,开始记笔记 。 Please take notes of the important words while yo

    49、u read.请边读边把重要的单词记下来。 35. flash/fl/ n. 闪光; 信号 use flash cards 使用识字卡(P7) Children can use flash cards to learn English. 小孩可以使用识字卡来学英语。 Flash card is very useful to students. 教学卡片对学生很有用。 a flash of lightning一道闪电 The flash sent the foxes running away.闪光惊得狐狸逃窜。 in a flash 一瞬间 The answer had come to him

    50、in a flash.他一下子就有了答案。 It was done in a flash.一眨眼的工夫就完成了。 vi. 闪耀; 闪光;发出信号 Lightning flashed in the distance.远处电光闪闪。 There is something wrong with the traffic light because only the red light flashes on and off. 交通灯出故障了,只有红灯一直在闪。 vt. 使闪耀;使闪光;发出(信号) Why is that driver flashing his lights at us?为什么那个司机向

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