外研版(一起)五上Module 9-Unit 1 Are you sad -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:40d42).zip


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大连市高新区中心小学大连市高新区中心小学 宋志颖宋志颖 2 在这里添加文本内 容在这里添加文本 内容 在这里添加文本内 容在这里添加文本 内容 在这里添加文本内 容在这里添加文本 内容 在这里添加文本内 容在这里添加文内 容 在这里添加文本内 容在这里添加文本 内容 Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song!Lets sing a song! 3 Watch and answer:Watch and answer: Whats the matter with Whats the matter with the dog the dog ? ? It is sad.It is sad. 4 Listen and repeat:Listen and repeat: 大连市高新区中心小学大连市高新区中心小学 宋志颖宋志颖 6 FeelingsFeelings happyhappysadsad boredboredangryangry Task presentation:Task presentation: 7 Watch and answer:Watch and answer: ? ? Whats the Whats the matter?matter? 8 Watch Watch and answer:and answer: Whats Whats the the matter matter ? ? NoNoththing. Im ing. Im ththinking.inking. nonoththinging ththinkink = no + thing= no + thing 9 Watch Watch and answer:and answer: NoNoththing, noing, noththing, noing, noththing.ing. Im Im ththinking noinking noththing.ing. ThThinking, inking, ththinking, inking, ththinking.inking. NoNoththing. Im ing. Im ththinking.inking. 选出与划线部分发音不同的一项选出与划线部分发音不同的一项 ( ) A. no( ) A. noththing B. ing B. ththink C. ink C. ththeyeyC 10 Watch Watch and answer:and answer: What are you thinking about What are you thinking about ? ? Im going to make you Im going to make you a surprise present for a surprise present for Christmas.Christmas. a surprise present for a surprise present for Christmas.Christmas. Im going to make youIm going to make you 11 Make sentences:Make sentences: Im going to make _ a surprise Im going to make _ a surprise present for_.present for_. 12 Watch Watch and answer:and answer: Its not a surprise. Its not a surprise. Is it a surprise now Is it a surprise now ? ? 13 Listen Listen and answerand answer: : Are you Are you sadsad? ? Are you Are you angryangry? ? Are you Are you boredbored? ? What questions did Amy ask?What questions did Amy ask? 14 Listen Listen and answer:and answer: Are you Are you sadsad? ? No, Im not.No, Im not. 15 Listen Listen and answer:and answer: Are you Are you angryangry? ? No, Im not.No, Im not. 16 Listen Listen and answer:and answer: Are you Are you boredbored? ? No, Im not.No, Im not. 17 Listen and repeatListen and repeat 18 Fill in the blanks:Fill in the blanks: Today Lingling doesnt go out to play. She stays at home. She isnt _. She isnt _. And she isnt _. Its _. She is _. She is going to make Amy a _ present for _. Now its not a surprise. sadangry borednothing thinking surprise Christmas 19 Read and judge “T” or “F”:Read and judge “T” or “F”: 1. 1. LinglingLingling is sad. ( ) is sad. ( ) 2. 2. LinglingLingling wants to play with a doll. ( ) wants to play with a doll. ( ) 3. 3. LinglingLingling is thinking. ( ) is thinking. ( ) 20 Read and fill in the blanks:Read and fill in the blanks: I lost my money this morning, Im _. She had nothing to do, she was _. He got a present just now, he is _. I didnt do my homework, my teacher was_. 21 Tell your feelings:Tell your feelings: _, Im/feel_._, Im/feel_. _, Im/feel_._, Im/feel_. My friend sent me a presenthappy 22 Make a dialogue about your feelings and act it out:Make a dialogue about your feelings and act it out: S1: Whats the matter? Are you ? S2: No, Im not. S3: Are you? S2: No, Im not. S4: Are you? S2: Yes, I am. S1,3,4: Why? S2: Because I . 23 Know the different feelings:Know the different feelings: 24 Read and answer: Read and answer: Where does Joy work? What does Joy do? Joy works inside Rileys mind and gives her happiness. 1 25 Read, watch and answer: Read, watch and answer: Can Riley be happy forever?Can Riley be happy forever?No, she cant.No, she cant. Which feeling is born?Which feeling is born?Sadness.Sadness. 2 26 Watch and answer: Watch and answer: Does Joy like Does Joy like Sadness? Sadness? Why? Why? Because Sadness always makes Riley sad.Because Sadness always makes Riley sad. No, she doesnt.No, she doesnt. 2 27 Read and answer: Read and answer: Who is he?Who is he?He is Anger.He is Anger. 3 What does Anger want?What does Anger want? He wants everything to be fair.He wants everything to be fair. 28 Watch and answer: Watch and answer: Why is Riley angry?Why is Riley angry? 4 Because she cant have dessert.Because she cant have dessert. 29 Think and answer: Think and answer: Is anger a good feeling?No, it isnt. Why? Because anger will hurt yourself and the people around you. 30 Think and answer: Think and answer: What can you do when you are angry?What can you do when you are angry? What shouldnt you do when you are What shouldnt you do when you are angry?angry? I shouldnt shout, make things broken I can read books, ride my bike, listen to music, go to sleep 31 Which feeling is important in our life?Which feeling is important in our life? 32 Learn to control your feelings:Learn to control your feelings: Life is like a mirror.Life is like a mirror. If you smile to it, it will smile to you.If you smile to it, it will smile to you. If you cry to it, it will cry to you. If you cry to it, it will cry to you. Learn to control your feelings.Learn to control your feelings. Give your happiness and love to the world.Give your happiness and love to the world. 33 FeelingsFeelings happyhappysadsad boredboredangryangry Summary:Summary: Are youAre you 34 Homework:Homework: 1. 1. Make a survey about your parents Make a survey about your parents feelingsfeelings.( .(调查你父母的心情调查你父母的心情) ) 2. 2. How to control other feelingsHow to control other feelings.( .(如何控制如何控制 其他情绪其他情绪) ) 3. 3. Do exercise book M9U1Do exercise book M9U1.( .(做学案做学案M9U1)M9U1) Thanks for listeningThanks for listening 1 Module 9 Unit1 教学设计教学设计 教材分析教材分析(Text Analysis): 本课是五年级上英语第九单元第一课时,本课的重点是词汇 nothing, think 和 句型“Are you sad? No, Im not. /Whats the matter? Nothing.”的运用。本课的难 点是目标语句在实际情境的运用,教学关键是通过小组合作创编对话和教师制 作的绘本阅读突破重难点,教学时主要采用 TPR 教学法,情境教学法,任务 型教学法和小组合作教学法。 This lesson is about Module 9 Unit 1“Are you sad?” of New Standard English, Book 9. This lesson is for the students of Grade Five. 教学目标教学目标(Teaching Aims): Knowledge and skill(知识与技能知识与技能): Students will be able to grasp and use these new words:nothing, think. Students will be able to understand and master the meaning of the text. Students will learn the usage of “Are you sad? No, Im not. /Whats the matter? Nothing.” to ask someones feelings. Process and method(过程与方法过程与方法): Students will be able to master the new words according to the pictures and exercises. Students will be able to use the sentence patterns “Are you sad? No, Im not. / Whats the matter? Nothing” with the help of pair works and group works. Students can use “Are you sad? No, Im not / whats the matter? Nothing.” flexibly by role play in the real settings created by the teacher. Affective attitudes and values(情感态度价值观情感态度价值观): Students will be able to cultivate the self-confidence and develop the cooperative ability in group works. Students will be able to realize the importance of controlling feelings. 教学重难点教学重难点(Teaching Key Points and Difficulties): Key Points(重点重点): Students will be able to master the new words: nothing, think. 2 Students will be able to use the sentence patterns “Are you sad? No, Im not. / Whats the matter Nothing.” correctly and flexibly. Difficulties(难点难点): Students will have difficulty in using “Are you sad? No, Im not. / Whats the matter? Nothing.” flexibly in practical situation. Students can break through the key points and difficulties by group works and role play. Teaching Methods(教法教法): Task based language teaching, communicative language teaching, situational language teaching and group cooperation. 教学准备教学准备(Teaching tools): Multimedia courseware, picture books, happy faces, E-pens, E-pad, textbook, head sculpture, blackboard, word cards, and CD-ROM. 教学过程教学过程(Teaching Procedures): Warmer (3minutes) 1. Greetings: The teacher and students say hello to each other, and students sing a song. T: Class begins, stand up. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Song. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine. Thank you, and you? T: Im fine, too. And Im very happy to see you. Are you happy to see me? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, lets sing a song. Show me your hands and your smile, please. Ss: Sing the song “You Are Happy” of Module 9 Unit 2. T: Very well. Sit down, please. Its a happy song, right? Ss: Yes. T: Are you happy now? Ss: Yes. 3 2. Activity 1, watch and answer: Students watch activity 1 and answer questions. T: How about the dog? Is it happy? Ss: No, it isnt. T: So, whats the matter with the dog? Watch a video and answer the question. Ss: Watch the video of Activity 1. T: Who can answer? S1: It is sad. T: Yes. Why is the dog sad? Lets guess. S1: It is hungry. T: Maybe. Ss: T: Now, is it happy? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Why is the dog happy? Who wants to guess? S1: The boy takes care of it. Ss: T: Yes. The boy gives his love to the dog. T: Now, children. Are the animals happy? Ss: Yes. T: We have feelings, right? Ss: Right. T: The animals have feelings, too. Please take care of them and give love to make them happy. Ok? Ss: Ok. Designing intentions: It aims to create the atmosphere for students to learn English and attract students interests of learning English. It also aims to tell students take care of animals. Task-presentation (2 minutes) 1. Title The teacher leads students into the new lesson 4 T: Seeing the happy animals. Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: Are you sad? Ss: No, Im not. T: Today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit 1. Read the title together. (The teacher puts the writing of title “Are you sad?” on the blackboard.) 2. Task: The teacher shows the pictures of feelings and tells students the task of this lesson. T: Very good. Today well learn different feelings and make a dialogue about feelings in groups. Whats more, well have a group competition. Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4. Clear? Ss: Clear. T: If you do a good job, your group will have a happy face. And the winner group will have a big surprise. Do you want it? Ss: Yes. T: Now, lets learn the new lesson. Are you ready? Ss: Go. Designing intentions: It aims to let students know the task and help students get ready for the lesson. Text-learning (10 minutes) 1. Watch and answer. Students listen to the text for the first time, watch the cartoon and answer the whole question. T: Look. Who is she? Ss: Lingling. (The teacher puts the sculpture of “Lingling” on the blackboard.) T: Yes. Today, Lingling doesnt go out to play. She stays at home. Whats the matter? Who can guess? (The teacher puts the writing of “Whats the matter?” on the blackboard.) Ss: Is she angry? T: Maybe. Ss: Is she sad? 5 T: Maybe. Now, image all of you are Lingling, Ok? Watch the video and answer the questions: Whats the matter? (Students listen and watch the cartoon.) T: Volunteers? Whats the matter with you, Lingling? Ss: Nothing. Im thinking. T: Good. Now, read after me. Nothing. (The teacher shows the writing of “Nothing” and puts it on the blackboard.) Ss: Nothing. (The teacher lets students read one by one.) T: What do the letter “t” and “h” pronounce? Ss: T: Very good. How do you remember this word? Ss: no means 没有. Thing means 事情、东西. Nothing means 没有事情、 没有东西. T: Excellent. What are you doing? Lingling? Ss: Im thinking. T: Great. Read after me “think”. (The teacher puts the writing of “think” on the blackboard and lets students read one by one.) T: And the letter “t” “h” also pronounce? Ss: T: Very good. Are there any words with “t” “h” pronounce Ss: thin, thing, something, everything T: You are so clever. Lets play a balloon game. Come front and touch the balloon, then read the word. For example: the teacher makes an example. T: Have you learnt the word? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, lets check it. Which one do you choose? Ss: C. T: Smart. The “t” “h” in word “they” is different. T: Now, lets say a chant. T: And what are you thinking about, Lingling? Who can try? 6 Ss: Im going to make you a surprise present for Christmas. T: Very good. Look. A surprise present for Christmas. (The teacher puts the pictures of “Amy” “present” “Christmas” on the blackboard.) T: Now, lets make sentences like this: Im going to make my mum a surprise present for her birthday. What about you? Ss: Report. T: Lingling is going to make Amy a surprise present for Christmas. But now is it a surprise? Ss: No, its not a surprise now. T: But Amy thanks Lingling very much. They are best friends. Amy cares about Lingling very much. What questions did Amy ask? 2. Listen and answer. Students listen to the text for the second time and answer the question. T: Open your book, turn to page 50. And put your E-pens and earphones, listen and find the answers. You can use your pencils to circle them on your books. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. (Students listen to the text for the second time and find the answers.) T: Do you find the answers? Ss: Yes. T: Anyone else? Ss: Are you sad? Are you angry? Are you bored? T: Clever girl. Im Amy. And you are Lingling. Ok? Ss: Ok. T: Answer my question. Are you sad? Ss: No, Im not. (The teacher puts the writing of “No, Im not” on the blackboard.) T: Very good. Ask and answer in pairs. Ss: Students ask and answer in pairs. (The teacher puts the face of “sad” on the blackboard.) T: Are you angry? Ss: No, Im not. (The teacher puts the face of “angry” on the blackboard.) 7 T: Are you bored? Ss: No, Im not. (The teacher puts the face of “bored” on the blackboard.) 3. Listen and repeat: Students listen and repeat after the tape sentence by sentence. T: Now, this time. Listen and repeat. (Students listen and repeat. The teacher uses the E-pen to point at the book and walks around the class.) T: Do you remember the text? Ss: Yes. Lets check. Read and fill in the blanks. Practice by yourself. T: Any volunteers? Ss: Report. T: Very good. Everyone, stand up and say together. Ss: Report together. 4. Retell the text. The teacher uses the blackboard design to summarize the text. Students look at the mind map and retell the text. T: Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard. Here is the mind map of this lesson. Can you retell the text with the help of it? Ss: Yes. T: For example: Today, Lingling doesnt go out to play. She stays at home. She isnt sad. She isnt angry. She isnt bored. Whats the matter with her? Nothing. She is thinking. She is going to make Amy a surprise present for Christmas. But its not a surprise. Practice by yourself. Ss: Report. T: Do you understand the text? Ss: Yes. T: Lets have a check. Read and judge “T” or “F”. Use your E-pens to point the correct answers. (Students use the E-pens to point to the correct answers.) T: Now, lets check. Design intention: It aims to help students master and understand the main idea of the basic text. It also 8 helps students learn the new words and consolidate the pronunciation and usage of new vocabulary. Practice (5 minutes) Fill in the blanks. Students read the different settings and situations, and guess the feelings of them. T: Just now, we knew Linglings feelings. How about others? Look, I lost my money this morning, Im ? Ss: Im sad. Im T: She had nothing to do, she was ? Ss: She was bored. She was T: He got a present just now, he is ? Ss: He is happy
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外研版(一起)五上Module 9_Unit Are you sad _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:40d42) 外研版 一起 一块儿 _module _unit _ppt
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