外研版(三起)四上Module 9-Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:10284).zip


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Module 9 Unit1 Are you going to run on sports day? (外研版英语 三起 四上) 执教者:福建省龙溪师范学校附属小学 连雪娥 指导老师: 林文美 陈雪清 What can we do on sports day? 运动会上我们可以参加哪些项目?运动会上我们可以参加哪些项目? Were going to have a sports day_ A. this week B. this month Im going to run_. A.every day B.on Sunday Are you going to school now? -No,Im going to _. A.play in the park B. run in the park B money month Monday Were going to have a sports day_ A. this week B. this month Im going to run_. A.every day B.on Sunday Are you going to school now? -No,Im going to _. A.play in the park B. run in the park B A 图表标题图表标题 20 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday every day 每天 Were going to have a sports day_ A. this week B. this month Im going to run_. A.every day B.on Sunday Are you going to school now? -No,Im going to _. A.play in the park B. run in the park B A B Find out the sentences: Are you going to. ? 读课文,划出读课文,划出Are you going to. 句子。句子。 Guessing game: Are you going to. on sports day? Yes./No, Im going to. 同桌间一个演一个猜对方要做的运动。同桌间一个演一个猜对方要做的运动。 What will you say to Daming? 大明要比赛了,你要对他说什么? 你认为大明会 赢得比赛吗? Role play. Chance favors only the prepared mind. 机会是留给有准备的人机会是留给有准备的人。 Listen and imitate. Forest Sports Day What are you going to do on sports day?Make a plan in your group and then report it to other animals. Sports Name run the 100 meters jumpplay basketall play football swim Are you going to. on sports day? Yes./No. Im going to. Volunteer: Good morning, everyone! We are going to have a sports day . Animal1: Im a_. Im going to .on sports day . Animal2: . Animal3: . Share your plan. 参考句型: Im going to . every day. Im going to win. Come on! Good luck! 1.Read the text to you parents. (把课文读给父母听) 2.Act and guess: Are you going to. tomorrow? (与同伴,一人演一人猜,明天要做什么?) 1 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day? 教学设计教学设计 一、一、Teaching contents(教学内容)(教学内容) (一)教材内容分析:(一)教材内容分析: 本课是第九模块一单元的内容,在第八模块中,已经学了 be going to 这一 句型陈述句结构。Be going to 表即将,将来的用法学生已经很熟练。在本模块 第一单元中通过运动会这一背景内容来学习这个结构的一般疑问句 Are you going to. on sports day?本文描述了体育老师宣布这个月即将举办运动会后,大 明跟 Sam 对话中,大明很明确自己将参加 100 米赛跑,并且坚持每天跑,早上 上学前很早就去公园跑,最后获得冠军的故事。本单元内容编排充满励志性, 并且贴近学生实际生活,能够充分激发孩子们的学习热情。 (二)学情分析:(二)学情分析: 本课的教学对象为四年级的学生,他们对英语仍热保持着较高的学习兴趣, 又有一定的英语学习基础。教学中,要根据学生活泼好动的特点,多设计一些 轻松有趣的活动,让学生在活动中习得英语,同时要培养学生善于观察,独立 思考的习惯,积极参加教学活动,培养自主学习的能力。 (三)教学策略:(三)教学策略: 坚持“词不离句、句不离境”的教学设计原则,结合本节课的教学内容, 充分考虑到四年级学生的思维特点,以学生为主体,同时通过运用多媒体 PPT 课件,采用 TPR 教学法(全身动作反应法) 、情境教学法、任务型教学途径等 激发学生英语学习兴趣,提高学生的综合运用语言的能力,从而提高英语课堂 的效率。 二、二、Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标) 1. Students can catch the new words and phrases(理解、感知、听懂、会说单 词及短语):month, sports day, hundred, metre, every day, good luck, come on 2. Students can catch the new sentences(会听说认读句子,并能在具体情境 中运用):Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, I am going to run the 100 metres. Are you going to school now? No, I am going to run in the park. 3. Raise the students interest to learn English,and encourage students to try their best to do things.(提高学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生不畏困难, 尽力做好每件事) 2 三、三、Key and difficult points(教学重点、难点)(教学重点、难点) (一)(一)Key points(重点): 1. Students can catch the new words and phrases(理解、感知、听懂、会说单 词):month,sports day, hundred, metre, every day, good luck, come on. 2. Students can catch the new sentences(会听说认读句子,并能在具体情境 中运用):Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, I am going to run the 100 metres. (二)(二)Difficult points(难点):(难点): Students can use the sentences to ask others plan.(学生能够在具体情景中运用 Are you going to .?来询问别人的计划,并会做出回答) 四、四、Teaching preparation(教学准备)(教学准备) 多媒体课件;单词卡;课文人物头饰,动物卡片,实物 五、五、Teaching arrangement(课时安排)(课时安排) One period 六、六、Teaching procedure(教学过程)(教学过程) Step1: Warming-up and leading-in 1.Greetings 2.Leading in 1)Enjoy a video about sports day What its about? Sports day 教学 sports day, 小组操练 What can we do on sports day? (play football/basketball/table tennis swim/jump/run) (设计意图:振奋人心的运动会视频,不仅激发学生的学习热情,还引出了本文 的主题 sports day。运动会的一些常见项目的复习巩固了旧知识,并为新知识的 学习做了铺垫,同时对学生进行了英语思维的训练。) 2)Chant Are you going to run? Are you going to swim? Are you going to jump? Are you going to win? 生跟着视频先说一遍,第二遍再边说边做动作。 (设计意图:通过 chant 活动,让生动起来,活跃了课堂气氛,同时对 Are you 3 going to.?这一句型进行了整体感知。 ) 3)Show the topic The turtle is going to run on sports day. The rabbit is going to run on sports day too. What about you? Are you going to run on sports day? 4) Evaluation 男女学生分跑道赛跑,师引用本文的句子 Are you going to win? Come on!来激 励他们。 教授短语 come on!(动作教学,男女操练) (设计意图: 评价采取与本课内容相符的赛跑方式,既引入了能够激励学生的 竞争机制又能在评价时运用上本课知识。评价涉及整个教学过程,对学生进行 适当的激励教学评价,让生体验到习得语言的成就感。 ) Step 2:Presentation and practice 1.呈现课文第一部分呈现课文第一部分 (设计意图:由于本篇课文涉及了不同的时空,主要是比赛前的准备和比赛现 场。所以师把课文分成两部分呈现,体现了大明经过了充分的准备,最后在比 赛上取得胜利的励志过程。 ) 1)Guessing game 师戴上大明头饰,让生用 Are you going to. on sports day?猜测大明运动会要参 加什么运动。 Are you going to jump/run/swim on sports day? T:jump? Maybe/good guess/perhaps (设计意图:看动画回答问题 What is Daming going to do on sports day?师再试 听前通过把自己扮演成大明,巧妙地把问题转化成猜测游戏: Are you going to .on sports day?,学生在猜测的过程中,师不急于肯定或否定,这样既设计了悬 念,又不着痕迹地让生在真实语境中使用了这一重点句型。通过教师的反复重 复,学生大量地练习了“Are you going to.on sports day?”句型,对新语言形成 了印象,教师引导后,便能脱口而出。 ) 2)Watch and answer Im going to run the 100 metres. 教授单词 hundred: 100 数字直观教学, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred metre: 米尺实物教学,板书练习 师设计类似台历的卡片,练习短语 run the100/200/400 metres. (设计意图:这一环节,生带着一个问题,有目的地观看动画,培养学生对文 章整体把握的能力,更能发挥其学习的自主性,培养认真听的好习惯。 ) 3)Read and choose 1. We are going to have a sports day_. A.this week B. this month 4 2.Im going to run _. A.every day B. on Thursday 3.Are you going to school now? No, I am going to _ . A. play in the park B. run in the park. 教授单词 month: Monday money month every day: 圆圈里设计一周七天 Daming is going to run on Monday,Tuesday.Sunday. So Daming is going to run every day 每天. every 操练:语音教学 every day 两两操练 (设计意图:读一读,选一选问题的设计,体现的是大明为运动会做的充分准 备。所以这些问题不仅检验了学生对课文的理解而且培养了生自主阅读的能力。 而且问题中也呈现了本课重点的单词和句型,让生在课文原有的语境中理解单 词,句子,做到, “词不离句,句不离篇” 。其次采用实物和在具体语境中讲授 新单词,同时注意对学生进行单词发音规律的教授,以锻炼学生比较、联系及 自学单词的能力) So Daming runs early in the morning. He gets well prepared for sports day. 4)Read and underline Find out the sentences:” Are you going to. ?” and underline them in the books. Check the answers and read together. When you want to know someones plan, you can say:” Are you going to.?” (设计意图: find and underline 这一步让生自主思考探究,找出重点句型,感 受这个句子的用法。同时也为下一步游戏运用到这一句型做好充足的知识准备。 ) 5) Pair work:guessing game A:Are you going to . on sports day? B:No/Yes. 生二人一组,一人抽取彩色字条,一人边做动作边猜 (设计意图:本环节与上一环节环环相扣,层层递进,而且对本课的重点句型 进行了实践性地应用。猜测游戏中生可以边做动作边猜,人人参与,关注到了 全体学生。而且 pair work 的合作方式,达到了以优带差的目的。 ) 2.课文第二部分课文第二部分 sports day 1)Free talk about sports day. What will you say to Daming? Ss: Do you think:Daming is going to be the winner on sports day? Ss:Yes! T:I think so. Now lets watch and see if we you are right. (设计意图:free talk 两个问题的设计,让生对大明的鼓励,以及对比赛结果的 预测,唤起生对大明胜利的期待和赞赏,与上文大明为运动会做的充分准备前 5 后呼应,为下文进行天道酬勤情感渗透做铺垫。 ) 2) Watch and answer Is Daming going to be the winner? 学习短语good luck: 大拇指动作教学 Tomorrow I am going to have an exam. Can you wish me good luck?生一个一个跟 老师说 good luck, 老师击掌并回答 thank you. (设计意图:这一环节充分调动了生的情绪,为大明的胜利而激动,仿佛自己 就是大明,为下一环节的 role play 做了铺垫。 ) 3)Role play 请 2-3 组的学生上台,把大明运动会现场边演出来。 Father and mother: Good bye, Daming. Good luck! Daming: Thank you. Bye-bye. Friends(全班同学): Come on, Daming! Run! Run! Daming: Yes, Im the winner. Im the winner. (设计意图:学生喜欢模仿,乐于创造。角色扮演给学生创造了开口说英语,在 众人表演,展现自我的机会,培养学生的自信心) 4)情感渗透情感渗透 T:So Daming tried his best and won the game . As we know Chance favors only the prepared mind. 3. Listen and imitate (设计意图:边听边指边跟读,让生能够模仿地道纯正的英语发音。) Step 3 Consolidation and extension 森林运动会中,志愿者为了帮忙组织举办运动会,想要了解每个动物的计划。 生四人一组,每人选一种动物当自己的角色,其中有一人是志愿者,问其他三 人森林运动会的计划。组内做完计划,最后请个别组上台汇报。 Volunteer: Are you going to. on sports day? Animal: Yes./No. Im going to. Sports Name run the 100 metresplay basketballplay footballswimjump Report: Volunteer: Hellos, everyone! We are going to have a sports day. Animal: Hello, Im . I am going to . on sports day. I am going to win. Animal2: 6 Animal 3: 参考句型:I am going to win. /Good luck. /Come on. /You are the best. /You can do it. (设计意图:有趣的森林运动会让生在创设的情境中进行对话表演,能激起学 生的参与热情,让学生把学到到语言知识运用到语言实践中,实现了语言的有 效输出,有利于提高学生的综合语言运用能力,实现了有效拓展。) Step 4: Summary and homework Homework 1)Read the text to your parents. 2)Act and guess:Ask your classmate:What are you going to do tomorrow? Use the sentence: Are you going to. tomorrow. (设计意图:作业 1、作业 2 是基于对基础知识的巩固和所学知识在实践中的运 用,可选作,实现了作业的分层,把作业的选择权交给学生。作业 2 引导学生 把所学知识应用于实际生活中,使知识生活化,实现了英语语言的交际性功能, 又能培养生的团队合作精神。) Blackboard design(板书设计) Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day? Are you going to. on sports day? metre Yes, Im going to run the 100 metres. month winner Come on! Good luck! boys girls
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外研版(三起)四上Module 9_Unit Are you going to run on sports day _ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:10284) 外研版 三年级
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