外研版(三起)六上Module 6-Unit 1 You've got a letter from New York.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:003ef).zip


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ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 YouveYouve gotgot a a letterletter fromfrom NewNew York.York. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第七册本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第七册 ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 YouYouveve gotgot a a letterletter fromfrom NewNew York,York,课型是交际型读写课课型是交际型读写课, ,主要主要 包括信的读写以及交朋友的话题。真实的情境为学生提供了良好的包括信的读写以及交朋友的话题。真实的情境为学生提供了良好的 学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境; ;同时也充分激发了学生学习同时也充分激发了学生学习 英语的兴趣英语的兴趣, ,培养学生的阅读素养。培养学生的阅读素养。 二、教学方法二、教学方法: : 直观教学法、情景教学法;启发式教学法;活动教学法;自主 学习法;合作学习法;TPR 教学法; 交际法以及多媒体辅助法。 Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York. Have you got any questions about this letter? Lets sing Postman , postman Dear Ms Yang, How are you? Im very happy to be your pen friend. Last week, a nice Chinese girl gave me a kite, but its difficult for me to fly it . Ive got lots of books about the US, but I havent got a book about China. Can you tell me more about China? Love, Jojo Step 1 Leading-in Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York. 信宜市第六小学 杨燕 Have you got any questions about this letter? Step 2 Self-learning 1.Check your preview. 预习课文并在课文里找出下列单词或短语。 1. 英国人 _ 2.经 常 _ 3. 笔 友 _ 4.困难的 _ 5. 中国龙风筝_ Chinese dragon kite British pen friend difficult often A. Sam and Amy, Laura B. Laura, Sam and Amy 2.Lets watch and choose ( )This letter is from _ to _. Tips:快速找准问题中的关键词,然后带入原文定位寻找答案。 A. Sam and Amy, Laura B. Laura, Sam and Amy 2.Lets watch and choose ( )This letter is from _ to _. Tips:快速找准问题中的关键词,然后带入原文定位寻找答案。 Dear Sam and Amy, I am Damings friend and I want to be your friend too . I live in New York, but I am not American .I am from London in the UK. So we are all British. Do you like China? I want to visit China next year. Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park. Its difficult for me. Have you got a book about the US?I can send you one . Please write to me and we can be pen friends. Daming says he will write to you soon. Best Laura B 3.Enjoy reading(享受阅读P32-33,带着问题感知信件内容) 一、判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 Laura lives in New York. 1.( ) Laura wants to visit China this year.2.( ) Its easy for Laura to fly a Chinese dragon kite. 3.( ) (Tips:找出文中与题目相符的句子并画出来) T F F next difficult yourquestions Step3 Cooperating 1.Listen and say. 2.Read the letter in groups, then retell. (小组读课文,然后看图复述。) 准确准确 correc t 声音大声音大 loud 流利流利 fluent 合作合作 cooperativ e 创新创新 creative Step4 Self-presenting Lets retell the letter in groups. Dear Sam and Amy, I am Damings friend and I want to be your friend too . I live in New York, (1)_ I am not American. I am from London in the UK. So we are all British. Do you like China? I want to visit China next year. Daming (2)_ _ a Chinese dragon kite (3)_ we often fly it in the park. Its (4)_ for me. Have you got a book about the US?I can send you one . Please (5)_ _me and we can be pen friends. Daming(6) _ he will write to you soon. Best Laura Step 5 Practice (Fill in the blanks.) but has got difficult and says write to Group work: Lets write a letter back to Laura in groups. (小组讨论,以Sam 和Amy的名义共同给Laura写一封回信) Step6 Upgrading Dear Laura, We live in/study in We like China/the Great Wall/the West Lake We often go swimming/shopping/ We often play football/basketball/ We eat moon cakes/at the Mid-Autumn Festival/ We have got some stamps/. We havent got Best, Sam and Amy Step7 Concluding often difficult How to write a letter Learn the text “have got” “has got” We have friends. We have fun! Homework 1. Read the text. 2. Help me write a letter back to Jojo. (根据所学内容,帮助老师给(根据所学内容,帮助老师给Jojo写回信)写回信) Dear Ms Yang, How are you? Im very happy to be your pen friend. Last week, a nice Chinese girl gave me a kite, but its difficult for me to fly it . Ive got lots of books about the US, but I havent got a book about China. Can you tell me more about China? Love, Jojo You all did a good job today! Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York. 一、.Check your preview.预习课文并在课文里找出下列单词或短语。 1. 英国人 _ 2.经 常 _ 3. 笔 友 _ 4.困难的 _ 5. 中国龙风筝_ 二、Lets watch and choose.(选择正确的答案) ( ) This letter is from _ to _. A. Sam and Amy, Laura B. Laura, Sam and Amy 三、判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 ( )1.Laura lives in New York. ( )2.Laura wants to visit China this year. ( )3.Its easy for Laura to fly a Chinese dragon kite. 四、Practice(Fill in the blanks.填空) Dear Sam and Amy, I am Damings friend and I want to be your friend too . I live in New York, (1)_ I am not American. I am from London in the UK. So we are all British. Do you like China? I want to visit China next year. Daming (2)_ _ a Chinese dragon kite (3)_ we often fly it in the park. Its (4)_ for me. Have you got a book about the US?I can send you one . Please (5)_ _ me and we can be pen friends. Daming (6)_ he will write to you soon. Best Laura 小学英语教学设计 ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 YouveYouve gotgot a a letterletter fromfrom NewNew York.York. 一、 教材分析教材分析 本节课的教学内容是外研版小学英语第七册 Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York,课型是交际型读写课,主要 包括信的读写以及交朋友的话题。真实的情境为学生提供了良好的 学习语言、理解语言和运用语言的语境;同时也充分激发了学生学习 英语的兴趣,培养学生的阅读素养。 二、设计理念二、设计理念: : 根据英语课程标准的指导理念:以学生的发展为宗旨,以提 高学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,着重培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 良好的学习习惯,有效的学习方法,以及自主合作学习能力。力求创 设真实的语言情境,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习 过程中完成学习目标,同时,增强学生的自信心, 培养学生的阅读素 养,为今后的学习奠定基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标: : 1.语言知识目标 (1)能听懂、会说、会读, 会写单词及短语:difficult ,British, often, pen friend , Chinese dragon kite。 (2)能听懂、会运用 Youve got a letter from New York, but its not from Daming. Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park. Have you got a book about the US? Ive got a stamp from China.等句子 并根据课文内容写一封回信。 2、语言技能目标: (1) 培养学生语言实际运用能力。 (2) 培养学生交流与合作的能力。 (3) 培养学生用英语思维的能力。 (4)培养学生的阅读素养。 3、情感态度目标: (1)以活动为途径,渗透小组合作探究型教学,学生能积极参 与,充满自信,敢于开口,乐于模仿,乐于表演,在玩中学,学中 玩。通过学习,学生体会用英语交朋友的乐趣。 (2)培养学生持续学习英语的动力和热情。 4、学习策略目标: 注重培养学生的观察力、专注力、想象力、分析能力、沟通能 力、合作能力、自主学习能力,努力培养学生的英语学习能力。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点: : 1. 学习重点: 学生对 difficult ,British, often, pen friend , Chinese dragon kite 等单词有正确的语音认识,能真正理解句型. Youve got a letter from New York, but its not from Daming. Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park. Have you got a book about the US? Ive got a stamp from China.并灵活运用到真实情境中。 2. 难点:学生能运用所学句型顺利完成任务,写作能力的培养。 五、学情分析五、学情分析: : 本节课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,经过三年多的英语学习,大 部分学生对英语具备一定的听、说、读、写能力,有一定的英语基 础,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心和学习热情,他们活泼好动,注意力 不易集中。因此,我们应在课堂上设计生动活泼、形式多样的活动 吸引孩子们的注意, 注意语言的简洁性和交流性,并尽量复习已学的 语言,将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,充分调动学生的积极性,帮助 学生培养英语学习的自信心,让孩子在教师设计的特定环境中使用语 言,凸显语言的交际功能, 用英语进行简单的情境交流的能力,同时 训练学生的英语写作能力。 六、教学方法六、教学方法: : 直观教学法、情景教学法;启发式教学法;活动教学法;自主 学习法;合作学习法;TPR 教学法; 交际法以及多媒体辅助法。 七、课前准备七、课前准备 1. 准备课件,信件以及奖励时用的小贴纸. 2. 准备卡纸,彩笔,双面胶和纸条. 3. 准备中国邮政袋、信、信封。 4. 准备 Laura,Sam,Amy 和 Daming 的头饰及中国龙风筝,大本钟,自 由女神像图片。 5. 导学案、练习案、教案。 八、课时安排八、课时安排:1:1 课时课时. . 九、教学步骤九、教学步骤 StepStep 1.Leading-in1.Leading-in 1)Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And how are you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Are you happy today? Ss: Yes! T: Im happy, too. 2)Lets sing :Postman,postman 师生一起边做动作边唱。(一个学生扮演 postman) (唱完后老师问 poseman)T: Postman, wait a minute, is there a letter for me? 引出信件(把信封贴在黑板上)并利用大屏 幕展示老师收到的信为下一个教学环节作铺垫: Dear Ms Yang, How are you? Im very happy to be your pen friend. Last week, a nice Chinese girl gave me a kite, but its difficult for me to fly it . Ive got lots of books about the US, but I havent got a book about China. Can you tell me more about China? Love, Jojo T: Have you got a letter? Today we are going to talk about letters. Lets learn Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York.(出示课文标题并齐读,然后提问:What do you want to know about the letter? Have you got any questions about it? Please tell me and Let me write down.(把同学们提 出的问题写在黑板上) StepStep 2.2. Self-learningSelf-learning 1)Check your preview.小组讨论检查导学单。 1. 英国人 _ 2.经 常 _ 3. 笔 友 _ 4.困难的 _ 5. 中国龙风筝_ 2)Lets watch and choose 整体呈现,看课文动画回答问题。 ( )This letter is from _ to _. A. Sam and Amy, Laura B. Laura, , Sam and Amy (讲解中板书) 3)Enjoy reading(享受阅读 P32-33,带着问题感知信件内容) 判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 ( )Laura lives in New York. (讲解中板书) ( )Laura wants to visit China this year. ( )Its easy for Laura to fly a Chinese dragon kite.(讲 解中板书) 4)回答黑板上同学们提出的问题。 (讲解中板书完成思维导图) Step3.Step3. CooperatingCooperating 1)Listen and say. (1)Listen,point and repeat,. 听录音跟读,让学生模仿正确 的语音语调. (2)Point and read together (3)Dubing show 2)Read the letter in groups, then retell.(小组读课文,然 后看图复述) Step4Step4 Self-presentingSelf-presenting Lets retell the letter in groups StepStep 5 5 PracticePractice (Fill(Fill inin thethe blanks)blanks) Dear Sam and Amy, I am Damings friend and I want to be your friend too . I live in New York, (1)_ I am not American. I am from London in the UK. So we are all British. Do you like China? I want to visit China next year. Daming (2)_ a Chinese dragon kite (3)_ we often fly it in the park. Its (4)_ for me. Have you got a book about the US?I can send you one . Please (5)_ _ me and we can be pen friends. Daming(6) _ he will write to you soon. Best Laura StepStep 6 6 UpgradingUpgrading Group work: Lets write a letter back to Laura in groups. (小组讨论,以 Sam 和 Amy 的名义共同给 Laura 写一封回信) 先展示教师写的回信: Dear Laura, Hello! Were Sam and Amy . Were happy to be your friend. We like China .We live in Beijing. Its big and beautiful. We have got books about the US and China. Thank you. Have you got a book about China? Best Sam and Amy 然后叫学生进行 group work 每人写一句共同完成一封回信. StepStep 7 7 ConcludingConcluding What do we learn today? 情感教育:We have friends.We have fun. Love our friends! HomeworkHomework: 1. Read the text. 2. Help me write a letter back to Jojo. (根据所学内容, 帮助老师给 Jojo 写回信) 板书设计:板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 Youve got a letter from New York. 信封 Chinese dragon kite 图片 Daming 头像 New York 图片 Big Ben 图片 Laura 头像 book 图片 Sam and Amy 头像 British want to be friend 教学反思教学反思: : 一、一、 设计理念设计理念: : 在本课的教学设计中,我以英语课程标准中提出的基本理念为导 向, 努力形成有自己特色的适合培养英语核心素养之学习能力的课 堂教学模式。努力实现以下几个方面的转变: 在教学目标上,由传授语言知识为中心向以学生发展为中心转变, 实现由“学会”到“会学”的转变。 在教学过程中, 实现由“先学”到“后教”的转变, 体现学生 是主体,教师是主导的教育思维。 在教学评价上,由单一方式向多元化方式转变,由注重结果向注 重过程转变,促进学生综合素质的提高,提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养学生的英语学习能力。 二、教学亮点二、教学亮点: : 我认为本节课最大的亮点是我能够根据学生的学习情况和能力 水平 ,降低教学难点,在热身环节,通过演唱五年级学过的英文歌 Postman,postman来激发学生的兴趣,接下来由一封老师的英文 信来引出新课,过渡自然,不知不觉就进行了一场大脑风暴。 在教授新知环节,我巧妙地秀出自己的信的内容来引出本课的主 题,而吸引学生的注意力,并在第一时间对学生进行原声输入,培养了 学生正确的语音语调。 在拓展环节,让学生小组讨论,以 Sam 和 Amy 的名义共同给 Laura 写一封回信,培养了学生的写作能力。 三、不足之处三、不足之处 课堂本是遗憾的艺术,我这样安慰自己,但确实有很多地方有待 进一步完善。首先,整体的教学设计流程不够新颖, 其次,在拓展部 分,让学生用所学的句型小组合作写信时,由于学生没能充分掌握新 句型,以致活动没能顺利达到预期效果。
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外研版(三起)六上Module 6_Unit You've got letter from New York._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:003ef) 外研版
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