外研版(一起)六上Module 2-Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:f5034).zip


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Module 2 Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. New Standard English (Book 11) 凌水小学凌水小学 杨丽丽杨丽丽 Step1: Lets enjoy. 引读引读 Chinatown China + town Step1: Lets enjoy. 引读引读 Chinatown town I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. Module 2 Unit 1 Step1: Lets enjoy. 引读引读 Step1: Lets enjoy. 引读引读 Lets talk about Chinatown and introduce your experience in the past. 谈论唐人街并介绍自己过去的经历。 Todays task (学习任务学习任务): TO: Subject : 主题,话题主题,话题 TO: Subject : 主题,话题主题,话题 Text 正文正文 How did Daming feel yesterday? He had a big surprise. Step2: Lets skim.略读略读 1.Where did Daming go? 2.When did Daming go? 3.What did Daming see/eat? Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 1.Where did Daming go? Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 He went to Chinatown in New York. 2.When did Daming go? Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 Yesterday. last week/ weekend/ year/ night/ in 1995 / 4 years ago / at the age of when I was years old the day before yesterday just now 上一个 在年 年前 在岁时 在岁时 前天 刚才 3.What did Daming see / eat? He saw a lion dance in the street. Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 ? There were Chinese people everywhere. There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants. Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 There were Chinese people everywhere. There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants. The people spoke Chinese and English. every + where speak- spoke speaker Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 字母组合字母组合sp speak spoke space spider speech special Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 They spoke _. 3. What did Daming see / eat? Step3: Lets scan.寻读寻读 He ate Chinese food. eat? was different from 和不同 Where, where, where did you go? Chinatown, Chinatown, I went to Chinatown. When, when, when did you go? Yesterday, yesterday, I went there yesterday. What, what, what did you see? Lion dance, lion dance, I saw a lion dance. How, how, how did you feel? surprise, surprise, I had a surprise. Lets say a chant. Lets listen and repeat. Step4: Lets retell. yesterday was different from spoke experience Where go? Howfeel? What do? When go? Lets sum up. Lets make a dialogue. Where go? When go? What do? Howfeel? cinema supermarket Disneyland the UN building Introduce your experience. I went to last(years ago) I went there with my I saw I ateand drank I bought I . I was very happy./ I had a good time./. Hello, friends. I went to China this holiday. I visited the Great Wall in Beijing. It was amazing. Its more than forty thousand li long. And its more than two thousand years old. There were lots of people everywhere. Then I ate Beijing Roast Ducks. They were delicious. I really love China. Step5: Lets have a narrow-reading.窄读窄读 Hello, friends. I went to China last year. I visited the Great Wall in Beijing. It was amazing. Its more than forty thousand li long. And its more than two thousand years old. There were lots of people everywhere. Then I ate Beijing Roast Ducks. They were delicious. I really love China. John The Great Wall, Beijing 1.Where did Simon go? 2.What did Simon eat? TO: Subject : Dear _, I went tolast year. I went there with my I saw I ate I was very happy. Love, _ A. Listen and repeat the text after the tape. B. Recite the text. 听录音跟读课文,注意语音语调。背诵课文。听录音跟读课文,注意语音语调。背诵课文。 B. Talk about your experience and send an email to me. 谈论你的一次经历,给老师发邮件。谈论你的一次经历,给老师发邮件。 Goodbye!Goodbye! Goodbye!Goodbye! (NSE11 Module 2 Unit1) 一、学习目标 1、我能够理解词汇:Chinatown town subject everywhere spoke. 2、我能够正确运用一般过去时态 来谈论过去的经历。3、我能够了解有关唐人街的文化。 二、自主闯关 Step1: Lets enjoy.引读(引读(读 Part1,补充缺少的句子) What are Daming and Simon talking about? Theyre talking about _. Step2: Lets skim. 略读略读 How did Daming feel yesterday? _ Step3: Lets scan. 寻读寻读 (请在书中划出答案) 1. Where did Daming go? 2. When did Daming go? 3. What did Daming see/ eat? Step4: Lets act. 演读演读 Retell the text and introduce an experience with your photos. (复述课文并用照片介绍自己过去的经历。) Step5: Lets have a narrow-reading. 窄读窄读 读短文,回答问题。 1. Where did Simon go? _ 2.What did Simon eat? _ (NSE11 Module 2 Unit1) 一、学习目标 1、我能够理解词汇:Chinatown town subject everywhere spoke. 2、我能够正确运用一般过去时态 来谈论过去的经历。3、我能够了解有关唐人街的文化。 二、自主闯关 Step1: Lets enjoy.引读(引读(读 Part1,补充缺少的句子) What are Daming and Simon talking about? Theyre talking about _. Step2: Lets skim. 略读略读 How did Daming feel yesterday? _ Step3: Lets scan. 寻读寻读 (请在书中划出答案) 1. Where did Daming go? 2. When did Daming go? 3. What did Daming see/ eat? Step4: Lets act. 演读演读 Retell the text and introduce an experience with your photos. (复述课文并用照片介绍自己过去的经历。) Step5: Lets have a narrow-reading. 窄读窄读 读短文,回答问题。 1. Where did Simon go? _ 2.What did Simon eat? _ Hello, friends. I went to China this holiday. I visited the Great Wall in Beijing. It was amazing. Its more than forty thousand li long. And its more than two thousand years old. There were lots of people everywhere. Then I ate Beijing Roast Ducks. They were delicious. I really love China. Hello, friends. I went to China this holiday. I visited the Great Wall in Beijing. It was amazing. Its more than forty thousand li long. And its more than two thousand years old. There were lots of people everywhere. Then I ate Beijing Roast Ducks. They were delicious. I really love China. NSE 11 Module 2 Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本模块是本册书的第二模块, 通过大明写 email 告诉妈妈昨天唐人街的见闻, 让学生学会介绍自己过去的经历, 是对以前已经学过的知识的巩固和提高。 要求学生能针对 wh 疑问词进行熟练的表达,是一种更高层次的学习, 二、学生分析 我校 6 年级的学生在四年级时学习了一般过去时态,掌握的比较好,可以较熟 练的表答。本课涉及了动词过去时的不规则变化:speak- spoke, 需要学生熟练 掌握,灵活运用。在教学中要培养学生完整的回答问的能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 教学目标教学目标 功能功能介绍自己昨天的经历。介绍自己昨天的经历。 语法语法会运用会运用 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.语言知识目标语言知识目标 词汇词汇能理解能理解 Chinatown, town, subject, everywhere, spoke 语音语音巩固已学语音,进一步强化存在困难的语音。巩固已学语音,进一步强化存在困难的语音。 听听能听懂能听懂 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 说说会用一般过去时态表达过去的事。会用一般过去时态表达过去的事。 读读能正确朗读课文。能正确朗读课文。语言技能目标语言技能目标 写写会写简单介绍自己经历的小作文。会写简单介绍自己经历的小作文。 学习策略学习策略 本节课以五读导学模式为载体,利用点读笔互动教学系本节课以五读导学模式为载体,利用点读笔互动教学系 统实现信息技术的深入应用,通过提问、思考、讨论、小组统实现信息技术的深入应用,通过提问、思考、讨论、小组 合作、展示交流等,积极地开展与他人交流与合作,共同完合作、展示交流等,积极地开展与他人交流与合作,共同完 成学习任务,在活动中积极思维,运用所学,获得愉快的情成学习任务,在活动中积极思维,运用所学,获得愉快的情 感体验。感体验。 文化意识文化意识了解有关唐人街的文化和相关英语国家的重要标志物。了解有关唐人街的文化和相关英语国家的重要标志物。 情感态度情感态度培养学生乐于接触外国文化,对比中外文化的异同。培养学培养学生乐于接触外国文化,对比中外文化的异同。培养学 生自主学习的意识,与他人共同合作的精神,鼓励学生学好生自主学习的意识,与他人共同合作的精神,鼓励学生学好 英语,提升学生学习兴趣。英语,提升学生学习兴趣。 任务任务讲述自己过去的一次经历。讲述自己过去的一次经历。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 . Warmer 1. English show and greeting. 2. Lead in. T: Children, the world is so big. Where did you go before? S1: I went toT: Very good. Look at this photo of me. Can you guess where did I go? S1: You went to the US. T: Yes, lets listen.(录音视频录音视频) T: Where did I go? When did I go to the US? What did I do there? How did I feel? (通过播放我的一次美国经历的视频,向学生抛出这组问题的同时把通过播放我的一次美国经历的视频,向学生抛出这组问题的同时把 4 个个 wh-words 呈现到黑板上。呈现到黑板上。) 3. T: I was in the US four years ago. Who is in the US now? Ss: Daming T:Look, he is talking with Simon. What are they talking about? Lets listen. Ss: They are talking about Chinatown. T: Who can help me to teach this word?(鼓励小老师讲授鼓励小老师讲授 Chinatown,锻炼学生,锻炼学生 能力能力) T: Look, Chinatown can divide into China and town. T: Dalian is a town, yes or no? Town is larger than a village, but smaller than a city. T: Did Daming go to Chinatown yesterday? Ss: Yes. T: So today were going to learn M2U1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. (板书板书) T: Please open your book, turn to page 8, lets listen and repeat. Ss: Watch a video about Chinatown. (呈现小视频介绍唐人街呈现小视频介绍唐人街) . Task Presentation T: So lets read todays task.(呈现本节课的学习任务)(呈现本节课的学习任务) . Text learning 1.T: Look, Daming is writing an email to his mum. How to write it? First, write who you will write to? Second. Input the subject.(Teach subject). Third, write you your letter.(介绍些电子邮件的步骤。(介绍些电子邮件的步骤。 ) 2.T: Now, lets listen to Damings email, and tell me How did Daming feel yesterday? Lets listen. Ss: Answer questions.(拓宽学生思维,大明可能的感受拓宽学生思维,大明可能的感受) 3. T: This time, lets check task3. First, please read the text, then try to find where did Daming go? When did Daming go? What did Daming see/ eat? Underline the answer in group and tell me, ok? Go. T: Stop, first question, where did Daming go? Ss answer. T:When did Daming go to the Chinatown? Ss: Yesterday. T: Can you say sth. about time in the past? Ss: yesterday, last year, last month, 2 years ago(总结(总结 学生学过的过去时间状语)学生学过的过去时间状语) T: What did Daming see? Ss: Answer the question and teach everywhereT: What language did the people speak? T: Teach spokeT: Look, Mr Xi Jinping met Obama. What language did they speak? T: Can you speak Chinese and English? 4.T: What did Daming eat? Ss: He ate Chinese food. T: Was the food same from the Chinese food in China? Ss: No. T: The food was different from the Chinese food in China. (板书板书) .Practice. 1.T: Good job. Now lets follow Daming to say a chant, ok? (呈现句子和节奏,呈现句子和节奏, 学生说唱歌谣。学生说唱歌谣。) 2.Listen and repeat the text. Then read one by one. 3. Retell the text.(参照板书提示参照板书提示) 4. T: Children, how to introduce an experience?(总结介绍一次旅行的方法。(总结介绍一次旅行的方法。 ) .Production 1. Ss: Make a new dialogue between Grandma and Daming. Then act out in front. 2.Ss: Introduce their experience with photos. Then report. 3. Ss: Read a passage and answer questions. . Cooler. 1. Summary 2. Homework. Please write an email to me and introduce your experience.
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