牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 6 Colours-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:8003a).zip


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Enjoy a song 如果你的服装颜色和歌曲中的一致,请起立!如果你的服装颜色和歌曲中的一致,请起立! 6 Learning aims 1、I can read the new words. 我能读 新单词 2、I can ask for colours. 我能询问颜色 3、I can read story time. 我能读story time Tip:老师会根据你们的表 现,奖励小星星!加油! 通过同桌问答,秀一秀你的服装给我们看吧!通过同桌问答,秀一秀你的服装给我们看吧! A: Look at my. B: Its nice./How nice!/ Its great./Great! A: Thank you. Daily talk show Magic eyes Look at my skirt. Look at me. How nice! 这是谁的短裙呀?这是谁的短裙呀? Tip:快速大声说出物品名或句子,当快速大声说出物品名或句子,当 看到看到 时大声说:时大声说:“Great!” 上一单元,上一单元,Yang Ling在妈妈的帮助下准备在妈妈的帮助下准备 了好多鲜艳的服装,我们一起来看看她准备了好多鲜艳的服装,我们一起来看看她准备 了哪些服装?它们分别是什么颜色的?了哪些服装?它们分别是什么颜色的? Lets learn. skirt What colour is my skirt ? 红色的红色的 Lets learn. friend 什么颜色什么颜色 我的短裙是我的短裙是 的?的? Its r_d.e a a _skirt_skirtredred Lets learn. T-shirt What colour is my T- shirt? 我的我的T恤衫是什么颜色的?恤衫是什么颜色的? 蓝色的蓝色的 Lets learn. Its _lue. ball b a a _T-shirt_T-shirtblueblue Its great. Lets learn. cap Lets learn. What colour is my cap? 我的鸭舌帽是什么颜色的?我的鸭舌帽是什么颜色的? 黄色的黄色的 snow Its yell_.ow a _capyellow Lets chant. What,what,what colour? Red , ,its red !red blue What,what,what colour? Blue , ,its blue ! yellow What,what,what colour? yellow, ,its yellow ! 红色,蓝色和黄色是三原色。红色,蓝色和黄色是三原色。 Magic show 根据三原色法则,红色根据三原色法则,红色+黄色黄色 会变成哪一种颜色?会变成哪一种颜色? orange 橙色的橙色的 Learning tip:orange 既指橙色,橙色的;既指橙色,橙色的; 又指橙子。又指橙子。 Lets learn. What colour is my skirt now? 我的短裙我的短裙现在现在是什么颜色的?是什么颜色的? how Its orange. Magic show gr_n 绿色的 蓝色蓝色+黄色会变成哪一种黄色会变成哪一种 颜色?颜色? see bee ee Lets learn. What colour is it now? 它现在是什么颜色的?它现在是什么颜色的? Its green. Play a game StartStop 大声说出你所看到的颜色!大声说出你所看到的颜色! Play a game StartStop Play a game StartStop Play a game StartStop Play a game StartStop Play a game StartStop -What colour is my.? -Its. 用所看到的颜色和物品编对话!用所看到的颜色和物品编对话! Play a game StartStop -What colour is my.? -Its. Play a game StartStop -What colour is my.? -Its. Play a game StartStop -What colour is my.? -Its. Play a game StartStop -What colour is my.? -Its. A: What colour is my .? B: Its Ask and answer 根据所给句型,用图片或自己的根据所给句型,用图片或自己的 物品编对话编对话!物品编对话编对话! 杨玲准备了这么 多服装,要去做 什么呢? 哦哦原来她要为我们变原来她要为我们变 魔术啊!魔术啊! ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) Watch and tick 在看到的裙子下打在看到的裙子下打“ ” Watch and tick ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) Watch and tick 在看到的短裙下打在看到的短裙下打“ ” A. B. Listen and order (听录音,排列短裙颜(听录音,排列短裙颜 色的变化过程。)色的变化过程。) What colour is my skirt? A. B. redyellowand 红黄相间的 Its. Its yellow and green. Its blue and red. Its red, yellow and blue. Tip:注意模仿正确的语音语调哦!注意模仿正确的语音语调哦! Look at my skirt. Its orange. Listen and immitate 表示连读,表示连读, 表示重读表示重读 What colour is my skirt now? Its green. Listen and immitate What colour is it now? Listen and immitate Its red and yellow. 升调 Read together(齐读齐读) 注意连读和重音!注意连读和重音! Tip:来做小小配音员,注意模仿来做小小配音员,注意模仿 语音语调哦!语音语调哦! Try to dub(试着配音试着配音) Try to dub(试着配音试着配音) Try to dub(试着配音试着配音) Try to act(试着表演试着表演) Tip:四人一组表演对话,四人一组表演对话, 注意模仿语音语调和肢体注意模仿语音语调和肢体 动作哦!动作哦! We learn 我们学了我们学了 1. We learn five new words. 我们学了五个新单词。我们学了五个新单词。 red, blue, yellow, orange, green 2. We know how to ask for colour. 我们学到了如何向颜色提问和回答。我们学到了如何向颜色提问和回答。 -What colour is ? -Its 你得到了几颗星?你得到了几颗星? Ticking time 1、I can read the new words. 我能读 新单词 2、I can ask for colours. 我能询问颜色 3、I can read story time. 我能读story time brown sugar 红糖红糖 black tea 红茶红茶 blue book 蓝皮书蓝皮书 green hand 新手新手 yellow dog 可耻的人可耻的人 white coffee 牛奶咖啡牛奶咖啡 Extend (知识拓展知识拓展) The world is colorful. Lets enjoy our life. 世界是五彩缤纷的,让我们享受生活吧!世界是五彩缤纷的,让我们享受生活吧! 2.Read after the tape and try to recite it.跟录音读课文,并跟录音读课文,并 背诵。背诵。 1.Copy the new words four times.抄写新单词,每个四遍抄写新单词,每个四遍 Homework : 3. Find more colours in our life. 寻找生活中的色彩。寻找生活中的色彩。 ( )1.你想问某样事物是什么颜色时,可以说:你想问某样事物是什么颜色时,可以说: A. Whats that? B. What colour is it? C. Are you Mike? ( )2. 一顶红色的帽子,你说:一顶红色的帽子,你说: A. a red cap. B. a red cat. C. a blue cap. ( )3. What colour is the orange(橙子)(橙子)? A. Its red. B. Its black. C. Its orange. B A C Lets do some exercise: 课后练习课后练习 1将下列单词补充完整并翻译。 1.sk_ _t ( ) 2. j_ck_t( )3. bl_ _( ) 4.gr_n( ) 5._r_n_e( ) 6.br_w_( ) 7.bl_ _k( ) 8.c_ _ _ur( ) 二连词成句。 1.is my skirt colour what(?) _ 2.at new my look jacket(.) _ 3.red yellow it is and(.) _ 三选择填空。 ( )1. Look at _ skirt A. my B. me c. I ( ) 2. Look, _ a nice jacket. A. it B. its C. thiss ( ) 3. Oh, _ great! A. how B. its C.Its ( ) 4. This is _. A. my a cap B. cap C. a cap ( ) 5. Look at this _ T-shirt. A. a red B. red a C. red 三年级上册三年级上册 Unit6Unit6 ColoursColours (Story(Story time)time) 一、 教学内容: 牛津小学英语三年级上册 Unit6 Colours (Story time) 二、 教学目标: 1. 知识目标:熟练认读、说五个关于颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, orange。 掌握句型:What colour is it/? Its 2. 技能目标:在实际情景中运用所学句型询问他人某种事物的颜色, 或对其问题进行回答。 3. 情感目标:感受身边五彩冰纷的世界,培养热爱生活的心理。 三、 教学准备:PPT 课件,单词卡片,实物 四、 教学重难点 教学重点: 能听懂、会说、掌握句型:What colour is it/? 及 其回答 Its 教学难点:对各种颜色的单词的记忆,不要混淆。 五、教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting A: Hello/Hi/Good morning. B: Hello/Hi/Good morning. A: Im.Are you .? B: Yes, I am./No,Im not. A: This is. /Shes (通过师生之间的对话,活跃课堂氛围,拉近师生间的关系。) 2.Sing a song “Colour song”. (演唱歌曲,引出课题。) 3.T shows the title: Unit6 Colours 4.Free talk A: Look at my. B: Its nice./How nice!/ Its great./Great! A: Thank you. (复习 Unit5 的句型,为后面的教学做准备。) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Play a game:magic eyes (利用游戏的最后一张图片:skirt 讲述杨玲在上个单元准备了很 多服装,一起复习服装并学习其颜色。) 2.Introoduce Yang Ling prepared many colourful clothes in last unit, Lets check what clothes did Yang Ling prepare and what colour are they? 3. show the picture:Look at my skirt.play the tape:what colour is my skirt?Its red. Then teach What colour is it/? Its and“red”; The same way to teach “blue”and “yellow”,read and spell. 4.Say a chant to solid the words: What, what, what colour? Red, red, its red. What, what, what colour? Blue, blue, its blue. What, what, what colour? Yellow, yellow, its yellow. (通过 chant 来复习巩固新学的三个颜色:red, blue, yellow) 5.Introduce the tricolour: red, blue and yellow.Do two experiments to teach “orange”and “yellow” (介绍三原色,并现场做实验教授 orange 和 green) 6.Play a game: Big wheel to review the words and sentences. (通过游戏来复习五个新单词和新句型) 7.Ask and answer: use the picture or the things they have to make a dialogue: -What colour is it/? -Its (利用图片或者自己的物品来一问一答,将新学的句型运用到实际 中去。) Step 3: Story time 1.Question:Yang Ling prepare so many beautiful clothes, what does Yang Ling going to do?Lead in the magic show and teach “Story time”. 2. Watch the video and tick the skirts they see; 3.Listen to the tape, order the colours of the skirts(Teach “red and yellow”) The color changes from _ to _ to _. 4.Listen and immitate 5.Read the dialogue together 6.Dub for the dialogue 7.Act the dialogue out Step 4: Consolidation 1.Summary: T:In this class, we have learned five new word,what are they? Ss:red, yellow, blue, green, orange. T:We also learned how to ask for colours. Ss:-What colour is it/? -Its 2.Do some exercise (和学生一起复述本节课的所学内容,并通过练习来检测。) 3.Emotional education: The world is colorful. Lets enjoy our life.(情感教学,世界是缤纷多彩的,鼓励学生热爱生活!) Step 5. Assign homework 1.Copy the new words for four times; 2. read after the tape and try to recite the dialogue. Step4. Blackboard design Unit 6 Colours What colour is the Its red blue yellow orange green 说课三年级上册说课三年级上册 Unit6Unit6 ColoursColours (Story(Story time)time) 石牌中心校 姚静华 一、 说教材 本课是牛津小学英语三年级上册 Unit6 Colours (Story time) 第一课时,这一课时主要是熟练认读、说五个关于颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, orange,。 掌握句型:What colour is it/? Its 二、 说教学目标: 根据英语新课程标准,要激发与培养学生的兴趣,建立自信 心,注重综合能力的培养,因此设计以下三个教学目标: 1. 知识目标:熟练认读、说五个关于颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, orange。 掌握句型:What colour is it/? Its 2. 技能目标:在实际情景中运用所学句型询问他人某种事物的 颜色,或对其问题进行回答。 3. 情感目标:感受身边五彩冰纷的世界,培养热爱生活的心理。 三、说教学重点三、说教学重点 熟练认读、说五个关于颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, orange。 掌握句型:What colour is it/? Its 四、说教学难点四、说教学难点 对各种颜色的单词的记忆,不要混淆。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 课件,单词卡片, 实物 。 六、说教法、学法六、说教法、学法 根据中年级学生活泼好动的性格特点,我主要采用情境教学法: 通过实物设置真实情境,让学生在真实的情境运用所学知识。任务 型教学法:在观看视频说着听录音时提前布置任务,让学生带着问 题去思考。 以及游戏教学法:完成一系列游戏任务,让学生在玩中 学,在学中玩。 七说教学过程七说教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting A: Hello/Hi/Good morning. B: Hello/Hi/Good morning. A: Im.Are you .? B: Yes, I am./No,Im not. A: This is. /Shes (通过师生之间的对话,活跃课堂氛围,拉近师生间的关系。) 8.Sing a song “Colour song”. (演唱歌曲,引出课题。) 9.T shows the title: Unit6 Colours 4.Free talk A: Look at my. B: Its nice./How nice!/ Its great./Great! A: Thank you. (复习 Unit5 的句型,为后面的教学做准备。) Step 2 Presentation and practice 2.Play a game:magic eyes (利用游戏的最后一张图片:skirt 讲述杨玲在上个单元准备了很 多服装,一起复习服装并学习其颜色。) 2.Introoduce Yang Ling prepared many colourful clothes in last unit, Lets check what clothes did Yang Ling prepare and what colour are they? 3. show the picture:Look at my skirt.play the tape:what colour is my skirt?Its red. Then teach What colour is it/? Its and“red”; The same way to teach “blue”and “yellow”,read and spell. 10.Say a chant to solid the words: What, what, what colour? Red, red, its red. What, what, what colour? Blue, blue, its blue. What, what, what colour? Yellow, yellow, its yellow. (通过 chant 来复习巩固新学的三个颜色:red, blue, yellow) 11.Introduce the tricolour: red, blue and yellow.Do two experiments to teach “orange”and “yellow” (介绍三原色,并现场做实验教授 orange 和 green) 12.Play a game: Big wheel to review the words and sentences. (通过游戏来复习五个新单词和新句型) 13.Ask and answer: use the picture or the things they have to make a dialogue: -What colour is it/? -Its (利用图片或者自己的物品来一问一答,将新学的句型运用到实际 中去。) Step 3: Story time 1.Question:Yang Ling prepare so many beautiful clothes, what does Yang Ling going to do?Lead in the magic show and teach “Story time”. 2. Watch the video and tick the skirts they see; 3.Listen to the tape, order the colours of the skirts(Teach “red and yellow”) The color changes from _ to _ to _. 4.Listen and immitate 5.Read the dialogue together 6.Dub for the dialogue 7.Act the dialogue out Step 4: Consolidation 2.Summary: T:In this class, we have learned five new word,what are they? Ss:red, yellow, blue, green, orange. T:We also learned how to ask for colours. Ss:-What colour is it/? -Its 2.Do some exercise (和学生一起复述本节课的所学内容,并通过练习来检测。) 3.Emotional education: The world is colorful. Lets enjoy our life.(情感教学,世界是缤纷多彩的,鼓励学生热爱生活!) Step 5. Assign homework 1.Copy the new words for four times; 2. read after the tape and try to recite the dialogue.
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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit Colours_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:8003a) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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