(2021新外研版)高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 The world of science 重点词汇讲义(教师版+学生版).zip


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    • Unit 3 The world of science 重点词汇讲义【新教材】2020-2021学年外研版(2019)高中英语必修第三册(教师版+学生版)
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展开 2021新外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit3Theworldofscience重点词汇讲义教师版学生版.zip2021新外研版高中英语必修第三册Unit3Theworldofscience重点词汇讲义教师版学生版.zip
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1 Unit 3 press v 1 压 (push);按;挤;推: press a button / switch 按下按钮 / 开关 She pressed her face against the window. 她把脸贴在窗上。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards. 她猛踩油门, 车向前冲去。 2 催促;逼迫 (push / urge): Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity. 在朋友 和家人的催促下,我决定抓住机会。 固定搭配 press on (不顾困难) 继续进行: 高考链接 1、 He pressed / pushed (按下) the button and the doorbell rang. 测试 一、用 press 完成下列句子。 1. Be careful! The machine starts the moment you press the button (按按钮). 2. They are pressing us to make a quick decision (催促我们迅速作决定). 3. He pressed on (继续前行) and finally got passed the finishing line. shoot v (shot, shot) 1 vi & vt 射出;射击: The guns shoot a hundred metres. 这些枪 能射出 100 米远。 He shot the arrow from the bow. 他拉弓 把箭射了出去。 One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the vehicle. 他又 看了一眼,便注意到火苗从那辆车下喷 了出来。 2 vt 射中;射死: The police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them. 警方击毙一名对他们拔枪 的嫌疑人。 3 vt & vi 拍摄: The movie was shot in New Zealand. 这部 电影是在新西兰拍摄的。 4 vt & vi 射门;投篮: The basketball player shot the last goal. 那 位篮球运动员投进了最后一球。 5 vi & vt(使)快速移动: The pickpocket shot his hand into her bag. 扒手迅速地将手伸进了她的包。 固定搭配 shoot at 向射击: 派生词 shooting n C 射击;枪杀 U (电影) 拍摄 测试 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 射中 1. A bird flew away so quickly that no one was able to shoot it. 射箭 2. There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees. 射击 4. It was not until at the end of 19th century that shooting, originated as a means of survival, earned its status as a sport. 猛地窜出来 5. A cat shot out into the road in front of him. 向发问 6. Reporters were shooting questions at the candidates. 陡增;猛涨 7. Car rentals (出租) firms can attract enough customers for 70 percent of their cars every month. This figure shoots up during holiday seasons like National Day, Labor Day and New Years Day. flexible adj 1 易弯曲的;柔韧的 able to bend easily without breaking: Rubber is a flexible substance. 橡胶是一 2 种有弹性的物质。 Dancers need to be flexible. 舞者要有柔 韧性。 2 可变通的;灵活的 able to change to suit any new situation: flexible working hours 弹性工作时间 a flexible schedule 灵活的计划表 Good job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems. 优秀的求职人员必 须具备灵活处理问题的能力。 派生词 flexibility n 柔韧性;灵活性 高考链接 1、 Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have flexible (灵活的) schedules to make it easier to care for their children. 同族词 flexible, flexibility, inflexible 测试 一、根据句意,选出下列句子中 flexible 的 释义。 1. 易弯曲的;柔韧的 2. 可变通的;灵活的 1. The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so theyre exploring ways to use it in wet environments. 1 2. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. 2 二、翻译句子。 1. 弹性的工作时间是女性择业考虑的重要因 素。 Flexible working hours are a major career consideration for women. 2. 他在这个问题上寸步不让。 Hes completely inflexible on the subject. desire n 1 渴望;欲望(urge): C & U I am inspired by her courage and strong desire to succeed. 她的勇气和对成功强 烈的渴望激励着我。 She had little desire for power. 她对权力 没有什么欲望。 Confucius once said, “At seventy I can follow my hearts desire.” 孔子说过:“七 十而从心所欲。” vt 1 不用于进行时 正式用语 渴望;期望: desire to do sth: He desired to win the game. 他渴望赢得 比赛。 He is truly rich who desires nothing. 无欲 者最富有。 A home of her own was something she had always desired. 她一直渴望有个自己的 家。 辨辨 desire, wish, want desire 较正式,可代替 wish 和 want,强调 主观愿望的热切、渴盼,有“渴盼”的意思。 He got the book he desired. 他得到了梦寐 以求的那本书。 wish 语气比 desire 弱,一般用于难以实 现或不可能实现的愿望,强调主观愿望,有 “希望、愿、想”之意。 I wish I could have a new car. 我要是有一 辆新车就好了。 want 多用于口语和普通场合,有“想、要、 需要”之意。 She wants me to go with her. 她想让我跟 她一起去。 All I want is the truth. 我只想知道实情。 beyond prep 1 表示位置 在的那边;远于: It is the only place beyond the Earth to have been visited by humans. 这是人类到 过的地球以外的唯一地方。 2 表示时间 在以后;迟于: The party went on until beyond midnight. 3 这次聚会一直持续到午夜以后。 3 表示数量、水平、限度 超出: I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. 我的童年 是在工作中度过的,承担着与年龄不相 符的责任。 Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged. 任何司机如被发现饮酒 超限都会被指控。 4 表示范围 超出的范围;非所及: beyond repair / control / belief 无法修理/ 控制/相信 beyond the reach of sb / beyond ones reach 够不着;力所不及 Such test is far beyond the ability of the average schoolkid. 这样的测试远远超过 了普通学童的能力。 5 常用于否定句和疑问句 除以外: I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. 除了他告诉我的以外,别的我什么 都不知道。 固定搭配 be beyond sb 超出某人的理解能力: 高考链接 1、 Everybody was touched beyond words (无 以言表) after they heard her moving story. 2、 Elizabeth has already achieved success B her wildest dreams. A.at B.beyond C.within D.upon 3、 This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond (超出) the reach of those with average income. 4、 Its quite beyond me (超出我的理解能力) why such things have been allowed to happen. significant adj 1 重要的;重大的;显著的: having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future: a highly significant discovery 具有极其重 大意义的发现 The elevators role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars. 电梯在美国历史上的重要作用丝毫不逊 于汽车。 significant improvement / increase 明显的 进步/显著的增长 It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. 很明显, 女生在考试中的表现通常好于男生。 2 (数量) 大的: They are spending a significant amount of time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. 他们同时做几件事时,耗费了大量时间 却徒劳无益。 派生词 significantly adv 重大地;显著地;明显地: Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet. 注意饮食可以大 大减少健康方面的问题。 Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly fitter. 自从 尝试了第一次,我就一直坚持慢跑,身 体明显好多了。 experiment n.C & U 1 实验;试验: conduct / do / perform / carry out an experiment 做实验做实验 These experiments showed that our body clocks are affected by light and temperature. 这些实验表明我们的生物 钟受光和温度的影响。 attach v 1 vt 系;贴;连接 to fasten or join one thing to another: I attached a photo to my application form. 我在申请表上贴了一张照片。 4 At the station, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins. 车站竖起一 个牌子,上面用别针别着些美元钞票。 2 vt & vi 正式用语 (与) 有关联: the advantage that attaches to wealth 与财 富有关的有利条件 3 vt 重视;认为.重要 to believe that sth is important or worth thinking about: To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 坦白地说,很多人把名声和财富看得很 重。 Learning strategies, to which teachers attach importance / significance, havent drawn enough attention of students. 老师 重视的学习策略还没有引起学生们足够 的注意。 attached adj 1 附着的: the attached application form 所附的申请 表 2 附属于: 不用于名词前 The research center is attached to the university. 这家研究中心附属于这所大 学。 3 喜欢的;依恋的: At first, we didnt feel we belong here, but now we are attached to the land we live on. 起初,我们感觉并不属于这里,但现在 我们已经依恋上所生活的这片土地。 attachment n 1 C 附件;附属品: Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment. 请在附件中查 看我的求职信和简历。 2 C & U 情感;爱慕: a childs attachment to its mother 孩子对 母亲的依恋 高考链接 1、 My parents always attach great importance to (对很重视) my getting a good education. 测试 一、用 attach 的正确形式填空。 1. In Britain, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning attached to them. 2. Ill email my report to you as a(n) attachment . 二、根据所给提示翻译句子。 1. 家长们非常重视教育。Parents attach much importance to education. 2. 请在你的申请表上附上近照。Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 三、写出下列句子中画线单词的汉语释义。 1. Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand. 把绑在 2. No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product. 与有关联 3. The author wanted to express how much she is attached to her home. 依恋的 4. He attached a colour printer to the computer. 连接 1 Unit 3 The world of science press v 1 压 (push);按;挤;推: press a button / switch She pressed her face against the window. She pressed down hard on the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards. 2 催促;逼迫 (push / urge): Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity. 固定搭配 press on _ 高考链接 1、 He _ (按下) the button and the doorbell rang. 测试 一、用 press 完成下列句子。 1. Be careful! The machine starts the moment you _ (按按钮). 2. They are _ (催促我们 迅速作决定). 3. He_(继续前行) and finally got passed the finishing line. shoot v (shot, shot) 1 vi & vt 射出;射击: The guns shoot a hundred metres. He shot the arrow from the bow. One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the vehicle. 2 vt 射中;射死: The police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them. 3 vt & vi 拍摄: The movie was shot in New Zealand. 4 vt & vi 射门;投篮: The basketball player shot the last goal. 5 vi & vt(使)快速移动: The pickpocket shot his hand into her bag. 固定搭配 shoot at _: 派生词 shooting n C 射击;枪杀 U (电影) 拍摄 测试 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。 _ 1. A bird flew away so quickly that no one was able to shoot it. _2. There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees. _ 4. It was not until at the end of 19th century that shooting, originated as a means of survival, earned its status as a sport. _5. A cat shot out into the road in front of him. _6. Reporters were shooting questions at the candidates. _ 7. Car rentals (出租) firms can attract enough customers for 70 percent of their cars every month. This figure shoots up during holiday seasons like National Day, Labor Day 2 and New Years Day. flexible adj 1 易弯曲的;柔韧的 able to bend easily without breaking: Rubber is a flexible substance. Dancers need to be flexible. 2 可变通的;灵活的 able to change to suit any new situation: flexible working hours a flexible schedule Good job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems. 派生词 _ n 柔韧性;灵活性 高考链接 1、 Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have_(灵活的) schedules to make it easier to care for their children. 同族词 flexible, flexibility, inflexible 测试 一、根据句意,选出下列句子中 flexible 的 释义。 1. 易弯曲的;柔韧的 2. 可变通的;灵活的 1. The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so theyre exploring ways to use it in wet environments. _ 2. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. _ 二、翻译句子。 1. 弹性的工作时间是女性择业考虑的重要因 素。 _ _ 2. 他在这个问题上寸步不让。 _ desire n 1 渴望;欲望(urge): C & U I am inspired by her courage and strong desire to succeed. She had little desire for power. Confucius once said, “At seventy I can follow my hearts desire.” vt 1 不用于进行时 正式用语 渴望;期望: desire to do sth: He desired to win the game. He is truly rich who desires nothing. A home of her own was something she had always desired. 辨辨 desire, wish, want desire 较正式,可代替 wish 和 want,强调 主观愿望的热切、渴盼,有“渴盼”的意思。 He got the book he desired. wish 语气比 desire 弱,一般用于难以实现 或不可能实现的愿望,强调主观愿望,有“希 望、愿、想”之意。 I wish I could have a new car. want 多用于口语和普通场合,有“想、要、 需要”之意。 3 She wants me to go with her. All I want is the truth. beyond prep 1 表示位置 在的那边;远于: It is the only place beyond the Earth to have been visited by humans. 2 表示时间 在以后;迟于: The party went on until beyond midnight. 3 表示数量、水平、限度 超出: I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged. 4 表示范围 超出的范围;非所及: beyond repair / control / belief beyond the reach of sb / beyond ones reach Such test is far beyond the ability of the average schoolkid. 5 常用于否定句和疑问句 除以外: I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. 固定搭配 be beyond sb _ 高考链接 1、 Everybody was touched _ (无以 言表) after they heard her moving story. 2、 Elizabeth has already achieved success _ her wildest dreams. A.at B.beyond C.within D.upon 3、 This new model of car is so expensive that it is _ (超出) the reach of those with average income. 4、_ (超出我的理解能 力) why such things have been allowed to happen. significant adj 1 重要的;重大的;显著的: having an important effect or influence, especially on what will happen in the future: a highly significant discovery The elevators role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars. significant improvement / increase It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. 2 (数量) 大的: They are spending a significant amount of time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. 派生词 _ adv 重大地;显著 地;明显地: Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet. Since that first attempt I had been jogging regularly and was significantly fitter. experiment n.C & U 1 实验;试验: _ an experiment 做实验做实验 These experiments showed that our body clocks are affected by light and temperature. 。 4 attach v 1 vt 系;贴;连接 to fasten or join one thing to another: I attached a photo to my application form. At the station, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins. 。 2 vt & vi 正式用语 (与) 有关联: the advantage that attaches to wealth 3 vt 重视;认为.重要 to believe that sth is important or worth thinking about: To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. Learning strategies, to which teachers attach importance / significance, havent drawn enough attention of students. _ adj 1 附着的: the attached application form 2 附属于: 不用于名词前 The research center is attached to the university. 3 喜欢的;依恋的: At first, we didnt feel we belong here, but now we are attached to the land we live on. attachment n 1 C 附件;附属品: Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment. 2 C & U 情感;爱慕: a childs attachment to its mother 高考链接 1、 My parents always _ (对很重视) my getting a good education. 测试 一、用 attach 的正确形式填空。 1. In Britain, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning _ to them. 2. Ill email my report to you as a(n) _. 二、根据所给提示翻译句子。 1. 家长们非常重视教育。 _ 2. 请在你的申请表上附上近照。 _ 三、写出下列句子中画线单词的汉语释义。 1. Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand. _ 2. No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product. _ 3. The author wanted to express how much she is attached to her home. _ 4. He attached a colour printer to the computer. _
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2021新外研版 【2021新外研版】高中英语必修第三册Unit The world of science 重点词汇讲义(教师版+学生版) 新外研版 高中英语 必修 第三 unit 重点 词汇 辞汇 讲义
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