外研版(三起)四上Module 10-Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:203b2).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点四年级上册英语Module10_Unit1Wehaveabigfamilydinner._ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级优课_编号203b2.zip外研版三年级起点四年级上册英语Module10_Unit1Wehaveabigfamilydinner._ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级优课_编号203b2.zip
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peanuts moon cakes Zongzi Happy New Year a big family dinner Chinese New Year Module10 Unit1 We have a big family dinner. 1观看视频并回答问题。(Watch and answer.) 1. Whats the present? _ 2. Whats it about? _ 3. What do we do at the Spring Festival? _ 4. What do you say at the Spring Festival? _ 二填空。(Fill in the blanks.) 1. The Spring Festival is the _. 2. At the Spring Festival,we have _. 3. We have sweets and _. 4. We say _. 5. We eat_at the Mid -Autumn Festival(中秋节). 6. We eat _at the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节). Chinese New Year Spring Festival Sp Sport e egg fest the Spring Festival ? at the Spring Festival ? We have and sweetspeanuts . We have a big family dinner . family dinner fmli dnr 义务教育教科书义务教育教科书(外研版外研版)四年级上册(三年级起点)四年级上册(三年级起点) Module10 Unit1 We have a big family dinner. 1 1教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的教学内容是表达节日问候并描述过节时的风俗习惯。本单元的课 文情境是快放假了,Daming 送给 Sam 一本介绍中国春节的书。Sam 和 Amy 不 了解春节是什么样的节日,Daming 就给他们解释了春节的含义以及春节时的风 俗习惯,并请 Sam 和 Amy 吃糖和花生,两人现学现用,马上给 Daming 拜年, 但 Daming 觉很有趣,因为现在还没到春节。 本节课的学习重点是节日活动的介绍,课文运用一般现在时介绍过春节时的风 俗习惯,并为第二单元学习西方节日圣诞节的风俗习惯奠定了语言基础。 本模块的内容极具特色,在课堂活动的过程中,应该引导孩子乐于接受传 统文化,敢于描述节日习俗,善于表达节日祝福,培养孩子的祖国意识。同时 还可通过小组活动,小组竞赛形式增强孩子的团结意识和集体精神。 2 2学情分析学情分析 四年级学生的年龄在九、十岁左右,他们活泼好动,有着强烈的表现欲、参 与欲,对未知的事物抱有极大的兴趣。学生能用简单的英语句子进行对话,对 歌曲、游戏、模仿、表演尤为感兴趣。因此在课堂上要设计丰富多彩的课堂活 动,激发孩子们的学习兴趣要及时鼓励和表扬,在孩子们在乐中学,在学中乐! 绝大多数学生对英语学习有着积极的学习态度,敢于张口,乐于模仿,善于 利于视频和图片感知语言信息理解语篇主题。在小组合作中能积极参与,能共 同完成合作任务。但也有个别孩子在语言表达方面略显胆怯,老师要多鼓励孩 子发言。 本节课的内容属于第十模块,是四年级上册的最后一个模块。孩子们在经 过一年半的英语学习后已积累了一定数量的名词,能听懂“We have_.”,能 用“Do you like _?”,“I like_.”等简单的语句进行问答,为学习本单元奠定 了语言基础。 3 3教学目标教学目标 本模块的教学内容是表达节日问侯并描述过节时的风俗习惯。 本课时的具体教学目标如下: 1.1.知识目标:知识目标: 1.全体学生能听、说、读、写、理解单词及词组 peanuts,sweets,Chinese,festival,New Year,family,dinner,the Spring Festival,I see. 2.全体学生能运用新年问候语 Happy New Year! 3.全体学生能运用 At the Spring Festival,we have_.这类语句来描述过节时 的风俗习惯,能运用 Happy New Year!这类语句来表达节日问候。 2.2.能力目标:能力目标: 感知节日问候语句的语音语调,能够适时地用“Happy New Year!”这类语 句表达节日问候,能运用 At the Spring Festival,we have_.这类语句来描述过 春节时的风俗。 3.3.情感目标和文化意识情感目标和文化意识: 1.提高学生对我国传统节日的认识,增强孩子的民族自豪感,培养爱国、爱 家的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,提升学生将实际生活与英语学习的结合 的能力。 2.在学习过程中培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。 五教学重点和难点五教学重点和难点 1.教学重点: A.1.全体学生能听、说、读、写、理解单词及词组 peanuts, sweets, Chinese, festival, New Year, family, dinner, the Spring Festival, I see. B.全体学生能运用 At the Spring Festival, we have_.这类语句来描述过节时 的风俗习惯,并学会用 “Happy New Year”!表达节日祝福. (1)At the Spring Festival,we have sweets and peanuts. (2)At the Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner. (3)We say “Happy New Year”! 2. 教学难点: (1)掌握好 Spring Festival 的发音。 (2)学生能围绕春节的话题进行谈论。 3.突破重点难点的方法和策略 (1)单词教学采用整体读,个人读,小组读等多种多样的教学方式。 (2)在情境中教学,并设置小组竞赛激发学生的学习兴趣。 六教学环境设计六教学环境设计 交互式电子白板多媒体教室,春节挂饰,花生糖果等食物道具,头饰,惊 喜礼盒 7 7教学媒体(资源)教学媒体(资源) 希沃课件,教学助手,视频资源,单词贴 8 8教法学法教法学法 TPR 教学法,任务型教学法,情景教学法,游戏法,竞赛法,视听法,说唱 法 九课堂教学过程设计九课堂教学过程设计 Step1:Greetings T:Good morning boys,how are you ?Good morning girls how are you ? Boys:Im fine,thank you! Girls:Im fine,thank you! Ss:And how are you ? T:Im fine too,thank you boys and girls.Before we learn the new lesson,lets sing a song,ok? Ss:Ok. (自编歌曲与学生互致问候,并和学生边唱歌曲 What is it?边做动作调动学生的 积极性,活跃课堂气氛) Step2:Leading in. T:Today,the little reporter Daming with his friend come to our class,welcome! (创设情景,小主持人 Daming 和他的外国朋友 Sam 也来到了课堂中,这节 课我们将为这位外国朋友介绍中国的传统节日春节) Daming:Hello everyone, Im Daming, nice to meet you!This is my best friend Sam! Sam:Good morning everyone,Im Sam,Im very glad to see you here.I found a funny story ,its about a Chinese festival,its funny,lets have a look. (Sam 带来一段新奇的视频,师生共同观看动画视频-年的故事 Chinese New Year,从而导入新课,并学习新词 Chinese, New Year) Sam:Do you know what festival is it? S1:Its about Chinese new Year. (学习单词 Chinese ,New Year 白板听音跟读单词,采用小组读,个人读 等方式) T:Chinese New Year is also named The Spring Festival. (学习新授单词 The Spring Festival,听音,逐步出示之前学过的单词 the,sp,sport,spring,e,egg,fest,festival 由浅入深,学习新单词) Step3:Presentation T:Today, we are going to learn module 10 unit 1 We have a big family dinner. (出示课题) T:What do you do at the Spring Festival? S1:We wear new clothes. S2:We eat a lot of food. S3:We eat fish,dumplings.We watch TV. S4:放鞭炮,贴对联,挂灯笼 . (通过谈论引导学生说出春节的一些习俗) T:At the Spring Festival, we eat fish, dumplings, we wear new clothes,we set off the firecrackers,and we get many many presents,do you like presents? Ss:Yes! 3.1 Text learning (Part 1) Today Sam also get a present!Lets watch the video ,and answers the questions.Whats the present?Whats it about? (谈及春节其中一项习俗收红包收礼物时,适时引入课文内容,Sam 也收 到了一份礼物,引导学生带着问题观看视频并寻找答案) Ss:Its a book. T:The present is a book,whats it about?Who can tell me ? S1:Its about the Spring Festival! T:Whats the Spring Festival? Ss:Its the Chinese New Year! T:Oh,I see.(通过师生对话让学生在情境中感知 I see 的用法) 3.2 Text learning (Part 2) T:What do we do at the Spring festival?(板书重点句型:At the Spring Festival) Lets listen and watch.(带着问题观看课文视频) S1:At the Spring Festival,we have sweets and peanuts. (听音跟读单词,个人读,小组读,教师教读等多种方式学习单词 sweets 和 peanuts) T:What do we do at the Spring Festival? Ss:At the Spring Festival,we have sweets and peanuts.(板书重点句子 we have sweets and peanuts.) T:At the Spring Festival,we get together with our grandparents,mother,fathers,sisters,brothers,we are family. (使用放大镜观察图片中人物,引出新单词 family,听音并跟读,教师多种 方式教读单词) T:And we have a big family dinner. (使用白板拖拽功能为家人们摆上丰盛的家庭晚餐,听音并学习单词 dinner) Ss:At the Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner. (板书重点句子 we have a big family dinner.) T:What do we say at the Spring Festival?Now lets listen. Ss:We say “Happy New Year!” (板书重点句子 We say “Happy New Year!”) T:At the Spring Festival,we have sweets and peanuts,and we have a big family dinner.We say “Happy New Year!” 3.3 Watch and repeat. This time I want you watch and repeat,pay attention to your pronunciation. (观看视频,跟读课文,感知节日问候语句的语音语调) 3.4. Role play T: Now you can imitate the text in your groups! Then act with your partners! (小组合作,给课文配音或尝试分角色表演,培养学生的合作精神) Step 4. Practice T:Today Sam also brought a present. Sam:Today I also brought a present to everyone,now I will divide you into two groups,girls you are sweets,boys you are peanuts,if your group is the winner,you can get a present. (Sam 在初步了解春节后,也给同学们带来了小礼物,分组评价并奖励,激 发学生的学习兴趣和竞争意识) 4.1 Task1 Good Memory. T:Lets find out who has a good memory. (单词快闪,巩固单词的学习) 4.2 Task2 What do we do at the Spring Festival? T:Now I will invite two students come here and have a competition. (借助教学助手的分组挑人功能,随机挑选学生代表完成游戏竞赛,巩固学 习春节的相关习俗) 4.3 Task3 Show time T:At the big festivals, people eat a lot of delicious food.Its show time,you can work in your groups,share the delicious food with Sam!Or you can move the delicious food on the table. T:So today we have a big family dinner! (小组合作,利用事先准备好的食物或道具向 Sam 介绍美食,利用希 沃软件的拖拽功能将食物拖到圆桌上,在情景中操练句型 we have,并适当拓展, 提升学生将实际生活与英语学习的结合的能力) 4.4 Task4 Fill in the blanks. Invite two students finished on the blackboard,other students take out of the paper, finished the tasks. (选词填空巩固节日习俗,并拓展其他传统节日) Step 5 Activities 5.1 Activity1 Watch the video. T:At the Spring Festival,we have sweets and peanuts,and we have a big family dinner.We say “Happy New Year!”Before the holiday,People go back their homes,get together with their families.Now lets Watch the video (观看人们春节前返回家中与家人团聚,以及国外友人祝福新年的视频,) 5.2 Activity2 Lets sing a song -Happy New Year. T:Wow,you all did a good job today.Lets look which group is the winner. Sam:Boys you are the winner,congratulations!Heres your present. (对小组进行评价和总结,利用奖励机制激发孩子的自信心和竞争意识) T:Wow,congratulations,do you want to share with us? Ss:Yes T:Lets open it,whats in it?Wow its a CD.Lets listen together. (边做动作边唱歌,推动课堂气氛) Step 6 Extension 6.1 What other festivals do you like? T:There are many many traditional festivals in our country,What other festivals do you like?You can come here and point it to us. (邀请学生上台自主选择自己喜欢的其他传统节日,并弹出相应卡通视频, 在趣味中拓展中国其他传统节日,提高学生对我国传统节日的认识。) T:Today,I also brought some presents to every !Now, please close your eyes. (让孩子们闭上眼睛,给孩子们分发装有其他中国传统节日祝福的红包, 营造神秘惊喜的氛围,激发孩子们的对中国传统节日的好奇心) 6.2 Watch the video T:Now our country is getting stronger and stronger,Im really proud of our country,lets watch together. T:Boys and girls ,I have a small home ,you have a small home too,but everyone has a big home ,its our country-China!No matter where you are,West or east,home is best !Love your family ,Love our country! (观看 1985-2016 年世界贸易出口额中国排名的变化视频,激发孩子的民族自豪 感和爱国主义情怀,培养爱国、爱家的学习氛围。) Step 7 Homework (1)Listen and read the text. (听读课文) (2)Make a poster of Chinese traditional festival, then introduce it to your group. (制作一张关与中国传统节日的海报,并向你的小组介绍这个节日。) (3)Prepare a group show for the Chinese traditional festival celebration. (和组员一起为中国传统节日庆典活动准备一个节目。) Blackboard Design: 教学反思:教学反思: 1.本节课我利用希沃白板以及教学助手,在“互联网+创新教育”背景下开 展教学,使学生在技术环境下学习,充分享受互联网资源,并且参与教学活动, 做到了以学生为主体。 2.使用课文中的人物 Daming 以及外国小朋友 Sam 来创设情境,以外国小 朋友的视角来学习中国传统节日的习俗及祝福语,合情合理,贴近生活。课堂 中配合多个卡通视频,在趣味中拓展中国其他传统节日,提高了学生对我国传 统节日的认识,增强了孩子的民族自豪感,培养了爱国、爱家的学习氛围。 3.本节课采用多种教学方式相结合,教学活动的设计由词到句再到篇,由 浅及深,让不同层次的学生都能在教学活动中参与其中。教学关注了对学生英 语综合语言能力的培养,达到了学生根据例句举一反三的目的。 4.在上课过程中,老师的语速可以再慢一点。
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外研版(三起)四上Module 10_Unit We have big family dinner._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:203b2) 外研版 三年级
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