外研版(三起)四上Module 9-Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:9043a).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点四年级上册英语Module9_Unit1Areyougoingtorunonsportsday_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级优课_编号9043a.zip外研版三年级起点四年级上册英语Module9_Unit1Areyougoingtorunonsportsday_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级优课_编号9043a.zip
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No.5 Primary School Zhang Shan Play a game I do you guess (我做你猜) What is the video(视频视频) about(关于关于)? What is the video(视频视频) about(关于关于)? SportsSports DayDay 运动日运动日 Im going to run on sports day. What about you? Module9 Unit1 Are you going to run on sports day? The animals are going to have a sports day . 有一个运动日有一个运动日 Are you going to run? Are you going to swim? Are you going to jump? Are you going to ? Listen and repeat.(听并跟读听并跟读) win winner Are you going to run? Are you going to swim? Are you going to jump? Are you going to ? Lets chant. win Theyre going to have a sports day this month. monkey month three Listen and choose. 1.Are you going to run on sports day,Daming? A. Yes. B. No. 2.Is Daming the winner? A. Yes B. No Listen and fill in blanks.(听并填空听并填空) Yes,Im going to run the _.100 metres Are you going to run on sports day? Which sport does Daming join in(参加参加) ? draw hungry hundred 400: two hundred200: 800: four hundred eight hundred Tips: hundred 后不加后不加s metre 100 metres Im going to run the 100 metres. 跑百米跑百米 me B C A 1 metre 2 metres 跑百米跑百米run the 100 metres 跑跑400米米 跑跑800米米 run the 200 metres run the 800 metres 跑跑200米米 run the 400 metres Listen and fill in the blank.(听并填空听并填空 ) What is Daming going to do for the sports day? Im going to _.run every day Its 6:10 in the morning. Are you going to school now,Daming? No,Im going to run in the park. Listen and answer.(听并回答听并回答) Is it early(早的早的)? Sports Day Listen and answer.(听并回答听并回答) What do they say(说说) to Daming for the sport day? Good luck!duckluck What do they say(说说) to Daming? Listen and answer.(听并回答听并回答) Come on,Daming.Run,run. Why can Daming win? PS: If you want to succeed,you must work for it. (如果你想成功,必须付出努力。如果你想成功,必须付出努力。) winner Role play.(角色扮演角色扮演) Watch Tips: 专心听录音,做到专心听录音,做到 耳到(listen)、眼到 (look)、手到(point), 注意注意模仿语音语调语音语调。 Listen,point and repeat. Read by yourself. (自己朗读自己朗读) Tips: Read louder.(大声朗读大声朗读) Read in groups. (组内阅读组内阅读) Pupil Athe PE teacher classmates(同学同学) Pupil BSam Pupil CDaming Pupil DFather and Mother Show time My school is going to have a spots day. PE teacher: Are you going to.on sports day? Pupil A: Yes. / No, Im going to.on sports day. Pupil B: . Pupil C: . What sports are you going to join in(参加参加 )? sports day every day metre Yes.No. Are you going to run? Come on hundred month Good luck Summary Are you going to run? Are you going to run? Yes,I am. Yes,I am. Are you going to school? Are you going to school? No,Im not. No,Im not. Good luck,Daming. Good luck,Daming. Run,run run . Run,run run . Come on,Daming. Come on,Daming. Im the winner. Im the winner. Sing a song In 2008,Beijing held the Olympic Games. 在在2008年,北京举办了奥运会。年,北京举办了奥运会。 Doing sports is not only good for our health but also makes our country stronger and stronger. So we should love our life, love the country, love the sports and love the game. 运动不仅有益于我们的身体健康,而且使我们的运动不仅有益于我们的身体健康,而且使我们的 国家越来越强大。所以我们应该国家越来越强大。所以我们应该热爱生活,热爱国热爱生活,热爱国家家 ,热爱运动,热爱比赛。,热爱运动,热爱比赛。 1.1.TalkTalk aboutabout( (谈论谈论) ) youryour sportssports dayday; ; 2.To2.To bebe a a s sportsports reporterreporter( (运动会小记者运动会小记者) )andand makemake a a surveysurvey( (做调查)做调查). . Namerunjumpskipswim. Jack Alice Candy M9U1 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课教学内容是外研版小学英语四年级上册,第九模块第一单元 Are you going to run on sports day?第一课时的内容,围绕校园“Sports Day”为主题,学习运用“ be going to”结构讨论和制定计划,共四部分。 第一部分 Listen and chant 主要是一个关于运动会的小 chant,主要是学 Are you going to.?这一句型; 第二部分 Listen,point and find“Are you going to.?”是一篇课文,课文情境是体 育老师告诉学生学校要开运动会,大家很兴奋,大明打算参加 100 米短跑,为了取得要成绩, 他每天早起锻炼,公园跑步,最终在运动会上夺得了冠军; 第三部分 Listen and say 是通过呈现的本节课的重点句型 Are you going to.?以及答 语 Yes,.No.体育老师问玲玲是否在运动会上跑步,奶奶问大明是否去上学; 第四部分 Practice 是呈现了踢足球、打乒乓球、跑步、打篮球、游泳几幅图片以及对话, 通过对话的形式来练习重点句型。 二、课标分析二、课标分析 根据课程标准语言知识二级目标的要求,四年级学生能在老师或者图片的帮助下,描述关 于运动的小故事,能正确书写单词、句子,能做简单的英语游戏,表演小故事; 根据课程标准语言技能二级目标的要求,四年级学生通过本课时的学习,能灵活运用“Are you going to.?”,能就关于运动的话题能在日常生活中进行交流,能在具体语境中理解一 般将来时的意义和用法; 根据情感态度二级目标的要求,学生在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,敢于开 口并积极尝试使用英语,培养信心; 根据学习策略二级目标的要求,学生能积极与他人合作,共同完成学生任务,在学习中注 意力集中,积极思考; 根据文化意识略二级目标的要求,学生能知道世界上主要的体育活动,并在学习和日常交 际中,初步注意到中外文化差异。 三、学情分析三、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学四年级学生,学生有认知风格的优势,有听觉型、视觉型和动觉 型的优势。通过调查分析得出,班里的大部分学生更偏向于视觉方式和动觉方式。针对视觉型 学生在教学中可以多听录音、看视频、通过单词卡片、图片、PPT 上用不同颜色实出重点难点 等方法。动觉型学生更擅长于角色扮演、通过游戏、模仿进行学习,因此,在设计教学活动时 我设计了多种活动让学生多看多听多动。性格上,本班学生具有活好动,好奇心强的优势,喜 欢自我表现,具备了一定的阅读能力和分析理解能,但少数学生缺乏积极参与的精神。四年 级学生具备了一定的语言交流能力,为英语的交流实践活动做好了准备。在知识方面,学生已 经学过 be going to 结构的肯定句,所以针对于本节所学的含有 be going to 的一般疑问句及其答 语理解起来比较容易,奠定了知识基础。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 语言知识:1. 全体学生能运用:Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, Im going to the hundred metres. 2. 全体学生能理解 sports day, win, month, hundred, metre, every, day, luck, good luck, come on; 3. 感知 run, jump, win, swim 的语音; 4. 制定计划。 语言技能:1. 全体学生能听懂:Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, Im going to run the 100 metres. 2. 全体学生能说:Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, Im going to run the 100 metres. 3. 全体学生能认读:win, day, good luck, come on; 4. 全体学生能拼写自选词汇; 5. 全体学生能运用 Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, Im going to run the 100 metres. 情感态度:学生在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,敢于开口并积极尝试使用英语, 培养信心; 学习策略:学生能积极与他人合作,共同完成学生任务,在学习中注意力集中,积极思考; 文化意识:学生知道世界上主要的体育活动,并在学习和日常交际中,初步注意到中外文化差 异,并且热爱运动。 五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点 教学重点:1. 单词:month, every, day 等; 2. 全体学生能理解 sport day, win, month, hundred, metre, every, day, luck, good luck, come on; 3. 学生会运用 Are you going to? Yes/No, Im going to. 教学难点:一般疑问句的问与答的恰当用法。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT、单词卡片、图片、头饰、绳子、四线三格板贴 七、教学模式七、教学模式 情境教学法是教师通过创设典型的情境,使用抽象的语言形式变成生动、具体、可视的语 言,从而促使学生主动参与教学过程的一种教学模式。其主要特点是激发学生学习兴趣趣,发 挥自主性,体验情感,实践性贯穿全程,注重发展性。情境教学法符合语言发展和儿童心理发 展规律,有助于教育目标,能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。而小学英语教学法的 根本出发点是通过引入或创设各种社会情境理解和掌握语言所含的意义,从而达到在交际中使 用语言的目的。 本堂课我采用的是我们学校英语组的统一模式“五步式情景教学法 ”。 Step 1 Warming-up and lead in (热身) Step 2 Presentation (新知呈现) Step 3 Text learning(课文学习) Step 4 Practice(练习) Step 6 Summary and homework(自主小结,巩固重点) 八、教学方法八、教学方法 任务教学法 小组合作教学法 九、教学过程九、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and lead in 1.Greeting. 2.Play a game:I do you guess. play football play basketball play table tennis jump skip run 【设计意图:通过生动活泼的游戏,活跃课堂气氛的同时转移学生注意力到课堂上,为学习新知 做好准备。】 Step 2 Presentation 1.Watch a video: Lets see what the video about.从而学习 sports day; 2.Im going to run on sports day.What about you? After this lesson ,we can talk about our sports day. 【设计意图:通过观看视频和谈话,让学生思维都动起来,既能调动学生积极性,又能自然过 渡到本节课中心内容 sports day 以及课题。 】 Step 3 Text learning 1.1)Watch a video:The animals are going to have a sports day . Who is the winner? 2)Listen and repeat. At the same time,learn the new word win. 3)Lets chant. 【设计意图:利用动物园里开运动会吸引学生的注意力,调动学生学习得积极性,并为课文学习 作铺垫。】 2.Show a picture:Who are they? Theyre going to have a sports day this month. (month:通过 monkey 和 three 来学习,并举例 There are twelve months in 2019.来理解 month 的含义。) 【设计意图:通过学生熟悉人物以及图片来激发学生的记忆力,活跃思维,同时学习单词 month。】 3.Listen and choose. Are you going to run on sports day,Daming? A. Yes. B. No. Is Daming the winner? A. Yes B. No 【设计意图: 以通过简单的问题让学生对文本知识进行初步感知。】 1)Listen and fill in blanks. Which sport does Daming join in(参加)? Are you going to run on sports day? Yes,Im going to run the _. 通过回答问题,来学习单词 hundred(hungry 和 draw 来学习)和 metre(通过 me 来学习),并 且通过 200、400、800 以及 200 米、400 米、800 米来巩固练习。 2)Listen and fill in blanks. What is Daming going to do for the sports day? Im going to _. 3)Listen and answer. Look at the clock.Its 6:10 in the morning. Is it early(早的)? Are you going to school now,Daming? 4) Listen and answer. Sports day id coming.Show a picture.Who are they? What do they say to Daming for the sport day? 从答语中学习 luck(通过 duck 学习)以及 Good luck. 5)Listen and answer. Daming is going to run.Show a picture. What do they say to Daming? 从答语中来学习 Come on. 【设计意图:通过填空、回答问题,让学生掌握本节课的重点知识,理清课文的重点脉络,同 时在回答问题中教师对学生进行评价,激发学生你追我赶的热情。】 4. 1)Think about:Why can Daming win? If you want to succeed,you must work for it. 2)Role play. 【设计意图:通过学生对问题“4.Why can Daming win?”的思考和回答,对学生进行情感教育。 】 5. Listen,point and repeat. Tips:专心听录音,做到耳到(listen)、眼到(look)、手到(point),注意模仿语音语调。 【设计意图:在听的过程中, 课文每句都进行录音停顿,要求学生对每句话进行重复,让学生 模仿纯正语音语调。】 6. 1)Read by yourself:Read louder. 2)Read in groups: Pupil Athe PE teacherclassmates Pupil BSam Pupil CDaming Pupil DFather and Mother 【设计意图:通过学生小组内读课文,可以及时找出疑难并即时解决。同时小组同学间相互协 作,又可以培养团队合作精神。】 7.Show time 【设计意图:分角色展示课文的方式能将枯燥的句子变得生动活泼起来,让学生在快乐中获得 知识,体验学习的乐趣 。】 Step 4 Practice My school is going to have a spots day. This is Sports Game Registration Office. What sports are you going to join in? Work in a group of four and practice. PE teacher: Are you going to.on sports day? Pupil A: Yes. / No, Im going to.on sports day. Pupil B: . Pupil C: . 【设计意图: 学生在活动中操练语言,巩固新知,为进一步的语言综合训练打好基础。】 Step 6 Summary and homework 1. What did you learn today?Lets say it out! 2. Sing a song. Are you going to run? Are you going to run? Yes,I am. Yes,I am. Are you going to school? Are you going to school? No,Im not. No,Im not. Good luck,Daming. Good luck,Daming. Run,run run . Run,run run . Come on,Daming. Come on,Daming. Im the winner. Im the winner. 3. Watch a video about the Olympic Games. In 2008,Beijing held the Olympic Games. Doing sports is not only good for our health but also makes our country stronger and stronger. So we should love our life,love the country, love the sports and love the game. 【设计意图:通过学生知识树总结本课知识点,构建知识网,并通过歌曲进一步巩固重点内容, 结合北京奥运会对学生进行情感教育。】 4. Homework 必做: 1. Talk about(谈论) your sports day; 选做: 2. To be a sports reporter and make a survey. Namerunjumpskipswim. Jack Alice Candy 【设计意图:通过分层作业,照顾不同学生的能力差异。作业 1 都要完成,巩固知识;作业 2 自愿完成,满足能力强的学生兴趣需求、学习需求。分层作业促使每个学生都在原有基础上得到 提高;并且将课堂上学的知识延伸到课下,学以致用。】 十、板书设计十、板书设计 【设计意图:板书清晰明了、一目了然;呈现了本节课的重点句型,以及通过图片,将课文以 故事的形式呈现出来,有助于学生来学习、讲述故事。】
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外研版(三起)四上Module 9_Unit Are you going to run on sports day _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:9043a) 外研版
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