牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 3 My friends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:90092).zip


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U3 My friends 练习(1) Name_ 一、找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. A. Mike B. Miss C. Yang Ling. ( )2. A. am B. I C. are ( )3. A. Miss Li B. Miss Zhang C. Sam ( )4. A. goodbye B. morning C. afternoon ( )5. A. he B.she C. friend 二、根据情景找出适当的答案。 1. 放学后,你跟李老师说:( ) A. Goodbye, Miss Xu. B. Good morning, Miss Li. C. See you, Miss Li. 2. 当你向你妈妈介绍你的好朋友杨玲时,你说:( ) A. Hes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. B. Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. C. Shes Su Hai. Shes my friend. 3. 你告诉你的爸爸,他是你的好朋友王兵,你说:( ) A. Shes Wang Bing. Shes my friend. B. Hes Wang Bing. Hes my sister. C. Hes Wang Bing. Hes my friend. U3 My friends 练习(2) Name_ 一、Lets chant (会流利说唱以下歌谣) 1让我们分清他和她 “男”的他,he he he, “他是”我们说 hes 他是迈克 Hes Mike. “女”的她 she she she “她是”我们说 shes 她是杨玲 Shes Yang Ling. 二、在横线上填入正确的词。 1. _ is Liu Tao. _ my friend. 2. _ is Su Hai. _ _ my sister. 3. _ is Miss Li. _ my teacher(老师). 三、找出相应的答句。 ( )1. Hes Mike, my friend. A. Hello, Yang Ling. ( )2. Goodbye, Sam. B. Hello, Mike. ( )3. Hi, Im Yang Ling. C. Goodbye, Bobby. He She Hes Shes ( )4. Shes Tina. Shes my sister. D. Hi, Tina. U3 My friends 练习(3) Name_ 一、连词成句。 (写序号) 1.friend, Hes, too, my (.) 2.you , time, See ,next (.) 3.is, Mike This (.) 4.my, She, sister, is (.) 二、选择合适的词填空 (I, you, he, she) 1、Hello, am Mike. 2、 is my friend, Su Yang. 3、Are Sam? Yes, am. 4、 is my friend, Wang Bing. 三、情景对话 ( )1、和同学离别应该说: A. Good morning, Miss Wang.( )2、向别人介绍自己的朋友刘涛应该说:B. Hi, Wang Bing. ( )3、和王兵打招呼应该说: C.This is my sister. ( )4、向别人介绍自己的姐姐应该说 D. Goodbye. ( )5、早上见王老师应该说: E. Hes my friend, Liu Tao. U3 My friends 练习(4) Name_ 一、翻译。 (注意:要把标点也翻译出来。 ) 1. Yang Ling is my friend. 2. This is Mike. 3. Goodbye, Yang Ling. 4. Shes my sister. 5. Are you Su Hai? 6. Good afternoon, class. 7. See you next time. 8. No, Im Wang Bing. 二、按照字母表顺序,默写字母 AaKk。 三、写出字母的左邻右舍。 Jj Ee Hh Dd Gg Ii 1.Hello, xxx! 2.Hi, Im xxx. 3.Good morning, xxx. 4.Are you xxx? 试着和陶老师来一场愉快的对话吧 游戏规则:看闪现的图片或字母,快速 回答。 Shes Yang Ling. Who is she? 她是谁? 她 是 杨玲 Shes _.Yang Ling 她是shes Who is she? 她是谁? Shes Su Hai 她是 苏海 They are my friends friend 朋友 my friend 我的朋友 Who are they? 她们是谁? Shes _.Yang Ling 让我们试试来介绍朋友吧 Shes my friend. Who is she? 她是谁? Shes Su Hai Shes my friend. Miss Li.Shes Who is she? 她是谁? Shes my friend. Who else? 还有谁? What are they saying? 他们在说什么? 看图回答问题 Where is Miss Li? 李老师在哪? A:Goodbye B:Good afternoon What are they saying?他们在说什么呢? 看完视频我们来选择吧 A:Goodbye B:Good afternoon 再见 Miss Li是怎么和同学们告别的呢? 听读,注意语音语调 想一想,Mike和Yang Ling在校门口怎么告别呢? 跟读,注意语音语调 演一演,模仿语气动作表情 Mike 是怎么向爸爸介绍朋友Yang Ling, 选择正确答案填在横线上? Yang Ling. Shes my . A:ShesB:HesC:friend Shesfriend hes他是 你们知道Hes的意思么? Hes _. 他是 Mike MikeHes _. 他是 Mike Mike 听一听,并选择Yang Ling是怎么向妈妈介绍朋友Mike的? Mike. my friend. A:ShesB:Hes HesHes 听读录音,注意语音语调 Goodbye, class. Goodbye, Miss Li. Goodbye, Yang Ling. Goodbye, Mike. Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. Hes Mike. Hes my friend. 听读录音,注意语音语调 分角色配音,看谁模仿的更像 演一演,看看哪个组更棒! 今日小结 如何向别人介绍自己的朋友。 Shes 她是 Shes my friend. 她是我的朋友 Hes 他是 Hes my friend. 他是我的朋友 试着向Miss Tao介绍 你的同桌朋友吧 根据情景选择正确答案 1. 跟妈妈告别时,你可以说: a. Good afternoon, Mum. b. Goodbye, Mum. 1. 下午放学时,跟李老师告别,你可以说: a. Goodbye, Miss Li. b. Good afternoon, Miss Li. Bye- bye. Bye. See you. 再见 你还知道表达“再见”的 一些词汇吗? 1.听录音,跟读 Story time 5遍。 2.试着向自己的父母介绍自己的朋 友。 备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录() 课题:三上 Unit3 My friends课时第一课时执教与反思 一教学内容一教学内容 Story time 二二. . 教学目标教学目标 1.能初步听懂、会读、会用 goodbye 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Shes/Hes .Shes/Hes my friend.向他人介绍自 己的朋友。. 3.能大胆主动地向他人介绍自己的朋友,增加学生之间的情谊 三教学重难点三教学重难点 1.能理解故事内容,初步掌握句型 Shes/Hes .Shes/Hes my friend 2.能正确使用 she 和 he。 3.能根据教师给的情景运用语言。 四教学准备四教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT,板书 五教学过程五教学过程 1. warming up T: Good morning, class Ss: T: Hello,XXX. Hi, Im XXX. Good morning, XXX. Are you XXX Ss: 2. magic eyes. T: You did a good job. Do you know how to play this gamemagic eyes. If you see the picture or letter, you say it loudly and quickly. Now, ready go! Ss: 3. Lets guess T: you are clever. Can you play a harder game? Lets guess who is she? S: Yang Ling. T: yes, Shes Yang Ling. Now look at the word Shes 教授 shes T: Now, lets try again. Who is she? S: shes Su Hai. T: Well done. Can you tell me who is she? S: shes Miss Li. T: yes. Now Miss Li is in the classroom. 2. Presentation 1. Lets talk T: Who else can you see in the picture? Ss: Yang Ling, Mike T: what are they saying? Lets watch the video and choose the right answer. 2. Lets watch T: now lets have a look. 3. Lets choose T: after watching the video, can you choose the right answer S: A T: yes, Goodbye here means 再见. 4. Listen and read. T: Lets listen what does Miss Li say to her class. T: Lets try to read. Please pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. T: well done. Follow me please. Lets try again. 角色朗读 5. Think and say T: now Yang Ling and Mike are after school. Lets think what they are saying to each other? S: Goodbye, Yang ling. Goodbye Mike. 听读,跟读,角色朗读 6. Lets act T: now, Im Miss Li. Boys, you are Mike. Girls, you are Yang Ling. Now lets act 学生角色扮演 7. Think and choose. T: well done. We know, Mikes father doesnt know Yang Ling. How does Mike introduce his friend Yang Ling to his father? Lets think and choose the right answer. Ss: Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. T: good. You are so clever. Do you know the word hes? 教授 hes 8. Listen and choose. T: very good. Lets listen to the tape and find out what does Yang Ling say to her mother to introduce her friend Mike. Ss: Hes Mike. Hes my friend. 跟读,角色朗读 9. Listen and read. T: well done. Listen to the tape together and try to read it loudly, please pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. 10. Read and imitate. T: after we learnt the story, lets try to read it 11. Lets dub T: you did a good job. Can you dub the story now? Ss: yes, we can. 12. Lets act T: terrific. We know the whole story now. lets try to act it out Ss: 3. Summary 1. T: today we know how to introduce our friend to others. If its a girl, we say Shes , Shes my friend. If its a boy, we say Hes Hes my friend. 2. T: please choose the right answer to the following questions. Ss: 3. T: do you know other expressions that means goodbye? Ss: bye/ bye-bye/see you 4. Homework 1. listen to the tape and read the story time five times 2. try to introduce our friends to our parents. 板书板书 Unit3 My friends Shes Yang Ling Hes Mike. Shes my friend Hes my friend. 备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录() 课题:三上 Unit3 My friends课时第二课时执教与反思 一教学内容一教学内容 Fun time & checkout time 二 二二. . 教学目标教学目标 1.能熟练听懂、会读、会说 too 2.能熟练运用 too 的用法 3.能够熟练运用句型 Shes . Shes my friend. Hes Hes my friend, too.进行对朋友的介 绍。 三教学重难点三教学重难点 1能够熟练运用句型 Shes . Shes my friend. Hes Hes my friend, too.进行对朋友的 介绍。 2.能正确使用 too。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 板书, PPT, 头饰,卡片 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.Sing the song: Goodbye. 2.Guessing game: 教师请一名学生上台背对全体同学,请另一名同学对他打招呼, Hello/Hi.让台上同学根据声音猜测:Are you ? 回答:Yes,Im No,Im . Step 2 Revision 1. 出示时钟图片 T: I ts 4 now. Its time to say goodbye. 教师出示空气泡的图 1,2,3,帮助学生回忆课文内容,然后分角色朗读。 要求学生指读课文。 2. Role play Pictures 1, 2, 3 a. Give them a model. (Now lets act.戴上头饰 Im Mike. Whod like to be YangLing? ) b. Practice in pairs. c. Act it out. Step 3 Presentation 1.出示人物图片 T: I have many friends.Let me show you my friends.教授单词 friend。 2、Ppt,出示人物图片出示人物图片: T: Shes YangLing. Shes my friend. Shes Su Hai. Shes my friend,too. 出示句型: Shes=She is 她是 (指导口型,读音,特别是长音的发音) 。 板书句型 Shes YangLing. Shes my friend. 齐读句子。 读的时候注意比较 Hes 和 shes 的读音口型。 Step 4 Practice 1. T: They are my friends. Do you have friends? Introduce your friend in our class .Practise in pairs then act it. 2、ppt 出示很多人物明星或教室学生的照片,让学生介绍这其中的人物给大家认识。 T: Look here. There are many people here. They want to be your friends. But I dont know them .Who are they? Do you know? Can you show us? Step 5 Consolidation 1.Today we knew,在介绍朋友时可以用 Shes my friend .Hes my friend.当想继续介绍 第二个朋友时可以用上 Shes my friend ,too.Hes my friend,too. 六、六、HomeworkHomework 1. make a card of your friends and introduce them to your parents. 板书设计板书设计 Unit3 friends Shes my friend Hes my friend too. 备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录() 课题:三上 Unit3 My friends课时第三课时执教与反思 一一 教学内容教学内容 Cartoon time, letter time & song time 二 二二. . 教学目标教学目标 1.进一步巩固:Shes/Hes Shes/Hes my friend.等日常交际用语。 2 能准确认读并正确的书写字母 Hi, Ii, Jj, Kk。 3.能够听懂,会读,会运用新的句型 This is来介绍朋友。 4.能够理解 cartoon time,并熟练朗读并在提示下背诵。 三教学重难点教学重难点 1. 进一步巩固:Shes/Hes Shes/Hes my friend.等日常交际用语 2.字母 Hi, Ii, Jj, Kk 的五会要求。 3.能够听懂,会读,会运用新的句型 This is来介绍朋友。 4.能够理解 cartoon time,并熟练朗读并在提示下背诵。 四四 教学准备教学准备 字母卡片,ppt,板书 五五 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up (1)T: Do you remember the song Good morning?Lets sing it together. (2)T:Lets sing the song: Good afternoon. (3)T: lets sing : Goodbye 3. Free talk T: Are you ? S: Yes, I am. T: Excuse me. Are you? S: No, Im not. T: Hello, whats your name? S: Im. Step 2 Revision 1.T: Do you remember who is Mikes friend? And who is Yang Lings friend? 2.T: Yes, Yang Ling is a girl, Mike is a boy, we say “she” for a girl,and “he” for a boy. 3.情景表演. 情景一: 你和你爸爸在街上遇到了你的好朋友。 Model: T: Whos he? S: Hes . Hes my friend. 情景二:你和你的妈妈放学时遇到你的英语老师。 S: Shes Miss . Shes my teacher. 情景三:你的朋友到你家去做客。你向爸爸妈妈介绍。(S-S) S: Hes .Hes my friend. Step3 Presentation 1.cartoon time. Meet the new friend Tina T: Shes my friend, shes Bobbys sister. Do you want to know her name? Can you find her name in the story? T: This is Tina. This is Tina 学习 This is Tina. 让学生替换掉名字,介绍朋友的名字 自读故事 Questions: T: Who is Tina? T: Is she afraid of Sam? Read in roles s and act 2. letter time 1.T: Today, A brings his friend here. Look, here it is. 2.学习 Hh, 3.示范 Hh 准确读音,齐读,注意元音的读音。 4.学生升降调跟读。 5.小组接龙,老师纠正发音 6.老师示范字母笔顺,学生模仿。 书空 7.学习 Ii 8.快速认读字母组合: HI HE hi, he 9.示范 Ii 准确读音,齐读,注意读音。 10.学生升降调跟读。 11.小组接龙,老师纠正发音 12.老师示范字母笔顺,学生模仿。 13.同法学习字母 Jj, Kk Step 3 Practice 1.卡片快速认读 Hh,Ii, Jj, Kk.(区分大小写) 2.书 P22 指读四线三格内的 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 3.书 22 根据老师指令,找出隐藏在其中的字母。 4.认读大写字母卡片 S1-Ss 5.小写 h,i,j,k 6.认读小写字母卡片组合 S1-Ss. 7.匹配操练,利用课前所发卡片。 (独立完成,同桌检查,屏幕呈现校对。 ) 8.字母组合认读。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.We know this is来介绍朋友。 2.我们现在认识了四个朋友,他们是 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk Step five Homework 抄写字母 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk Recite cartoon time。 板书设计板书设计 Unit3 friends This is 这是 Hh Ii Jj Kk 备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录() 课题:三上 Unit3 My friends课时第四课时执教与反思 一一 教学内容教学内容 Checkout time & Revision 二 二二. . 教学目标教学目标 1、 熟练运用所学 Goodbye. Shes/ Hes Shes/ Hes my friend, too. 等日常交际用语书 来与他人交流。 2、 了解并熟练掌握 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 四个字母的读音和书写。 3. 能熟练运用句型 This is。 三教学重难点三教学重难点 1. 能正确使 Shes/ Hes Shes/ Hes my friend, too 介绍朋友 2. 熟练掌握 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 四个字母的读音和书写。 3.能熟练运用句型 This is介绍朋友。 四教学准备四教学准备 字母卡片,多媒体课件,板书 五教学过程五教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1. 教师带领学生演唱 Hello 歌曲和 Are you Mike?童谣,营造积极的英语学习氛围。 2. 老师热情地向全体学生打招呼: Good morning/ Good afternoon, class!学生作出相应应 答。 Step 2 Revision 1.Letter time 1)Game: Touch and guess 学生闭上眼睛,触摸剪好的字母卡片的轮廓,猜是什么 字母。 2)Smart eyes. PPT 出现 AaKk 字母或字母组合,一闪而过,学生迅速说出,小 组比赛。奖励字母卡片。 3)Finding friends: T: Hh, 手里有 Ii 和 Kk 字母的学生站在老师两边。T 介绍:Shes my friend,Ii. Hes Kk. Hes my friend, too. T: Jj 学生持有字母卡片的上来,学生:Jj 两边朋友上来。 介绍。 4)Sing“ABC”song. 及时结合 Ticking time 进行评价 T: Good, you can say H, I , J, K. 学生学说: I can say . 5) 听写字母或字母组合 Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, HK, Kh, GJ, jg . 学生学说 I can say and write H, I , J, K. 并结合 ticking time 及时打星。 2. Sing: Goodbye Step 3 Presentation 1.Quick respond: 老师出示卡通人物图,学生迅速用 he ,she 来说 T: (Mike) Ss: He 2.Who know more. 老师出示卡通人物图,学生迅速用 Hes Shes 来说.看谁说得 快,声音清楚。 T: (Mike) S: Hes Mike. 3.Who has more friends. 利用 fun time 所制作的贴图, 上来介绍朋友。也可走下位置向大家介绍自己的朋友。 Shes.Shes my friend. Hes . Hes my friend,too. 4.评价: You can use “he” and “she” 鼓励学生学说:I can use “he” and “she”. Step 4 Consolidation 1.Talk about my friends: 结合前两个单元: Hello,Im Miss Chen. This is . Shes my friend. This is . Hes my friend, too. 2.Practice in groups. 3.请学生上前面介绍 Good morning, Im *. This is *. Shes my friend. This is *. Hes my friend, too. 4.Ticking time: I can talk about my friends. 5.完成补充习题 Step 5 Homework 1.熟练背诵 story time 和 cartoon time 2.练习歌曲 goodbye 板书设计板书设计 Unit3 Friends Shes Hes This is
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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit My friends_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:90092) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 上册 英语 unit
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