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Module6 Unit1 旅顺盐厂小学 刘健 Ive got some Chinese chopsticks Lets sing a song America England China Now there are 194 countries in the world. world map world=the earth and all the people and things on it D Listen and look Listen and find The letter is from _.Laura 1. Where did Laura meet Daming? A. Laura met Daming in NewYork. B. Laura met Daming in China. 2. What did Daming show to Laura? A. He showed Linglings photo. B. He showed Linglings letter. Please listen part1 of the letter and choose Please read part2 of the letter in silence and write the answers. 1.What has Laura got? _ _ 2. What has her brother got? _ answer: 1.回答回答(v.动词)动词) Please answer the questions. 2.答案答案(n.名词)名词) Write the answer on the paper. 1.What has Laura got? _ _ 2. What has her brother got? _ Please read part2 of the letter in silence and write the answers. 1.What has Laura got? _ _ She has got long,yellow hair and blue eyes. She has got some Chinese chopsticks. Ive got some Chinese chopsticks. difficult =not easy; hard to do, make, understand, or deal with(处理)处理) easy difficultLets choose: It is _ for the boy to use it.difficult easy difficultLets choose: It is _ for the English man to use them. difficult easy difficultLets choose: It is _ for them to fly. easy 2. What has her brother got? _ He has got a Chinese kite. My brother has got a Chinese kite. Ive got a Chinese kite. I often fly it in the park. Lauras brother has got a Chinese kite. He often _ it in the park. flies 第三人称单数 fly-flies Check the answers in your team first, then stand up to read 1.What has Laura got? She has got long,yellow hair and blue eyes. She has got some Chinese chopsticks. 2. What has her brother got? He has got a Chinese kite. In part3,Laura wanted Lingling to answer a question. Can you find it? Im from New York.Its a very big city.Have you got a book about the US? Please write back and I will answer your questions about the US. A:Have you got . B:Yes,I have. /No,I havent. Look and choose: have got /has got 1.I _ some stamps from China. 2.We _ the Harry Potter DVDs. 3.She _ a new football. 4.Laura_ long,yellow hair and blue eyes. 5._ he _ a book about the world? 6.What _he _ in your room? have got have got has got has got 主语(第三人称单数)主语(第三人称单数)+has got Has got has got Lets chant Have got,have got, Ive got a Chinese kite. Have you got a Chinese kite? Yes, I have. Yes,I have. Has got, has got, hes got a Chinese kite. Has he got a Chinese kite? Yes, he has. Yes,he has. Listen and repeat Lets fill in the blanks. lets choose Part1: pen friend / showed / met My name is Laura. I_ Daming here in New York. He _me your photo. Can you be my _? Part2: difficult / like / Ive got / has got / flies / Ive got _ long,yellow hair and blue eyes.I _ Chinese food and _ some Chinese chopsticks. But it is _ for me to use them.My brother _ a Chinese kite.It is a very big bird.He often _ it in the park. Part3: Have you got / answer / New York Im from _.Its a very big city._ a book about the US?Please write back and I will _ your questions about the US. A:What have you got in your room? B:Ive got Have you got a book about_? Music stories the sea Science Lets do a survey with your teammates. 让我们组内做一个调查让我们组内做一个调查 LetLet readingreading bebe a a habit.habit. 让读书 成为一种习惯。 Homework: 1. Try to recite the text。试着背课文。试着背课文 2. Introduce your books to your friends in English.用英语向朋友介绍你的书。用英语向朋友介绍你的书。 3.用用have got 句型来描述自己的外貌。句型来描述自己的外貌。 第二题、第三题可二选一完成第二题、第三题可二选一完成 Ivechopsticks教学设计教学设计 教材分析:教材分析: 本模块是外研社出版的新标准英语第十一册第六模块第一单元的教学内容,本课 主要是能用英语调查并描述自己和其他同学所拥有的东西。通过学习本课课文激发学 习的兴趣。通过本课的学习激发学生用英语表达自己爱好的欲望,提高英语口语生活 化。 学生分析:学生分析: 六年级学生由于知识难度的增加和自身年龄的特点,学习积极性较低年级时有所下降。 因此在本课的教授过程中,我突破传统的教学思路,大胆实践,创设真实情境,激发 学习,并设计以小组合作的方式完成调查问卷,并形成表格进行班级展览,从而达到 培养学生的综合语言运用能力的目标。 教学目标教学目标 : 1.知识目标:学习目标语句 Ive got some Chinese chopsticks. My brother has got a Chinese kite. Have you got a book about America? 2.技能目标:能够听说读写本单元句型;能运用所学语言描述自己或他人拥有某 物;能用 have got 询问对方,回应对方。并将所学语言运用到真实语境中。 3.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与各项活动。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、 Preparation 1. T:At first,Lets sing a song,ok?(M5U2 活动 4 的歌曲) 2. T:In the song,it mentioned many countries,出示 4 个国家的图片 China.American.England.Canada. 学生们说国家的名字。 T: There are _194_ countries in the world. Do you know world? It means the earth and all the people and things on it. Lets write it. 多媒体出示 world 的英译 并板书(world) (多媒体出示 world 图片) 最后一张为一本关于(world)的书 T:Have you got a book about the world?Sams friend has got a book about the world,lets have a look. 学生听一遍书中活动一的内容,然后指书跟读一遍。 二、Presentation 出示教室图书角的照片 T:He has got a book about the world.Have you got a book about the world here?Do you want to know more about the world?I think reading books is a very good way. 今天我们来扩大图书角的规模,我们先来介绍你拥有什么种类的书,下节课再请大家 提供可以用于交换阅读的书,我们还是先来学习课文,看一看如何用英语表达“拥有” 某物。(引用了教参上的任务呈现) 1.T:Look,lingling has got a letter from the US .Lets listen and answer: Who wrote the letter to Lingling? S:(听一遍全文后学生回答)Laura. 教师把 Laura 的图片粘贴到黑板上说:This is Laura .She wrote a letter to Lingling.What did she write ?Lets look at the letter. 2. (播放信的第一段) There are 2 questions for you . Listen to part one and choose 1).Where did Laura meet Daming? A.She met Daming in New York B. She met Daming in China 2).What did Daming show to Laura? A.He showed Linglings letter B. He showed Linglings photo (听录音,做选择题,然后对答案) T:I have 2 questions for you,who wants to read? 学生读完后 T:Lets do them on your computers. 然后找学生来白板上核对答案。并指出 met 和 meet 3.T: lets see part2 of the letter. Read part2 in silence,then write the answers.Do you know answers? 教授 answer 板书:answer (多媒体出示 Listen ,read and answer the questions 标注 answer 动词:回答 Write the answers on the paper.标注 answer 名词:答案) (学生默读第二段信,写出答案) 1).What has Laura got?_ She has got long ,yellow hair and blue eyes. She has got some Chinese chopsticks. 2).What has her brother got? Her brother has got a Chinese kite. T:学生做完后 Lets look at question 1,it has 2 answers ,the first answer,who can say? S:She has got long ,yellow hair and blue eyes. T:教师指着黑板上的 Laura 图片,学生一起说这句话。 T:教师指着自己的头发,Ive got long black hair and black eyes.What about you? 学生根据自己的实际情况说句子。 T:Lets see the second question,who can answer? S:She has got some Chinese chopsticks. PPT 出示筷子图片 T:Laura said Ive got some Chinese chopsticks. 教师板书这句话,学生读句子。 T:出示筷子实物,Ive got some Chinese chopsticks.把筷子给学生,学生说 I ve got some Chinese chopsticks. T:教师拿出一双筷子问 Is it difficult for you to use them? PPt 出示 difficult 的英译 T:It meas not easy,hard to do or deal with 板书(difficult) T:Look lets choose easy or difficult (多媒体出示) easy difficult 1).It is _for the boy to use it.(出示用笔图片) 2).It is _for English man to use them.(出示外国人用筷子图片) 3).It is _for birds to fly. (出示群鸟飞的图片) T:Lets talk about the second question,What has her brother got ? S: He has got a Chinese kite. T:ppt 出示风筝图片 this is a Chinese kite. Laura said My brother has got a Chinese kite. ppt 出示这句话 教师板书,学生读这个句子。板书:My brother has got a Chinese kite. T:多媒体出示老师放风筝的图片 T:Whos she? Yes ,its me .Ive got a Chinese kite .I often fly it in the park. ppt 出示: I have got a Chinese kite. I often _fly_it in the park. Lauras brother has got a Chinese kite . He often _flies_ it in the park. 找学生来填第二个空, 并说明原因 多媒体出示:flyflies T:Now check the answers in your team first,then stand up to read 小组长批 答案,错的改过来,然后再站起来读。 4.T:These are about part2. Lets see part3 of the letter,Laura wanted Lingling to answer a question. Can you find it?Lets listen and find it on your computer. Have you got a book about the US?_全体在平板电脑上做 ,然后找学生到白板上 画出来并读这句话。 T:Good. Ill give you a special present later. 板书:Have you got a book about the US?_学生读句子 老师把刚才那个学生叫过来,给他一份礼物(装在包里)让他看完后让其他学生猜。 T:Can you guess what has he got?You can use :Have you got a ppt 上出示 Have you got a.?Yes,I have. No,I havent. 老师问学生 Have you got a book about the US ? S:Yes,I have. No,I havent. 其他学生猜,这名学生回答。最后老师提问这位学生 What have you got ?Do you like pears? 5.T:Yesterday,we leart a micro lesson about“Have got 句型”.Now I will test you. ppt 出示: ReadRead andand choose:choose: havehave gotgot /has/has gotgot 1.I1.I _ somesome stampsstamps fromfrom China.China. 2.We2.We _ thethe HarryHarry PotterPotter DVDs.DVDs. 3.She3.She _ a a newnew football.football. 4.Laura_4.Laura_ long,yellowlong,yellow hairhair andand blueblue eyes.eyes. 5._5._ hehe _ a a bookbook aboutabout thethe world?world? 6.What6.What _he_he _ inin youryour room?room? 让学生自己总结 Have got 句型 6.T:You did a good job, lets have a break. Lets chant. Im the red one ,youre the blue one. Have got, have got, Ive got some Chinese chopsticks. Have you got some Chinese chopsticks? Yes,I have. Yes,I have. Has got, has got, Hes got a Chinese kite. Has he got a Chinese kite? Yes, he has . Yes,he has. 第一遍老师读红色句子,学生读蓝色句子(第二遍蓝色和红色分男女生来读)配节 奏 7. T:This time lets listen and repeat 学生看书跟读课文 8.Now stand up and read it by yourselves.自读课文一遍 9.T:Can you fill in the blanks?Do it on your computers. Part1: pen friend / showed / met My name is Laura. I_ Daming here in New York. He _me your photo. Can you be my _? Part2: difficult / like / Ive got / has got / flies / Ive got _ long,yellow hair and blue eyes.I _ Chinese food and _ some Chinese chopsticks. But it is _ for me to use them.My brother _ a Chinese kite.It is a very big bird.He often _ it in the park. Part3: Have you got / answer / New York Im from _.Its a very big city._ a book about the US?Please write back and I will _ your questions about the US. 学生在平板电脑上做题,然后让学生分段来白板上核对答案,老师给予奖励,并提问: What have you got?Do you like it? 三、Practice 1.T:Laura told Lingling what she has got.Can you tell us what have you got in your room? S:I have got in my room. T:Ask and answer in pairs.找两组同桌来问答 Who wants to ask me? T:Ive got lots of books in my room. 2.game:Can you guess what kinds of books they are about? 教师拿来一摞书,让学生猜。 多媒体出示:Have you got a book about_? 教师回答,答对的学生可以把 书送给他看。教师同时提问得到书的学生 What have you got?Do you like it? 对于其他学生提问:What has he or she got? 3.剩下三本书教师介绍,I have got a book about.Who can tell us what kinds of books have you got? Ive got some books about _.学生回答。 4.You have got lots of books.Now lets do a survey with your teammates. 完成调查 学生先是同桌之间做调查,然后把小调查表汇总到组长手里,最后组长填写组员 们自己提前装饰好的大表。然后找两组学生来介绍调查结果,并把所有结果粘贴到黑 板上。 5. T:You have got so many books .Do you like to read books?Books can bring us lots of knowledge and joy. lets share a video about reading. 老师说视频中的内容: Books are our friends. Reading is to let the sunshine live in our heart. We can feel the future in books. Reading can make you become powerful. ppt 出示:Do you like reading? So let reading be a habbit. .四、Summary Lets see what have you learnt today? 带领学生回顾板书的本节课的重点知识。 五、Homework 1. Try to recite the text。试着背课文 2. Introduce your books to your friends in English.用英语向朋友介绍你的书。 3.用 have got 句型来描述自己的外貌。 第二题、第三题可二选一完成
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