牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 8 Happy New Year!-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:91af2).zip


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Unit 8 (Cartoon Time& Fun time) Say a rhyme 节奏大师 This _ is for . This _ is for . This _ is for . 这些礼物是给谁的? This _ is for . Good memory 好记性 Bobbys Birthday is coming! 第一关 Words 单 词 顺利闯关, 就去参加 Bobby的生日party吧! This is for you. Thisyouforis. Happy train 连词成句 载你去party It is a doll. Itdollisa. Happy train 连词成句 This is for you,Helen. Helen This is you ,. for Happy train 连词成句 Its a robot. Its for Tim. Tim for . . Its Its a robot Happy train 连词成句 Happy birthday. Happybirthday . Happy train 连词成句 pass 过关 第一关 words 单 词 第二关 Sentences 句型 步骤一:每组前两位同学记住纸条上句子。 步骤二:听口令开始,快速地对后面同学说句子,最 后同学起立示意传话结束。看哪一组最快哦? 步骤三:每组最后两位同学说出你所听到的句子。 既快又正确的小组,获得party入场券! Quick Copy 传声筒 赢取party入场券 第一关 Words 单 词 第二关 Sentences 新 句 型 第三关 Fun Time 游戏 时 间 Fun time Magic Eyes 找找party上的礼物 Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Whats this/that? Its a Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Whats this/that? Its a Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Whats this/that? Its a a car toy Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Fun time Magic Eyes Whats this/that? Its a a clown Bobby怎么了? 稍后见分晓! Tasks clear! You can take part in the party. Listen! They are having a party. Bobby is singing ! Mr Monkey Mr Dog Who are they? 他们是谁?What? 他们手里拿的是什么? presents(礼物) 1. Look and say 2. Watch and find Who? & What? Who gives the presents?谁送的礼物?What presents? 什么礼物? 2. Watch and find What are Bobbys presents? ABC D _ and _. A toy cara clown 2. Watch and find Does Bobby like them? 波比喜欢这两件礼物吗? Ah ! 3. Read and discuss Scared 害怕的 Tips: 1. 注意重音和语调哦! 2. 可添加动作和神情。 4. Read and imitate 1分钟读动画 Happy birthday, Bobby!This is for you. Thank you.Whats this? How nice! Thank you!Whats this? Ha! Ha! Ah! 1.Read after the tape. (跟读) 2.Read together. (齐读) 3.Read in roles. (分角色读) 三人一组,选择你喜欢的方式 读动画,并尝试配音。 5. Read and dub 4.Dub.(配音) 5. Read and dub Tips: 1. 小组分角色演一演故事。 2. 注意模仿人物的神态和语气。 看谁模仿的最像! 6. Cooperate and act Showing time 6. Cooperate and act 组员讨论,展开想象,狗先生可能送了什么礼物? Whats Mr Dogs present? Happy birthday, Bobby! This is for you. Thank you.Whats this? Its a. How nice! Thank you! 7. Imagine and say Sam的生日就要到了, 你们准备送什么给他呢?见 到Sam你们会说些什么呢?快和 你的搭档们编一段对话,等着 你们的精彩表演呢! Happy birthday! This is for you. Whats this? How nice! Thank you . 8. Open talk 五 9 Showing time Sams birthday 今天是Sam的生日,你们正在给他过生日。 小组合作,演一演。 Tips: 在西方国家,接收礼物时,应当着客 人的面打开礼物,并表达喜爱和感谢。 Your friends birthday is coming, 朋友过生日的时候,可以怎样祝福 他呢? You offer presents,送礼物的时候 可以说什么呢? You receive presents,收到礼物的 时候可以说什么呢? Happy Birthday! This is for you. How nice! Thank you! 9. Discuss and summarize Be grateful to the others and give our best wishes to them! 感恩他人并致以最美好的祝愿 ! Homework 1:read the text and recite it. 熟读文章并背诵。 2:make a birthday card to your friends. 为朋友制作生日卡片。 May you a good day! See you next time! 课题课题 Unit 8 Happy new year Cartoon time 教学目标教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 uncle, doll, ball, robot, CD, car, for。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Happy New Year!、This is for you.、Whats this/that?、Its a 。 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并表演对话。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语互道节日祝福,互送礼物。 5. 能正确演唱歌曲。 6. 会说生日祝福语“Happy Birthday” ,会用“Thank you”来回答。 7. 学生能正确认读并规范书写字母 Xx, Yy, Zz,并初步学习含有这些字母的单 词。 8. 学生能了解一些中西方主要节日。 教学重点教学重点1. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下表演。 2. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下表演,并进行对话 创编。 3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语互道节日祝福,互送礼物。 4. 能正确地理解并朗读卡通,在教师的引导和帮助下表演。 5. 学生能正确认读并规范书写字母 Xx, Yy, Zz,并初步学习含有这些字母的单 词。 教学难点教学难点1. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语互道节日祝福,互送礼物。 2. 能正确地理解并朗读卡通,在教师的引导和帮助下表演。 3. 学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语互道节日祝福、互送礼物。 教学准备教学准备挂图 课件 ppt 教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计备注备注 Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Zhou. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Say a rhyme T: At the very beginning, lets say a rhyme. The rhyme is something about the presents. S: OK. (播放 rhyme, 邀请学生一起唱演) 3. Good memory T: Boys and girls. Do you remember what are these presents for? S: Sure! T: OK, lets check it. Step 2 Review 1. The birthday cake is for Bobby, because Bobbys birthday is coming. T:Do you want to take part in the party. S: Yes. T:If you want to, you are supposed to finish several tasks, and then you can go to Bobbys birthday party. S:Lets go. 2. Task1:Words. T: Here comes a happy train that can take you to the party. (利用 Happy Train,让孩子练习连词成句) 3. Task2: Sentences. T: The first two students should remember the sentences on the paper, and pass them to another. The last two students should stand up and say out the sentences. (听口令,传句子。利用传声筒游戏让学生练习所学句子。教师将 cartoon time 中涉及的句子列出,做前置性铺垫学习) 4. Task3: Fun time. T: Use your magic eyes to find out the birthday presents on the party. You should remember that each box has its relevant present. (利用转盘游戏让学生猜测生日宴会上的礼品,同时渗透“Whats this?” “Whats that?” “Its a/an”) T: Whats this? S: Its a. T: Whats that? S: Its a. (最后一张图片出示“clown” ,同时让学生观察 Bobby 的表情,紧接到 cartoon time 的学习) T: Tasks clear! You can take part in the party. Bobby and his friends are having a party. Bobby is singing. (播放歌曲 happy birthday to me,引导学生齐唱歌曲) Step 3 Cartoon time 1. Look and say. T: It is the scene of the party.(出示宴会图) Who can tell me who are they? S:Bobby, Sam, Mr Monkey and Mr Dog. T: What do they carry in their hand? S: Presents. 2. Watch and find. T: Please watch the cartoon and tell me what presents they give to Bobby. (播放动画) S: A toy car. T: Good job. A toy car and?. S1:And a clown. (教授单词 clown) 3. Read and discuss. T:Does Bobby like the present? Read the passage and then find out the answers. S:Bobby likes the car. T: How do you know? S: Because Bobby says: How nice! Thank you. T: Well done. Does Bobby like the clown? S: No. Because Bobby says: Ah. T: You are so clever. Bobby was so scared. 4. Read and imitate. T: Read the cartoon and imitate. When you are reading, you should pay attention to the stress and intonation. S: (学生逐句跟读对话,注意模仿语音语调) T: OK. Now lets read the story together. S: (学生齐读,教师根据语音语调再给予细致指导) 5. Read and dub (三人一组,选择你喜欢的方式跟读对话) 6. Cooperate and act. (小组分角色表演故事,注意模仿人物的神态和语气) Students come to the front and give us a show. Step 4 Practice 1. Imagine and say T: Whats Mr dogs presents? 在场的小伙伴都给 Bobby 送了礼物,那你 能想象狗先生给 Bobby 送了什么礼物吗? T: Please discuss with partners. Here are some useful expressions for you. This is for you! Thank you! Whats this/that? Its a What colour is it? Its How nice! Its nice! Its great! Great! 2. Open talk Sams birthday is coming. What will you give to him as the present? Talk with your partners and give us a show. Tip: In western countries, when you receive the presents, youd better open them before the guest. 3. Discuss and summarize. Your friends birthday is coming, you say: You offer presents, you say: You receive presents, you say: 作 业 设 计 1. Read the text and recite it. 2. Make a birthday card for your friends. 板 书 设 计 Unit 8 Happy New Year Whats this/that? Its excited This is for you. Thank you. scared Its for you. How nice! Happy birthday! 3 年级上册年级上册 Unit 8 随堂检测题目随堂检测题目 一一.选择选择 1. Is this cake for_? No, its for_. A. me; you B. Tim; me C. Tim; Tim 2.你想把这个东西给王兵的,你可以对他说: A. This is for Wang Bing. B. Its for you, Wang Bing. C. This is Wang Bing. 3.This is _ orange chair. A. a B. / C. An 4.想问老师面前的是什么物品,你会说: A. Whats that ? B.hat about it? C. Whats this? 5.Whats this? a doll. A. This is B.Its C.Thats 6.找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) A. he B. she C. it ( ) A. he B. my C. she ( ) A. morning B. goodbye C. evening ( ) A. happy B.look C.like D.meet 二填入适当的词二填入适当的词 选用 a 或者 an 填空 1. skirt 2. egg 3. orange 4. cap 5. orange skirt 6. red egg 7. white ice cream 8. doll 三翻译三翻译 1.我的机器人_ 2.一辆玩具汽车_ 3.一顶新帽子_ 4.怎么样_ 5.New Year_ 6.would like_ 7.for you_ 8.a white ice cream 9.morning or afternoon _ 10.这个是给你妈妈的。 This is _ _ mother. 11.这是什么?这是一个玩具机器人。 _ this ? Its a _ _. 四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点四连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点 1. you, would, an, like, ice cream (?) 2. at, green, my, look, jacket (.) 3. Helen, is, my, this, sister (, .) 4. a, about, sweet, what (?) 5. is, for, this, you (.) 6.friend, good, is, this, my, John ( , . ) 7.would, cake, you, like, a, nice ( ? ) 8.that, is, Mike, for, ball, red ( . ) 9.colour, is, what, my, new, jacket ( ? ) 10.a,toy,its,car (.) 11.like, a ,you, would, robot(?) 五五. 选择下面正确的疑问词填空,把序号写在横线上。选择下面正确的疑问词填空,把序号写在横线上。 A. What B. What about C. Who D. How E. What colour 1. _ is the jacket? Its blue. 2. _ is he? Hes my father. 3. _ this? Its a CD. 4. _ a cake? No, thank you. 5. _ are you? Fine, thank you. 六六. 根据首字母提示填入所缺单词,每空一词。根据首字母提示填入所缺单词,每空一词。 1. W_ you like a pie? 2. T_ is my brother. 3. What c_ is it? Red. 4. What a_ a cake? Yes, please. 5. Thank you, U_ John. 七七. 根据情境完成下列对话:根据情境完成下列对话: 1.A: _ birthday, Mike! B: _ this? A: _ a _ (蛋糕). Its _ you! B: Oh, _ nice!Thank _, mum. 2.A: Happy new year, Helen! B: _ _ _, Yang Ling! A: This card(贺卡) _ _ you. B: _ _ . 3.A: Hello, Liu Tao. This is _ friend, Tim. B: _ to meet _, Tim. C: _ _ _ _ , Liu Tao. 4.A: Would you like a _car? B: _, please!
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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit Happy New Year!_Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:91af2) 译林版 三年级 起点
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