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Book11 Module 3 Hobby Period 3 Part1 Story of Yixia There was a boy named Yixia. He wasnt good at studying. Everyone didnt like him. His teacher was angry with him. His parents were disappointed.His classmates laughed at him. Yixia had no friends. When he was alone. Yixia loved painting pictures. Painting was his hobby. It could make him happy. In a school painting competition, Yixia painted a fantastic picture. Everyone clapped. He won the 1st prize. His picture was printed on the schools book. Teachers and parents were proud of him.Classmates liked playing with him. He had big smiles on his face. Part2 Word list alone(孤独) competition(比赛) disappointed(失望) prize(奖) Word bank happy proud interesting rich famous brave healthy confident 自信的 successful 成功的 charming 有魅力的 friend dream change knowledge skill 技能 honor 荣誉 progress 进步 inner peace 内心平静 enrich 丰富 Word bank 2 happy brave interesting proud power enrich 丰富 insistence 坚持 confident 自信 rich friend healthy beautiful change dream famous knowledge skill successful 成功 honor 荣誉 charm 魅力 progress 进步 Book11 Module3 Period3 Power of Hobby Qingdao Jiading Road Primary School Changjun Drawing is my hobby. Cooking is my hobby. Reading books is my hobby. Playing pinpong is my hobby. Making friends is my hobby. Shopping is my hobby. Watching films is my hobby. Swimming is my hobby. Listening to music is my hobby. Playing the piano is my hobby. Collecting postcards is my hobby. Collecting Stamps is their hobby. has got Yixia happy sad Guess ? Tips: 1.Read by yourself. 2.Discuss in your group. ? sadhappy Story of Yixia There was a boy named Yixia. He wasnt good at studying. Everyone didnt like him. His teacher was angry with him. His parents were disappointed.His classmates laughed at him. Yixia had no friends. When he was alone. Yixia loved painting pictures. Painting was his hobby. It could make him happy. In a school painting competition, Yixia painted a fantastic picture. Everyone clapped. He won the 1st prize. His picture was printed on the schools book. Teachers and parents were proud of him.Classmates liked playing with him. He had big smiles on his face. sad happy What makes him happy? painting won hobby happy There was a boy named Yixia. YixiaYixia wasnwasn t t goodgood at at studying.studying. EveryoneEveryone didndidn t t likelike him.him. HisHis teacherteacher w wasas angryangry withwith him.him. HisHis parentsparents werewere disappointed.disappointed. a agogo disa ap ppointpoint pointpoint a ap ppointpoint disa ap ppointpointeded HisHis classmatesclassmates didndidn t t playplay withwith him.him. TheyThey laughedlaughed at at him.him. HeHe hadhad nono friends.friends.HeHe waswas notnot happy.happy. WhenWhen hehe waswas alone.alone. YixiaYixia lovedloved paintingpainting pictures.pictures. PaintingPainting waswas hishis hobby.hobby. PaintingPainting couldcould makemake himhim happy.happy. HeHe paintedpainted lotslots ofof pictures.pictures. In In a a schoolschool paintingpainting competition,competition, YixiaYixia paintedpainted a a fantasticfantastic picture.picture. EveryoneEveryone clappedclapped forfor Yixia.Yixia. HeHe wonwon thethe 1st1st prize.prize. HisHis picturepicture waswas printedprinted onon thethe schoolschool book.book. TeachersTeachers andand parentsparents werewere proudproud ofof him.him. Classmates liked playing with him. He had big smiles on his face. Whats your hobby? _ is my hobby. It can make me. It can help me . It can bring. I can get. I think. What do you think about your hobby? There was a little boy borned in Qingdao,China. When he was 5 years old. He began to learn playing table tennis. Playing table tennis is his hobby. He practised so hard everyday. He insisted(坚持坚持) so many years. He took part in so many table tennis matches. He won many matches and got lots of gold medals(奖牌奖牌) all over the world. Zhang Jike He is famous in the world. Chinese people are proud of him. Whats his hobby? _ is his hobby. It can make him. It can help him . It can bring him. He can get. What do you think about his hobby? What brings(带来) him honor? What changes(改变) his life? It can enrich our life and make us happy. It can bring us honor and make our dreams come true if you insist. It can give us power and change our lives. Homework I will share the movie of Yixia. Think about your hobby and write something about it. Thank you New Standard English Book 11 Module 3 Period3 The power of hobby 单元话题 Topic: Hobby Sub-topic: Period1:Have you got any stamps from China? Period2:Collecting stamps is my hobby. Period3:The power of hobby 【单元教学目标】 【任务目标】 学生在日常聊天的情境中,能够借助语言框架,和朋友分享并讨论自己的爱好, 能用 4-5 句话介绍自己的兴趣爱好与收集的物品。 【语言目标】 * *语言技能 1. 能掌握本单元核心词汇:stamp, book, collect, hobby, sun, island, coconut 等词的 音、义、形,并用这些词进行描述、应答和书写。 2. 能运用句型 Have you got any stamps from China?来询问,能用 Yes, I have./No, I havent.来应答。 3. 能用句型 Collecting is my hobby.来描述自己的兴趣爱好。 * *语言情感 通过谈论兴趣爱好等自己喜欢的话题,学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣。并通过 跟他人交流自己的兴趣爱好,感受不同兴趣爱好带来的益处,并能够有积极目的地 去培养自己的兴趣爱好。 * *学习策略 在课堂活动中,能注意倾听,大胆尝试,用英语进行思维活动,积极运用所需 英语进行表达和交流,与同伴就兴趣爱好交流心得体会,并分享自己的收藏。 【分课时教学目标】 课时任务目标语言目标 第一课时 能在 Daming 和 Simon 谈论1.能听懂、读懂并朗读核 爱好的情境中,借助图片和 句型结构,扮演 Simon 和 Daming,语音基本正确,内 容达意,能根据提示,正确 抄写单词。 心词汇,并正确抄写: stamp, book, collect, hobby 等,知道其音、义、 形。 2.能初步使用句型 Have you got any stamps from China?来询问,能用 Yes, I have./No, I havent. 来应答。 第二课时 能仿照文本中的男孩介绍自 己的兴趣和收藏品,语音正 确,内容达意,能够完整表 达,并根据提示正确书写单 词。 1.能初步运用核心词汇: sun, island, coconut, 并能正确拼写,理解其音、 义、形。 2.能正确朗读核心句型 Collecting stamps is my hobby.并能用句型 Doing .is my hobby.来描述自 己的兴趣爱好。 第三课时 借助核心词汇和框架,通过 文本再构和拓展阅读,让学 生学习体会爱好的意义及其 重要性,逐步形成培养良好 爱好的意识。 1.能熟练运用本单元核心 词汇:stamp, collect, hobby 等。 2.能熟练运用 Unit1 和 Unit2 中的核心句型和已有 的语言储备来表达自己的 兴趣爱好,能读懂新文本 和拓展文本。 【本课时文本内容】 主体文本: Story of Yixia There was a boy named Yixia. He wasnt good at studying. Everyone didnt like him. His teacher was angry with him. His parents were disappointed.His classmates laughed at him. Yixia had no friends. When he was alone. Yixia loved painting pictures. Painting was his hobby. It could make him happy. In a school painting competition, Yixia painted a fantastic picture. Everyone clapped. He won the 1st prize. His picture was printed on the school book. Teachers and parents were proud of him.Classmates liked playing with him. He had big smiles on his face. 【本课时教学过程】 ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose Pre-task1. A gameA game 1.以游戏的形式, Students listen to the teacher carefully. Stand up and say “Me too.” If they have the same hobby with the teacher. 活跃课堂氛围, 让学生在轻松愉 快地的氛围中开 启新课。 2.在听老师指令和 看 PPT 的过程中, 强化核心句子结 构。 3.告知学生本课的 评价方式:以小 组为单位,进行 一场比赛赢得老 师收集的明信片。 2. RevisionAsk and answer借助 PPT,通过和 学生问答 Simon 和另一个小男孩 的爱好,复习回 顾前两课时的内 容。 Introduction of Yixia Make a predicton通过看 Yixia 的两 张照片,让学生 感受其情绪变化, 制造悬念,让学 生对故事进行预 测,激发学生想 要读故事的欲望 和兴趣。 While-task ComprehensionRead the story Discuss in groups Summarize 让学生通过默读 Yixia 的故事,整 体感知文本,了 解文本大意。 阅读文本后,让 学生进行小组合 作,通过讨论找 到 Yixia 情绪变化 的原因。 在老师的带领下, 借助 PPT 的提示, 全班一起来梳理 答案,帮助学生 更好地理解故事。 Read the storyRead the whole story together 通过看 PPT,全班 进行图配文的朗 读,进一步理解 文本并巩固其中 所蕴含的语言知 识。 1.Lets talkAsk and answer Whats your hobby? What can it bring to you? 借助框架,谈谈 爱好能给我们带 来些什么,能有 哪些帮助,即爱 好的意义。 2.Story of Zhang Jike 1.Read the story together 2.What do you think about his hobby? 3.What brings him honor? 通过读张继科的 故事,明白爱好 有时候甚至会成 为一个人的职业 生涯,能带给我 们的不仅仅是兴 趣快乐,还能够 成就个人,甚至 是为国家带来荣 誉。 Post-task 3. Video of Nick1.Watch the video 2.What do you think about his hobby? 3.What changes his life? 通过看 Nick 的录 像,让学生更深 刻的感受到爱好 能够改变一个人 的生活态度,改 变一个人的一生。 让学生领悟 The power of hobby。 After classI will share the movie of Yixia. Think about your hobby and write something about it. Blackboard B11M3 Hobby Period 3 The power of hobby knowledge happy interesting confident famous friend healthy rich honor change progress Hobby 备注:分支词汇共设计了 18 个,会根据课堂情况粘贴,最终板书 呈现以实际为准。
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外研版(一起)六上Module 3_Unit Collecting stamps is my bobby._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:c00e4) 外研版 一起 一块儿 _module
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